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Posts posted by Balboa

  1. I agree, goldenpuppy! On today's host chat they talked about all the current hosts who are leaving their shows this year. Kelly and Michael acted like they'd love to leave Live but somehow can't. Give me a break. It must be incredibly difficult to host an hour long show with the material handed to you before airtime. Both seem so self centered when they talk about winning the lottery. I used to enjoy Michael but his ego seems like it's gotten bigger since he arrived. Give him credit though, he does a nice job of moving things along when Kelly gets akward.

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  2. Joaquin Phoenix is one weird guy but I loved him telling Kelly she compliments people on air without really meaning it. Such an awkward interview. I'm assuming Joaquin was either drunk or high.

    Enough with Kelly and Michael acting like they're so underprivileged compared to others. They may not make as much as Tom Hanks or Justin Bieber in a year, but to act like they're so poor at times is ridiculous since both are worth a combined 100 million.

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  3. When Molly's book inevitably becomes a New York Times best seller will they still live with Joyce and Vince? I also find it hard to believe a Chicago police officer has to drive a 30 year old rusted car because he can't afford his own. Where exactly does their money go?

    I used to really enjoy this show but since last season's retool its gone downhill.

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  4. How on earth did Haley get a job with a major fashion designer having little to no experience? The show seemed to have way too many storylines tonight, none of them being entertaining or funny.

    Not a fan of the Andy character at all.

    Caught the Fizbo episode from the first season yesterday. Maybe I'm being too tough, but it's truly sad to see how far the show has fallen from the first season.

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  5. Regis said on Kathie Lee's podcast last month that he was going to make an appearance on Live for Veterans Day. I wonder what happened?

    I also had no idea what Kelly was trying to describe with the documentary. Michael does do an excellent job of switching subjects when Kelly starts to ramble and things get awkward. You have to wonder what's going through his mind as he's listening to Kelly babble.

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  6. I think Letterman has been on Live at least three times. Once about ten years ago, another time after Regis came back from his heart surgery, and I'm pretty sure he dropped by for Regis's last week.

    I'm also getting tired of both Kelly and Michael asking the trivia winner if they can come along for the trip. As if either of those two couldn't take a private jet at a moments notice to a destination of their choice. I also hate the exchanges that go something like this:

    Kelly: So, what do you do for a living?

    Trivia Caller: I'm a goat farmer.

    Kelly: OhMyGosh that's my dream job!!!

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