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Favourite Buffy Youtube vids?

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I think Torchwood Boy is my favourite overall, watching the series virgin and giving some terrific and heartfelt reactions, so much fun when he doesn't know what's coming. Frustrating thing is he skips the occasional ep though;

The Passion of the Nerd is great, has anyone ever gone into the series with such depth and insight?

A couple of others, not so great;

  • Love 1

I much prefer character and relationship vids.  Unfortunately, some of the classics are no longer on YT (can't find Pipsqueak's "Ordinary" anywhere) and while I still have them, size limits prohibit my uploading them here.

So, I'm sifting through a limited amount of what's available.  And given that Buffy-centric vids tend to focus less on her kicking ass and more on Those Fucking Vampires, I'll confine myself to W/X, for now:

"My Salvation" by Tally Summers (to "Salvation", by Gabrielle Aplin):

"There's a Fine, Fine Line" by Love525600, from the musical Avenue Q.  Willow wonders if she's just wasting time feeling how she does.  (No, the upgraded version never did get made.)

btvsxanderlover (lol, not the subtlest of handles) has "just a Kiss", set to this truncated version of the Lady Antebellum song:

And, of course, there are multiple vids set to "You Belong With Me", by Taylor Swift.  (Hey, there's a reason Fearless sold 9,000,000 copies, after all. Even if I consider the next two albums Taylor's best work.)  But I'll confine myself to just a couple.  Here's Laurtew's version:

And here's starryeyesxx1 taking a shot (which still isn't the best version I've seen, but as noted, hunting on YT is hard):

And here's one set to Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You" (ugh, not sure how I feel about Greg Kurstin's Bombast!Pop…even Taylor was overwhelmed by Max Martin on the latest album), by Nisca RW.  The vidder appears to be non-English speaking, so it's hard to get a handle on the storyline, but I think it's supposed to be Xander's thoughts at Willow's bedside in Becoming, Part 2:

And let's close with a true classic, "There, There Baby" by Bookworm35, set to "Speeding Cars" by Imogen Heap.  Caution for eye-gouge warning:  look away when Caleb appears on the screen. (But isn't that good advice for S7, in general?)  Xander tries to keep from losing Willow, through the years.


  • Love 2

And GREAT news!  I did find one of my favorite vids of all time, obsessive24's tale of the Angelus arc, set to The Cranberries' "Promises".

"Why can't you stay here? Whyyyyy?"  Sniff.  Poor Jenny.  (And even Angel and Buffy, but of course we know that gets a do-over.  Sigh.)

The lead singer of the Cranberries, Dolores O'Riordan, died earlier this year, at age 46.  Forty-six?  Are you shitting us, Dolores? Even Prince made it to 57, FFS.  Why can't you stay here? Sigh.

Another classic, a Buffy character study set to Fiona Apple's cover of The Beatles' "Across the Universe".  I have it, but I don't have that disc, so I can't tell you the original vidder. (The YT uploader is honest enough to say it wasn't their work.)  Made during mid-S7, as the story only goes as far as the construction site fight in Show Time.

What always gets me is that the song is five minutes long, and after about a minute when we're covering the Angelus episodes to the first set of "Nothing's gonna change my world" lyrics, I'm just a mess, barely able to keep my eyes open as the tears well up, from Buffy's Big Mistake to Acathla's Big Meal.  And then I still have residual wetness as we go through S3 and S4 (Faith is definitely a "wind inside a letterbox"), even if I'm not actually weeping.

And then, at the 2.00 mark, right after Riley choppers off…wham! No more tears.  Dries right up.  Dawn has Summers blood? Don't care.  Joyce being sick? Don't care.  Joyce dies, Buffy dies? Don't care, don't care.

