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Mr. Jensen: Maybe it's best - if you boys stay home from school today.

Clay: No. No way. We're not doing that.

Justin: Clay -

Clay: You can stay home.

Justin: No, of course not. I've got your back. That's what we do.


Justin: People are going to talk about us.

Jessica: People always talk about us.


Tyler: When people stare at you and talk or they don't stare but you can tell that they want to, just just remember that you know who you are, and they don't. 


Clay: Okay, yeah, but you started this friendship, not me. I didn't even want any more friends. The ones I have are already a whole lot, so...


Clay: Just so you know, I'd do anything for you. Anything.

Justin: Same. Anything.

  • Love 2

We are doing too little to make change and we must ask not only how we can make change but what we have done to shape their world this way. How are we responsible? What burdens are we placing on our young people? What tools are we keeping from them? How did we get here again?

Lainie: Clay, honey, are you sure you don't want to come with us to the facility today? It might be fun.
Clay: When is anything called a facility ever fun?

Clay: I'm basically okay. I mean, as okay as you can be a month out from being in jail for murder.

Jess: It smells like an ass wore shoes in here. Like ass shoes on a dead animal.

Jess: Do you love [Clay] or are you just taking care of him?

Winston's mom: Winston, can we please allow the maid in here? The dust is biblical.

Clay's dad: You expect us to believe you got that from an accident in gym class?
Clay: I have really bad hand-eye coordination. You know this.

Clay: They claim the college application is so they can get to know you as a person. It's bullshit. The whole point is to force you to face, in writing, the complete fucking mess you've made of your life.

Justin: I like the idea of Sanderson being so close to home.
Clay: This is the guy who once said college is for people who couldn't get a job?
Justin: I didn't think I was good enough. I didn't think  I deserved a future before.
Clay: Wait, you never thought you were good enough? You were always such an arrogant asshole.
Justin: Yeah, those are probably related.

Justin: Don't freak out.
Clay: Why not?

Zach: Everything's fine.
Alex: Everything's fucked.
Zach: Same thing.

Clay: Hey, Alex. You okay?
Alex: Can we just make a rule that we stop asking each other that?

Jeremy the tour guide: Students here are encouraged to pursue all their passions. That's why I'm a bioengineering/modern dance major. Pretty much everyone you'll see here is a "slasher" too.
Alex: He actually did the air quotes.
Winston: Maybe it was modern dance.

Zach: What the fuck is up with you?
Clay: What the fuck is up with you?
Zach: Fair point.

Zach: Mr. Jensen, [campus police] totally held us hostage.

Clay's dad: Zach, I'm going to have to speak with your mother.
Zach: Ooh, well, I am sorry about that.

Winston: Why do you work so hard? It's second semester, senior year.
Ani: Not all of us have a trust fund or a family legacy at Princeton.
Winston: I don't have any of those things anymore.
Ani: So maybe you should be working harder.
Winston: Nah, I'm dumb. I'm not smart. Two centuries of WASP inbreeding and this is what I got. I've got a 2.8 and if I work hard, it could be a 2.9. Lifelong C student. I'm okay with it.
Ani: Well that's good for your stress levels at least, isn't it?

Principal Bolan: Mr. Jensen, care to meet me in my office?
Clay: I don't know why they bother asking. It's not like you have a choice.

Alex: What if they find out if you're gay?
Tony: What if?
Alex: That's like a target on your back.
Tony: It's boxing. There's a target on my front.

  • Love 1

Clay: So yeah, it's Valentine's Day. They're calling the dance Love Is Love which, like, here's the thing about love in high school - love does not thrive in an atmosphere of complete paranoia, so anyone who thinks Valentine's Day at a high school is a genuine show of love probably also thinks that airport security actually has anything to do with security.

Clay: No, I don't think complete paranoia is an overstatement at all.

Winston: You can't tell the difference between true love and a really good couple selfie.
Alex: Sure you can. A selfie lasts forever.

Clay: It's high school so somebody's always watching, waiting for you to fuck up. So, of course, you will.

Clay: So I'm an idiot.
Ani: I don't disagree but could you please be more specific?

Winston: If I'd known you were so good at this stupid game, I never would have agreed to it.
Alex: It's kind of like a lower class sport. I think that's the problem. You wasted all your time at Hillcrest learning, what, polo?
Winston: And cricket.

