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Season 5, 24 Episodes - Laundry Baskets for Everyone!

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In my re-rewatch, I’ve hit Season 5. So many laundry baskets. SO MANY. Chris, Marilyn, Ruth-Ann and Maggie at the Laundromat. Even Maurice at the laundromat. Everyone walking around Cicely is carrying a half full laundry basket, no towel covering the top. Even Eve walks around with a laundry basket. It bugs.

You can definitely see the change from Brand/Falsey to Chase as showrunner. 

There are a lot of filler stories without any overarching theme. Like Chris having test anxiety, Maggie being Homecoming Queen, Holling going cheap on Ron and Erick’s wedding catering. 

The show is at it’s best when the multiple stories have a theme, which Chris draws together with his quotes and readings. Some episodes are good, but fewer than in the previous three.

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S5E8: “Heal Thyself”. Chris, to Maggie, as he helps install her new washer and dryer (which she wanted so she could avoid going to the laundromat):

”The day’s coming and it ain’t gonna be long, when you ain’t even gonna have to leave your living room. No more schools, no more bodegas, no more tabernacles, no more cineplexes. Alright? You’re gonna snuggle up to your fiber optics, baby, and bliss out.”

Okay then. Glad I’m watching this in 2024 and not 3 or 4 years ago!

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