Understand, this isn't my controlling my physiological reactions to enforce my opinions, it's the other way around.  The way I know that I SO don't care is because once we're into pure Dawnverse territory, I disconnect on some very fundamental level.  And so even things that would analytically piss me righteously off in the latter part of the vid (which I sometimes don't even watch, as it kind of falls to pieces towards the end, IMO), such as giving Stalker!Spike the lyric "limitless, undying love", I just let pass…I had my two minutes' worth of deep emotions, and now I'm done.  Whether the vid is, or not.  JMO.

Edited by Halting Hex
22 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

And GREAT news!  I did find one of my favorite vids of all time, obsessive24's tale of the Angelus arc, set to The Cranberries' "Promises".

"Why can't you stay here? Whyyyyy?"  Sniff.  Poor Jenny.  (And even Angel and Buffy, but of course we know that gets a do-over.  Sigh.)


The lead singer of the Cranberries, Dolores O'Riordan, died earlier this year, at age 46.  Forty-six?  Are you shitting us, Dolores? Even Prince made it to 57, FFS.  Why can't you stay here? Sigh.

Yeah, the Cranberries were one of THE bands of the nineties, they even appeared in Charmed? RIP 

And now, the most obvious idea for a Buffyverse vid ever!  More obvious than a B/W 'ship vid to Queen's "You're My Best Friend"  (I've got that on one of my discs, haven't looked for it on YT yet).  More obvious than a Buffy character study to Avril Lavigne's "Anything But Ordinary" ("Is it enough to die? Somebody save my life! I'd rather be anything but ordinary, please")…I found a decent one but I prefer the rendition I have, so I hesitate to link the other.

No, we're going for the classic "Giles gets knocked down, but he gets up again" treatment, set to, of course, "Tubthumping" by Chumbawumba.  Not the first to do it (reportedly there was a version as early as 1999, but I've never seen that one), but shadowhisper does a great job, despite being "late to the party" (2014).  Enjoy.  (Poor Rupert!)

"I swear, one of these times, you're going to wake up in a coma."

Edited by Halting Hex
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Here's the B/W "You're My Best Friend" I was talking about before.  Old as the hills, which accounts for the poor quality of the source video, but still a useful artifact.  Thanks to tweyelight for his/her work.

I believe this is mostly intended as a friendship vid, but of course it's a love song (Queen's John Deacon wrote it for his fiancée), so 'shippers can enjoy it on that level, too.  Thankfully nobody has vidded Buffy and Willow's deteriorating relationship of later years to Deacon's other big hit, "Another One Bites the Dust", so we can just enjoy the smiles here.

And I suppose we need some Buffy/Xander representation here, so here's another one from starryeyesxx1, "Staring at It", to the song by SafetySuit.  "You're staring at it…the only love I'll know…"

Wish I could find Charmax's B/X vid set to Aqualung's "Strange and Beautiful", but of course no such luck.  Just a freaking Spuffy vid, and a Buffy/Giles, which may not be to everyone's taste, either.  Oh, well.

Oh, heck.  As I said before, this isn't my favorite Buffy vid set to this song, but I'll link, now that I realized the vidder is one of my favorites, Sadique.  Now where's her masterwork, "Don't Mess With Me" (Buffy v. Angelus, set to "Control" by Poe), I ask you?  (Don't ask me; I couldn't find it. Sigh.)

ETA: A-HA! Here it is, the version I prefer, by Kim and Kristine Anderson (KimKris, as they were known way back then). Thanks to the uploader for unearthing it. 

Of course, it's all Seasons 1-3, so no wonder it plays to my sweet spot.  No Riley/Dawn/Spike/Dark Willow, even if you can make a perhaps better literal match that way.  I still prefer the emotional throughline here.  (The "Is it enough to die?" bits in this one are the Master (2x), Buffy sending Angel to Hell, and Angel draining Buffy.  Which, good enough, IMO.)

Edited by Halting Hex

Couldn't find the Faith character study I was looking for (set to Aimee Allen's "I'd Start a Revolution (If I Could Get Up in the Morning)", which worked so well with the coma clips), but this one, by Marquee777, isn't bad.  Set to Linkin Park's "Breaking the Habit", and I suppose that Chester Beddington's suicide (RIP, Chester) gives his music enough self-destructive street cred   (the lyrics were always bleak as anything) to fit the theme.

