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Posts posted by gik910

  1. Really, that is the favorite moment?  Don't get me wrong- I actually liked that scene but Robert Carlyle really has done much better work...


    I generally like the costuming on this show but I was a bit let down with that dress.  I have seen far better reproductions.


    Whether you agree with Captain Swan or not, it's been pretty obvious since season 3 that she wasn't just a conquest.  What the heck was that about?



    I would say as soon as he got to Storybrook he started looking at her as more than a conquest.

    • Love 2
  3. I think she's supposed to be a humorless powertripping harpy who doesn't get along with anyone and enjoys making people unhappy. I expect she and Laura will eventually bond over being single mothers or powerful women in a man's world when she Learns To Trust. Until then she'll serve as a reminder that Laura, despite not getting back with Jake romantically, is not one of those ballbusting women. Massive cliché. I understand Castle just got rid of theirs.

    They did- and while I got used to Capt. Gates I think the difference is her issues were almost always with Castle-who in all reality should not have been in the think of things.  


    Back to Laura- yes this Capt. is a massive cliche- which is sad because what did work about this show was the team. The precinct was a fun place.  I just do not understand what the writers are thinking.

    • Love 1
  4. I hated the new Captain. Did she honestly think that an entire precinct would just welcome her with open arms when their Captain (who had been shot trying to stop a crime) came back? Aside from Jake's issues with Laura, he seemed like a pretty effective Captain.


    I miss Frankie (who would have thought). I miss the chef boyfriend. I even missed the nanny (not the boys though.)  


    I did like the COTW.

    • Love 3

    And honestly I thought we were suppose to root for Chanel, and frankly most people will. She's the Donald Trump of pretty women, and there's a section of the population that love that.


    I am pretty sure we are not supposed to root for Chanel- we are supposed to root for Grace (but she is dull, dull, dull...)Plus, the portion of the population that roots for Donald Trump is probably not the same portion that would watch a Ryan Murphy show.  Speculation on my part or course.  



    It's not the *intent *. which is the problem, aka Ryan Murphy is going for an over the top campy fantasy, but the execution. Some scenes are played fairly straight for suspense and then the tone veers off towards attempts at black macabre humor and it just doesn't jell.


    This 1000%.  

  6. "Is this scotch It's 10am!"  One of the few lines that actually made me laugh out loud.  Loved JLC, Boone (it is weird that a Jonas brother is one of the better draws for me-I am not sure how I feel about that.), Denise ("Shondelle why you got a knife in your throat?!?!" was another lol moment), & Chad was hysterical-everything about him was perfect.  I also really enjoyed Hester and Gigi. 


    Grace & Chanel #1 are not quite doing it for me.  Chanel #5- Abigail Breslin is better than what they are giving her so far but I actually really like Chanel #3.


    I like camp, but this show isn't quite there.  Its tone is uneven- I think that is the issue.  The actor playing Chad (as well as Niecy but she is a pro comedienne)- he gets it- he sells the camp-but still delivered a human moment (the bro cuddling).  "Women, men, animals at the zoo, probably plants..." That is where everyone else needs to be.


    I'll give a few more episodes to settle because it has promise but the camp factor needs to be dialed up to 11 and more of the comedy needs to land right.  I feel like I liked more as I am writing about it-but I still am a bit "eh" on the show as a whole.  The end seems like it will go in the right direction though.  


    Also- I assume Oliver Hudson will be evil because Jeff (Nashville) is evil and he was pretty good at it. 

    • Love 3

    Ellie seems like a cool chick, and has maybe the only interesting voice I've heard yet this year, but she said she doesn't sing country, and isn't that a country song? Oh well, I guess I don't know anything about contemporary music.

    Nope- not a country song at all.  It was a top 10 Billboard R&B/Dance hit in 1986 the mid 80s by Jermaine Stewart and is so full of 80s fun & cheese!


    Loved Ellie! That arrangement was dynamite and I truly love that song.


    I still find Blake and Adam enjoyable though so... (I know-there is no accounting for taste.)

    • Love 2

    As for adding so many of the SYTYCD styles and hiring their contestants as Pros, it's mystifying. That show has been in its death throes for quite a while, and when it was thriving it never had the viewership that DWTS has now, not to mention what it had in its heyday. 


    As a faithful viewer of both shows since day 1, I do understand why they would higher the Pros from SYTYCD.  They have the particular skill set (especially if they go deep on that show) of knowing what they are getting into as far as the tv schedule.  If you think about it you have to be good at 3 things to be a good DWTS Pro 1. Teaching 2. Dancing/Choreo 3. Managing the insanity of a pretty grueling competition on tv.  Most of the SYTYCD contestants are going to be able to do 2 of those off the bat- the teaching is the wild card.  


    I agree they should be pulling from the Ballroom specialists only (as much as I love Alison- she is not really the right fit for this show) and as far as Afterbuzz- It really should be Ballroom Dancing with the Stars. That was the special hook.  I got my ballroom fix on this show b/c after several seasons SYTYCD started to criminally under use it.  Also, contemporary is the worst.  

