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S01.E19: Unblinking Death

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THE BREAKING POINT — Desperate to help Kieran, Cami insists on an unconventional treatment, but her good intentions lead Kieran to a violent episode. After Klaus and Elijah disagree over the best way to handle the Crescent Wolves, Elijah makes a trip to the bayou, where he is witness to a horrific explosion that only adds to the hatred and mistrust among the communities. While Jackson and Elijah work to save the wounded, Hayley learns a surprising piece of her family history from Marcel.

It's a good thing that vampires can just compel people, because Elijah's dry cleaning bills must be outrageous.


I do like him as a villain, but I enjoy Klaus even more when he isn't constantly trying to be King of the Jerkwads and shows a little decency.


You think it would occur to these people that maybe pissing off a hormonal pregnant werewolf is maybe not the best idea. I like Hayley when she isn't just standing around making eyes at Elijah.


Wasn't there a plan to kill Genevieve? Can we get back to that?


As soon as they showed Elijah after the bomb, the first thing I thought was nooooo, the suit! At this point, I almost expect him to have a spare suit with him at all times. He and Barney Stinson could bond over their love of suits.

When Hayley just walked into the vampire lair by herself armed with only one stake, I thought what are these chicken shit vampires doing? Why are they just standing around? There are way more of them than there are of her. Surely they could each grab one limb and restrain her! But no, they just let her manhandle Diego and then walk away. If that's what they're like without Marcel or the Mikaelsons, no wonder they require strong leadership.

I'm so glad Josh is still around. Watching him compel the doctor was the funniest compulsion scene in five seasons of TVD and one season of this show. I love that he is still learning how to use his vampire powers.

One thing that annoyed me was the doctor claiming that electroshock therapy is dangerous. It's not 1950 anymore. It's also not painful when it's done by a doctor. Patients are given anesthesia and muscle relaxers. I hate when tv and films perpetuate the myth that it's painful and dangerous.

I totally cracked up when Hayley demanded Oliver take off his shirt. If we're going to be stuck with this werewolf storyline,then I agree - at least have the dudes take their shirts off once per episode.

Jackson can eat a big bag of dicks. After Elijah spent the better part of the day helping the injured werewolves, Jackson then has the nerve to ask, "Is this the peace you promised us?" Dude, you are the one who went behind his back (knowing that Hayley had already signed a blood oath) to make a deal with someone else. If your pack isn't going to adhere to the peace treaty, then why should the other parties? You're the only one who's allowed to strike dirty deals under the table?

Poor uncle Kieran. I kind of wish they had let him transition and become a crazy hexed vampire priest because he would have been good at it and it would give us something more interesting than watching people sign treaties and threaten each other but never doing much.

I did not feel sorry for Oliver AT ALL when he said that he didn't agree to the massive destruction that resulted from his deal with whoever (I'm assuming it was Francesca based on what Marcel said). You agreed to let someone attack your family members in their homes to get them riled up so you could take over, but oh no, it was more than you bargained for? Boo hoo, you psycho. If Oliver becomes the leader, does that mean I don't have to listen to Jackson's flat froggy weird voice anymore? Because I'd be willing to make that trade.

Klaus was kinder than usual with Cami and Kieran. I'm guessing we won't see that again for a while. Although I'm not a Cami fan, I'm glad that both Marcel and Klaus were willing to put aside their differences at the beginning and end of the episode to help her through this. It's hard to imagine that Klaus knows what it's like to deal with the death of someone you love. He just daggers his family members and carts them around until he's ready to let them out. When Kol was killed, I felt that Klaus was more concerned with his indigation about "how dare you insult my family this way?" than actually mourning the loss of his brother.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Such a mixed bag for me. Love Elijah in almost any situation but it hurt my heart seeing him in that mangled suit for so long. I loved father Kieran and I agree a hexed killer vampire priets would have been AWE-SOME! Is it wrong I wanted him to kill Cami so badly? I can not stand Cami and the actress is terrible the fake tears X10 were so annoying obviously she can't cry on cue. I thought it was totally far fetched that Klaus would bug out on his baby mama for her. So why did he not just let Marcel have his "grace period" earlier? I felt it was totally wrong for Klaus to help Cami and not Marcel, I know it was to show the kind side of Klaus to balance his bad side by stabing Elijah in the back again. Whatever show, I don't like Cami so Klaus being kind to her does nothing for me.

Are the Werewolves a bunch of inbred hillbillies or what? Those jokers are their own worst enemy as Marcel tried to warn Hayley. I don't care for them and they look like they smell bad too. How can Hayley look so posh living in those shacks? She fits with Elijah not the banjo clan. I won't be sorry when they emplode all on their own. Jackson is a terrible leader.

I think all the vampires know not to mess with Hayley as the hybrid baby mama, and that is why they let her get away with shit right now. I did like her in full on bitch mode, but it just makes me wish she and Elijah could be a super couple running things.

Genevieve is super annoying but at least no Monique this week. Why did she out her own evil plan to Klaus? I hope she and the werewolves emplode each other.

Love Josh he is great. Hope they keep him around for the comedy. I'm slightly interested in what is up with "the key" but not as it involved Cami.

Edited by Cattitude
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