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Posts posted by Jordan27

  1. A lot of shows have characters that are stupid on a regular basis to create conflict.  I have a feeling that Cisco is that character here.

    This is the third week in a row that he has done stupid things...


    1. Let's bad guy character manipulate him to release him from the prison.

    2. Let's bad guy escape.

    3. Does this for a reason that a character told him not to be concerned about.

    4. Declares at the end that no one will escape from there again.( Yeah, right.)


    All clichés we've seen many times.


    I didn't think Peek a boo was all that great of a bad guy.  Again, making it seem like Barry couldn't have taken her down much easier. She could move quick, but she shouldn't have been able to hit Barry.


    And Barry and Iris have zero chemistry as a couple.  She reminds me of a high school teacher and he's the student.  


    And that prison is getting easier to break out of than a perimeter on 24.


    The scenes with Barry and his father were really good and for me the only good thing about this ep.


    This is show is just being really comicky, soapy and cliché ridden right now.  I hope they can get it back on track.

  2. Wow, this reinventing feels like a different show.  It was only fair - good in season 1 and now I think it's average.


    Nothing really seems interesting. 


    At least last year, there was tension, spookiness and a creepy atmosphere.


    This season has none of that and has just put characters we knew in a different situation.  And some of the characters don't even act remotely like last year.

  3. To be succinct, the reason he didn't want Cassandra to see him is that is not where she first saw him.  That would change the timeline and might prevent her from helping him at the hotel.  The lady in charge in the future mentioned this.

    • Love 1
  4. While the show is slightly better in S2, that's faint praise.  Instead of mostly 90210 rejects running around and being stupid, now we have a more even distribution of stupid with the Grounders, the Sky people, the youngsters and pseudo vampires. 


    There's no real focus on anyone being smart.  Just a whole bunch of decisions that always don't end well.  Plus, we have the different factions not only abusing others but abusing their own faction.  I'm not sure this world needs to survive.


    Would win my award for the overall stupidest cast on TV.

    • Love 1
  5. Unlike Arrow which writes mostly full characters, most of the characters here are clichés with little substance behind them.


    Quite a few eps have been almost copies.  Bad guy, Flash and gang get together, go after bad guy, fail, regroup, go after bad guy and win. Barry sulks over Iris.


    Plus, most of the bad guys on Arrow are really bad and capable.  The bad guys here are comic booky and weak.

    • Love 2
  6. I thought it was kind of weak.  For all the comments about this being brighter than Arrow, I just don't think it's holding up.  Arrow is much more compelling and dramatic.  This show is comic-booky and very clichéd. 


    Tonight's clichés...


    1.  Veteran newspaper writer doesn't like new upstart.

    2.  Cisco again running before thinking.  Where was he going after the Piper escaped?

    3.  Piper escapes.  It's getting to be an easy place to escape.

    4.  Barry being dumb about Wells after he's already shown be to be dishonest.


    This show is reminding more of the old Batman show more than Arrow and is becoming very formulaic. 


    I'm still watching, but I hope they will write some better plots. 

    • Love 1
  7. I've finally discovered this show and slowly catching up but so far I love it, especially as a fan of the defunct Being Erica. The leads are great and I love Jamie! He's a thousand times a better actor than any of the love interests.








    It seems like you're hung up on this idea of betting on the future to make money. I'm inclined to agree with lesley. I don't think it's that realistic that anyone would have all of these details memorized for the past two decades. I don't even remember who won the last superbowl or world cup much less one that happened 20 years ago. There are a handful you can probably bank on, like presidential elections, but who's to say that those facts won't change?


    Becca is in an alternate universe and anything she does could alter the chain of events in the future. One tiny slip up could create a domino effect and maybe Google never gets invented. The show is still in it's infancy but I would like to see some of her predictions fail to come to fruition. She works in PR, hypothetically she might poach someone she believes to be successful in the future, but maybe it's not the talent that brings success, but the PR approach and she single-handedly torches both their careers.

    Sorry, but it's just common sense.  Knowing the future would be an advantage for anyone. 


    And you don't have to remember who won the last 20, just a couple of those in the years your are in.  Now, of course, being a sports fan I would know all of them.  And I think you underestimate people and you are judging from your own perspective.  Most people could tell who won sports events over the years.  At least, some of them.  And everyone would know the Presidency winner.  Plus, they are other things to bet on that everyone would know.  And, investing wouldn't hurt.  No one reason someone put in the past with knowledge of future shouldn't be rich.