Dr. Ellman: What's the difference between thinking you're in love and actually being in love?
Clay: I didn't know who [Hannah] was. I didn't know what love was. I still don't.
Dr. Ellman: You don't know what love is but you're confident you can say that it's a lie.
Clay: Okay, maybe not a lie. Maybe like a fantasy. When you see people for who they really are, the fantasy goes away and then so does the love.
Dr. Ellman: So love is just some ideal? Which means that no one else can ever truly love anyone else and no one can ever truly love you.

Jess: What do you want?
Diego: Permission to stand next to you.
Jess: You're amusing. Permission denied.
Diego: Hey, I stood up for you at that workshop. That should get me one dance.
Jess: I don't need you to stand up for me.
Diego: I know. Of course you don't. Look, I think the shit you do is really good and even when you go batshit crazy on people, I get what you're doing and it's right. I just happen to think you look mad sexy when you do it. Is that wrong?
Jess: Yes. It's absolutely wrong.

Charlie: I couldn't find any punch, but I got three different kinds of Diet Coke.

Ani: You look quite handsome.
Clay: You don't have to say that. I look tired and messed up.
Ani: You look just as handsome as the first day I met you.
Clay: I was tired and messed up that day too.

Clay: What if that's all we have? Or ever had? The fucking disaster and then cleaning it up. What if there's no fixing it? What do we have then, you and me?

Clay: Love has made me angry, paranoid, afraid. Love has made me a monster more than once. Love has only fucked up my life, made me question my relationships, my closest friends. And God knows, love has made my closest friends question me. So you know what? Fuck love.

  • Love 2

Clay: I sometimes think you adults overestimate how helpful adults can be. Other adults. I'm not saying you're not helpful.
Dr. Ellman: Well, that's good to hear. What makes me helpful?
Clay: I can tell you what I'm afraid of.
Dr. Ellman: Such as?
Clay: Camping. Outdoors. Fire. Potential bears. It's freaking me out.

Justin: Let's just not go. We can just hang here. Camping sucks anyway. It's intensely uncomfortable.

Clay: The legend of Burnham Woods - some kids were partying in, like, ancient times - like the 80s.

Clay: Are you threatening me?
Diego: Maybe. Are you feeling threatened?

Jess: Do you have a condom?
Diego: I gotta go help the guys.
Jess: Help the guys with what?
Diego: Just help them. Does it matter?
Jess: It does when you're turning down sex to do it.

Charlie: Justin, what the actual fuck?
Justin: Shit! Sorry, I thought you were a football player!
Charlie: I AM a football player! So are you!

Justin: [Beecher] and a couple other guys held me down and Clay ran off. I knew it was Beecher cause I could smell his nasty ass body spray.

Alex: I just feel like maybe I'm just not meant to be happy.
Zach: Listen, man. Happiness just makes us unhappy.

Zach: And now we're fucked. Oh, I'm sorry, more fucked.

Tony: What the fuck is going on?
Zach: Winston Williams can alibi Monty.
Tony: Seriously?
Zach: Yeah.
Tony: The Hillcrest kid?
Zach: He knows that Monty didn't kill Bryce because he was with him that night. Oh, and on top of that, Clay and Ani have known that for months.
Justin: Um, I'm sure it was just to protect us.
Zach: Big surprise - they failed.

Alex: I just wanted to say - or to confess - that I fucking hate camping.

  • Love 1

Clay: I think things are wrong. I think shit's happening.
Tony: Yeah, that's, like, for years now. You mean something new?

Jess: You've never met my dad, have you? Or talked to him?
Diego: Oh, shit. Why? Is he after me?
Jess: No. He just seems to know who you are.
Diego: Everyone knows who I am. I'm prominent and noteworthy.

Charlie: DId you hear? Find your drink got cancelled.
Alex: I did not hear but I wasn't really listening. I wasn't planning on going to that. What is a find your drink party anyway?
Charlie: You find your drink before you head off to college. You know, like tequila, vodka, whiskey. You try them all, find which one is your drink, so you know.
Alex: Can't you just know?
Charlie: I don't know. I don't endorse the traditions. I'm must simply reporting the details as I get them.

