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Posts posted by Giuseppe

  1. Man, I could really feel the Disney emanating off Tate on Wednesday's show. I still keep expecting him to suddenly belt out a Broadway tune and am kinda feeling the same way about Aaron. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see them do some kind of choreographed dance number at the prom.

    And I hate to say it, but I too had a very hard time understanding Felicity's dialogue. Turning on the captioning helped. I missed the fact that she's Aaron's sister.

    2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Kudos to Greg for squeezing out a tear.

    Did he though? I was thinking they added a drop of water on his cheek and then directed him to turn around, lol. And while Sloan's delivery of the news may have been underwhelming, I felt Eric's reaction was as well. At least what of it we've seen so far. 

    I wish they had painted the Horton living room walls a new color instead of that ghastly pale green again, but at least they got a new modern couch, haha. That old antique sofa they had before looked so uncomfortable.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    I'd really prefer focusing on the OG crew (or what's left)

    Agreed. I wish Delia had more lines in the trailer instead of just basically seeing her react to stuff. I'm curious how she ends up in the waiting room??

    Am also curious about that dance scene...another "Day-O" type moment?

    I've seen a few people comment that the trailer looks like it incorporates a lot of elements from the cartoon series, which I didn't fully watch. I hope I won't have to in order to enjoy the movie.

    Still very excited for September!

  3. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    Is this the worst cast ever?  Jeff was practically flashing a neon sign saying “TIFF, PLAY YOUR IDOL!” and she ignored it.



    Lol, I mean seriously. I'm sorry but I'm laughing my ass off. Jeff did everything but outright tell Tiffany that they were planning a blindside against her. Literally every other word out of his mouth was blindside and I kept willing him to shut UP about it because obviously Tiffany was gonna get suspicious. I don't know how she didn't clue in and go ahead and play it just in case. No great loss for me as the smug was just too high with her.

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  4. 10 bucks says Brandon missed his flight on purpose so that he could make a dramatic solo entrance onto the boat and relish in all the "thank god you're here!" tongue baths he was surely anticipating.

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  5. On 4/14/2024 at 2:40 AM, methodwriter85 said:

    Leo Howard was a Disney Boy, so I think those acting vibes are what you're picking up on. There's a certain personality/acting type that Disney goes for, and you can usually still see it in former Disney stars even after they grow up.

    Yes, thank you. I think that's exactly the vibe I'm getting from him. Like I keep expecting him to break into song and dance or something a la high school musical, though I thought he was ok today, lol.

    3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I wonder if Chanel is just lost or has been like abducted or something?

    Maybe she couldn't take Julie anymore and escaped...

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  6. 16 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

    I agree with you, but wasn't Bo much older than Hope when they first started hanging out?

    I think the point tho is that Holly and Tate are supposed to be the same age, whereas Bo and Hope were not. And aside from nuTate looking older, I also don't think he's as natural as the previous actor. I thought he played morose, moody teenager so well. NuTate seems more...I don't know, theatrical or something. I feel like I can tell he's acting while the old actor was more convincing. To be fair, though, I felt the same way about Zach Tinker when he first started as Sonny, and then I ended up really liking him, so time will tell I guess.

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  7. When the show played the Mexican Radio song (I think that was this episode), I flashed back to Road Rules season 1, when Los got all excited when that song came on the radio and nobody else seemed to know it. I wonder if the editors were thinking of that as a bit of a call back.

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  8. I understand the sentiment, but I had to roll my eyes when Ayanna got all nostalgic over the RV that TJ drove out for the daily.  Girl, you were on a ship. Be quiet.

    And Cara doesn't know how to add? I mean, she couldn't figure out 872 +8?? And someone said maybe 879??? I suck with numbers myself and have trouble doing math in my head, but I was completely dumbfounded by that.

    Jasmine seems to have perpetual babyface. So does Derek, for that matter. Strange they don't seem to interact much despite being on the same real world season.

    I wish someone had said to Ayanna that she was disrespecting everyone else's time by blabbering on and not allowing the vote to proceed. I'd have gotten up and left, too. I don't know why she thinks she gets to talk for however long she wants. Reclaiming my time? I think she's watched too many Senate hearings.

    I've enjoyed these first two episodes. Already more invested than I was the entirety of the last main show. Are they dropping two eps every week, or did they just give us a bonus ep for the premiere week?

    • Like 3
  9. 12 hours ago, tv echo said:

    (Keaton) credits the supporting cast being hilarious, and specifically calls out Jenna Ortega for being a "perfect" addition, understanding the tone immediately.

    I hope this is true, because honestly the one thing I've been kind of worried about ever since I heard about the sequel was the casting of Jenna. She's just so "It" right now and putting her in this movie seemed a little too on the nose, and it felt like they were casting her just for the star power. I don't want it to feel like the original characters are basically playing second fiddle to her. Hopefully that's not the case.

