Meredith Quill February 5, 2016 Share February 5, 2016 Your Media Topic! Link to comment
Fukui San February 6, 2016 Share February 6, 2016 I requested that this forum be made, as this Mark Burnett/Robert Rodriguez joint on something called the El Rey network might be the weirdest show on TV, as if David Lynch went South of the border to start his own wrestling federation. This is a good primer on what the hell is going on. Everything You Wanted To Know About Lucha Underground But Were Afraid To Ask Link to comment
Fukui San February 12, 2016 Share February 12, 2016 Elsewhere tonight, we saw two key re-introductions. Aerostar returned in a vignette taking place a thousand years in the past, implying that he has the ability to time-travel (which raises the question, why hasn’t Aerostar traveled back in time and carved himself a pathway to the Lucha Underground Championship). In the vignette, Aerostar meets with an Aztec warrior who informs him that the seven Aztec tribes are at war and that many will die. Aerostar tells the warrior that the tribes must be united, because the gods are returning in the form of a man, but the warrior replies to Aerostar that the prophecy says the uniting of the tribes will not occur for another thousand years. Aerostar tells him that he will go get the reunited tribesmen, and blasts back into space. The vignette establishes Aerostar as a key (alien?) figure in the whole background mythology surrounding the show, but his motives aren’t quite clear, and what this all means is an interesting source of speculation. Is Aerostar traveling to the future to help save the Aztec past? Is Aztec history repeating itself at the temple? Who/what is “the gods in the form of a man? (Guess: Matanza!)” This excerpt from this review of the latest episode really goes to illustrate the hilariously WTF nature of the storylines in this universe. Remember these are real people, some in masks, who will eventually end up in a ring pretending to punch each other to hash out their differences, which apparently have something to do with time travel and space travel. Link to comment
Eriu February 18, 2016 Share February 18, 2016 Episode description Prince Puma takes on Pentagón Jr. for the first time; Rey Mysterio Jr. reveals the Cueto family history.Well, our undercover cops aren't off to a great start, but then again they don't need to win. Also, maybe it would be best if they didn't talk about cop stuff in the middle of the locker room!Someone needs to inform Chavo that they only acceptable use of a poncho is while riding a llama across the Andes. Lucha Underground seems to be following in the footsteps of Marvel, always stay for the after credits scene. Link to comment
Dream Boy February 18, 2016 Share February 18, 2016 Looks like the Sexy Star kidnapping is finally going to pay off. Ivelisse remains my favorite wrestler. Been a fan since Tough Enough. Prince Puma is all kinds of awesome. Link to comment
Eriu February 18, 2016 Share February 18, 2016 Looks like the Sexy Star kidnapping is finally going to pay off. I am interested in seeing where this going, wasn't expecting The Mack to be involved, but I'm glad he has something going on. Thats one of my favorite things about Lucha Underground, pretty much everyone has a storyline or backstory. Link to comment
Fukui San February 18, 2016 Share February 18, 2016 I am interested in seeing where this going, wasn't expecting The Mack to be involved, but I'm glad he has something going on. Thats one of my favorite things about Lucha Underground, pretty much everyone has a storyline or backstory. It's so weird/awesome to see people who weren't used well or at all in the WWE go here and flourish. Mundo, Ivellisse, Alberto El Patron who went back to be a snoozefest in the E. Makes you miss the actual competition of the Monday Night Wars era. Link to comment
Eriu February 18, 2016 Share February 18, 2016 WWE has always been better when they had actual competition driving them to do better. WCW ratings wise and ECW creatively. Lucha Underground reminds me a lot of ECW, except they are run by people who know how to handle money. Link to comment