Cyrus: We'll have to get a GPS spoofer on everyone's phone.
Chad: And set up a VPN so everyone can download it without the school knowing.
Toby: And we'll need everyone who uses email to have a translator and a cipher from the dark web.
Eric: Who uses email?
Toby: People do, dickhead, okay? I've seen the stats.

Clay: How can you be punks and geeks at the same time?
Cyrus: There aren't genres anymore, Clay. No labels, just people.
Clay: You just called the jocks "jocks."
Cyrus: It's how they self-identify. I'm just being respectful.

Clay: Of course I keep secrets. Everybody does. It's called survival. The trick is keeping track of which secrets are which and what lies go with them and who helped you with which lie. And then there's the secrets you know nothing about, that you're not even a part of that are eventually going to show up and bite you in the ass. And then what do you do about the person who shares your secrets but no longer shares your life?

Zach: Hey, we need more Zach and Alex time. How about I stay over tomorrow night?
Alex: I'm not going to kiss you again if that's what you're hoping.

Zach: I'm picking you up at 8 and if you make any attempt not to go to this party, I will actually come and pick you up at 8. That's hot, right? I'll actually come and, like, physically pick you up. Come on, we can have hot banter, right?
Alex: How am I even friends with you?
Zach: I'm handsome, charming, and, mmm, I saved you from drowning.

Justin: Welcome to Monet's. Can I direct you to the nearest Starbucks?
Jess: Wait, you're being a dick to me?
Justin: That is the situation, yeah.

Clay: Look, I fucked up.
Zach: Yeah, you really did. But which time in particular are you talking about?

Zach: Dude, she's checking you out.
Clay: No, she's - I don't get girls and even if I did, you'd just steal her anyway.
Zach: Yeah, I deserve that one.

Clay: Hey, I'm Clay.
Valerie: I know who you are.
Clay: Oh, you go to Liberty?
Valerie: No, but your face was kind of everywhere for a while when you got arrested.
Clay: Right. So you probably think I'm a murderer. Cool.

Alex: I'm extremely high right now.
Charlie: I told you not to eat a second cookie. I besieged you.
Alex: I think you mean beseech.
Charlie: Correct.
Alex: Why is [It's a Wonderful Life] on? It's not even Christmas.
Charlie: Dude, it's been on since I got here. You chose it.
Alex: I chose it? No, that doesn't seem like me. To make a choice.
Charlie: Nevertheless, chose you did.
Alex: You sounded like Yoda just now.
Charlie: What if I was Yoda and you didn't know it?
Alex: I think I'd know. I mean, you'd be green and it's a puppet.
Charlie: I am nobody's puppet.
Alex: Nope, you are not. You're Charlie.
Charlie: I am.
Alex: Charles.
Charlie: Charles Hayden Brixton Saint George.
Alex: Shut up. No, that is not your name.
Charlie: Shit you not I. My name it is.
Alex: You're rich?
Charlie: Nah, just old school WASP. No money, nice antiques.
Alex: You look rich.
Charlie: Thank you? Or shut up.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Dr. Ellman: It must be upsetting to go through that kind of [trauma] training.
Clay: These are the times I lose some respect for you when you ask the most obvious question.
Dr. Ellman: Would you rather I presume to know how you feel without asking?
Clay: Okay, now you're just arguing.

Justin: Has [Tyler] done anything? Said anything weird?
Tony: He's Tyler. He says weird shit all the fucking time.

Foundry: Sit, Mr. Jensen.
Clay: Not to be rude, but, like,who are you?
Foundry: Dean Foundry.
Clay: Dean is your name or your title?

Jess: Congrats on the interview.
Clay: What are you talking about?
Jess: Brown. The alumni reps are coming next week. I saw the schedule on Bolan's desk.
Clay: That's got to be a mistake.
Jess: Not unless there's another Clay Jensen around here I don't know about which is like, one is enough.

Charlie: Tony, I'm sorry you have to hear [Alex and me speak horrible Spanish]. You could school us both.
Tony: Yes, but it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.

Kerba: We're all going to be fine. We just need to sit tight until the all clear.
Diego: Or we could nut up and bring the hurt instead of just waiting around like sitting ducks.
Justin: What the fuck are you going to do? Swing [your baseball bat] at the bullets? Don't be stupid.
Diego: At least I'm not a coward.
Justin: So you admit to being stupid?

Alex: There's got to be an explanation. It's not what we think.
Charlie: Or it's exactly what we think.