    And another thing in this scenario.  Unlike most time travel stories, where usually one's body is transported in time.  So, there would another you there.  But, since only Becca's consciousness was moved, she doesn't have any problems like money, Id, a place to stay, friends, etc.


    And this is actually the same timeline, and Becca has only changed small things in her world.  No reason to think they would cause earth shaking changes at this time.


    I realize they probably won't address this because it's much more fun to see Becca struggle.  Wouldn't be much of a story if she gets rich really quick.

  8. Wow, I felt like a couple of episodes were missing.  Talk about a reboot.  It's like it's a totally new show.  I thought it was an okay show last year, but I'm not feeling it this year.   I give that an average grade.  No Hatake.  Oh my.  He brings the creep.

  9. Another dumb TV trope was Cisco running in to help Caitlin, when you just know there is a trap.    The dumb was really brought out in this ep.  I know this show is a little brighter than Arrow, but I really like Arrow better and I hope they don't continue these lame eps and bad guys.  Arrow has great bad guys. 

  10. I don't what all the handwringing or complaining about American television is.....


    First, we get our regular free network channels...some shows have adult theme and some violence, but a lot of shows you can let your children or family watch.


    Then, we have cable channels that come in a package deal....AMC, Sundance...they have more adult content and more violence, but the language not to over the top.


    Finally, we have the individual pay channels...Showtime, HBO...they have racier adult content, even more violence and the "f" word among others is used.


    Plenty of choices in the marketplace...why is anyone complaining.... I don't know.

    By the way, Starz is free this weekend thru Sunday.

    • Love 1
  11. You're lucky.  If it weren't for online sources - like this forum - I would never have known Morgan has made two post-credits appearances so far this season.


    But I guess that's personal fault for taking so long to get involved with the show. 

    Or not watching through the credits.

    • Love 1
  12. As for why they didn't have snipers or unload on the thermodynamic duo with lots and lots of bullets, it's the same reason Barry doesn't zip in and take their toys away. No show.                                                                                                                           

    Well, that's a product of bad writing.  It's just as important to write good villians that are a challenge as it is to write heroes that are capable.


    Buffy did a great job with this, but this ep the villians were lame and too smug considering all they had were guns. 

    • Love 2
  13. Wow, I have to say I'm still loving this show.  Becca and Lolly's relationship is what really makes it go.  I can sit there and listen to them talk the whole show.  The rest of the cast and storylines are okay.


    Another quibble that isn't really human nature.  Very little talk about future events.  Now, I realize that would be boring for the audience to listen to Becca only talk about future events.  But, come on.  If one of your friends told they were from the future, wouldn't you just have to have a 4 hour conversation about that.   I realize this is to keep it fresh so every ep, Becca lets something slip, kind of the Sleepy Hollow did.


    One last thing, it was bugging that Lolly looked like someone else and I figured it out.  Her face looks like a young Jennifer Love Hewitt.


    I think both her and Becca are very cute, but they dress down Lolly with those funky clothes.



    Outside of Eddie, how useless were the cops in this one.  Haven't they ever heard of a sniper?                                                                            

    Totally agree.  The cops reminded of the one's in the old Batman series.  Hey, there's a guy running around with a question mark on his shirt and three henchmen.  Call Batman!  We can't handle it.


    Hot guy and cold guy weren't impervious to bullets, were they?  I didn't get it.


    And the new cliché I keep seeing on TV.  How come when someone gets captured they are always resisting and squirming when they aren't going anywhere and it's usually a girl with a much stronger guy holding her.  They did it here with Caitlin.


    And did she really tell the baddies that she didn't care what they did to her, but don't hurt Barry.  The old cliché of emotionally telling bad guys what to do.  It always works.


    And I didn't buy the bad guys would be as much trouble as this ep made it to be.


    And the silly shields that protected the cops, but not the bottom of their legs, yet the bad guys shot directly at them.  Too funny.


    Iris is adorable to look at, but I don't see any chemistry between her and Eddie.  Barry and her have good chemistry, but it's hard to see them as a romantic couple.  She just seems so much older.


    I didn't really care for this ep and thought it was one of their weakest.