Edited by Halting Hex

Xandra was always one of my favorite vidders, but I've only found one of her vids on YT so far. "Think Twice", to the song by Eve6, is all about men fighting because women are…less than faithful.  Yes, misogynist as anything, but still fun.  (I like the "I can't get out" lines set to Oz straining at his cage.) Plus, lots of people punching Spike, so that's good. :)  Enjoy.

Edited by Halting Hex

SassyKitten was a fine vidder, back in the day.  With the Queen biopic currently in theaters, I'm glad to see that her Buffy character study, set to "Killer Queen", has been uploaded.  Thanks to the Buffy Vid Archive for that.  With clips from S1-6, but even the Dawnverse stuff seems lighthearted when set to Brian May's looping guitar riffs:

By the by, I see that a number of the vids are coming up as "Video not available" when you click the link. They're not unavailable, you just need to right-click and copy-paste the URL in a new tab/window.  No idea why YT isn't letting you click through, though.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Yet another true classic, by Nicole Anell.  Set to Alanis Morrisette's "Unsent", it matches each of Buffy's significant men (counting Xander as the first) with an unsent letter Alanis is writing to one of her exes.  (There's a fifth verse, "Dear Lou", but Nicole uses it as a wrap-up.  It works, I think.)

Let's face it, any song that has such a lay-up for Bangel ("I used to be attracted to boys who would lie to me") is playing with house money.  The "what was wrong with me?" lament over the breakup with Terence (aka Riley) is pitch-perfect, too, and even the Spuffy is one of the more acceptable takes I've seen on that "relationship".  Always a favorite, glad it's up.  Thanks to the uploader for finding it.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1

And here's another from starryeyesxx1's catalogue that I hadn't seen, Buffy essentially washing those men out of her hair (never mind that Angel actually drifts off, Riley choppers away, and Spike burns up; the song gives Buffy the agency that the show doesn't) to the tune of Kim Ferron's "Nothing But You", which I confess I'd forgotten was on the jukebox in Beer Bad:

"I got nothing to lose…nothing but you."  Well, I'm sad for Riley, but if that's the price you have to pay to shed VampJerk 1 and VampJerk 2…sorry, Spud. ;)

Edited by Halting Hex

Okay, forget friendship vids.  Let's get some real Buffy/Giles in here, for those who think the best man for Buffy is the best man she knows.  (No offense to Xander, or Riley.)  dcam78 brings us "Crush", to a song by David Archuleta, who apparently got a full album out of 19E, despite losing the American Idol finale they'd hoped he'd win.  I was never a fan of Li'l Davy, but the song is okay, I guess.

On a personal note, this is the first time I've seen Danny Strong's and Tom Lenk's guest-star credits for Grave, as that's one of those episodes I only ever watched once, and that was in the two-hour bloc it originally aired in.  (And if I ever got the unlikely urge to revisit it, that's how it would be on the tape I made…I'm not buying Season Sux DVDs, obviously.) Strange to see something "new" from the series 16 years later. Even if it's just a guest credit.

(But I'm still not checking out those Andrew scenes I skipped past in the final episodes.  Sorry, Tom.  What I saw was more than enough, already.)

3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

And of course, if you're going to 'ship B/G, you might as well go full down the rabbit hole and do The Police's ode to Lolita, "Don't Stand So Close To Me".  As Bobbi McGriffin has here.  Only disappointment is that it's a truncated version of the song.  But still lots of fun.


Flutie; "Because there's not touching here!"