Tony: I'm the one who threw Tyler's guns away, and if I gave him a second chance and he [shoots up the school]-
Alex: If you're wrong about this, his life is over. If he goes down, how long do you think it's going to be before we all go down too?
Tony: Do we protect everyone or just ourselves?

Bryce: Are you a hero or a martyr?

Monty: Once you're [dead], all that's left is the shit you didn't do.
Bryce: Or the shit that you did do but you did wrong.

Clay: Everyone's past is the reason for what they do today.

Zach: I can't believe I survived a roll over crash for this. Death is playing games with me. It's just a mattter of time. And no offense cause you're actually cooler than I thought you were going to be, but I don't want to die with you.
Winston: Don't worry. I don't want to die with you either.

Clay: I'm not crazy. I'm just scared.

Matt: Good morning, sunshine!
Clay: Dad, we talked about "sunshine."

Charlie: You're also breaking my heart.
Alex: I'm not breaking your heart.
Charlie: You definitely are.
Alex: Why? Why would you like someone like me?
Charlie: See, there you go doing that self-depreciating thing.
Alex: It's deprecating.
Charlie: You do that self depracating thing where you think it's about you, but what you're saying is I'm dumb for liking you. You're, like, questioning my taste, and the thing is I have excellent taste.
Alex: You're very confident.
Charlie: I am very confident. Most people find that attractive.
Alex: I'm suspicious of confident people.

Brown interviewer: You've been a good student throughout your entire career. What's your secret?
Clay: I don't have a secret. I'm just smart.

Diego: Seriously? You hauled us out here to be a tough guy?
Zach: Oh, yeah. Yes, I did. I invited all of you here so that I could tell you all in person with all of my best wishes to suck my giant dick.

  • Love 1

Matt: We should celebrate [Justin's college acceptance letter], huh? Medgie's for dinner this weekend?
Lainie: Or we could treat the boys to something special. I hear there's a Gordon Lightfoot concert coming to town that all the kids are talking about.

Clay: How do they know about Gordon Lightfoot?
Justin: It's got to be a coincidence. Maybe he is playing a concert.
Clay: When has Gordon Lightfoot ever played Evergreen? I don't even know who Gordon Lightfoot fucking is!

Foundry: If you don't get your grades up, you'll have to repeat senior year. I know you don't want to be here longer than you have to be.
Zach: I don't know. Liberty's a pretty lovely and idyllic place.
Foundry: And kid who can use the word idyllic while being a smart ass should not be failing out.

Caleb: Tony, that guy is a Nazi. He's got white power tattoos.
Tony: So?
Caleb: So I feel like he's here to kill you.

Clay: [Lainie and Matt were being] weird, right?
Justin: They're probably going to a weird meeting of their sex cult.
Clay: Dude, why would you put that in my brain?
Justin: Sorry, it's date night.
Clay: They've been on like a half dozen dates this year and never look like they're enjoying them.
Justin: Maybe that's why they keep going.

Foundry: We recently completed a successful active shooter drill here on campus which has made us more prepared to respond quickly and effectively in an emergency.
Matt: Yeah, that drill gave my son a nervous breakdown. How can you say it was successful?
Foundry: There were a small number of students who were upset by the drill and we did have follow up counseling.
Matt: He wasn't just upset. He ended up in a psych ward pissing his bed.

Jess: Clay, I think you're being paranoid.
Clay: I think you're being stupid.
Jess: You escaped from a mental hospital. How do you expect anyone to trust you?
Clay: You're still with Diego. How do we trust you?

Alex: Maybe Clay's right. Maybe we should call a meeting.
Jess: I tried. It turns out I've pissed off everyone in my life so I guess this is the meeting.

Security: Another Mexican kid starting a fight?
Justin: You can't say shit like that.
Diego: I'm Dominican. What the fuck?

Bolan: Diego's being released and the officer will be disciplined if appropriate and we will address the situation according to-
Jess: Fuck that! Enough is enough.
Justin: Fucking right.
Bolan: All right, I understsand your point without all the inappropriate language.
Clay: Fuck you, motherfucker.

Bolan: What do you think you're doing?
Tyler: I believe it's a walk out, sir.
Bolan: Thank you, Mr. Down.

