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Meow Mix

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Posts posted by Meow Mix

  1. If it's so overwhelming for him, why get him all that stuff?  I used to go to a Christmas celebration for a friend's family and there were several kids there.  I always brought gifts for the kids as well as the adults.  My friend asked me to stop because the kids already had so many gifts from other sources that it was getting overwhelming.  So, they would get one gift from another family member to open at the gathering and that made things a lot calmer.  I wasn't offended in the least and it made things easier for me as well.  There are solutions that don't involve continuing to buy all that junk and cluttering up the house.

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  2. You could tell how much autotune they had to use to make Moriah sound even half way decent.  At one point, they cut to just her singing in the booth with no processing, and she was so off.  Then they cut to the processed song and it sounded better, but still not great.  Then the guys in the studio had to gush just like the people who were taking modeling pictures of that idiot Micah.  I also remember Kim in an earlier season blowing smoke about how she had prepared Moriah to be a professional singer.  When there are no more cameras around, I suspect someone will tell her she isn't as good as she thinks she is.  

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  3. If this is real both Whitney and Glenn have a very dysfunctional relationship and should probably be in family therapy.  They both behave poorly to each other in different ways.  It's not enjoyable to watch two grown adults taking shots at each other like this.  

    My mother was widowed in her mid 60s when my father lost his battle with cancer.  I would never have dreamed of acting like Whitney did.  She is still in the house they had together even though she admits it's large for her needs.  But she loves it and is willing to make the effort to keep it up.  She's a grown adult with her own mind and I wouldn't dream of telling her what to do.  At some point, she will probably downsize, but once again that is her decision not mine.

    One thing I have noticed in my own family and families of others I know is that for some of us, no matter how poor communication is or whatever, when there is a crisis teamwork takes over.  When my father died without any discussion or argument each of us took on some part of taking care of things so Mom didn't have to.  We all have our different strengths and together we were amazing.  As hard as Dad's death was, that was my family's finest moment.  I would have missed out on that if I or my brother had suddenly declared ourselves CEO and shut everyone else out.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, Fouts said:

    My notes from last night's episode:


    1. Just shut your trap, especially in regard to your obsession with Olivia.  Their marriage is not your business. 

    2.  You are hardly a relationship expert.  You fail at that more than eyebrow acting.    

    3.  Manipulating Ethan to be forced to talk to Moriah before he's ready.  

    4.  I'm still rage-y at Micah for real-time suggesting publicly that Olivia may have been a cheater when there's nothing to suggest such a thing.  I'm thinking this betrayal may actually have been the final straw for Olivia.  How can you be part of such a cruel family that would do something like that to you?

    The bolded can't be said enough.  What is Micah's problem?  Why is he so invested in trashing Olivia even beyond the events of this episode.  Implying she cheated (I don't believe either of them did, that wasn't their problem) was low.  I hope he enjoys his fame while it lasts, because I have a feeling a hard fall is coming for him.

    Moriah and Lydia need to quit caterwauling because they scared my cats.  And Moriah's I hate Olivia song was so juvenile.  I hope Olivia just ignores that nonsense and goes and lives her best life.  Moriah was offkey in several spots during that recording session.  And once again we have the Plath way of wanting to keep it light unless they are the one with the grievance.  Why is it OK for Ethan to demand a conversation with Moriah, but it's not OK for Olivia to demand one with Micah?

    I wonder if Moriah got a dog without consulting anyone in the house or looking at the lease.  She did say she had the dog before she moved out.  Were pets allowed?  I thought on the white board where everyone's bills were accounted, there was payment for damages assigned to Moriah.  I suspect that out of control dog was the problem there.  

    I'm glad Ethan made Barry squirm.  And Micah saying that Ethan wasn't a bad communicator after whining to Barry that Ethan was ignoring his calls was really something.

