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Posts posted by OFDgal

  1. 8 hours ago, Teddybear said:

    Plus she has her own clothing store!  Of all the dresses she could have chosen, I don't know why she thought that one was the most flattering.  

    LVP's powder was about 10 shades too light.  

    I'm not surprised Erika's Glam Squad made her look like shit again.  The dress put her boobs basically at her waist. 

    I thought she looked chubby but that could have been because she was sitting next to Rinna.  Those tight sleeves made her arms look big. 

    • Love 4
  2. As I was watching last night and Eileen came on the screen, I thought to myself, "I don't like you as a person."  Her resting bitch face is so ugly.  As she grows older, she will look like a wizened old prune.  Or else a cat lady if she keeps getting work done on her.  I just don't understand why she can't let things go.  She encouraged Dorit to bring the panties and is now "appalled" at the whole thing.  Rinna sucks too. So mean bringing up the arrest.  Didn't Eileen and Rinna realize that most of us were sick of hearing about affair-gate last year.  Now this year I guess it will be panty-gate all season.  I also thought when Camille walked in with the plant that it was a re-gift! Course Eileen couldn't be bothered bringing a hostess gift.  Imagine if someone didn't bring a gift to her house...gift-gate for the season!

    • Love 16
  3. 5 hours ago, swankie said:

    I've never said they are unattractive, I just don't see either of them as model beautiful.  To me, models should stand out in a crowd like Gigi Hadid.  Her face has a striking beauty that draws you to it in a magazine.  Delilah is pretty, but meh to me as a model.

    I agree.  I was thinking this when I was watching. She's a pretty California-looking girl just like thousands of other girls.  She doesn't have that oomph factor like Gigi.   

    • Love 4
  4. Just found out that the t-shirt that Bret is wearing is from MR8,. a charity founded for Martin Richard, the 8 year old that was killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.  I was at the local Dorchester(Boston) t-shirt shop yesterday and saw Bret's picture with the shirt on.  Staff told me he wanted it specifically to wear on Survivor.  Surprised he's still in the game when he hasn't done anything but have to give him props for the shirt.

    • Love 14
  5. 11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Kelly was ordered to attend 6 AA meetings in conjunction with her battery conviction-against her husband.  I don't think AA meeting assess whether or not you have a drinking problem.

    And for the sake of argument if Kelly doesn't have a drinking problem-why is she so freaked out over Shannon ordering her two drinks in Ireland?

    AA meetings are for support.  People that attend meetings consider themselves alcoholics.  It is a safe place for these people with no judgement. They don't assess if you have a drinking problem. If you are there, you are looking for people with the same problems as you for help and understanding. 

    • Love 8
  6. 11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    Kelly attended AA "classes?"  Do such a thing exist?  I can't believe no one corrected her with meeting.  Also, she attended them because of a drunk and disorderly, and coupled with the conduct we saw, she still doesn't think she has a problem with alcohol.

    A friend of mine got a DUI.  Not the same as drunk and disorderly but he had to attend safety classes which he had to pay for.  He also had to go to AA meetings.  He had a sheet that he had to have signed by the person running the AA meeting.  I have never heard of AA being referred as to classes rather than meetings. 

    • Love 6
  7. 21 hours ago, Giselle said:

    Some here have said Tamra and Shannon invited Vicki to the party. Vicki was not “invited” to the party she was given a “report to work, permission to be on the premises slip” by the producers. She finagled a screen time “party inclusion request” scene with Tamrat that neither Tamrat nor Shannon could refuse. Shannon was forced to include Vicki, had this not been an end of season party Vicki, her spawn, and her bad cop boyfriend would have never crossed Shannon’s threshold. I’m surprised Shannon didn’t change to another venue. I would have.

    Vicki’s heffalump, mouth breathing daughter showed how creepy she has become and the lengths she will go to in protecting her mother by using a “friendship” to guilt someone into doing what she or Vicki wants. Despite any protestations she enjoys the easy paychecks from Bravo and Vicki. She should be with her husband wherever he is stationed and not deprive her sons from time with their father. I believe that there were/are doctors in Oklahoma who could have provided her with top notch care instead she chose to chase the money. I don’t care that she has Lupus.

    I don’t give a shit about Kelly.

    As I said before RHoOC is becoming like RHoNY for me. Jill Zarin’s nastiness ruined NY for me and I stopped watching for three years, now Bethany’s heavy handedness is ruining the show again for me, and the vileness of Kelly and Vicki are doing the same with OC. I don’t care to watch them, don't care about redemption, I have no interest in their lives period. I more often than not fast forward past them and don’t read their Bravo blogs. They could have a fatal accident and I would think that now maybe their families would have a chance to have a better life. I firmly believe that in the future Vicki will psychologically mess with her grandkids as they grow up and that Kelly will turn her viciousness on her daughter at some point.

    I’m not even looking forward to the reunion as the hard questions will never be asked nor followed up. Their feet will never be held to the fire.

    This season left me more with a “whatever” feeling than last season. There was no joy in watching what went on behind the Orange Curtain. Kelly and Vicki saw to that.

    I agree with all this.  This show is no longer entertaining.  They are a bunch of nasty, mean liars.  Briana is a sneak with that stupid smile.  She's also a horrible mother for taking her sons away from their father while he is serving his country.  Why doesn't she ever visit him in OK?  We need new faces on this show that will bring back the fun factor not all of this negativity. 

