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Mad Men: 4x7: The Suitcase

I really like this one. Strong character drama between Don and Peggy, and it feels like Don has really opened up to her. Their relationship dynamic is certainly an interesting one on this show, because Peg's not just one of the secretaries Don's never slept with, but she's probably also one of the few who could butt heads with Don and still come out on top. She stood by her principles and makes no apologies, unlike the others who have argued with Don (like Roger, for example, who tends to give into Don after an argument).

And it's different from Betty too, because Betty might win the argument, but she feels more like a child throwing a tantrum. Peggy's anger feels more relatable (and reasonable too, in the case of this episode, but also in a number of other cases when she got angry in the past; she's usually in the right when she's angry about something). I also like how she could throw her punches but also lends a soft touch to Don in his darkest hour. And the fact that Don has shown her his vulnerable side makes me intrigued how this relationship's gonna grow from here. Feels like an important episode in terms of character growth.

As for Peggy's mother, Christ. I don't blame Peggy for getting angry at all. I would've screamed at my mother. But I've said enough about that in the past. Same about Peggy's reaction to Don. I love Don's "EXCUSE ME?" at Peggy's "You're just going to change it anyway" mumble because that's probably how my boss would have reacted to my grumbles.


Haven't enjoyed a Mad Men episode this much for a while now.

Edited by MagnusHex
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4x12: Blowing Smoke

All I will say is that I think Don took a big risk that was seemingly a poor business decision... but then again, as far as "business decisions" go, it's a bold move that catches people's attention, especially in 1965, when this kind of move would certainly catch those among the political sphere. When RFK supposedly made that call, I bought it because I genuinely feel that Don's actions could have that kind long term effect on people. That's the whole reason people go to Don Draper in the first place for their ad placement, big bold movements like this that catches people's attention.

Of course, for the short term, who knows? Just one more episode before the season finale and it looks like SCDP (or rather, SDP by this episode) will be having its swan song. Maybe Don could find a job working cars again. Then again, three more seasons, so I'm gonna predict that things will turn around and Don will get to be ad man again for a while, his career on temporary life support. Otherwise, there's no show. What else are we gonna tune into? Betty and her suburban bad mom home life? Christ, Betty makes me miss Skylar White.

Goodbye Faye, hello Megan. Shame. I like Faye. As many have said, she's a great fit for Don, not to mention one of the few living people who knows Don for whom he is.

Honestly, even without SDP, Pete could have survived on his own. The fact that he stayed should be considered a blessing for SDP. Pete's really come into his own over the past two seasons, his loyalty (perhaps a misplaced one) really gaining my respect for him. Despite Don's flaws, I like that he's at least wise enough to share that respect for Pete and recognizing his talents and tenaciousness in getting accounts. At his worst, Don can be a real piece of shit, but at his best, he can be a pragmatist who has a foul mouth but does right by his allies (unless those allies are women that aren't named Peggy maybe because he just can't help himself controlling his libido).

Speaking of the Pegster, I love that she thought she was gonna get fired and then breathed a sigh of relief when she found out she's safe. More so than Pete, SDP should thank their lucky stars for Peggy, kissing her feet for not going elsewhere (granted, Duck's offer was probably a dead end, but still). She's only second to Don in terms of talent.


A plot-heavy episode that moves at a good clip.

Edit: Right, Faye isn't gone yet, but from next episode's thumbnail, she probably will be soon.

Edited by MagnusHex
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