    I skipped Kim's segments because those two gross me out.  They are an example of water seeking it's own level, however.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    Another solution, though probably impossible, is to help Ethan open his mind.  He knows what he knows...which is so little!  I thought the various trips/experiences opened his mind to other places and ideas...California, Europe?  I guess not.  I doubt if Olivia still considers everything (religiously) is black/white wrong/right.  Ethan has not learned to listen and think critically. Or just listen! His mind is closed; I don't see him evolving at all.  I'm in my 80s and have seen many of those close-minded people (mostly men) lose everything...wife/kids because of hard-headedness (even cruelty) and "my way or the highway."  Some years later they meet some sweet young or not-so-young thing who gets the benefit of the men's loneliness--and actually considering maybe there's a better way.

    First of all, a true sign of intelligence is knowing what you don't know, and that is not Ethan.  For example, he won't acknowledge that he has trouble with reading, it's the font of the menu and the lack of pictures that is the problem.  As far as traveling, the Duggars and Bateses have traveled a lot of places and it has had no impact on most of them, so I'm not surprised that it just rolled off Ethan's back.

    46 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

    Which is why I suggested the Congregational Church, because it teaches what I think they would both agree are the values they want to instill in their children, without using fear, threats of Hell, and judgements. 

    Ethan said something that concerned me, about (IIRC) not wanting it to be a "liberal" church. I wish I had the opportunity to get him to explain precisely what he meant by that (which I'll bet he'd have a hard time doing. I think in his mind "liberal" = "wrong/bad" but I doubt he can explain exactly what constitutes "liberal" and why all of it is "wrong/bad". His religious upbringing probably didn't break it down and he's never had to give it much thought, so a conversation in which someone could ask him very specific questions might be very revealing - especially to him).

    Sadly, Ethan would consider the Congregational Church a liberal church.  He would probably consider a lot of mainstream Baptist churches too liberal for him.  I suspect as he has regressed IFB is the way to go for him.  I do hope Olivia can gain an understanding that not all religion is bad, but that is going to take time and experiencing religious people who aren't hateful and authoritarian like the Plaths.

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  6. That episode description made me laugh.  It was so dramatic like they were stuck up in the Alps in the middle of a blizzard or something.  I suspect the train has issues occasionally and they know what to do.  If I went there I would be hoping for the train to break down so I could get that amazing helicopter ride.  Glenn was as excited as I have ever seen him about that.

    I do have some empathy for Whitney, but her behavior is atrocious.  I can understand that she has lost her mother and now her father seems to have a shiny new family.  I agree with @SabineElisabeth that family therapy or at least Whitney finding a good therapist to work through some of this would be an excellent idea.  The more she clamps down on Glenn, the more he is going to want to make his stay in Alabama permanent to get away from her.  But as others have said, I do see her inviting herself down there to keep "eyes on him" whatever that means.  She needs to back off and let him breathe or he is going to cut her out from sheer frustration.

    I will say that Glenn needs to slow his roll.  When my father died, my mother got great advice from widowed friends to not make any major decisions for a year after his death.  It takes time to get your feet under you and making a life altering decision like moving could be a mistake.  I get it that Angie and her family are a breath of fresh air for Glenn and help him feel less alone, but they have only been together in vacation situations and he has had some video calls with Angie.  That's not enough time to know each other that well to make a decision to pull up stakes and move.  Going down there for a few weeks and staying in a rented condo would be a great as a change of scenery, but Glenn needs to wait a little longer and figure out what he would do with himself in Alabama.  I hope he thinks it through rather than acting on impulse because of one fun day with Angie.

    I wonder what is motivating all this connecting Angie is doing.  I'm not saying she is a scammer, but she seems to want to find everyone and glom onto all these families.  She found Jackie and Glenn and has made connections within their families.  Now she wants to find the son she gave up for adoption.  Everyone has been willing to connect so far.  I hope she's not setting herself up for a fall if she does find her son and he's just fine with knowing who she is, but doesn't necessarily want a close relationship.  And I was totally creeped out by Whitney telling her to move to Greensboro and live in Whitney's house.  That was just weird.  I also don't understand why Glenn needs to move to Alabama to help her find her son.  I would think that since Angie has made all these contacts so far that she would know more about doing a search like that than Glenn or Whitney.  I was glad she shut Whitney down immediately.  How many people does Whitney need living with her?  