    • Love 10
  8. 9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    Yeah...and tequila.  WTF?  

    I was thinking the same thing.  I'm an Irish American and never saw anyone in my family drinking tequila.  They were strictly whiskey, scotch or beers.  Maybe these women just wanted to stick with what they knew would get them drunk quick and didn't want to try anything new.  But really Heather with the fireballs when she drinks nothing but champs.  What a set-up.

    • Love 8
  9. 45 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

    Wow.  I was wondering why an regular, good-looking guy would be interested in Vicki.  Seems like the bad cop, failed politician makes more sense. That is more her style.  Wonder why Tamara's research on him didn't turn any of this info up.

    • Love 11
  10. 23 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

    Not at all!  Vicki is so phony and staged and I cannot stand her mugging for the camera faces, like OMG I laughing hysterically!  We are so wacky!  I bet she practices her phony laugh faces in the mirror at home.  

    Her Masarati is about as real as Gretchens Rolls Royce.  Why does she have Chanel and Prada while barley clinging to her Coto McMansion.  Give it up Vicki.  Also, 55 year old women should not be calling the men that date "boys".  Gross.

    Vicki drives me nuts with the "boys" comments.  Maybe she thinks it makes her seem younger but it just makes her look like she is desperately trying to be cute.

    • Love 10
  11. 18 hours ago, beaker73 said:

    So much like Jules (NY) was accused by She Who Shall Not Be Named of going on the show to get divorced, I think that's exactly what Kelly's doing here.  As all of you have pointed out, she was totally trying to bait Michael in the garage. She's been talking shit about him all season, she relays to Vicki the story of him telling her to shut up.   I think she's trying to get him to lose his cool on camera in order to have ammunition again him when she files for divorce again.  If she has "proof" that he's a bad guy then she can cash in on more $$, child support, etc.   The flip side of this is all her batshit crazy is front and center this season, so good luck with that Kels. 

    That's funny because the closed captioning actually said, "clock, clock, clock."  (I always watch with closed captioning on so I can make sure I see/hear everything that these ho's say. Don't want to miss anything good!)

    Because it cannot be said enough--Vicki is disgusting.  That whole bullshit scene at Coto made my blood boil.  That dumb bitch really thinks she's the victim, doesn't she?  She LIED.  About CANCER.  There's no coming back from that (at least not in my book.)   I remember looking at the charity website months ago when it was first reported. If I recall correctly, there was an option to buy the rubber bracelets, but in order to do so you had to agree to accept insurance solicitations from Coto.   Fuck you, Vicki.  I do give some points to Michael's WTF faces during that scene and his pointing out that everyone knew Brooks was a big, fat faker.  

    Ummmm...Dublin looks EPIC.  I seriously cannot wait. 

    I thought she said, "cluck, cluck, cluck", referencing a chicken. Hehe.  Totally agree about Vicki as I have lost family and friends to cancer.  She sucks and I can't believe her being proud of a cancer insurance scam.  She should have been investigated instead of doing infomercials to scam more folks.

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, mwell345 said:

    A couple of Carole's tweets from last night.  (she's getting into with another tweeter, I think) and it looks like the comments about her being old enough to be Jules mother hit a nerve.


    and there is this one about her dress choice:




    Thanks for that.  What a snarky bitch.  She is certainly not "feminine, elegant, soft and understated."  Go Away.

    • Love 13
  13. 11 hours ago, Pickles said:

    Why is Carole even there?

    They do a group hug at the end, but Bethenny remains seated?!

    Don't know why Carole is there either.  Loved the way Luann kept telling her to shut up during the reunion or just ignoring her.  I was also wtf when Bethenny didn't participate in the group hug.  Guess she's up here and the rest of them are down there.

    • Love 19
  14. 10 hours ago, gunderda said:

    Eviction on Tuesday and live eviction on wed. 

    I can't remember if this means the feeds will be cut at a certain time for them to tape the Tuesday eviction? 

    James is going for the big bowl now. 

    He seems to have the hardest time with the slippery lane 

    I noticed that too.  Nicole was running down the aisle.  Corey and Paul had no problem either.  Only James was having a hard time.  Weird.

  15. Carol looked and acted ridiculous.  When I first saw that outfit, I couldn't stop looking and saying wtf.  I wasn't even hearing what was going on.  She is so B's minion and if you've seen the movie,  minions are bad little dudes.  Just STFU. She made it pretty obvious that when she was previously acting nice to Lu and acting all high and mighty cause she did, that was all an act.  Her real self is an evil, conniving bitch.

    • Love 9
  16. 3 hours ago, izabella said:

    Lu's "stop talking about me" seemed like she came in too early before her cue with a pre-rehearsed line, like production was telling her Bethy and her Beasts were talking about her. 

    Frankly, a lot of this episode seemed acted.  I had a hard time getting enraged by it because they all seemed like they were acting, all of them.  Maybe not Jules, but the rest of the coven wasn't being natural (Bethy and her strategically positioned life-giving bottle of booze on the bed was hilarious).

    My daughter came in while I was watching it and noticed the SG products immediately.  So I guess Beth's strategic positioning worked unfortunately.  I told her that every scene this year with her had SG products in it.  She is in her 30's and said that she and her friends had tried SG and hated it.  Product placement doesn't work if the product sucks.  

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