Counting Crows' "Accidentally in Love" is a popular choice with vidders, given that it's so bouncy, it's very 1990s, and it says the word "love" about a bazillion times.  Naturally, I can't find the Buffy/Willow version I have on YT, and there are a couple of Spuffy versions (blech), but Marissa has given us a delightful Giles/Jenny treatment, and we definitely need something for my favorite canon couple, so…

One of the great things about this vid is that it avoids the standard Giles/Jenny vid trap (trope?) of making it all about Passion and her death.  No neck-snaps here, heck, Angel isn't even seen at all.  (Not even in happy moments when they're walking off to the Bronze in a group at the end of Prophecy Girl.)  Closest we get to an "eek" moment is recognizing that a clip is from early in the episode in Passion, or the one shot of Dru-as-Jenny from Becoming.  But overall as joyful as it is a joy to find.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Counting Crows' "Accidentally in Love" is a popular choice with vidders, given that it's so bouncy, it's very 1990s, and it says the word "love" about a bazillion times.  Naturally, I can't find the Buffy/Willow version I have on YT, and there are a couple of Spuffy versions (blech), but Marissa has given us a delightful Giles/Jenny treatment, and we definitely need something for my favorite canon couple, so…


One of the great things about this vid is that it avoids the standard Giles/Jenny vid trap (trope?) of making it all about Passion and her death.  No neck-snaps here, heck, Angel isn't even seen at all.  (Not even in happy moments when they're walking off to the Bronze in a group at the end of Prophecy Girl.)  Closest we get to an "eek" moment is recognizing that a clip is from early in the episode in Passion, or the one shot of Dru-as-Jenny from Becoming.  But overall as joyful as it is a joy to find.

Was looking for the Hero clip with Xander and Willow at the end but could only find this one, can anyone help?


Here's a cracker and funny with Andrew

I think a lot of the appeal of the series is in this vid. 

Couldn't find my favorite Cordelia-centric vid (to, naturally, the tune of Meredith Brooks's "Bitch"), but here's a nice one by somebody calling themselves 1SnoWhiteQueen1, set to "Take a Hint", which is apparently a song from the former Nickelodeon series, Victorious.  (But not featuring Ariana Grande on the vocals, which is probably a decision the producers are regretting, nowadays.)  Nice clip selection.

More from Sassy Kitten.  This one was so popular that two different YT uploaders posted it.  Set to the strobe beat of Jakalope's "Pretty Life", Buffy has to contend with all the villains who are looking to ruin things for her.  The cuts and effects even make Glory/Dark Willow/The First look menacing.  (Warren, not so much.  But you can't have everything.)

And now for some utter brilliance:  "Ghost", by mad poetess.  (Song by the Indigo Girls) Parallel portrait of Giles/Ethan and Buffy/Faith, the stories of the ones that got away, the one you can't forget, even though you should.  (As the subtitle says, everybody's got one.)  Points for use of a gay artist for a homoromantic vid; small deduction because I can't always tell which of the Slayers' viewpoints the B/F stuff is supposed to be from.  But still, top of the table, no doubt.

And I feel it like a sickness

How this love is killing me

But I'd walk into the fingers

Of your fire, willingly

And dance the edge of sanity

I've never been this close

In love with your ghost…

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1

Wait, what?  I found a worthy vid to a song by freaking Nickelback, with Chad Kroeger singing out of his butthole, as per usual?  And it's set to "Next Contestant", a tale of violent misogyny, with the singer threatening harm unto those who dare respond to his slutty girlfriend's flirtatious ways?  Ugh.

But Bxverse Productions has done a fine job of portraying Psycho!Buffy being all territorial of those who dare chase Faith, be it Angel, Spike, Robin, Xander, or Dawn (!)  (Yes, Normal Again comes in nicely useful here.)  Featuring the Dollhouse/Bones crossover you never knew you wanted…

Edited by Halting Hex

I always wondered that no one made a music vid for Tom Petty's Free Falling or Laura Brannigan's Self Control, the lyrics are both perfect. 