    Whitney was definitely ticked that Glenn picked Angie for the tour.  If the train hadn't broken down, she would have stomped back to the hotel and planned something to punish them all.  This was the woman who threw a heavy ball at her mother's head in the gym after finding out that Babs had been married before and had never told her.  By the time she got to dinner, she was pretty passive aggressive, then of course the tears started when Glenn made his announcement.

    I really hope the people who storyboard this show don't see this as a stepping stone to scripted shows.  They absolutely stink as storytellers.  They dynamic of Glenn discussing his plans for the future might have been interesting, but we get a stupid cliff hanger that is poorly executed to boot.  And if it's like every other season ending cliff hanger on this show, it won't be mentioned again just like the big romances with Lennie and Buddy and Whitney flying off to get a proposal from George Glass.

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  7. I don't think my hairstylist would spend $500 on a blowdryer/curling iron.  These people are going to be broke long before retirement age spending like this.  Wonder how making payments on the Tesla as well as the mortgage is going.

    And mistaking salt for sugar isn't cute, it's just dumb.  I have low vision and have never made a mistake like that when baking or cooking.

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  8. In fairness regarding the airlift, it sounds like everyone had to be airlifted because the train that was supposed to take them back down was on the fritz.  But she of course had to go first.  However, the rest still stands.  If she was that sick and had to wear a mask (actually two) she had no business trying to function at that altitude.  I think it was just that she couldn't stand that people were going to do something without her.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Fouts said:

    BTW, way to go, Kim, screwing with your minor child's head by chirping if it weren't for him, you'd have not met Ken in the first place.  Basically, Kim let Isaac know that if it weren't for him, his parents' divorce might not be progressing and his family continue imploding.  Then Kim added on the head-screwing suggestion that they should double date.  Seriously messed up parenting there.  

    This whole paragraph is just horrifying.  I hope the kids sue Kim one day to get their therapy bills paid.  She is beyond awful.

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  10. On 11/20/2023 at 6:48 PM, Future Cat Lady said:

    Unlike Derrick and Jeremy, Austin doesn't come from a family that values education. I really don't think he's gonna do anything about it.

    As long as the boys can do basic construction work and the girls can snag husbands or take care of him in his old age, Austin doesn't care.  

    • Sad 9
  11. Janelle is really hammering on the word grounded lately.  I hope whoever speculated that she and Gabe and Garrison are going to go into the weed business together was right.  They could make good money and whatever you think about weed, it's at least better than ripping off people in her downline to sell that pink crap.  Weed's not my think (highly allergic), but others seem to be into it.

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  12. I think Christine is getting the most attention because she went first.  Meri has been made to look pathetic for years and Janelle was just there until this season, so that is probably why Christine was singled out.  Honestly after reading Jill (Duggar) Dillard's book, I would give her the edge over all of them because even though she was married, she went through some real crap to get to where she is today.

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  13. Looks like Janelle and Christine made the rounds of all the tabloid talk shows in one day since they have on the same clothes in all three interviews.  I am not surprised that Janelle is happy being on her own.  She never seemed to need Kody as a husband as much as Christine and Meri did.  I would love to know what finally convinced Christine that Robyn couldn't be trusted.  I agree completely, but would love to know (because I'm nosy) what incident made her come to that conclusion.  She doesn't say that about Meri, simply saying that too much had gone on for them to ever be friends.  I suspect with Meri it had to do with how Meri treated some of the kids.  That was Meri's biggest mistake, taking her frustrations with Kody out on some of the kids.

    I really hope David is sincere.  Christine seems really gone over him and her judgement has never been the best, so I hope this doesn't end badly.  I hope he is genuinely good to Truley who has not choice but to live there as well.

