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Ray: He's Got Legs

Tara Ariano

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I'm not a fan of Bloody Ferlin. It's a funny episode, but I just don't really enjoy it that much. Not enough Lana, for my tastes, and I think they hit the Justified theme a bit too hard.


I do like Ray, though. Him being crippled/not crippled/crippled/not crippled, has been one of the most fun running gags on the show, and it was hilarious when he was pretending his legs were gone again, in Colombia, until Archer apologised for getting them into that hairy situation.


One of the funniest things about this whole show is the way it uses delayed reactions and silence, to generate laughs. And they do it with Ray as well as with any of them. Like when Archer (again in Colombia) was explaining how he recorded that elaborate message on his phone, and talked about how he stole Ray's burrito and Ray was wheeling around after him, trying to get it back. The silence and absolute contempt and repressed rage from Ray before he said he remembered, absolutely killed me.


I think he'd be my third favourite regular, after Archer and Lana.

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