She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves Jesus and America too
She's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis
Loves horses and her boyfriend too

It's a long day living in Reseda
There's a freeway runnin' through the yard
And I'm a bad boy cause I don't even miss her
I'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart

And I'm free, free fallin'
Yeah I'm free, free fallin'

All the vampires walkin' through the valley
Move West down Ventura Boulevard
Now the bad boys are standing in the shadows
And the good girls are home with broken hearts

And I'm free, free fallin'
Yeah I'm free, free fallin'

Free fallin', now I'm free fallin', now I'm
Free fallin', now I'm free fallin', now I'm

I want to glide down over Mulholland
I want to write her name in the sky
Gonna free fall out into nothin'
Gonna leave this world for a while



Oh, the night is my world
City light painted pearls
In the day nothing matters
It's the night time that flatters
In the night, no control
Through the wall something's breaking
Wearing white as you're walkin'
Down the street of my soul

You take my self, you take my self control
You got me livin' only for the night
Before the morning comes, the story's told
You take my self, you take my self control

Another night, another day goes by
I never stop myself to wonder why
You help me to forget to play my role
You take my self, you take my self control

I, I live among the creatures of the night
I haven't got the will to try and fight
Against a new tomorrow, so I guess I'll just believe it
That tomorrow never comes

A safe night, I'm living in the forest of my dream
I know the night is not as it would seem
I must believe in something, so I'll make myself believe it
That this night will never go

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Oh, the night is my world
City light painted pearls
In the day nothing matters
It's the night time that flatters

I, I live among the creatures of the night
I haven't got the will to try and fight
Against a new tomorrow, so I guess I'll just believe it
That tomorrow never knows

A safe night, I'm living in the forest of a dream
I know the night is not as it would seem
I must believe in something, so I'll make myself believe it
That this night will never go

Edited by Joe Hellandback

Spoilered for OT-ness:


No Buffyverse "Free Falling" that I could find, but here's a live cover by Fleetwood Mac in Pittsburgh on the 1st.  Appropriate because not only did Stevie and Petty collaborate on "Stop Dragging My Heart Around", but because when Lindsay Buckingham left the group (again) earlier this year, one of his replacements was Heartbreakers guitarist Mike Campbell.  (The other new guitarist is Neil Finn, of Split Enz/Crowded House fame.)  So, enjoy.




Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1

DirectorBen92 apparently likes Spike, and created his vid, "Kick the Spike", in tribute to Blondie Bear's various moments of suffering throughout the series.  Here's the introduction:

Poor, poor, poor Spike. Over the years, I've noticed that William the Bloody gets thrown around like a rag doll. He's punched, kicked, smacked, and thrown through ceilings. He's even caught on fire a few times. I've gathered up footage of every blow Spike ever took. So here it is, seven minutes of Spike getting the crap beaten out of him my various people; Buffy (mostly), demons, vampires, Riley, some other slayers, Anya, and heck, even Xander.

OTOH, there are those of us who think there should have been (much, much) more Spike-abuse during the series, but we'll still appreciate having 7:26 worth of beating the crap out of the bleached wonder, all in one place.

On 12/8/2018 at 8:30 AM, Joe Hellandback said:

These guys are new, hope they continue;


Tried them back when they were on 2.01; she's too inexpressive, he's too smirky, and it looks as though he's spoiled.  Didn't even make it through the vid.

Of course, I have two other series I'm working my way through, so I should be in no rush to seek out others.

I honestly can't believe that I forgot about this one until last night!  Did I say that the best Faith-profile vid was the one to the Aimee Allen song?  Wrong, wrong and very wrong.  

I give you Wicked Amp's cinematic masterpiece (and if I'm exaggerating, it's only by a very little), "Slot A".  The link is to the Vimeo upload because YT turned off the sound, for whatever reason.

Note:  the version of "Paint It (Black)" on the soundtrack isn't The Rolling Stones' original (obviously), nor is it from Judas Priest (as it's sometimes misidentified).  This is a solo effort from Priest co-lead guitarist* Glenn Tipton, with blistering guitar work (logically) subbing in for the sitar in the original.  Tipton's "metal" growlings aren't exactly Mick Jagger's morose musings from the original, but they work well enough with the vid, IMO.