Eriu February 21, 2016 Share February 21, 2016 One of the things that separates Lucha Underground from other wrestling is its full embrace of sci-fi and fantasy elements. In fact, Lucha Underground goes so into it's mythology, it's sometimes hard to keep track of it all. This thread is to discuss the ongoing mythical background and storylines and where we think they may be going. So far we have: Aerostar: Possibly an Ancient Alien who can apparently time travel. Is very concerned about the return of the Aztec Gods. Cueto Sr. (Father of Dario and Matanza) who was once partners with El Dragon Azteca in the Temple with the goal of uniting the descendants of the seven Aztec Tribes in combat. He may have made some sort of demonic deal to gain power which turned Matanza into the monster he is today. Drago: Half man, half dragon, can transform into a full dragon (were-dragon?) Mil Muertas: Undead zombie-guy/Embodiment of Death. Gains power from a piece of ruble from an earthquake that he was trapped in as a child. Catrina: Can teleport, controls Mil Muertas and the Disciples of Death Disciples of Death: Three masked luchadors controlled by Catrina, possibly manifestations of her power. Speculation: I think there must be some kind of enchantment or artifact that prevents people from using major powers in the main room of the temple. This would keep the fights fair-ish and would offer an in-world reason as to why we only see the really impressive stuff in the "backstage" segments. It seems pretty safe to say that we will be getting the Aztec gods in some form or another in the future, they've been brought up too much for it not to have some major payoff. I'm going to guess they will be possessing current wrestlers, or somehow otherwise appearing in human form. Hopefully were are talking about Quetzalcoatl and not Xipe Totec and his creepy flayed skin suit. Link to comment
Eriu February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 Episode description: Johnny Mundo battles the Machine Cage; Texano returns for revenge against Chavo Guerrero and the crew. Link to comment
Eriu February 25, 2016 Share February 25, 2016 So, between the third issue of the comic book that was released today and that promo, I think it's safe to say that Vampiro is only playing at being Nice Announcer Guy. Matt Striker might now want to sit next to him anymore. In fact, I'd suggest sitting across the arena and not making eye contact. Evans vs PJ was a good match, I particularly liked PJ countering Evans' Unnecessary Combat Flips with a simple poke to the eye. Two losses in two matches, though. That's not a good starting record. I would leave a message on Famous B's Get Famous line, but sadly, I don't think that being amazingly sarcastic is a good reason to be famous. I admit that I was rooting for Texano in his match against Chavo because Texano looks like Michael Pena and Chavo has a stupid poncho. Other than that, I don't really care about that fued. I do wonder what Uncovercover Officer Reyes is working on though. At first I thought that Dario, Matanza and Black Lotus might be here in Sacramento, but it's just a little too far out. I'm am definitely going to assume that they are hanging out in Elk Grove, though. Seriously though, Pentagon Jr., how could you forget that Catrina can teleport, especially when she just did it a few minutes ago. That's amateur hour, man. I'm always excited to see more lady wrestlers in Lucha Underground, and I was rather impressed by how colorful Taya Valkyrie is. Kinda like a My Little Pony in human form. Link to comment
Eriu February 29, 2016 Share February 29, 2016 Lucha Underground is now available on ITunes: Season 1: Season 2: Link to comment
Eriu March 3, 2016 Share March 3, 2016 Episode description: King Cuerno defends his Gift of the Gods Championship against Fenix in a ladder match. Link to comment
Eriu March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 So I'm now subscribed to Lucha Underground on ITunes. Way cheaper and no commercials! I was unaware the Mil Muertas could talk. Perhaps doing it for the first time to threaten Catrina was not a good plan of action, however. King Cuerno's Hat/Lucha Mask combo is the height of cool. Glad to see Sexy Star back and not too much worse for wear from her "visit" with Creeper Marty. I do like seeing the women wrestle each other, I just don't want it to become too much of habit. Obviously Rey does not appear to support "Get Famous Quick" schemes. That scene also did a good job showing that El Dragon Azteca Jr is young and not exactly the most mature guy around. Seriously, Vampiro needs to get some other job. Maybe one that involves puppies or pillows. I'm very impressed by whomever it was that set up the scaffolding that the Gift of the Gods belt was hanging from. It was very sturdy. I' very excited about the upcoming Aztec Warfare, I didn't get to see last year's. Link to comment
Fukui San March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 You should be able to find it on Daily Motion. It's basically the Royal Rumble with pinfalls which is an improvement, as it gets contrived how to get guys to go over the top rope or not. 1 Link to comment
Fukui San March 7, 2016 Share March 7, 2016 "Hi, Sexy Star! Long time no see! What have you been up to?" "Oh, you know. Held captive for almost a year by some maniac and his even weirder sister. They finally let me go and I'm only beginning to get over the mental scars." "Oh, OK. Hey, do you want the opening match this week?" "OK, I'll do it!" I love Lucha Underground logic. Link to comment
