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Posts posted by OFDgal

  1. 4 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

    Emma is awful, I agree. So two-faced. Pretending to care about Darcey at the salsa club and speaking supportively of her brother throughout. And dragging Darcey AND her brother on the tell all. Bellowing repeatedly on the tell all that they don't even know each other's favorite colors. All the obnoxious laughter and sanctimony. The peurile floral print clothing! 

    Agree.  I was saying to the her on the screen, "shut up. get off my screen. " and a few more choice things.

    • Love 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

    I hope this was just a test to see how far Bravo can go.  N.Y. is my only enjoyment now, so they better not screw that up.  I want to see holidays at Bluestone Manor, vacations, LuAnn croaking, er I mean singing, Sonja on the Jitney to the Hamptons  and more of LuAnns house upstate.  And that’s it!  No procedures, no threesomes, nothing.  Just fun stuff.  They each have a unique personality, so let them shine, Andy.   We do not want nudity or slobbery .

    Wish I could "like" this 100 times. Perfectly said. Exactly what I want to see on NY.

    • Love 12
  3. 12 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

    Oh no .. just no.  Did I just hear Brownstone’s phony laugh about a threesome with Tamballs?  Are you kidding me now Bravo?  I don’t think it’s so funny Brownstone, so get a grip you and your creepy husband and just end that right now.  What crap you weirdos do in your bedroom, keep it there.  Freakin disgusting.

    Agree.  I'm out.  After watching these two creeps and Shannon's procedure, I thought why am I watching this trash.  Couldn't make it through the last half hour and changed the channel.  I'm sad because I've watched OC since the beginning.  This is not the same show.  I started out watching OC, Beverly Hills, New York and New Jersey.  I already dropped NJ years ago and BH before the end of last season.  I tried Dallas and Potomac but couldn't get into them.  I did like Miami but Bravo cancelled that.   Done with OC because it's disgusting and not fun to watch.  I'm hoping that I will still enjoy NY.  Bravo sucks for letting these shows turn into what they have.  I'll still read this forum but will not be watching.  

    • Love 22
  4. 10 hours ago, DiamondGirl said:

    Laura looked absurd in that elaborate gown and tiara with her sweaty red face and bleached-too-yellow limp hair.  

    WTF is it with Pole and his mother’s hair??? When she left in the taxi, he said her hair smelled nice.  All I could think of was how her hair’s been drenched in sweat the whole visit.

    I thought it looked like he took a piece of her hair between his fingers when he was saying good-bye and put it in his pocket.

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  5. 7 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    I found this to be pretty boring but reserving judgment. Maybe it will pick up as we get to know personalities better.

    I like Rob and Sandra (especially Sandra) so I'm fine seeing them but talk about boring. The lesson is how to build fire? something any person going on Survivor should already know? I would be so disappointed. It took up a lot of the episode and frankly I have no interest in watching someone learn to make fire. I don't mind Rob and Sandra commentary--they are funny and snarky. But the lesson stuff--ugh.

    You and I and our fellow posters would learn how to make a fire before going on Survivor but the actual contestants, not so much.  They all seemed pretty impressed and surprised by the woman who built the fire the first day.  Good for her.

    • Love 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Whimsy said:

    I've noticed on these reality shows that everyone who is from Massachusetts says they're from Boston.  I live about 45 minutes from Boston and I would NEVER say I'm from Boston!  I'm not.  I'm from a suburb.  Not even close to the same as living in the city.  I get that it's an easy reference point, but to me it's very disingenuous.  

    I'm not a germaphobe.  I'm a I-don't-like-people-touching-me-aphobe.  I would've had real issues with that guy laying all over me and touching me.  

    Maybe she's hoping that she'll just keep being sent there and no one else will know. 

    Same. I bet she didn't either.  I guarantee that talking head was after she knew they were there.

    I try to stay as unspoiled as possible (sometimes hard with modding this board lol).  I knew that BR and Sandra were going to mentor, but I just thought that meant each one was going to be assigned a tribe and mentor them as a group.  I think I like this better, but the secret is going to get out real quick and then everyone will be clamoring to go there.  

    I live in the Dorchester section of Boston and this really irks me too.  Boston Rob isn't even from Boston.  He's from a suburb about 20 minutes away.  The guy that got voted off confused me cause he said he was from Brockton (a suburb) and then said South Boston.  Glad he's gone cause I also thought he was sneaky.

    • Love 1
  7. 3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Jihoon confessed his debt situation when they were at the fish market ....

    The term Jenny was looking for is side action...

     A sidekick is an associate with less authority, a partner...not a f*ck buddy

    I was thinking side piece when she said that.

    • Love 16
  8. 7 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Best line of the night:

    Eddie to Tamra "I don't want your anal". I loled

    Tamra was true to form, she put just enough out there about Kelly, a mere hint, and the others jumped all over it. Now when Kelly gets pissed, Tamra can comfort her and rag on the others about putting Kelly's business out there and how Tamra is her only supportive friend. Lather rinse repeat, we've seen it all before. 