*-"co-lead" because possibly the most distinctive thing about Judas Priest is that they had two lead guitarists, Tipton and K.K. Downing.  (And organically, not accidentally as when Steve Van Zandt left The E Street Band and Bruce Springsteen brought in Nils Lofgren to replace him and then kept Nils around when Steve came back [and Bruce played some lead parts too, and wife Patty Scialfa was with the band by that point, so it was a guitar army up there]; both Tipton and Downing were in the band from the first recordings.)

I only say "possibly" the most distinctive because one could argue that the key distinction was that lead singer Rob Halford was secretly gay and wrote song after song about giving blowjobs without the rest of the band or the fans catching on, for over a decade.  I mean, when Halford's cranking out tunes called "Jawbreaker" and "Eat You Alive", you have to figure he was just trolling by that point. But the twin-guitar attack was the band's key musical distinction, certainly.

6 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I honestly can't believe that I forgot about this one until last night!  Did I say that the best Faith-profile vid was the one to the Aimee Allen song?  Wrong, wrong and very wrong.  

I give you Wicked Amp's cinematic masterpiece (and if I'm exaggerating, it's only by a very little), "Slot A".  The link is to the Vimeo upload because YT turned off the sound, for whatever reason.

Note:  the version of "Paint It (Black)" on the soundtrack isn't The Rolling Stones' original (obviously), nor is it from Judas Priest (as it's sometimes misidentified).  This is a solo effort from Priest co-lead guitarist* Glenn Tipton, with blistering guitar work (logically) subbing in for the sitar in the original.  Tipton's "metal" growlings aren't exactly Mick Jagger's morose musings from the original, but they work well enough with the vid, IMO.

*-"co-lead" because possibly the most distinctive thing about Judas Priest is that they had two lead guitarists, Tipton and K.K. Downing.  (And organically, not accidentally as when Steve Van Zandt left The E Street Band and Bruce Springsteen brought in Nils Lofgren to replace him and then kept Nils around when Steve came back [and Bruce played some lead parts too, and wife Patty Scialfa was with the band by that point, so it was a guitar army up there]; both Tipton and Downing were in the band from the first recordings.)

I only say "possibly" the most distinctive because one could argue that the key distinction was that lead singer Rob Halford was secretly gay and wrote song after song about giving blowjobs without the rest of the band or the fans catching on, for over a decade.  I mean, when Halford's cranking out tunes called "Jawbreaker" and "Eat You Alive", you have to figure he was just trolling by that point. But the twin-guitar attack was the band's key musical distinction, certainly.

Interesting. Loved Paint it Black as the theme to Tour of Duty (Eric Bruskotter is in the Angel ep 'Provider' so to Buffy in one.) 

[OT, re Tour of Duty] And I was just starting to watch "Columbo Goes to College" the other day and saw Steven Caffrey and was like "where do I know this guy from?"  Now I remember.

I wonder if ToD is on the internet somewhere; my "Viet Nam" show back in the day was China Beach (hello, Jeff "Zachary Kralik/Rack" Kober!) but 30 years (fuck, I'm OLD) is long enough for me to check out the competition by now, I'd think. [/ot]

Liam Duke Buffy Reactions

Not sure if I put the link in right but Liam Duke does the most amazing unspoiled Buffy reactions I've seen on YouTube. He's actually pushed Torchwood Boy and AfterShow Reactions down the list and taken over the top slot for me. (I don't include Passion Of The Nerd on my list because I think he's in a category of his own, I adore his vids.)

He reacts to the episode then talks about it in detail for a decent amount of time. 

The link I (hopefully) posted is from his latest, Dopplegangland. He usually does Buffy reactions once or twice a week and he's a joy to watch. 

He's also going to react to Dollhouse on February 22nd, 2019, all of Season 1 is going to be posted that day.

