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Given that we can build our own ships, I wonder how long before the usual suspects appear on social media. Enterprise, Falcon, Rocinante, Normandy, etc. My guess, maybe two months. Give people time to actually play the game and figure out how things work. Improved designs within another couple of months.

Be cool if there was an expansion allowing organic ships, like Moya. And even better, a way of sharing ships between characters. After getting a star destroyer, I probably won't want to go back to whatever half-broken Millennium Falcon wannabe the starter ship is. For added points, ships released as mods. Bob has built the best Enterprise, that's the one I want to use!

This all assumes that my expectations meet reality. I've probably blown it out of proportion, but there might be a chance. :)

Full character creation vid! I'm still not sure who I want be, but at least there are options. Couple of things I noticed, it looks like scars are one-off like Skyrim, rather than being able to apply a bunch like Fallout. Also, when I see a Black woman with a mohawk these days, I think Naomi Nagata. There's also Storm, but she doesn't hang around space as much as Naomi. Deliberate? I wouldn't be surprised to see a few lookalikes here and there.


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