  15. Wow, this show gets good ratings?!?!?  It's lucky to be on CBS.


    The firing, ziplining across buildings, Happy figuring trajectory of the bullets were all nonsense.


    The characters still seem to be nerd clichés and the lead is just obnoxious.


    Katherine McPhee is still adorable to look at, but serves no other purpose.


    I might give it another ep, but who is watching this?

  16. I have a couple of ideas how they get around this....


    1.  The nukes really aren't coming.  It's a radar malfunction.

    2.  The nukes are coming, but won't explode because they are no longer functioning properly.

  17. (Lesley)... "I liked that she tried to use her future knowledge and it didn't work out perfectly...its such a cliche that if one could just go back in time, that they could use their future knowledge and things would work out perfectly for them. I'd like to think if I woke up in 1995 that I'd get hard at work inventing Google, or Amazon, or Netflix or something...but I probably wouldn't, lol."


    Oh, I don't think anyone has said everything would work out perfectly, but there is no reason to not be rich.  Once a part of your future is changed, then you wouldn't know exactly what is going to happen.  And besides sporting events, there are a lot of things that Vegas takes bets on.  Even if someone was ignorant of who won the big sporting events, almost everyone would know pop culture and could clean up there.


    [Lesley)  "And the criticism about not mentioning/talking about 9/11...what would she even say? "Oh yeah, in six years or so, terrorists fly planes into the Twin Towers. We should totally stop that!" she'd be written off as a lunatic. There'd sadly be no way she could prove it, Lolly only really believed her when the purple Docs came into her life. "


    Lolly has generally believed her and the WTC was already attacked in the early 90's.  So, not that hard to believe.  And, as far as alerting authorities, no one would be stupid enough to call the FBI and tell them.  But, there are other ways to get that info out.  Anonymous calls, internet, etc.  Plus, she has 7 years to figure it out.

  18. Take all the money she has and could even borrow some from her friend and bet it all on the next big game.  And then take that and bet it on the next big game and on and on...wouldn't take that long, I would be a millionaire within a year which would be much quicker than waiting on Apple stock.

  19. I was talking more about making a lot of money with her knowledge.  Her possible job with the author would still be a job and not pay close to what she could make betting on future events.


    I too liked the gluten free reference because it's a running joke with me...when my friends mention gluten free, I comment that I like extra gluten with my food.

  20. Love the two leads of Becca and Lolly.  Sharing the future with Lolly is fun too.  Although, Lolly would have a lot more questions about the future.  And it's hard to imagine that Becca wouldn't soon mention 911.


    And they're still avoiding the topic of Becca benefitting financially off of her knowledge of the future.

  21. I watched every Superbowl but off hand I can't remember who played or won any of the games.  I was 11 at the time but honestly I still can't remember who won the Superbowl like 5 years ago let alone 20 something (and that's assuming she played much attention to those things, at best she'd remember when the Giants won like I remember when the Ravens won). 


    I am surprised I didn't mention betting though (I though I had, but must of forgotten).  That said though after sports betting there's not any real get rich quick that she'd be able to pull off with "future knowledge".  Although I kind of hope Lolly asks.

    But, if she remembered any sports, she wouldn't need to know anything else.  Although, one can bet on other things.  The Presidental election can be bet on too.  Plus, many others. 

  22. IRL, the government knew a terrorist attack was imminent and didn't do anything. (A gross simplification, but the point remains.)


    Not even close.  The gov't did not know about the attack.  You don't think they would have done something to stop it?


    Only conspiracy kooks think that.

  23. I actually really enjoyed the show which I wasn't exactly expecting.  The premise was interesting but I wasn't sure what to expect from VH1.




    Honestly I doubt it.  I was thinking about this type of situation for myself what exactly I'd remember (I was only 11 in 1993).  Sure she might end up rich in say the late 2000's but anything stock wise would take a while to actually earn her money (especially with the bubble burst which I would have to look up to know exactly when that happened).  So I'd say it's pretty "realistic" what we see here.  And as discussed above, any attempts to warn about 9/11, the World Trade Center bombing, etc would easily be dismissed.

    Oh, you forgot something so simple.  I know who will win every Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup and many other sporting events.  I would be wealthy really quick.

    A person could send anonymous warnings about 911, maybe even call a fake bomb scare on that morning to clear the WTC.


    There would be ways to do it, but it would take finesse for sure.

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