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Second String: CI's Recurring Secondary Characters...

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This came to me since, I guess, ion is rotating to S6 and I know the woman who examined the motorcycle in "Tru Love" will reappear in "Vanishing Act" in S7. But there were others.


So I figured a thread about them wouldn't be amiss.


Another I know is the blonde female cop who starts popping up in S6 when G/E would arrive at the crime scene. She seemed to stick around through S8, damned if I recall her name.


And, naturally, Goren's friend, Lewis.


Discuss the second string players here.

Not an important post, but it fits the topic: "Dollhouse" on USA (S5) is on (Insomnia sucks) and the forensic accounting guy is the same guy that Ross directs to look into Goren's finances (which pisses Eames off ) in "Frame". Or I'm 98% sure it is.


And noticed the same computer guy at MCS in S10 in "Boots On The Ground" MAY HAVE been the same guy all the way back in S1 in "The Third Horseman". If so, yay for obscure continuity.

I am probably the only person who enjoyed the Nicole Wallace episodes. I just like the way she gets to Goren more than any other perp (and the way Eames recognizes this). I accepted the silly plot device of making her an offscreen presence in the Michael York episode, but I will never forgive the show for bumping her off offscreen--by Martha Plimpton's ridiculous character of all people. Even for people who hated the Nicole character, that was a big middle finger from Warren Leight to the first five seasons of the show.

Edited by Shriekingeel

I am probably the only person who enjoyed the Nicole Wallace episodes. I just like the way she gets to Goren more than any other perp (and the way Eames recognizes this). I accepted the silly plot device of making her an offscreen presence in the Michael York episode, but I will never forgive the show for bumping her off offscreen--by Martha Plimpton's ridiculous character of all people. Even for people who hated the Nicole character, that was a big middle finger from Warren Leight to the first five seasons of the show.


Apparently Rene Balcer (EP of CI for the first five seasons) agreed with that sentiment since

Nicole was found to be alive, after all, on his Paris-set French [but English-speaking complete with cameos from L&O actors] CI series, Jo.


And it wasn't Jo Gage who went after Nicole, but her equally nutty father, and Bobby's mentor, Declan Gage.

I liked Nicole. Every Sherlock needs a Moriarty. I've always said that with all the praise Elementary (on CBS) received for having a woman Watson and a woman Moriarty, CI did both 10 (15?) years earlier.


I loved the Mothership and CI. And both, unfortunately, have seemed to be overshadowed by SVU to some extent. It is what it is.


But in terms of CI doing it all first, I agree. But it was also sort of disturbing at a point, Goren's sympathy for Nicole. I mean, she killed his brother (even if Frank was no prize at all).


I'll admit the dynamic was twisted but fascinating early on.

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Watching BBC's Sherlock special last night on PBS reminded me of how much I thought CI got Nicole as a woman Moriarty absolutely right. Moriarty, to me, is the only one who almost knows Sherlock better than he knows himself and uses his weaknesses against him. But it's his lack of humanity that works against him in the end, and Sherlock comes out the victor. This was absolutely Nicole and Goren, to me. "A Person of Interest" (?? S2 finale?) comes to mind immediately in that regard.

I will say that I do agree with those here who said it should have been Goren in the final showdown with Nicole. Sure, I'm still glad Declan got rid of her, but even I admit it was Bobby who had the history and the pathos with her.


I know Bobby often sympathized with Nicole, no matter how heinous. But I wonder what, if anything, could have stopped that. Seems like her killing Frank didn't necessarily curb it entirely. Maybe if she targeted his mom? Or Alex?


I would have been interested to see how Bobby could have ultimately rose above the Nicole quagmire.

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