Clay: Just to be clear, I don't actually have a plan. I'm kind of following your lead here.
Jess: Me? I thought I was following you.

Alex: We shouldn't be going out there, right? It's a bad idea?
Zach: No, total waste of fucking time. When has a bunch of people walking out actually ever accomplished anything?
Alex: Actually I feel like historically it has accomplished things and I feel like I'm letting Jess down.
Zach: Why? Jess can make plenty of stupid noise on her own.
Alex: Jesus, Zach, aren't you tired of pretending to be an asshole?
Zach: Aren't you tired of being afraid?
Alex: Yes.
Zach: Then let's make some noise. Let's fucking do it right.

Jess: There's a lot we can disagree on but I know we can agree on one thing. We're pissed off, am I right? Cause shit has got to change around here!

Zach: My life is fucked forever.
Alex: You know it's not, right? So you're not going to play football. That's like the least thing about you.
Zach: Because really I'm smart and kind and I have people that love me?
Alex: Well, yeah.

Clay: When the videos from today hit the internet, you want the world to know that you did nothing?

  • Love 1

Clay: So, yeah, there was a riot. I blew up a car and it did some damage.

Alex: You sleep like you're dead.
Charlie: I like sleep.

Alex: You gotta go.
Charlie: Or I could stay and meet your parents.
Alex: Yeah, or we could meet your dad and the entire Liberty High booster club, of which he's the president.
Charlie: Torsheer.
Alex: You mean touché?
Charlie: No, I don't know that word.

Zach: I don't know why I raised a bat at the police. I was out of my mind.
Foundry: Destroying all my personal possessions wasn't enough to work it all out?

Foundry: We can't expel everybody or suspend everybody so it's important we identify the instigators and those responsible for the most damage. Who instigated your involvement?
Ani: My involvement was instigated by an oppressive police state trampling on students' rights.

Jess: So your response to all of this is just more punishment?

Jess: Tell our parents the truth?
Clay: This might be the riskiest thing we've ever done.

Matt: So just to be clear, you're not fans of Gordon Lightfoot?
Clay: I didn't even know who he was before this, dad. We didn't know you'd start singing his songs.
Justin: Alex Standall is obsessed with this song, "The Wreck of Edward Fitzgerald."
[Lainie makes a pained face]
Matt: EDMUND Fitzgerald. It's a classic.
Lainie: But the point here is that you've been lying to us.
Justin: Not lying. Just not telling the truth.
Clay: What about you? You lied about putting those tracking apps on our phones and you paid for all that security and those drills. Or did you forget to mention that while I was strapped to a gurney?

Charlie: I'm not one hundred percent straight. I'm not any percent straight.

Charlie: Did you know?
Charlie's dad: I could sense that you were figuring something out about your sexuality.
Charlie: How?
Charlie's dad: Just watching you, living with you.
Charlie: But, like, what specifically?
Charlie's dad: Well, no self respecting middle school quarterback is that big a fan of Eli Manning.
Charlie: He has two Super Bowl rings.
Charlie's dad: He got them almost by accident.
Charlie: And he never gives up.
Charlie's dad: A good quality when you throw more interceptions than completions.
Charlie: How are you doing this to Eli Manning? You said you loved me.
Charlie's dad: I do. And in eighth grade, you had Eli Manning wallpaper on your phone.
Charlie: He was a very good quarterback.
Charlie's dad: He was shirtless.
Charlie: He's very handsome.
Charlie's dad: He absolutely is.

Bolan: I'll miss these meetings when you're off at college. Far, far away.

Jess: I have a number of parents, including my father, the colonel, and Mrs. Achola, an immigrant, prepared to ask why students of color were disproportionately singled out in the questioning.
Bolan: Do we know they were?
Jess: Do you really want to count?

Jess: Gary - I'm going to start calling you Gary.

Peter: You're dating the fucking quarterback? Sweet!
Alex's mom: Peter, language!
Peter: That's awesome!

Jess: I'm just going to quit politics and marry rich.

Tyler: I had everything sorted to a specific plan but I was a different person back then so now all my sorting criteria have changed and I have to reassess everything.
Estela: Tyler, you think you're maybe a little OCD?
Tyler: A little? Please.

Alex: You can't have candles in here. This is a book room.
Charlie: Oh, they're prop candles. There's no live flames.

