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Season 6 Episodes Talk

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I liked "Hanley Waters", too. The unsub's a good mix of sympathetic and unsettling, and the therapy sessions are a powerful parallel to the main story. 

(And Hotch's response to Morgan's "Where are you with all of this?" question: "Same place as you, wishing she was here." Such a perfectly subtle way for Hotch to answer that question without fully answering it, given what he knows.)

I don't mind season 6 as a whole, myself. Granted, I wasn't in the fandom and following the show when it originally aired, which I think probably helps my opinion of it. I can see where people who were actively following the show during that season might have harsher views of it than those of us who came into the fandom afterward, and could therefore see season 6 in context and how everything that went on that season ultimately panned out. It's got its ups and downs, for sure, but I think there's still a lot of pretty good episodes throughout. 

19 minutes ago, smoker said:

And I would be a liar if I denied I loved JJ at the time, it was a beautiful farewell, WELL WRITTEN.

Man, when I first got into the show properly, I knew that JJ would be forced to leave the team and did eventually return...

...and yet I STILL cried the first time I saw "JJ". That ending is truly emotional. Garcia breaking into tears gets me every time. And I like the whole thing of JJ reflecting on some of her favorite memories involving her friends (especially love her reflecting on letting Reid feel her baby kick :D). 

Mind, goodbye scenes on TV shows tend to get me all choked up in general, so I think that factored in here, too, but still, it really is a well-done send off for her character, yes. Especially since the writers and the cast were none too subtle in making it clear how much CBS sucked for making such a stupid decision. 

(And we talked about the show's music choices in the season 1 discussion thread-'JJ" is another good example of that. Nice choice of a Ray LaMontangne song.)

Edited by Annber03
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On 11/27/2017 at 4:49 AM, Annber03 said:

Granted, I wasn't in the fandom and following the show when it originally aired, which I think probably helps my opinion of it. I can see where people who were actively following the show during that season might have harsher views of it than those of us who came into the fandom afterward

Still doing my CM rewatch and finally reached Season 6. It’s my least favourite season of the original Prentiss era, and only 60% of my reason for hating it has to do with her terrible hair. I remember the collective rage felt by fandom when AJ and Paget got fired and I hated the super spy Lauren Reynolds arc when it first aired, because it retconned everything we knew about Prentiss. 

Season 6 was also when the torture porn started getting out of hand. I just finished Remembrance of Things Past and I cringed at the scenes of several victims in their underwear, tied to a bed and screaming while the UNSUB electrocuted/stabbed them. Lucky had a freaking cannibal and IMO it wasn’t nearly as exploitative.

There were some episode I liked, e.g. Into the Woods, Compromising Positions (the UNSUB is Keith from One Tree Hill! Guy can never catch a break), Into the Woods, and the abovementioned Hanley Waters. Kelli Williams was so good. 

I wanted to love JJ because Joan of Arcadia was one of my earliest fandoms and the episode would be a mini-JOA opinion but I can never quite fully enjoy it because it always reminds me of the slap in the face that CBS gave to all the fans by getting rid of two of the show’s female leads. (Plus I effing hate JJ’s hair in it, I know I am shallow.) I realise eventually both actresses came back but things were never quite the same, whether with the show itself or my enjoyment of it.

@Annber03 For some reason I quoted you twice but I can’t figure out how to delete the second quote! Sorry about that. I’m officially an old fogey who just wants my 12-year-old/intern/Alexa to figure it out for me. Now I really wish I had a 12-year-old intern named Alexa. Even better if she was one of those Junior Masterchef contestants who could cook for me.


Granted, I wasn't in the fandom and following the show when it originally aired, which I think probably helps my opinion of it. I can see where people who were actively following the show during that season might have harsher views of it than those of us who came into the fandom afterward

Edited by idiotwaltz
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That's okay :D! I've done that a time or two here as well, this site can be wonky that way sometimes. 

It is interesting watching Emily's whole storyline in season 6 and then going back and watching episodes with her from previous seasons, because even if the story doesn't fit with what we did know about her, at the same time, the way she's all secretive about parts of her past and whatnot does fit if she's trying to cover up that part of her history around the team.

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