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  14. On 11/21/2023 at 10:07 PM, Fouts said:

    I think it's possible for couples with opposite political or religious beliefs to stay happily married (see James Carville and Mary Matalin).  But that only works if both parties not only respect and love each other, but prioritize their marriage above their differences, no questions asked.  It really needs to be them against the world, with their contrary ideologies entering way far down the ladder of importance.  


    Had to bold this because this is the point right here.  Olivia made some mistakes in not respecting Ethan's need for his family in his life, but she did eventually apologize for her bad behavior.  However, it was the Plaths who said they wanted a relationship with Ethan and not her.  That doesn't work.  On Ethan's side, he has shown over and over that he doesn't love or respect Olivia.  He insisted on doing donuts after she told him to stop then called her objections stupid.  He constantly snuck around behind her back making purchases and plans then springing things on her when she would be hard pressed to object.  Then it sounds like he presented her with a my way or the highway list and is shocked that she is choosing the highway.  While I think it's a bad idea for anyone (including Ethan) to throw away their own strongly held beliefs to preserve their marriage, given how disrespectful Ethan is I don't see what motivation Olivia would have to do that.  Why would anyone want to stay in a marriage with someone who was constantly lying and sneaking?  That's toddler behavior that Ethan should have grown out of years ago.

    Ethan specifically said that he felt that Olivia wouldn't teach their kids to love God and be patriotic Americans.  I won't say here what I think the second part of that actually meant because I don't want to violate the politics policy, but fundamental differences in faith are going to be a problem. As I said, no one should abandon their fundamental beliefs to preserve a marriage and that includes Ethan as much as I disagree with his ideas.

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  15. Kim just loves to play the martyr about all the work she did with no appreciation.  I doubt either she or Barry ever expressed appreciation to each other. And handing her kids some worksheets is not educating them.  At least Barry talks to them and doesn't just issue orders.  Though I think a lot of Barry's acceptance of things like Moriah's tattoos is just to get one over on Kim.  Just as her having a Christmas tree was to get one over on Barry.  These two need to get over themselves and think of their kids (particularly the minors still stuck at home). And I like the callback to Barry's smug attitudes about California.  He's still that smug.

    I thought Olivia handled the discussion with Ethan pretty well.  She was not telling him he had to change his beliefs, she was telling him that she couldn't change hers and that was why they had no future together.  He tried everything to deflect.  First he said the usual this is such BS.  She ignored that and went on.  Then he tried to say he didn't mean what he said and she stated that she knew he had said his truth.  Then he tried to say there were only three things on his my way or the highway list.  She has chosen the highway and even the I-10 through LA at rush hour would be more pleasant than trying to keep this marriage going.  I did wonder what Ethan hoped to accomplish when he told Olivia that Micah didn't respect their marriage.  Was he just trying to hurt her or did he think she would suddenly parrot all his beliefs because Micah was mad.  

    I got a good laugh out of Micah telling the camera that he was glad Ethan put on his big boy pants and told Olivia he was going to California.  Then the very next scene is Ethan explaining that he never told Olivia his plans until he was walking out the door.  When she just said that he should go, he seemed to want a fight, so called from the airport to try to get her to beg him to come back.  When she didn't he finally booked another flight.  That's some real manly stuff right there. And why did Micah (or actually the producers) need to rent a place in Malibu instead of them going to Micah's apartment?  Was it just too small or is he hiding something?

    While I hate ambushing in general, it serves Ethan right that Micah is doing that.  Ethan has sprung enough stuff on Olivia so he should see what it feels like to be put in an uncomfortable situation. And on the subject of the previews does anyone really want to see Kim schmooping around with her mush mouth Romeo?  I know I don't

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  16. 1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

    She wanted to be the top wife, not the ONLY wife.  She thought she was slick but she overplayed her hand and ended up with just Kody and none of the wives groveling for his affection.  She is realizing this now.

