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Constellation - General Discussion

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Constellation is an 8 episode fusion blend of sci-fi, psychological, and conspiracy thriller streaming the first 3 episodes on February 21, 2024 on Apple TV+. The show was filmed in Finland, Germany and Morocco.

When a fatal accident occurs on board the International Space Station, a lone astronaut makes the heroic journey back to Earth, only to discover key pieces of her life seem to be missing, even her young daughter seems to have changed.


Noomi Rapace as Johanna "Jo", an astronaut who returns to Earth after a disaster in space. Jo suffers from visions, altered memories, and unfamiliar experiences when she returns to her life, blurring the lines between what is real and what is perceived. A piece of technology from Jo's ill-fated space mission emerges, and may hold the key to Jo’s unanswered questions. 


Jonathan Banks as Bud/Henry?, there are several descriptions of this character which I think will be blended together is some way, since they all seem relevant. 

Bud/Henry is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who has tasked Jo to take his secret discovery to the International Space Station and protect it until she returns back to Earth.

Bud/Henry is an engineer who has seen astronauts affected by the same psychological problems that Jo has been experiencing.

Bud/Henry is a former astronaut who hasn't quite recovered from his last trip to space. 


James D’Arcy as Magnus, Jo's husband 


Rosie Coleman as Alice, Jo's daughter


Davina Coleman as Alice, Jo's daughter


William Catlett as Paul Lancaster, a fellow astronaut 
Julian Looman as Frederic


Barbara Sukowa as Irene Lysenko
Clare-Hope Ashitey as Agent Bright
Henry David as Ilya
Lenn Kudrjawizki as Sergei
Carole Weyers as Audrey Brostin
Rebecca Scroggs as Frida Lancaster

Edited by AnimeMania
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