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Posts posted by Jordan27

  1. What I'd like to see is the troubles of Haven making it into the Dome. That way we won't just have boring old knife and axe murders, we will have crazy over the top "troubled" murders!

    Then Rebecca will come up with cream corn to solve the "troubles".

    • Love 4
  2. I long ago gave up any pretext that this is any quality take on people trapped under a dome.  I look at it as TV's version of the movie, Airplane.


    The writing is juvenile, the acting laughable, the characters ridiculous in almost everything they do.  It's a parody and I watch it that way and enjoy it.


    So, my take on this week's fun and frivolity in dome, sweet dome....


    There is a lot of exposition done by characters that doesn't need to be....in the opening...


    Joe: The dome is starting and stopping.  

    We know, we can see it.


    Rebecca: The dome is evolving.



    Joe: Why is it moving again?

    A lot of questions are also asked with no apparent answer, so why ask them?


    Barbie: I'm helping people out of their homes.

    Which is basically waving them out and saying go that way.  Of course, no one could do this without Barbie's help.


    And lima beans can be used to type blood?  Is this right in there with the windmill?  Did you notice they got almost 10 cans of lima beans?  Are they planning on typing the whole town? How many beans does it take to type blood?


    Rebecca:  Maybe Melanie faked her own death.

    Because she looks over 40?!??!?


    Joe, with more exposition commenting on the dome..."Look, it's stopping."

    The problem is that it didn't stop until he said something. 


    Later, there were comments the dome was moving faster...  Rebecca was frantically calculating how soon they would all be dome mush, but it looked the dome had only moved 10 feet even at the end.


    This show is really funny, what hijinks will our domeites get into next week....Will Jim kill someone? Will Junior threaten to kill someone? Will Joe continue telling us everything we can see?  Will the Mill people have heart to heart talks with the dome?  Will Rebecca come up with another out of this world solution to some outrageous situation?  Will the domers miraculously heal from previous injuries? Well, of course, this is Hunter's Mill and reality doesn't exist here.


    Next Week...the finale...


    Don't miss it, same dome time, same dome channel!!!

    • Love 8
  3. I think she jumped over the cliff when no one was looking and is already in California.  The actress probably jumped off this sinking ship and found a better gig on a Netflix show or something.

    A Waffle House waitress would be a better gig.

    • Love 1
  4. 2 Degrees?!??  And people are freezing to death?!?  It snowed this winter and I played in it for over an hour and it was around zero.  I had on a sweatshirt, coat, hat and gloves and I didn't get hypothermia.  In fact, when I came in, I was sweating underneath my clothes.


    The inconsistency of the cold is silly.....


    The man comes in with his wife dead and they have frost in their hair.  They wouldn't have frost in their hair inside a home and certainly would have warmed up if he brought in a car. 


    Barbie and Julia are riding in a heated ambulance.  It would take a while to get that cold inside it with blankets and body heat from each other.  And why didn't they put their heads under the blankets?


    Big Jim runs around looking for gas with no heavy clothing and calmly picks up a metal container with no gloves and seems to suffer no ill effects from the cold.


    Rebecca tells people they won't last long outside.  It's two degrees, not 50 below!!!


    And the silly Julia deciding to secure the stretcher.  Who cares that it's rattling?  A little OCD maybe.  And why was Barbie driving so fast?


    Joe continues to grate.  Almost nothing he says is anything like most people would say.


    Junior saying he didn't want to help his father.  Of course, last ep he was saying he still had hope.


    And finally, Rebecca and Jim have the most heel, face turns in history.  How many times are they against each other and then making up again? Rebecca thanking Jim for getting gas with those puppy dogs eyes was nauseating.

  5. Ha! So true. I'm hoping that next, the dome will float off into space with everyone trapped inside.

    Noooo, we already have the 100.  It's dreck too.



    The dome is just doing the Hokey Pokey.


    That's what it's all about.

    • Love 4
  6. Good episode and I liked that the kid seemed to get it a lot quicker than Eph and Nora, who continues to bug.  In fact, I don't really see any use for her character other than to be annoying. 


    She tells Fet he should be more human about him killing vampire creatures?  There are no longer human Nora!!!  Why don't you get a clue and grow up!  And complaining about stealing?!?!  I don't think the authorities will mind if you wipe out the vampire plague.  Worst character on the show. 


    If she was on my team, I would have dropped her off long ago.


    Abraham and Fet continue to impress.  And I really liked the flashbacks. 

    • Love 1
  7. These are the same cops who hauled Gus and Felix off without noticing that the guy they'd been tussling with had a long sucking tentacle.

    The cops are basically jobbers, just doing their job to be there, but not be part of the storyline or solution.

