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pandora spocks

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Posts posted by pandora spocks

  1. The app schilling time would have been better spent on the relative's email.  Schill skimmed over it very fast, but it seemed very telling.


    There was something that really bugged me about the before and after pictures of the weight loss.  For one thing, the pictures looked like they were computer generated.  The before picture, while being very unflattering, had a longer torso than the after picture.  This is like posing a Raggedy Ann doll by a Barbie.  Schill, you can do better than this.

  2. Mike needs to unfold his arms or I will refuse to look at him for however long he is on.


    During Jeopardy, I'm either crocheting or playing Candy Crush making me blissfully unaware of most of the contestants' annoying mannerisms.  The Bartlett Sher category made me feel as dumb as a stump.

    • Love 2
  3. OMG!  That brown ooze coming out of crazy "blind" girl's eye was making me want to vomit.  There are no words.


    Even with a severe mental illness or because of it, Jewel/Amber made appallingly poor choices.  Picking some guy whom she met in a chat room as her psychologist was a horrible choice.  The fact that he allowed her to stay in his home showed his lack of ethics.  Then abetting her distorted fantasy by pouring drain cleaner on her eyes...well, he is a first rate, lowlife piece of shit.  This psychologist was the mental health equivalent of going to Tijuana for plastic surgery.  What in the fuck was she thinking?  Sometimes my mind reels when I hear about a fucked-up story like this.

    • Love 5
  4. Love Antonio Banderas. What a charming guest. Unfortunately, only his first reading sounded sexy. More sexy please! *gimme hand*


    I never saw him with a beard before.  Hubba-hubba! 


    The interview with the Netflix guy may have achieved a new record for one syllable responses. If nothing else, the ratio of Stephen's words to Hastings' words was at least 50 to 1. The entire segment was 5 minutes. Why bother.


    It was a mystery why Hastings was on the show.  He didn't promote anything.  I was surprised that nearly one in five Americans subscribed to Netflix. 

    • Love 1
  5. Alex sounded like Foghorn Leghorn when he (hideously) read that mint julep clue


    Ah say, son what a dumb im-pray-sion!  I thought Alex was attempting to impersonate Dr. Phil.  For some reason, I thought FJ was Canada but then thought of Mt. Everest. 

    • Love 1
  6. I don't know how Murphy can pass judgment on Matt when he's an arsonist.  Even though he suffered a personal loss, that doesn't give him a pass on being a colossal asshole.  The inhabitants of that whack-a-doodle trailer park looked like all the stereotypes of Walmart shoppers multiplied by 1000.  Brett Butler needs her own show on HBO but please ditch her mouth-breathing son.


    Through the whole episode, I would alternate "what the fuck" with "that's crazy."  Thanks, HBO for giving equal time to the dong.  Since Spartacus is no longer on Starz, someone needed to pick up the slack.

    • Love 3
  7. Nova's Animal Mummies made me sad for the animals.  I always thought the animals that were mummified were cherished pets.  Tens of millions of animal mummies have been found contradicting this.  Animals used--the majority, dog, cats, and birds--were raised in what today would be called mills. These animals were cruelly treated by the owners with the rationale that they would be dead soon enough.  Ancient Egyptians believed that animal sacrifices would insure them a place in the afterlife.  Truly heartbreaking.

    • Love 3
  8. Don't you know Alex was on cloud 9 for having the Translate the French category?  After the Presidents' Middle Name category, I've concluded that if a parent wants their child to achieve greatness, name them a weird fucking middle name.  Gamaliel...wasn't he the villain on The Smurfs?

    • Love 4
  9. When I first saw the FJ clue I thought what the heck, who would ever get that, and then I read it again and said oh my gosh, they want a signer whose name begins with H.  Duh.  Yeah, it's sort of like being hit by a ton of bricks when it does hit you.


    It should be simple but one of the contestants used Alexander Hamilton.  Last week, I noticed that the American Revolution category was chosen last by the contestants.  This category was chosen with a reluctance usually reserved for opera or ballet categories.  What the hell?


    I'll be checking your posts because the World Series has pre-empted the show starting tonight and FOX doesn't re-run it. That will happen three times this week.


    I'm glad that my Fox affiliate started airing Jeopardy at 5 pm (CST).  If I couldn't watch it for three days, being pissed would only scratch the surface of how I would feel.

    • Love 1
  10. Chocolate diamonds always make me laugh.  They're industrial grade diamonds.  LeVian sure found a way to maximize profits.


    Personally I think they look lackluster.  Like what proserpina65 had stated, I'd rather have a colorful gemstone than a diamond.  How dull.


    On a Vonage phone commercial the word "better-fy" was used to indicate an upgrade.  It is as appalling as the word "swap-ortunity" used in a yogurt commercial a few years ago.  It just sounds stupid.  I would say more but I'll save it for Pet Peeves.

    • Love 2
  11. The Steph Curry category threw me for a loop.  By the clues, I surmised that he was in the world of sports.  Why couldn't Jeopardy have used Adam Curry (MTV vee-jay) or even Adrienne Curry (flaky reality show personality)?  It would have been easier to answer the clues since I suck at sports categories.


    Born in the USA was easy to figure out for FJ.  The two youngest contestants struck out.  The Terminator, WTF?  But it was before their time.

    • Love 6
  12. Funniest answers of the night:  Louis (the cabinet maker) and black footed weasel.  I thought lynchpin was the only correct spelling for it, never mind linchpin.  Really surprised the King Herod clue was a TS, as well as, Fatal Attraction.  Bleeding heart answer really eluded me in FJ.  I could only come up with pinko.

    • Love 3
  13. I'm here for you! No GPS for me, I'll never have or ever use one. I'm old-school maps all the way.


    Map reading was never one of my talents.  Imagine my rejoicing when the GPS first came on the market.  The GPS was definitely made for the directionally challenged like me.

    • Love 1
  14. When somebody stops midpoint during a movie to give it praise, it must be one hell of a movie.  Netflix should make more movies like Beasts of No Nation instead of Adam Sandler belittling Native Americans. 


    Idris Elba deserves an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of "Commandant."  He is alternately cold blooded and almost paternal--I emphasize almost--to the boys whom he trains to be efficient killing machines.   Abraham Attah does a standout performance as "Agu" the boy who sees his father and brother gunned down while defending their land.  Cory Fukunaga worked on the script for seven years before bringing it to the big screen.  Sometimes it takes time to bring quality to fruition. 

    • Love 3
  15. Pets:  Wild At Heart was very fascinating.  The statement about cats being the only pet who can come and go as they please bothered me.  Dogs can also come and go as they please.  But Nature seemed to be advocating that cats should be outside when it's been proven that cats outdoors have their lifespans shortened by accidents or illness.  I would never dream of letting my cat be outside because of other cats and aggressive dogs, not to mention living close to a busy road.

    • Love 7
  16. After all of this fuss, there was just one thing missing: Ree's Walmart dishes.  If ever there was a chance to show them off, this would have been it, but it was an opportunity missed.  Sad.


    When I saw the Walmart commercial for the first time and saw Ree's generic family, I automatically thought her cowboys and cowgirls were replaced by pod people.

  17. The cow with a window in it blew my mind.


    How does the cow keep from getting an infection since there's a place for bacteria to enter?  It seems like veterinary schools could find another way for students to learn about bovine digestion. I watch movies with rampant violence and gore and it barely bothers me.  Show me a picture of a cow with a window and it bothers me immensely.

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