    I actually feel bad for Emily, she is where Gina was last season, swearing that everything is hunky dory between her and her husband. Emily was pushing for a storyline with Shane in Vegas and he shut her down, much like Matt shut Gina down and refused to be on camera last season, saying his employer wouldn't allow it, when it was most likley cuz he didn't want cameras around while he carried on his affair. I read somewhere  that Matt got fired from his job anyway. Wonder what that's all about. I hope Gina makes enough from her gig on RHOC to support herself and her kids, because I'm suspecting she won't get much from Matt. 

    And FTR, I don't think any of those harpies even know what a train is.


    Trailer park Tammy Sue might.

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  9. 10 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

    The only highlight was seeing Denise shoot hate  laserbeams at Camille. If looks could kill, Camille would be a goner for sure. 

    This season was dull. I’m officially done with BH. Next season will be all about Queen Vyle, and her vapid  kingdom featuring: Fake Resnick, Trashcan Kim, and sleazeball “that is soooooo ah-ma-zing” Maurgreasio.

    RHONY is all I have left for now. 

    Me too.  Was thinking that I'm done while I was watching it.  I will check out OC but NY is my only one left too. I will definitely read this forum tho. 

    • Love 10
  10. 10 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

    A technician would NEVER discuss results from a mammogram with the patient. That is up to the doctor, and once the entire thing is done. They might say they want to take more films, but they don't say what is on the films.

    Exactly. There was something on my last mammo and I got a letter to come back in. Everything was fine. Luckily my daughter does mammos there and talked to the doctor. It was an enlarged blood vessel. Even with her working there, I didn't get Kyle's special treatment. I call bullshit on this impromptu mammo and reading by tech.

    • Love 6
  11. 19 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

    I don’t think Kyle is very pretty, but I’m sure $$$$$$ has helped her non-aging.  Her constant negativity and anxiety is such a turn off.

    I am visiting my sis who hasn't watched in awhile. When Kyle came on in her TH, she said, OMG Kyle looks like LVP! WTF did she do to herself. She had a lot of work done and what's up with her hair line.

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  12. Barbara said something like, Luann doesn't like to be confronted about things.  That's why she gets defensive.  Well, no one likes to admit they are wrong but Luann takes it to another level.  She just didn't listen to Bethany because she had her own thoughts on what had happened.   She thought she was right and wasn't going to change her mind.  She is really obnoxious and entitled this season. Liked her better when she was a "friend" of.  

    • Love 16
  13. I'm just about done with this franchise.  I agree with above posters that I don't care about any of these women's lives.  Kyle seems desperate and the humping of Mauricio was cringeworthy.  I liked Teddi somewhat last year but now I kinda roll my eyes when I see her.  She has 500 clients?  I feel she only had a small number of clients when she started the show so this has been a goldmine for her.  Edwin humping the floor was another cringeworthy moment.  I do like Denise but tired of her sex talk.  Camille and all her sex talk is off-putting.  Erika doesn't have much talent but thinks she does.  Dorit is a lying "victim".  I liked LIsa R her first season until she showed her sneaky self.  Pretty sure LVP is done too.  Let's have house porn, expensive vacations, fabulous clothes and extravagant shopping trips. If I want to watch teenage sexual antics, I'll watch a show with real teenagers not 40 to 50-year-old women.   

    • Love 23
  14. 21 hours ago, mayvenne said:

    Few more things I forgot to say---I kind of like Andrei too (and definitely Alexi) but he is rather hot headed and let's be real- he is not supporting the family.

    Does anyone else think Elizabeth's DAD who I think is being pretty nice and loving----looks like the Captain on Gilligan's Island????

     Every time I watch I am struck by that. 

    I think the bit with them all eating in bed-is sort of contrived and I think was probably suggested by the network. Just my thought because it's not like they are just drinking a bottle of water. It's an EVENT!!!



    Bravo has the People's Couch so I guess they had to come up with something else.  Therefore Pillow Talk and eating in bed.  I do love both shows tho.

    • Love 3
  15. On 5/6/2019 at 1:33 PM, linthia said:

    Everytime Coltee calls Larissa darling, chills go up and down my spine. I am so scared for Larissa. There is something seriously off with that man.

    Agree.  He is creepy. Acts more like a robot than a person.  Totally flat affect.  Larissa should get out while she can.

    • Love 3
  16. 2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    Luann really has become insufferable (or returned to being insufferable - take your pick). Having a cabaret show where she is a star (lol) really seems to have gone to her head. I was wondering how the show was doing and googled it. I was shocked to see that she will be playing at the Mirage in Las Vegas on May 4th. Can you imagine how unbearable she will be when she announces that (and you know she will) on a future episode? 

    Just out of interest I googled tickets to see how many seats have sold, seeing as how it is only a little over three weeks away. Two thirds to three quarters of the seats are still available - lol. Guess they will be selling at the half price booths on the day of. 

    Luann is playing at a theater outside of Boston 4/25.  I've been seeing commercials for it.  After reading your post I checked on this venue's tickets.  There are still hundreds of tickets left, many for $39.  /She is also playing down in Provincetown in August.  She should not be acting so countessy if she can't even sell out a show in a Boston suburb.

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