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S01.E03: The International Queen of Mystery Ball

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As the queens celebrate their last elimination-free episode, Vanity continues to congratulate herself for her win and yes, I still can't remember much about her challenge performance at all, but it's nice to see someone giving themselves some flowers instead of begging for them. The other queens are less charitable (or have been told to be less charitable), and quibble with her lackluster lipsynch. And to be fair, it was a pretty lackluster lipsynch. Minor bitchery ensues as the queens grapple for season-long story-arcs. Some may succeed!

RuPaul enters the Werkroom and wisely decides to ditch the fillers this episode: it's time for a ball. And oh lord, this will involve all the contestants, with three separate looks, so we're going for the fashion overkill. Vanity may not be good at math, but there's a certain weariness in her expression that suggests that this is a lot of Lewk for each pair of eyeballs who are going to watch this episode. 

Ru announces the categories, and they don't really seem to be connected in any way, but we'll go with it. First up: "Boss Lady in Charge", which is translated by most of our beloved queens as "wear a suit with sparkly things on it!". Okay. Pythia starts the runway with a Little Lord Fauntleroy Power Suit -- how is that even a thing? -- topped by a towering beehive studded with security cameras. It's not my favourite thing, but it's well tailored. Eva, Kween, Athena, and Kitty flash by in a series of subliminal flashes that look like outtakes from a casting call for a live-action Off Broadway production of 101 Dalmatians. Miranda looks great in a cartoonish latex ensemble, but the silhouette is similar to (and less impactful than) Shea Coulee's constructed RuCreation look from her AS season. Nehellenia follows with an ugly boudoir look -- how did she escape the bottom this week? -- and Alyssa is STUNNING in a digitized, kinetic homage to The Matrix. I don't buy the story that she's selling, but am too mesmerized by the ensemble to care at this point. I know that time for each look is limited, but I could have watched this for at least five minutes. Wow! The remaining looks are kind of meh, although the Judges claim to love Tessa's look. Again: meh.

The second category is "She-vil Villain". Pythia again starts out the runway in a clean look that I don't really love. I mean, it's a biker short jumpsuit with exaggerated shoulders covered with sparkly things. It's nice? As we go through the runway, though, it's clear that this is one of this runway's top looks, because most of the rest of the looks are either mediocre or miss the mark for the category. How on earth do Kween and Kitty project "Villain"? Why is Athena going cosplay? (and again -- Scarlet Envy's created look was better) Miranda walks down the runway in a garment that looks like it's eaten her, and I appreciate the concept, but also agree with the Judges that it just doesn't really fit the category. Nehellenia trots out Vivacious' club kid look in S6, and it looks just as dated now as it did then. Nice callback, Nehellenia! Alyssa is, again, the stunner of the group with an amazing nod to her S5 Black Swan performance with an extravagant explosion of feathers and latex that clearly cost a mint. Alyssa clearly has a massive advantage over the other queens in having a massive budget to buy the best looks, but still -- damn. Other looks follow unimpactfully, although Tessa looks pretty good at the end of the runway.

Finally -- the main event! The Category is "The International Queen of Mystery", and as Pythia enters on stage, it's clear that she's taking this round. Her constructed outfit is amazing and the best for her presented looks. This was, indeed, a great showcase for her talents. Brava! The rest of the looks run the gamut from okay-to-good, and no one really bombs the challenge, although Soa's chartreuse wig is terrible. I also really disliked Tessa's creation the more that she moved in it. There are big issues with fit and construction, and in Untucked, most of the other queens deconstruct it some more with petty gripes about its inherent ugliness. Well, it is ugly. And it misses the theme. And the ugly "Miss Undercover" sash pasted on the front really doesn't help, either.

Pythia and Alyssa are really the only two tops of the week, which is correct. Pythia wins! Well, she won the last category. I think that the Judges just gave her the win because it's clear that Alyssa has her massive budgetary advantage for the runway, although I have to say that her constructed look was pretty good! For Alyssa.

Soa and Athena find their way in the bottom although I really would have taken out either one for Nehellenia's Celebration of All Things Tacky. This is a good song, but neither queen does much with it. Soa is, however, more effective, and so she stays, notwithstanding her ugly wig. Congratulations, Soa!

Next week: it's the Girl Group challenge! Kitty is excited! We shall see if her enthusiasm is contagious. 

Edited by davidcalgary29
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I just finished re-watching season 5 where we first meet Alyssa & the unforgettable Coco Montrese, RoLaskaTox and our beloved Jinxx Monsoon (The never-to-be-surpassed Snatch Game winner of all time, with Little Edie).  What a sashay down memory lane!!

But with age & wisdom, it really struck me with how much more empathetic and supportive Alyssa seems to have gotten.  It was nice to see no cattiness.  We'll see if it lasts.  And her costumes are without a doubt the best money can buy!

Michelle V looks amazing, her face guy is obviously top notch. But I will never NOT miss Santino, even all these years later. 

I imagine Michelle will be the girl group mentor, since she's the "expert".  But doesn't it "take two to make it right?".

Come on Friday!


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