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  10. The whole time the 'dongle' scene was playing out, I was wondering where all the other passengers were. Sure seemed like everyone inside had just carried on drinking and partying, as Cash Me Out guy was all offended that they had to use his table to hold poor Daniel Roebuck after he was shot. Seems we should've seen additional 'pirates' on the inside holding guns on everyone throughout the whole ship, but I don't even know how that work.  And I don't buy for one minute that Cash Me Out guy would not have scrambled his ass to a lifeboat first chance he got. Much of this episode just didn't make sense and it felt like there were lots of missing beats. Didn't care for Hen's story either...just seemed too predictable. I love this show, but this season's opening disaster has been a miss for me so far. 

    I did like the ship flipping over. I have never seen The Poseiden Adventure, but I've been wanting to watch the original for years. So this episode has at least intensified that desire, haha.

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  11. I thought the unofficial explanation was that this season wasn't 'too bad' to air, but just not as good or exciting as the last season aired, and they knew so many of us wanted to see a 'back to basics' race, so they aired last season first even though it was filmed after this one. We'll see how this season plays out, but the use of the amazing charter plane is NOT it for me. Charter plane on each leg equals not actually racing around the world, and that is my big gripe. The struggle for teams to figure out how to get from point A to point B whether by plane, train, bus, or ferry has always been the best part of the race for me. I hate the over-use of spoon fed travel.

    That said, I didn't mind this premiere. But Mr. NFL is treading on that line of over-exuberant, over-celabratory racers that annoy me. And Mrs. NFL is surely gonna get tired of putting on all that makeup every leg, lol. So far though, have no strong reactions for or against any team.

    • Like 6
  12. 6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    Could be a perm 😏 but what's with the different eye color?   

    Colored contacts to further complete his identity change.

    Seriously, though, I dislike when shows cast younger/older actors who look nothing like their main timeline counterparts. But that's a rant for another topic.

    I just got caught up on this season, and...like most of y'all i'm still not too enthused with it. I still don't think they're trying hard enough with the period styling/costuming, agreed with everyone on Ben and Addison being chemistry-free, and I also wish we'd learn when and where Ben is as soon at the start of each leap as others have mentioned. I was glad to finally hear someone ask Ben who he was talking to in the fire episode, lol.

    In the second ep, shouldn't Ben have realized what was going to happen to his 'dad', since he recognized him a race car driving 'legend'? Even if he didn't know exactly when/what year the heart attack occured, when Addison told him about it, shouldn't Ben have not been surprised?

    I'll keep watching if there's a season 3, if only for the nostalgia factor. I completely missed the use of the old theme music a couple of you mentioned, but I did love seeing Al's old hand-link and the noises it makes. I just keep hoping the show will fix the things I don't like about it.

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  13. Eh...Barbie seems to me like the type who takes any comment, no matter how innocuous, and turns it into a perceived insult or criticism towards her.

    "Hey Barbie, let's try to be nice to Cat today, ok?"

    "So you're saying I'm usually mean? Fine, I'll be nice to her. Sorry I'm such a horrible person that you have to ask me to do that."

    I know she didn't say that first part, but it seemed to be unspoken in her head to me based on her "sorry i'm a horrible person' retort. So now she thinks everything Fraser says or does is picking at her. That's how she's coming across to me, anyway. JMO.

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  14. 1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Konstantin's daughter who died somehow. I missed the details because I've got a cold and am dozing throughout the day.

    Oh, I thought we knew that already? I thought maybe it had been revealed that she was someone who had been on the show before a long time ago. They showed her picture today but I wasn't paying attention to it and I thought it must have been some big revelation that his daughter was a former character on the show, lol.

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    1 hour ago, chessiegal said:

    It's a vaccine to prevent RSV, a respiratory illness that can cause serious problems for some of us old folks like me.

    Yes, I'm familiar with RSV. Just couldn't confirm if that's what the commercial was for since I try very hard to tune it out if I can't get to the remote fast enough.

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  16. Has anyone mentioned the Abrysvo (I think) commercial with the woman playing the trumpet? I guess it's a medication/vaccine to help with respiratory illness and helps you breathe better. But I hate the commercial because first of all, I hate jazz/scat music, and the woman is making my ears bleed with her trumpeting; and second, at the end of the commercial, I definitely do NOT need to see her and her defiant breaths of triumph all up close in the camera while she stares directly at us. I am happy that her lungs work, but that is creepy. 

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  17. 18 hours ago, Artsda said:

    I am disgusted by Clyde still living and the writers having him murder Abby then burn the Horton house with children asleep inside. 

    Is this a spoiler or what? It hasn't been revealed who set the house on fire.

    14 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

    I'm also wondering if producers decided to update the decor at the house. Years ago they decided to update the set for the DiMera mansion, albeit without a fire

    They re-did the Kiriakis living room, too, though that set seemed to not last very long and they replaced it with the smaller, uglier room we keep seeing now.

    It might be sacrilegious to say but I've never liked the Horton house set, so I wouldnt mind if they were renovating it. But I also know how iconic that set is to the show and the fans, so I'd be surprised if they actually did it. Didn't MarDevil set the room on fire a couple years back?

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