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Stimulated Evironments: Relationships in the Future


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On 4/16/2020 at 12:02 AM, AnimeMania said:

Discuss how love and lust will manifest itself in the future.

Apparently the avatars are not very sensitive. I mean no wonder bacon donuts, they could only taste salt and sweet. On the other hand the printed food also limited in taste? Not like real food? Whole population that doesn’t know complexities of taste, smell, not as awful as it would be for us. Touch must be limited too? Is vr sex common? Probably pretty bad, vr sex. You would remember the creepy rubber suit. 

But Nora and Nathan are getting to know each other, she really isn’t acquainted with Byron. I think Byron thinks they have a relationship because it is the most involved he has ever been. Maybe in the second season it will be more real while Nathan hangs there without available bandwidth or genitals. 

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