Eriu March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Episode description: Mil Muertes defends the Lucha Underground Championship against Prince Puma and Pentagon Jr. in a 3-Way Match. Link to comment
Eriu March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I'm glad to see that the Marty/Sexy Star storyline is progressing, though I'd like to see Marty get his any time now. Creeper. Double Creeper. As for his sister, more ladies=yea!, but she's Marty's sister=boooo!, but she has an awesome outfit=yea! Sigh, just when I thought PJ Black might be my new wrestling crush, he has to go an turn into a double teaming jerk-face. Oh well, I'll always have Prince Puma. Obviously the no disqualification stipulation for the Taya/Cage match would mean that Mundo would be all over it, but I was surprised that it didn't seem to make much difference. That duplex through the tables on the outside was nasty and so was Mundo chucking his girlfriend to Cage's mercy. The triple threat match was fun, particularly the part where Mil spent a good chunk of his time just randomly catching Puma and Pentagon as they flung themselves at him. So next week we get both the Mil vs Fenix AND Team Havoc vs DOD AND the week after that is Aztec Warfare? This is gonna be a fun couple of weeks. Link to comment
Fukui San March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 (edited) I could not be less interested in the Sexy Star storyline, as Sexy and The Mack are horrible actors. Mariposa's debut was the most underwhelming thing. She just looks silly in that costume. That nunchuck fight was hilarious. Everyone just happened to be a nunchuck master. It's moments like this I realize that this show is only slightly different than the live action version of the superhero comedy The Tick. It's quite a thing when the good guy beats the holy hell out of the bad guy woman half his size, and we're meant to cheer the good guy. But it worked as intended. You can't book a guy any stronger than they booked Mil, pinning both of his opponents legitimately. Then that sets up the Fenix match. I wonder if Dario Cueto will return to interfere with that match? He can't stay away for much longer, and I really miss that guy. I wonder what the stakes of Aztec Warfare will be? The first one was to crown the first champion. I wonder if this one will be for the Gift of the Gods belt that Fenix is cashing in. Edited March 11, 2016 by Fukui San Link to comment
Eriu March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I don't think it would be for the whole belt but maybe for one of the medallions? That does seem a bit anticlimactic though. Maybe it's another #1 contender shot as it will take a while to reassemble the GotG belt. Link to comment
Eriu March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 Episode description: Fenix exchanges his Gift of the Gods Championship for a Lucha Underground Championship Match. The Trios Titles are defended. Link to comment
Eriu March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 I had a brief moment of panic when I couldn't get the new episode to come up on my iTunes account, thankfully it just needed a typical reboot. Goodness Catrina was all over Fenix, not that I blame her, of course, but I think it's more than his "power" that she's after. I'm very excited that my OT3 are the Trios Champions again. I really do love that Triple Flippy Thing that they do. Mundo, you and Puma are not Bros so why are you chatting him up. Also while punching through the punching bag is impressive, I liked the growls puma noises better. I was confused by the archaic mail system and giant wax seals on the Aztec Warefare invites and then I realized that Catrina was sending them out and since she's apparently unnaturally old, it makes sense that she would use an older form of communication. If she's used to using wax seals though, that would put her at hundreds of years old. Matanza looks like a weirdo cross between Jason Voorhees and Super Shredder. I'm excited to have them all back at the Temple soon though. Go Team Fenix! That was an uber violent match and I was unaware that Mil could billed his own blood. He also seems very distressed by his hair being revealed. I guess he was having a bad hair day. Well that's certainly a crap situation for Fenix, just wins the title and now he has to defend it against 20 other guys. Link to comment
Dream Boy March 24, 2016 Share March 24, 2016 Just all out fantastic. This show was everything. I know everyone was excited for the return of Dario but I was excited to see Brenda (aka Famous B's valet aka Lana Star's valet from WOW) in the temple lol 1 Link to comment
Fukui San March 24, 2016 Share March 24, 2016 I haven't seen this yet but peeked at the results. They certainly aren't afraid to shake this up in interesting ways. Link to comment
