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S01.E09: Episode 9

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I'm a little startled and strangely disappointed that this has become quite so Karl-centric, veering toward "personal vendetta" -- something I would not have expected in a million years from the first half of the series, first three-quarters even. 

With new-fangled no-holds-barred TV, you can't be sure that the pregnant with twins wife will not be blown to bits, or that the false-alarm non-bomb we saw in the first (?) episode is not being repeated. I'm still not sure (of course) if that IED was ever supposed to kill anyone and blow up the building -- the "why" v. "why not" is very fuzzy. 

I expected them to attach at least one, probably two ropes to Laura so that those outside could help pull her speedily to safety if she froze or tripped or simply fainted.

I was convinced that Karl loved Laura (beyond -- or perhaps in addition to -- her being his baby mama) still I'm not convinced at all of Laura's feelings about him, the pregnancy, her future.  I've always been confused by Adam and Elise's relationship to Adam -- it feels as if there is supposed to be some sort of bond, besides some demonstration of Elise protecting Adam because he's Karl's son.  How and/or why Adam would have snuck out to see an ex-girlfriend -- again, endlessly oblivious to TT doing bad things to marginally aligned characters -- Yes, see also Laura, but whatev'. 

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 Elise's life before the TT case was work and her personal life= sex with a guy who was willing to then leave because she can't sleep with someone else breathing in the same room.

Karl and TT made of a mess of her simple life.

Karl is disarmingly charming guy and he worked his magic on Elise, Laura, and the french rich lady but she was already revved up.

Much to her surprise Elise likes that she and Karl are friends.

Being a friend means leaving the release bomb site to go babysitting Adam because Karl has asked her to.

Elise could have said no and sent more police to watch Adam but she "gets" that Karl needs her as his friend to do this for him.

  With Adam watched by Elise(she did a terrible job, by the way) Karl can now put all his attention to comforting his possibly blown to bits wife.

The relationship between Adam and Elise has always been through the "Karl filter."

Adam tried to make it about him and Elise when he showed up at her apartment but she only took him in because Adam was her Karl's son.

She has no emotional connection with Adam.

The TT case put Gael(the perfect F buddy) as a suspect in Elise's disappearance/kidnapping.

Seeing him in the holding cell she realizes she likes him beyond a roll in the sack but he is done with her lack of emotion and limited relationship.

Dumb Gael doesn't realize she has an emotional connection to him when she said that she liked him.

That is as mushy as Elise will get and Gael completely misses her intent.

Gael, you had a gift of no commitment sex but you want to cuddle afterwards...dude..you messed up.

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That was a tense 40 minutes, gosh. I generally don't enjoy that in a program, even as I appreciate it if it's done well. I figured Laura would live (I got to Elise's conclusion before she did, but the audience had more intel than she did about 'Becky'), but it was still knuckle-gnawing to wait it through.

Nice work by Dillane in the scene where the French friend of Frain's wife talked about her relationship. It was fun watching the 'oh, shiiiiiiiit' grow in his eyes, even as his face didn't move.

Funny that Elise for all her rationality couldn't let the boss lady go without that burn. Heh.

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