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Everything posted by Theredone

  1. White people not using derogatory terms for other races sounds great to me too! White people deciding that they should get to determine how members of an oppressed group are allowed to speak to one another (and that excluding white people from using the same words is somehow racist)seems like something else entirely.
  2. She said “taking something and saying it’s only for one race is racist”. We’ve been talking about whether only black people should be allowed to use the n-word. What was she referring to, if not that?
  3. You think it’s RACIST that you’re not supposed to say the N-word? With everything going on in the world, the fact that you think the racist scourge in our midst is that black people don’t like it when you say the N-word is....telling.
  4. What happened to make you go from liking Zeke to not being able to stand him now? I'm having a hard time following your logic in your comment.
  5. I think what fascinates me about cults is how deeply entrenched the brainwashing becomes so that even once you escape, so many of your actions are still dictated by what's been indoctrinated into you. Along those lines, I keep trying to understand why Claire had to escape on her own after Marc got out. What stops him from going to the police and saying, "they're holding my wife against her will, let's go get her"? I can't imagine being in their position and what types of thoughts you're having. Does anyone know whether Marc addresses in his book why he didn't get the police involved to get Claire out?
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