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S21.E10: Must Be Held Accountable

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1. "Men kill women they like all the time". Couldn't we have said "People"?

2. Once again Olivia stands in front of the door and knocks when there could have been a gunman inside? Then rushes in past the SWAT team before they've cleared the place?

3. Yes, of course the judge has to be corrupt, god knows nobody could honestly disagree with the SVU?

4. And when did he call her a whore exactly?

5. I know the mum was in rehab but what, she's just finding out about the trial featuring her daughters NOW?

6. What, Carisi wants the judge who is involved in the case to issue the search warrant for the lawyer's office?

7. Rollins doesn't call in before walking Martinez into the squad room?

8. Why not just fake arresting Connor to get Rollins released?

9. Nice Roger Stone reference, almost didn't get it.

10. Kat seems to live with her foot in the mouth.

11. So why did he kill himself if he had the goods to trade upon the rich and powerful?

12. Surely it's better that the 'victims' don't have to testify and be ripped apart on the stand?  


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On 1/16/2020 at 8:32 PM, Corvino said:

I thought Getz's motivation for killing himself was that he and his lawyer were all smug about getting immunity for handing over that box o'blackmail, and then the detectives showed him the key to the box, indicating that they already had it and didn't need him. So he did, in fact, face life in prison with no deals.

I am that rare bird for whom the first scene of the earlier episode was written. I wanted to see, from the start, that he ended up jailed and (self-)punished, because then I could enjoy the twists and turns of the two episodes without burning with indignation lest he get away. And I thought it was an interesting approach for us to know for sure that it was suicide, but have the detectives spinning theories about fake death or murder. Of course if it does turn out for certain that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, the writers will have sidestepped a massive can of worms by doing it that way, and they'll surely be embarrassed at having chosen the false story as their fictional truth.  It's VERY suspicious, all right. But the show does claim that the story is not based on any real person or event, so... Getz is just not Epstein. Riiiiiight.

I agree that the perp turning up dead would be cause for exultation among the victims. Especially if, as the name Bucci might indicate, they were Catholics and believed that suicide would send him right to Hell (though really it's his crimes that would do that).

But I thought this episode was really good. Of course one doesn't enjoy the older daughter's victimization in Part One, but there's so much to enjoy here. The silly mother's comeuppance when she learns the truth, the takedown of the judge and lawyer, and the fact that since Bucci had no intention of doing anything sexual to Rollins, the kidnapping was suspenseful but not unpleasant. Yep, I liked it.

Oh, Connor, semi-innocent son of Angel, how low have you sunk since that show! Will Vincent Kartheiser ever play a good guy again, or will his baby face keep him in the villain box for the irresistible paradox?

Semi innocent? He sank his dad to the bottom of the ocean, killed that poor girl even when Darla tried to stop him and fed people to Jasmine! Okay, not exactly all his fault and he comes good in 5 but still...

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