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Michelle Meyer: She's Very Meech a Big Crybaby

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This is a non-spoiler discussion thread for BB18 HG Michelle Meyer.

A month ago, Michelle was introduced as the nutritionist who was picky about others' food.  Not much airtime since then.  Maybe that's her plan...

From Michelle's CBS Big Brother bio:


Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? 
Ian Terry [from Season 14]—because he is so freaking attractive to me—played the type of game I would play, acted like how I would act in the Big Brother house (e.g. taking everything in, doing weird stuff around the house, etc.), and beat Dan [Gheesling]. 

He had great strategy in taking punishments and seeming weak in the beginning. I plan on having a four to six-person alliance that I will stick to. I also plan on letting other people blow up their own games and egging them on in the shadows.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
To win as many competitions as I can and, when I win HOH, to take out someone I see as a threat. I plan on being friendly with everyone and pretending this game doesn't mean the world to me. I plan on passively manipulating people and giving them reasons to follow my suggestions. 

I will also potentially be in a showmance, if I think it helps in the game. I want to take on all the punishments I can and appear weak while still winning competitions. I want a solid alliance to take to the end, but, secretly, have a better relationship with a few of the people.

My life’s motto is… 
Be underestimated." I want to be smarter than people think I am, stronger than people think I am, etc. It gives you the upper hand!

Meech has been vomiting (HoH comp) and crying a lot lately.  She's managed to stick around to jury and was nominated twice for double eviction night.  Michelle tried hard to go down in flames by blasting Paulie and Nicole in her second eviction plea, but she remains in the house.  Super Safety from America coming her way.

10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Before the season started she was outed as someone who posted nasty comments about fat people on I want to say Reddit.  I often wonder how people find this stuff out about her and any contestant really.  If she was using a username how where they able to find out it was her? 

It was Reddit. I'm not 100% sure exactly how they found her, but I think her twitter is maybe linked somehow? She was also pretty active in the Reddit BB community and I think they knew her name or something so it wasn't hard for them to figure out who she was. She's said her username and twitter handle on the live feeds too. 

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