Clay: Are you sure you can't come [to prom] for a little bit? Charlie got an eight person limo.
Justin: Is it somewhat gay that you're going with the two of them?
Clay: Okay, A - so what if it were? Would you love me any less? And B - it's actually sort of the opposite of gay because Alex asked me to tag along cause I think he's afraid Charlie's going to make a move.
Justin: Yeah, he is super known for his hands.

Clay: Dude, I'm worried about you.
Justin: Yeah, I'm worried about me too.

Jess: Omigawd, you all three should get married as a poly thing. I don't mean that in any sort of insensitive assuming way. I just think you all three look adorable - and I never say that about Clay.
Clay: That is true. You don't.

Zach: Hey, guys! What's up? This is Presmilla. I'm going to the bathroom to do coke. That is a true story.
Clay: Is she-
Alex: Did he bring-
Charlie: That is definitely a hooker.

Alex's dad: Sheriff Diaz is really looking out for you kids.
Alex: When he says shit like that, it almost always goes wrong.

Diego: I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
Jess: I don't either. I love when we agree.
Diego: I miss you.
Jess: Oh, and we stop agreeing.

Jess: Zach, you brought a hooker to prom and she's probably a drug addict.
Zach: She is an escort who is escorting me.

Caleb: You look lonely.
Tony: And there's all this extra dessert here and today is definitely a cheat day so hello, cheesecake.

Winston: So you're here with Jessica. As a date or a bodyguard?
Ani: Why? Do you have an assassination planned?

Charlie: Are you sad right now?
Alex: Some part of me will always be sad.

Alex: I think I'm in love with you.
Charlie: I'm confident you are.

[Charlie spots Foundry heading toward them]
Charlie: Oh, shit! Act innocent.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

Clay: There's a lineup of people who'd like to see you but I understand if you don't want to see them. I've organized a list and given time limits.
Justin: Of course you have.

Alex: Zach, do you remember on the rooftop the night I kissed you?
Charlie: Wait, you kissed him?
Alex: It was a shit show. I'll explain later. But you remember that night
Zach: Yeah.
Alex: Okay, that kiss was embarrassing. It was a disaster. But right before that, when I almost fell, you pulled me back from the ledge. And I'll never forget the feeling of your hands grabbing me and keeping me safe. I needed it. I didn't know it. And now you need it.
Zach: The kiss wasn't a disaster. It was a nice kiss, per se.
Charlie: Wait, it was?
Zach: Yeah.
Alex: I don't love Justin, but I love you and you love him. So what the fuck, Zach?

Clay: Ancient history is somehow present tense. Everything is ending but nothing is over.

Clay: If nothing fucking matters, then why bother?

Alex: I believe Justin Foley helped save my life. I didn't like him and he didn't like me but when I needed him, he helped me.

Clay: Mrs. Baker sent [the tapes to me]. The court had returned them to her after, like, months and she thought Tony and I should have them, that they were never hers, that there was something of Hannah that we got and she never would.
Dr. Ellman: What do you think that was?
Clay: I don't know.
Dr. Ellman: Think harder.
Clay: I don't know.
Dr. Ellman: I think you do and I think you're being lazy.
Clay: What the hell? Screw you.
Dr. Ellman: There we go. I was worried we'd have Mumbles McGee for the whole session.

Dr. Ellman: Maybe deep down, [Justin] didn't think he was worth saving or worth loving.
Clay: But Jessica loved him and my parents did and I did.
Dr. Ellman: But what if there was a part of him from a long time ago that couldn't let himself be loved? That couldn't let himself be cared for?
Clay: That makes no sense!
Dr. Ellman: Really, Clay? You can't imagine a kid who keeps secrets from the people who love him most? A kid who won't let himself be cared for?

Dr. Ellman: I grew up here, you know, in Evergreen. It was the late 60s and early 70s. It was a turbulent, difficult time. The country was desperately divided. Drugs were everywhere. I was a troubled kid.
Clay: Yeah, I'm sure you were a hellion.
Dr. Ellman: I stole a car so I could steal a guitar amp. I sniffed glue, dropped acid, smoked dope. Occasionally I sold it.

Clay: I have to go do a totally legal thing with my friends.

Clay: I just want to be clear. I don't actually see ghosts. I just imagine people and what I would say to them.

Zach: Let's pile on the closure dirt.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

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