Definitely worth checking out!

He does indicate that he was spoiled about Spike (and he's just been spoiled that Anya will be significant, because idiots in the comments were all "oooh, she's my favorite character!", so he knew she wasn't a once-off), so that's disappointing.  Shan (After Show Reacts) was my most "virginal" unspoiled that I've found.  

But Liam is still definitely worth a look, IMO. Oz-fetish or not. 😉

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

He does indicate that he was spoiled about Spike (and he's just been spoiled that Anya will be significant, because idiots in the comments were all "oooh, she's my favorite character!", so he knew she wasn't a once-off), so that's disappointing.  Shan (After Show Reacts) was my most "virginal" unspoiled that I've found.  

But Liam is still definitely worth a look, IMO. Oz-fetish or not. 😉

I was so disappointed to find out he was spoiled about Spike (I'm a huge Spuffy shipper 😁), doubly so when the comment-spoilers went on about Anya.  I was getting really annoyed when I saw quite a few people twisting their comments like pretzels so they could work the word "Faith" into whatever they were saying, "oh, you just have to have Faith blah blah blah" before she showed up.

I don't understand why they feel the need to do that, it takes away from his (and our) viewing experience and really pisses me off. I'm already bracing myself for all the "Dawn" references that are sure to come as we get closer to Season 5.

I really like Shan a lot but I'm getting slightly frustrated with the little Buffy breaks she's taking as she gets closer to the end. I totally understand why, I'm just being selfish and impatient because I can't wait to see her reaction to the finale. 😁

There's a decent podcast out there called Tiny Fences, one Buffy vet and one Buffy newbie, they've finished Buffy and Angel and just moved on to Dollhouse but they're really worth listening to.

But yes, Liam needs more viewers, he's really really good at what he does, and yes, he does love his cinnamon buns (rolls?) , he's going to be a mess come Season 4! I have a feeling he'll be on the Tara Train as soon as he meets her. 

3 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

I was so disappointed to find out he was spoiled about Spike (I'm a huge Spuffy shipper 😁), doubly so when the comment-spoilers went on about Anya.

I'm not sure how spoiled he is about Spuffy (I think he mentioned knowing that Spike became a romantic interest, but not necessarily the dominant story of the later years; maybe he'll just think Something Blue was it?), but yeah, I can't stand when people do that, either.  If I knew someone who was going to do a reaction channel, I would insist that they get their comments completely modded.  

And it probably wouldn't hurt to follow Torchwood Boy's pattern and record the vids months before uploading them.   Heck, for shorter series, you could do the entire series before letting people see your reactions.  If it's good enough for Joss to film S1 in a vacuum, it's good enough for these folks, right?

(Of course, one of the things I get so pissed off about with the "expectation spoilers" is all the "oh, S1 is so lame but it gets better!" comments.  What drives me crazy is that I can't really respond to that with a "The last three seasons are a nightmare, so savor the innocence while you can!" counterpoint, since I don't want to be starting fights or discouraging people before they're completely hooked.  Sigh.)

On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 8:02 PM, tveyeonyou said:

Liam Duke Buffy Reactions

Not sure if I put the link in right but Liam Duke does the most amazing unspoiled Buffy reactions I've seen on YouTube. He's actually pushed Torchwood Boy and AfterShow Reactions down the list and taken over the top slot for me. (I don't include Passion Of The Nerd on my list because I think he's in a category of his own, I adore his vids.)

He reacts to the episode then talks about it in detail for a decent amount of time. 

The link I (hopefully) posted is from his latest, Dopplegangland. He usually does Buffy reactions once or twice a week and he's a joy to watch. 

He's also going to react to Dollhouse on February 22nd, 2019, all of Season 1 is going to be posted that day.

Definitely worth checking out!

Excellent, I hope TB and ASR get around to Dollhouse too. 