Fukui San March 25, 2016 Share March 25, 2016 Just got to watch. It was a lot of fun. I'll say again that this is a clear improvement as a match concept over the Royal Rumble. People don't have to lay on the top rope endlessly as someone tries to pretend to be unable to push them over. Action spilling onto the floor lets you clear the ring of clutter so the guys in their can do real ring work. The Luchadores can do their signature insane jump over the top rope spots to their heart's content. Joey Ryan handcuffing himself to the railing to not get eliminated was awesome. Matanza ripping the railing off to throw him in the ring was awesome. The constant alliance building was great. Dario Cueto's return was great. And boy, if the WWE had booked Roman Reigns to have the monster run that Matanza had, he would actually seem worthy of the push that they're giving him. I'm not quite sold on Matanza, though he certainly executed a number of cool moves. They could not have debuted him any stronger, though. 1 Link to comment
Eriu March 25, 2016 Share March 25, 2016 Just got to watch. It was a lot of fun. I'll say again that this is a clear improvement as a match concept over the Royal Rumble. People don't have to lay on the top rope endlessly as someone tries to pretend to be unable to push them over. Action spilling onto the floor lets you clear the ring of clutter so the guys in their can do real ring work. The Luchadores can do their signature insane jump over the top rope spots to their heart's content. Yeeeeeessssss to all this. So much more fun. See Pentagon? This is why you don't threaten to break your bosses' arm. She'll make you go sit on time out while all the other kids get to play. Though in the end, it didn't work out nearly as well for her as she wanted it to. Everyone was busting out with their pretty outfits tonight. Fenix had the technicolor disco ball look going, Mundo appeared to be wearing most of a polar bear and Cuerno didn't bring out his Nice Hat, so you know it was all about Serious Business. I'm a bit annoyed that Taya was the only woman in the match. Did we really need to bring back Argenis and Mascarita so badly that we didn't have room for Mariposa, Cobra Moon, Sexy or Ivelisse? There is NO competition between Joey Ryan and Marty over who is creepier. Joey is just sleezy, at east he knows what "no" means and doesn't kidnap people. Matanza, or should I say "The Monster Matanza Cueto" certainly had an impressive debut. Crushes everyone AND wins the title. I was unaware that German suplex's were such a big part of Aztec God's repertoires. Link to comment
Eriu March 27, 2016 Share March 27, 2016 How Lucha Underground changed my mind about inter-gender wrestling: I admit that I'm posting this one because I've been getting a bit annoyed lately with some people being "uncomfortable" with intergender wrestling or finding it "unbelievable". Link to comment
Eriu March 30, 2016 Share March 30, 2016 Episode description: Dario Cueto returns and makes the champion defend his title. Link to comment
Dream Boy April 1, 2016 Share April 1, 2016 Mariposa and Marty are awesome together. Poor Sexy. I loved Ivelisse getting some revenge on Catrina and making her literally flip her wig lol Link to comment
Eriu April 2, 2016 Share April 2, 2016 The opening tag match was just kinda there, though I did like Taya "Sexy Charizard" costume. I also didn't like how fast Sexy got pinned. I know it's supposed to be that she's still traumatized by what happened to her, but I think they could have been s bit clearer with that. Glad to see Team Disfunction retain their titles weird though the format was, and I'm hoping that the upcoming Trios tournament will give us more variety in our teams. It's my new head cannon that Matanza got Dario that "I'm kind of a big deal" name placard for his birthday. It totally seems like a cheesy birthday gift that your brother would get for you. I was surprised that Pentagon got beaten so soundly, they really are pushing Matanza as a beast. Link to comment
Eriu April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 Episode description: The Trios Tournament begins; Fenix faces the Monster Matanza Cueto for the championship; Famous B seeks his first client; Vampiro fights with his personal demons. Link to comment
Fukui San April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 Vampiro fights with his personal demons. In this show, this could very well be literal. 1 Link to comment