    • Love 6
  9. A Haunting is one of my favorite shows but we went cable free a few years ago & I cannot find these episodes streaming anywhere (of the legal sites).  In fact my inability to get my ghost shows in general is like the one thing I hate about not having cable anymore! Everything else I can deal with, but I am starting to go through withdraws. Get your shit together Destination America!

  10. Well, there were a lot of spread legs.


    No different that the HMV move we see in any number of contemporary dances.  These girls were just in heels and black straps, so it was more overt. I'll take that over the angsty, emotional, reaching crap that is the majority of SYTYCD contemporary. Don't get me wrong- I saw the sex in the dance. It just was not as over the top as I was expecting (based on what I read here).

    • Love 1

    I really can't fault the three girls who did the overtly sexual dance. I blame the choreographer, period. They were only dancing the routine that was given to them, so blaming them for being too sexy was wrong. They should have been lecturing Friedman, not the girls.


    I finally watch the episode tonight (after reading all about it here obviously) and was expecting something much worse than what I saw.  Aside from the fact that I agree with the above statement (and this applies to a lot of critiques over the seasons to a lot of different dances) I didn't actually think the dance itself was that overtly sexual ( the stilettos & strappy get-ups, yes. The dance itself, not so much.) There were several movies that were very impressive (especially in those heels!) Hailey was the standout for me in that piece.  I really did think she nailed the attitude of the dance. Marissa (is she the brunette?) was a bit too "happy-smiley" for me.


    I HATE, HATE, HATE the little in-between chats with the mentors after each dance/judging and I love Twitch.  


    I really enjoyed the Heaven dance.  It was fun.  I do not need all of my dances to be emotional hurdles.  I really dig Virgil, I love Yorelis, and Ariana did her thing. 


    I love that we do have a decent amount of older dancers this year- it really does give some seasoning to the whole thing. 


    So far- Jim, Virgil, Jaja, Yorelis are my standouts.  Hailey might be on that list too.

    • Love 2

    Here is the SDCC panel. I think the most important take away for me (on the shallow, shallow end of the pool) is that the actor that plays Major is super hot.  If they let him look like this in the show, I feel like I would have warmed to him much quicker (but I am super easy.) Oh,

    and Payton will be back

    • Love 2
  13. Well, after the movie at one point I did feel like there was a possibility of a short season (or two) but I figured the movie didn't do well enough to warrant that. Glad to see it's still an option because I do want to see more Veronica and especially more Neptune.

    I enjoyed the movie as a love letter to the fans.  I really dig the books which have forwarded the overall story line (and I think they are canon), so I think a limited run series would be terrific.  In a perfect world, I'd like to see something the way BBC does Sherlock, but I really will take what I can get :)

    • Love 1
  14. I have been so bored with the auditions so far this season that I just caught up. LA really did improve the auditions.  


    So beyond happy that Jaja is back.  Also loved that we saw a bit more variety.  I'm still ok with Paula.


    The other thing I would say (about this episode in particular and from the shallow end of the pool) many of the guys actually look like men, not boys.  Most of my favorite male dancers have been the older contestants that had some mileage on them- I appreciate that for so many reasons.  Most of them superficial, but I'm easy and so okay with it.  


    I was pleasantly surprised with how they handled Cody- who actually was not bad (and certainly better than some of the ridiculous auditions we have seen before...do we remember the debacle "Sex" that they foisted upon us for several seasons!?) Jason has not quite clicked for me yet- but his treatment of Cody is defiantly in his favor.

  15. Oh man- I thought we were going to get Ivy's amazing performance of "They Just Keep Moving the Line" after the Martindale pic. That was probably my favorite performance of hers (ok- they all are).

    I started rewatching the show last night- and I think the moment I actually started to actively dislike Karen was Episode 4 when Bobby & the girls are trying to teach her about being in the ensemble and what her purpose there is.  In the beginning of the episode I was almost feeling sorry for her- but her outburst, and her "Rumor Has It" fantasy were the moments that cemented my dislike for her.  The fact that her voice was obviously auto-tuned in most (/all) of her non-Marilyn songs really bugged.  I know everyone's had some mechanical help- but it is so very obvious in her songs.  


    Also, because it cannot be said enough.  I really hate Ellis and his stupid smug face.

    • Love 1
  16. I am another one that pretty much worships at the alter of the Rock- but I was not a huge fan of Entourage so this also makes me sad. Obviously, I am going to watch it anyway and see if I can just work through it.

  17. Oh my, I thought my weirdo friends and I were the only ones who reference that masterpiece! I think I love you. Or know you in real life. Either way, what a video. And man, Abby/Fitz would piss Olivia off sooo much.

    So I am watching this season now that it is on Netflix but really felt I needed to let you both know that Turquoise Jeep is amazing and a guiding light in my life.  I appreciate that there are others out there that recognize their brilliance.  If Shonda could work in Sex Syrup or a large flying pigeon into this show it would really elevate the material.  


    On a more serious note- I really can't help but feel for Jake.  I just prefer black ops to the political type.  Also, I like David Rosen playing to win.  It gives me warm fuzzies.

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