On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 6:28 PM, Halting Hex said:

[OT, re Tour of Duty] And I was just starting to watch "Columbo Goes to College" the other day and saw Steven Caffrey and was like "where do I know this guy from?"  Now I remember.

I wonder if ToD is on the internet somewhere; my "Viet Nam" show back in the day was China Beach (hello, Jeff "Zachary Kralik/Rack" Kober!) but 30 years (fuck, I'm OLD) is long enough for me to check out the competition by now, I'd think. [/ot]

Always amazed he didn't become a big star, he was SOOOOO handsome but apart from Longtime Companion he seemed to disappear.

So Anything Peterson is starting over to bring the girl into it?  Because while I haven't been keeping up with Peterson (I think he's up to mid-S2?), he had been doing it for a while.  I guess when I get to him, I'll see if I want to go back to the start just to see about watching them as a pair, or if I'll just wait for him to bring her up to speed and then catch up with them again.

There's one guy (I can't remember his name) whom I definitely won't be following, because he doesn't put the episode on the screen with him; it's just him having his laptop/tablet on a table shooting up at his reactions, no insert whatsoever.  Er, NO, dude.  It's one thing for me to listen to Chris and his spoiled partner on their podcast (and I really need to get back to that; I've been seduced by visuals, but I still have about 15 of those podcasts to get through) where I'm able to be reading or writing something else while that's going on, but if I'm going to devote 100% of my attention to watching your video reaction, I want to see my Scoobies!  Not just your face, dude.  (And that upward angle is just weird, anyhow.)

Comparatively, I may go back and catch up with the girl on the "bbangerang" channel, whom I had originally rejected as too inexpressive (she seemed to just be doing a certain amount of confused squinting, I felt) and her accent was throwing me off.  But she seems to be upping her visual game (she's in S3 now) and I looked at her "about me" and it turns out she's Belgian, so now that I know where the accent is from, I can mentally adjust for it.  (I know, that's weird…but that's me 🤣 ) Also, in contrast with the fellow who doesn't give any part of his screen to the show, this girl gives the largest amount I've seen…most reactors, like Shan and Liam, give one-quarter of the screen to the show, but this woman (she gives her name as "Daeny", but clearly she's just been watching too much Game of Thrones…you're not riding any dragons, lady! Come on, now…) devotes a good 30-35% of her screen to the show, and anything that gets me more Willow (and Xander and Buffy and Cordelia…) is all right with me.   

So I may try to work her into the rotation, along with Joseph Harding (really enjoying his S1 vids) and Liam (I was so frustrated with how long he took to get to Choices/The Prom) and Steven (where's that Halloween vid, dude?) and I guess I can get back to Shan because I love her, but there's all of S6 for me to wade through…ugh.  (I'm actually rewatching her older vids instead; nothing like seeing my favorite episodes with an "old friend", after all.)  And then there's Van…can I conquer her baby voice?  It's not her fault she sounds that way, after all…

On 10/2/2018 at 4:17 AM, Joe Hellandback said:

A couple of others, not so great;

Scrolled back up to the start of this topic, when I was a young(er) and naive Hex who had never watched any reaction vids (and wasn't sure I wanted to).  

So at the time, this sailed right by me, but now…

ARE YOU DISRESPECTING SHAN HERE???  How DARE you, sir!  How. Dare. You.😡

(I'm kidding, of course.  You're entitled to your own opinions.  I'm just showing how mine have changed. [Besides, I still owe you for getting me hooked on the whole genre in the first place.])

Still adore her cringing through Passion, holding her knee tightly against her body as she's terrified for Jenny.  (With good cause, of course.  And then there was the "BRB, sobbing like a baby" caption that went up when she paused the vid.  I feel you, Shan…I feel you.)  Bit of a contrast to Liam Duke looking a bit blasé IMO, secure in the "knowledge" that Jenny would be saved. 

(And then utterly gobsmacked and gaping for a good minute or two after it happened, but I still prefer taking the ride with Shan to merely enjoying the aftermath with Liam.  But JMO. )

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