Eriu April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016 (edited) I really liked the opening match this week. Solid mat work, Ivelisse was throwing some nice suplexes and Kobra was greatly improved from her first two matches. I was excited that the trios tournament was starting this episode, but not too impressed with either new team. Both teams seemed very disjointed and not in the fun Team Disfunction sort of way. However, the match itself was pretty fun. However Joey Ryan is never allowed to rub the lollipop on his chest hair AGAIN. Didn't "Officer Reyes" see Bael getting fed to Matanza last season, doesn't an officer's eye witness testimony count as "real evidence"? I know that Sexy is supposed to be suffering from serious PTSD, but I don't know how well this has been shown. On the other hand, at least the storyline seems to be moving in a good direction now. Rey and Dragon Azteca Jr were totally getting their Batman and Robin on up on those rooftops. And them with Puma for the trios tournament? Now THAT is a team I can get behind. Also, did Puma actually talk? I wasn't fully onboard with the Catrina/Fenix shipping until I saw that sly look she shot him when she sic'ed Mil on Matanza. Hotness. Also, my new head cannon is that the two of them have had a slap-slap-kiss relationship on and off for centuries (Catrina appears to be immortal and Fenix reincarnates). They can't be with together but they can't stay away from each other, either. Edited April 8, 2016 by Eriu Link to comment
Eriu April 14, 2016 Share April 14, 2016 Episode description: The Trios Tournament continues and Rey Mysterio, Prince Puma and El Dragon Azteca Jr. must compete. Dario Cueto redistributes the Seven Ancient Aztec Medallions and lets a new luchadore compete for one. Link to comment
Eriu April 15, 2016 Share April 15, 2016 I wasn't too into either of the first two matches. Argenis is just kinda there and Killshot has only started to get some development. I'm not particularly into Texano (except that he looks Ike Michael Pena) and Dago is all new (and young and pretty). Neither match was bad, just neither was particularly exciting either. I do appreciate that the Armed Forces Vet is not the bland white guy vet usually given to us in wrestling. Seems like Back Lotus is playing a double agent game, but how much of each side is she paying? Yes, she killed Dragon Azteca Sr., but her playing the long game to get back at Dario makes more sense than her suddenly being best bros with him. Was Mil meditating? It seems like it would be a bad idea to interrupt the Man of 1000 Deaths when he's trying to get his zen on. Also, I still prefer my idea that the Disciples are manifestations of Catrina's power and not actual people. The trios tournament match was fun, though no matter how hard Dario tries with his Whacky Paring Teams, he just cannot recreate the awesome of Team Disfunction. I'm a little sad that no one told Rey that tonight we would be wearing our animal hats out. Poor guy must feel left out. And while I laughed at Cage interrupting Mundo and Taya's Wind Fan entrance, I am disappointed in his lack of theatricality. That catch on Azteca when he was already holding Puma, though. Dude does not skip on leg day. Link to comment
Eriu April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 Episode description: Mil Muertes faces the Monster Matanza Cueto in a title match. Fenix gets some unlikely partners in the Trios Tournament. An old rivalry is renewed over an Aztec Medallion. Link to comment
Eriu April 22, 2016 Share April 22, 2016 All three matches this week were fun, and the backstage segments furthered the stories. Good job LU. There's just something entertaining about Drago, in full makeup, at an office meeting. Did he bring donuts? Now I want to start a Twitter hashtag about LU wrestlers doing mundane stuff. Mil at Starbucks, Marty and Mariposa in the drive through at Taco Bell. Dario is still trying the Whacky Trios Teamups. This week worked better than last, but none will be as cool as Team Disfunction. For a second there, I thought Taya was gonna tell Mundo that she was going to be his opponent for next week. That would be classic Cueto manipulation. They way Mundo keeps being a jerk-face to her though, that's gonna lead to a confrontation at some point. Well Purple Mask Guy certainly got dramatic after the DOD's loss. Honestly though, I'm surprised we didn't kill him off sooner. Dario attacking Mil was like a tiny kitten attacking a bear. Brave, but pointless. And then his office gets ruined. I'm a little sad we didn't get a Dario/Catrina brawl. Would have been very Alphonso/Beulauh from ECW. Link to comment
Eriu April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 Episode description: Quote Johnny Mundo takes on Cage in a Steel Cage Match for an Aztec Medallion. Four teams compete in the Trios Tournament Finals. Pentagon Jr. struggles with his injuries. Link to comment
