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S06.E11: The Next Episode

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Forsooth!  The show doth amuse.

Super fun moment when Olivia challenged Spence (Daniel, the Brit) to speak with an English accent.  Of course, the character was Italian...

My next favorite moment was when Laura was freaking out at the "fitting" about pretty much EVERYthing.  She protested that she was a perfectionist and would be turrible on her first date.  A bigger truth has never been spoken on this show!  And her pals dismissed it out of hand.  Which was their job. 

All hail Amina!  The Oracle has spoken.  Feelings are all that truly matter.  Who knew?

The phony boyfriend gambit was a classic Coop move.  Again, totally unnecessary as an NDA is not binding in criminal matters.  The lawyers would never have allowed the deal to be consummated well after court was adjourned and they would have insisted on vetting the "boyfriend" well before they would participate in a deal.

Daddy Asher can go away yesterday.  If he stays, beatification is assured.  Borrrrrring.

This wedding better be played straight up without the customary road blocks.  Jordan and Layla have already been made to suffer a ton of this already.  No way would they allow misunderstanding to get in the way now.  Does Spence know that First Round draft picks are expected to take an arranged charter plane to be at the offices of the team which drafted him the next morning?

Overall, decent ep closing the lid on a couple of arcs and making way for new blood.  



I was amused by the title of this episode.  I know all the titles are hip hop songs--and unlike at least half, I actually know this one (more the instrumental part), but they usually have something to do with a particular plot.  In this case, it's like they couldn't think of one in particular to highlight, so they said, "Eh, let's just call it this." 

I liked how Coop was inspired by "Hood NPR" or whatever she said, even if it realistically would have blown up in her face.  I appreciate that they managed to get through the entire storyline without us hopefully having to see Miko even once this season.  But she probably won't be sent to prison for long, and it's not like she'll get less angry and crazy in the meantime.  Hopefully her sentence is long enough to last the rest of the show at least.  It seems like Coop is more into their relationship than Patience is, and I'm afraid it will not end well, likely because of the show's budgetary concerns.  But maybe they're planning on going with Preach, Amina, Deion and those other kids for the main characters next season so they wouldn't have to make Coop dumped and sad to keep her around.

I think when they get to Jordan and Layla's wedding there will be some sort of wacky hi-jinks, but I don't think there will really be any threat to them getting married.  Now that Layla has found some more stability in her mental health, I think she and Jordan are more likely to find happiness than the other characters (except for probably Asher and Jaymee, as I'm finally convinced they won't kill her off unless they pull something totally out of left field).  I'm still surprised Jordan didn't decide to go to the NFL but I guess they decided they couldn't have two characters do that at the same time.

I think Spencer's comment about the second day of the draft is probably some foreshadowing that something stupid will happen that causes him to not be drafted in the first round at all.  I tried to cheat and look at the description of the episode after next, but they didn't give up any info in that.

They even highlighted Olivia's comment about the British accent in the previews last week, so they must have known it would go over well!  I liked Amina's "I'm not really dead, kiss me!" ad lib.  I'm surprised she isn't even more of a handful after being raised by Mo for so long.  It seems like Amina went through a bigger time jump than everyone else to end up 15 now, but I'm not sure.

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