  8. "The leaves are turning.  Fall is coming!!!"  Oh no, run for lives, the seasons are changing.  Build a windmill, fly a plane, hatch a new stupid plot.


    The show continues with ridiculous dialogue, people trusting when they shouldn't and basic logic and reasoning suspended.


    Under the dome, people are dumb.....okay, outside the dome, not so smart either.

    • Love 3
  9. What was up with Hassan? Not one bit of his characterization made sense. Who is really going to be that concerned with their shop, surrounded by that kind of nightmare?

    Yeah, why write a character so stupid.  Deranged people, at least, are killing and attacking the store and he's more worried about the night's receipts.


    And did he say he was waiting on the cops?  The one's they couldn't get hold of.


    Eph and Nora still haven't come over fully to the Slayer's side, still doubting him.  And did she say something highminded about being thieves?  Yes, Nora, you can steal something if your town is being invaded by a vampire plague.  Good grief.


    Abe and Vas are great.  Get Buffy with them and you'd have a winning team.

  10. I was completely underwhelmed by this episode. I shouldn't be surprised that Tom and the gang happened upon two other white men because this show doesn't understand diversity to save its life.

    This show is about aliens from other worlds.  Sounds like plenty of diversity to me.

  11. I was so glad that Rebecca didn't follow the pattern of everyone else in town, and believe Big Jim even after all the times he'd lied.

    The bad news is that Rebecca's expression in the whole episode was one of a child when a parent is scolding them.   Almost looked like she was about to cry in every scene.

    Pauline goes to Big Jim's house to see Junior, and encounters Big Jim -- who is absolutely dumbfounded, either because his wife is alive, and under the dome, or maybe both.


    I think he was stunned that after climbing out of the lake, her clothes were dry and he hair was done.  The magic of the dome.

    It does drycleaning and haircare.

    It's good to see that even the SmokeMonster got a new gig after Lost.


    That's actually the Smoke Monster's nephew.  The Lost Smoke Monster retired after the show.  Wanted to spend more time with his little smokies. 


    Unfortunately for Lyle, he popped up in Branson, Missouri.


    Could have been worse.  Could have popped up in Ferguson, Missouri.

    • Love 5
  12. I like how they changed the intro from 2 weeks ago to a few weeks ago.  Way to keep up show producers !


    And it already needs updating.  Barbie is doing the voiceover and says, "We'll doing anything to get out of the dome."


    Well, you already have and now you're back in it.

  13. Oh, the show continues it's silliness....


    (To Julia) Big Jim:  Give me a call if you see anything unusual outside the dome. 


    Uh, why?  What is he going to do about it and why would she call him?


    When Pauline says she will bring Junior back and is asked about bringing Big Jim back...."I can't think of that right now."


    Do you have something else to do?  It takes 10 seconds to think about and answer.


    Big Jim: "It is my job to lead the people of this town to freedom."


    Except when the militia won't swap the egg for the town, it becomes him and his son.


    Pauline, Sam and Lyle show up at the park with two threatening guys sitting on a bench who might as well have been holding signs that said, "We are here to follow you."  Sam and Lyle go in opposite directions and they follow, leaving Pauline to search inside the Red Door.  Why?


    The Scooby Gang just happens to check the computer when messages come in.


    And more from the worst character dialogue on the show....


    Joe:  We can give them the egg and then we can escape.


    How about just escape?  Why do you have to give them the egg?


    When Big Jim makes a deal at the dome, he asks them to direct him to the egg.  How does he know they can find the egg and just happen to have an egg GPS available?


    Pauline(To Sam):  You killed that girl because of those pictures I drew.  We must return to the dome to attone for our sins. 


    Drawing pictures is a sin and it's your fault he committed murder?!??! Oh my.


    Did you know an internet image search can find all the red doors in town?  Really?!?


    Junior(back on the daddy train): My dad's done a lot for this town. ( Ran drugs and killed people.) I know a lot of people don't trust him. ( I wonder why?)..but I'm still trying to believe in him.  (You're as good s judge of character as you are a police officer.)


    Why does the whole security force need to run to the front gate just because the owner's son shows up?


    Junior:  "We can protect the egg together." 


    What does that even mean?  Just hide it.  It sounds more like a come on.


    Didn't Barbie forget his bag of tools outside the Red Door?


    Red Door?  Hatch?  Smoke Monster?  Dirt Monster?  This seems very familiar.


    Pauline(after coming out of the water):  I had a premonition, but Lyle should have been there.


    If it was a premonition, how was Lyle supposed to be there?


    This is the worst written show on television, but it's worth watching for the snarkworthiness.  The show is laughably bad. 