Eriu April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Well, we certainly aren't wasting any time this episode are we? Straight to the cage match. Also "Cage in a Cage"? Lucha ne'er ground episode titles, so simple, so silly. Honestly, Mundo had a kendo stick, a chair and Taya and still couldn't defeat Cage. I think Taya may be backing the wrong horse here. Also, Mundo must be a BEAST in the sack for her to put up with his shit. The four way Trios match was great fun, and with all the twisting and flipping I'm pretty sure one of them will be revealed to be a sentient tornado. I'm very sad that my OT3 lost their titles, but they were down a member and at least it was to the Awesome McCool Team. The after credits scene didn't really work for me. I don't remember anything about Pentagon not being able to walk (OK, yeah, his low back was injured last time he wrestled but I don't remember anything to indicate that it was that bad) and while Vampiro was on the path back to full on crazy-town, he hadn't seemed to hit it fully before now. It didn't really seem to add anything, though LU does play the long game, so it may have much more meaning in the future. Link to comment
Fukui San May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 Best episode of the season so far, I think. Great action all around. Even the first Trios elimination advanced a plot point. I believe Angelico was really injured at the time of the taping, so that made the decision easy. Link to comment
Eriu May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 And it also gave an excellent excuse for a Team Disfunction rematch. They may have lost, but they were down a man, so it's only fair for the to get another shot. Of coarse, with Dario in charge, he may just say "too bad, so sad" and insist that they defeat a trios team of Matanza, Quetzalcoatl and Godzilla before getting a rematch. Link to comment
Eriu May 13, 2016 Share May 13, 2016 We now have confirmation that Catrina older than she looks, at least 197. But apparently not fully immortal, as she stated that she and Mil were still seaking that. Also, Matanza is possesed by an Aztec God, though which one is not mentioned. Interesting that none of the Aztec gods have been mentioned by name. And by what Councilman Delgado said, it seems that his boss is also somehow connected to one of the gods as well. Link to comment
Eriu May 27, 2016 Share May 27, 2016 Episode description: Rey Mysterio, Prince Puma and El Dragon Azteca Jr. defend their Trios Championship. Joey Ryan and Cortez Castro's cover gets blown. The Gift of the Gods Championship is defended. Oh, hey, Pentagon's got legs again! And Vampiro's Evil Alter Ego seems somewhat sane tonight. Can everyone just stop invading Melisa Santo's space? This is getting ridiculous. Maybe be we should all pitch in for a bubble suit for her. Seriously, Cuerno, it doesn't count as a trophy if you didn't kill it yourself. Kidnapping Mil after Matanza took him out is cheating. Also, where's Catrina? I'm hoping she'll end up teleporting into the Trophy Room like a Las Vegas Magician to spring Mil. Chavo's obnoxious poncho has gotten bigger and more obnoxious. By next season it'll be the size of the ring. I'm glad Cage went right for the title challenge, no need for fucking around. Poor passed out Fenix, now I'm envisioning some wacky scenario where Taya baked Fenix a cake laced with sleeping pills. The air guitar session was both awesome and ridiculous. For fucks sake, Joey and Cortez are the Worst Undercover Cops EVER. Just bribe Mr Cisco, don't risk blowing your cover. I hereby declare the new Trios Champs "Team Dudebro". They are just soooo douchey. And kinda dirty-hot. Link to comment
Watermelon June 2, 2016 Share June 2, 2016 Kobra was 2 seconds from giving that man fellatio in the middle of the ring. It was soooo unsexy. Any team Johnny Mundo is on is dirty-hot. 1 Link to comment
Eriu June 2, 2016 Share June 2, 2016 I'm interested to see where the Kobra/Daga thing goes. We just had a creepy stalker storyline happen, so I don't think they'd do that again so quickly. Link to comment
Fukui San June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 An interesting write up on the economics of Lucha Underground and why it doesn't behave like other wrestling companies. The Business Model of Lucha Underground 1 Link to comment
EAG46 July 24, 2018 Share July 24, 2018 I have come late to LU and holy SNOT it is awesome. The action is beautiful and the storylines are interesting. Since this was first written, Dario has been shot, his dad Antonio has taken over, [played by the same actor that played Dario of course] and Matanza has been freed of whatever godly shackle was in that key. With that power, Matnaza can eliminate wrestlers via Sacrifice. After he defeats them, the Temple goes dark and they vanish. Also, since the tapings are in a new building, the power of the Temple is apparently in the symbol on the ring mat. All credit to the producers for their adaptability. Link to comment
Watermelon September 11, 2018 Share September 11, 2018 I’ll be honest. I hate the new temple, while enjoying the storyline that anywhere the symbol is, is the temple. Link to comment
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