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Shelli Poole: Orange is the New Barbie

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Have I waited too long to make a thread for the Spray Tan Queen, or can her Prince Ken find a way to keep both of them in the BB Dream House?  How did her social game suddenly go to pot ("I didn't want Jason to be evicted! Why are you putting me on the spot?") when she'd been doing so well before?  And how does she not realize she's "flirtmancing" with the spitting image of her baby brother?  (See Clay's thread for the Clay/Lance photo comparison.)


Part of Shelli's early success may be due to the fact that she studied Psychology at the University of Georgia (B.S., 2005), but we are now apparently seeing that her ability to get people to like her may be inhibiting her willingness to take decisive action.  She felt more comfortable throwing the HoH and assuming she could work the deal to keep her and Clay safe (and why not the twins?  Where's the Zeta Love now?) than being willing to helm a "line in the sand" eviction instead of the "well, it's a personal issue between Da'Vonne and me" and "yes, it's time for Audrey to go" weeks she presided over previously.  Whether this comes back to haunt her, only time will tell.


More importantly, here's Shelli's dog, Rango, writer of her Week 4 HoH letter and, judging by some of the footage we've seen of Clay, quite likely the smartest man in her life:





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I want her to stay because I think I'll like her more without her son by her side. I think she would be a much better player without Clay with her in the game. Plus, she's still a big target and Clay has potential to skate by to the end without Shelli. So...no, thank you on another pretty boy getting to the end and possibly winning.

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I want her to stay because I think I'll like her more without her son by her side. I think she would be a much better player without Clay with her in the game. Plus, she's still a big target and Clay has potential to skate by to the end without Shelli. So...no, thank you on another pretty boy getting to the end and possibly winning.


Oh, hell, yeah, I'm really hoping she wins Veto.  (Or that Clay wins it and Brendons himself out of the game.  I don't see that happening, though.)  With her gone, if the HoHs start running against Sixth Sense, Clay probably gets at least three passes; I could see Austin, Vanessa, and at least one of the twins going before he did.  But if Shelli stays, she's still a target.  (And if she manages to change that, good for her.)


Okay, so production has to be reading the boards, or some boards, anyway, right?  I refuse to believe that it was just coincidence that Shelli was assigned the orange costume for the Veto competition, or that the beverage she was provided with for her punishment (which she beasted, btw) was orange Gatorade. Somebody's having some fun with us.


And yes, I noticed her talking to the other HGs as she (presumably) talks to Rango, as noted in the episode thread.  First it was, "Clay! No! Stop! [bad Doggie!]" when Clay went off on James, then "Vanessa! Stop! Sit down! [You're better than that!]" when Lady MacV was about to be heard as far as Birnham Wood, and then there was the later "Vanessa, hey! Come here! [Give Mommy a hug! Who's a good puppy?]" in the bathroom.  Hilarious.


(Note:  I typed all this while trying to dissuade my cat from his not-entirely-unsuccessful "pull books off the shelves so I can get food" strategy.  Now I have to figure how long to make him wait so he doesn't think it's working…)


Still hoping she stays, though.  Even if she's looking more and more like Dani Donato (*shivers*) to me every day.

Edited by DAngelus
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Catching up on my BBADs and Shelli mentioned that her siblings are spread out over a 15-year period (oldest sister is 44, next is 38, Shelli and her twin brother Wes are 33, and Clay-lookalike brother Lance is 29) and none of them have kids, and of the five, Shelli is the only one who has ever been married, and that was just for the one year.


Either Mama and Papa Poole are the most-low-pressure parents ever or Shelli and her sibs are really good at tuning them out.  I can't even imagine how my parents would be in that situation, and we're a smaller family than that.  The "subtle hints" would be dropping like a rain of anvils, every time any of us saw either one of them.


Has anyone ever found a picture of Shelly's little Clay look-a-like brother? It would be funny if he looked like Michael Cera or something.


Yes, very early on.  A side-by-side is in Clay's thread.


Even though I didn't particularly like Shelli, I'm rather sorry we didn't really get to see her play without Clay.  And I'll miss the little "Zeta love" bonding moments with the twins.  Really rather foolish of Basic Becky to put Shelli up as a "pawn" when she and Johnny Mac could have captured her as a number; when you set out to make an ally out of someone who's become a target of the house, you just can't afford to do this.  See April "pawning" Jessie in BB10, for example, or Elissa pawning Aaryn in BB15.  (To be fair, Aaryn was really reluctant to jump sides unless  she was in danger, so the whole plan might never have worked; if Elissa just puts up McCranda right away, Aaryn might just stick to Andy and turn "3AM" into "2AM" or "AAA", depending on which of McCranda left.)  Gotta draw the line and tuck the pariah in your pocket.  Oh, well.

Edited by DAngelus

Catching up on my BBADs and Shelli mentioned that her siblings are spread out over a 15-year period (oldest sister is 44, next is 38, Shelli and her twin brother Wes are 33, and Clay-lookalike brother Lance is 29) and none of them have kids, and of the five, Shelli is the only one who has ever been married, and that was just for the one year.


Following up on this, I should also explain how Shelli was originally named "Audrey", as she mentioned during the premiere and I referred to in the most recent episode thread.  As Shelli told the story, she was a "hidden" twin, tucked in at the top of her mother's uterus and the doctor could only see Wes during the examinations.  (I guess sonogram technology in 1982 wasn't so great?  You'd think the doc might have caught the extra fetal heartbeat, though…even though Shelli does have a murmur.)  So along came the big day, and Wes emerges, presumably to the delight of his dad, who'd been waiting 11 years (since the birth of Shelli's oldest sister) for a son…and then the doc is like "okay, all done…shit, wait, is that another one?"  and Papa Poole is all "Noo! I already got enough girls! Throw her back!" (okay, maybe not exactly like this)…well, anyhow, Shelli is the surprise guest and her parents haven't picked out any "girl" names, since they only knew Wes was coming.  (I guess the sonogram was good enough to show Wes's boy parts, at least…)


So they need to fill out the birth certificate, and they just pick the first name that comes to mind, "Audrey Caroline Poole".  (Shelli didn't specify, but I'd guess those were the names of female relatives, perhaps.)  And then, two weeks later, the parents decide that's really not the name they want, and go and have it changed to "Melissa Michelle Poole", and she's been "Shelli" ever since.  And so this summer we had one HG whose name was changed from "Audrey", and another who changed her name to Audrey.  Which I'm somewhat Aud by, I must say.  (Sorry!)

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