    And King and Spielberg are associated with this?  They should hide Under The Dome.

    • Love 2
  14. Great season finale.  The confession scene was dripping with tension.  I didn't think Daniel would confess, but now I see with Teddy charging him and George's body turning up, it didn't matter.  


    One of the best four shows on TV with Orphan Black, Banshee and Walking Dead. 


    A lot of big networks should check out the writing on these shows and ditch the kindergarten writing we see all too often on them.

  15. Big Jim surveying the damaged Miracle Makeshift Windmill...


    "We'll have to find out who did this."


    Why?  Who cares?  It's not like you are going to use this plot device again.


    You are trapped under an impenetrable dome and you're worried about vandalism.  Oh my. 

    • Love 1
  16. I loved Big Jim reminding people multiple times during the episode that he had been wrong before, the dome really is all about him.  I'm sure he will have that epiphany again next week and remind people again. 

    I liked Jim saying: "I've made mistakes."    LOL!!  No Jim, you've committed murders.  Mistakes?  Really?!?

    Make 'em zombies and now you have The Walking dead Breaking Bad Under the Bridge

    Add a little music and ......


    ...The Walking Dead Breaking Bad Under The Bridge: The Musical. 

    • Love 2
  17. Why do writers always do this?  Make a character completely un-rehabiltate-able (i.e., chaining up their girlfriends in underground bunkers) and then try to wriggle out of it and make him just a poor, misunderstood, perfectly harmless guy?


    He's not the only one.  I've never seen this many characters on one show go from face to heel and back to face in so short of a time.  Plus, how many combos have we seen working together and then later are bitter enemies and then the next day are back friends again.

    • Love 1
  18. Not only did Barbie hold onto the bottom of that truck, but absolutely none of those soldiers saw him toss that case away and jump under the truck. Of course none of them saw him crawl out from under the truck when it stopped either.


    A terrible plan than in reality would have never worked.   Why did he throw the case, use more energy and possibly attract attention?  Why not just drop it?  The soldiers at the gate would have saw him when they drove off and he could have never got out from underneath without detection, not withstanding it's highly unlikely he could he held on all that time.  Worst soldiers ever.

  19. And Junior decides to show the 'new guy' the ropes of policing -- considering that Junior is the experienced cop on the force having been a deputy sheriff for all of 10-12 days.


    Yeah, he seems upset his dad is going to be a cop, because Junior has been excellent in his tracking down and wanting to kill at least 6 people innocent of their alleged crimes.  Worst cop on TV.

    Big Jim continues to play everyone like fiddles.  Rebecca only briefly bitches about him breaking in and threatening her, before going back to being his number one fan. 


    Yeah, but he brought her a walkie talkie as a peace offering.  She thanked him like he brought her the Holy Grail.

    Julia yelling at the Dome was one of those moments where I quit being invested in the scene,,,


    Let's see, the guards can't hear her and Barbie can't hear her, so she yells for them to not hurt him and yells his name a number of times.  One of the dumbest scenes of the season. 

  20. I don't think they'll ever go into any serious detail about how immortality, or whatever extremely limited form of it applies to Joanna and Victor (and Alex and Penelope), works on this show.  Except for Jonathan the lawyer back in S1, they've never even used the word.  I guess it's just a cliche: magic-users tend to have unusually long lifespans, after all, but they can still be killed.

    On most shows about magic, they never go into detail about immortality, the limits of the magic or their total powers.  The reason is so they can write their way out of almost any situation.  It's just like on Star Trek or space shows, they are always reconfiguring something to solve a dire situation.


    And WOEE is no different.  People may die, spells can't be reversed and other assorted calamities, but they always come up with something or someone we didn't know about to come to the rescue.  It's the deux ex machina of magic shows. 


    I'm waiting for Wendy, with no more lives left, dying, and then being magically resurrected.

  21. This is the darkest, most humorless show on TV.  What a drag of a season.  Not one person has any sense of humor, no one ever laughs, and no one is happy. 


    Sure, Gabriel is a bad guy, but most of the citizens of Vega are not really much better.  They are bunch of selfish, conniving, meanspirited, cruel lying murderers.


    I can't find one character worth rooting for. 


    And the premise is just ridiculous. I can take fantasy, but come on, evil angels out to kill mankind to please God.  Gabriel is like a little child pitching a fit because his daddy won't give him his own way.


    And the reason reeks of one of the centuries long ago when people sacrificed a cow or even a person to get good weather from the Gods.


    Kill all the humans and God "might" come back.  Really, really?!??  All this trouble for something that might happen?!?!?


    I'm done.  Don't care about the characters.  Don't care what happens.

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