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Society of the Snow (2023)


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Just like JA Bayona's true story tsunami film THE IMPOSSIBLE, SOCIETY OF THE SNOW was incredibly immersive and stunning in recreating those moments.

I've never seen 1993's ALIVE based on this story, but I knew about the cannabilism because that's all everyone talked about.  Bayona blessedly used the book "Society of the Snow: The Definitive Account of the World's Greatest Survival Story" to form this film. By doing so he gave the dead life.  It was no longer about how they died but how they lived. We learned their names. We saw their humanity.

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It's weird - the Andes plane crash has been a special interest of mine ever since  I first saw Alive back when it was new, and I've been saying for ages that there needed to be a proper, more authentic retelling, yet I had no idea this movie was in the works. I'm really, really glad it exists now, though, because it's everything Alive should have been.

Cinematically I thought it was stunning, and the acting was strong (and also a huge improvement on Alive). And having Numa Turcatti be the narrator is a really interesting choice, for obvious reasons. My heart broke for him when reading the book.

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