    Exactly.  She absolutely wanted to be in a plural marriage, but not as the basement wife, the top of the heap wife.  She wanted to send Kody off to other wives when she needed a break then reel him back in when she was ready. Too bad so sad.

    Did anyone else catch that Meri said that Kody gave her some bs about them having a future when they first got to Flagstaff?  I think he was buttering her up to get the money from her Vegas house so that they could buy that ugly house.  As soon as he got what he wanted, he was back to the same old behavior.

    I also find it interesting that Robyn didn't try her act on Janelle.  She hasn't had a conversation with Janelle since the porch convo at the end of last season where Kody started yelling about his near death experience.  I wonder if Janelle shut her down or if she just knew she wasn't going to get anywhere with her like she did with Meri.

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  17. Switzerland is gorgeous.  I would love to go, but never with Whitney.  She's just too annoying.

    I'm perplexed by the whole Jaime asking Whitney to be in the wedding.  She barely knows this woman who has already shown herself to not know how to act in public.  I wonder if she really just wanted Glenn to be there but knew that Whit would throw a fit if she wasn't included.  And while it is nice that she is including a remembrance of Babs, I'm guessing that is just for Glenn's sake.  As I understand it, Babs didn't want Glenn to have his daughter in his life at all.  Plus Jaime never knew Babs and is not related to her in any way, so the remembrance just seems odd to me.

    So are we going to see Whit's hissy fit because she is not the one picked to go to the factory?  She has made it clear that she has no interest in it, she just wants to be the one picked so she can lord it over everyone else.  I hope Angie enjoys herself and gets some one on one time with Glenn.

    So does Whit have a cold or something more serious?  Did she pass it on to Glenn since she kisses him on the mouth frequently?  Also, getting health care in Europe even if you are just a visitor is completely different than in the states.  Whitney will get good care and it won't cost her an arm and a leg like it would here.

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  18. 13 hours ago, Fouts said:

    I think it's possible for couples with opposite political or religious beliefs to stay happily married (see James Carville and Mary Matalin).  But that only works if both parties not only respect and love each other, but prioritize their marriage above their differences, no questions asked.  It really needs to be them against the world, with their contrary ideologies entering way far down the ladder of importance.  


    Had to bold this because this is the point right here.  Olivia made some mistakes in not respecting Ethan's need for his family in his life, but she did eventually apologize for her bad behavior.  However, it was the Plaths who said they wanted a relationship with Ethan and not her.  That doesn't work.  On Ethan's side, he has shown over and over that he doesn't love or respect Olivia.  He insisted on doing donuts after she told him to stop then called her objections stupid.  He constantly snuck around behind her back making purchases and plans then springing things on her when she would be hard pressed to object.  Then it sounds like he presented her with a my way or the highway list and is shocked that she is choosing the highway.  While I think it's a bad idea for anyone (including Ethan) to throw away their own strongly held beliefs to preserve their marriage, given how disrespectful Ethan is I don't see what motivation Olivia would have to do that.  Why would anyone want to stay in a marriage with someone who was constantly lying and sneaking?  That's toddler behavior that Ethan should have grown out of years ago.

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  19. On 11/14/2023 at 7:10 PM, 65mickey said:

    I don't see an evidence that John hates his daughters. That's a pretty harsh statement.

    In fairness, hate is probably too strong a word, but this is not a father who is all that enthralled with fatherhood except to his son.  Saying you refuse to replace an aging family car until the children can respect it is not someone who loves their kids.  What kind of a father is more worried about something getting spilled in the car than his wife and kids being in a safe vehicle that doesn't break down unexpectedly?  Sorry, with these videos I dislike John more each time.  I feel for Alyssa because she is at the very least overwhelmed with five small children and at worst has PPD. 

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  20. Like everyone else, I thought Robyn's dramatic walking away with no one following her was hilarious.  I noticed in the previews for next week she insists she's not being dramatic in the most dramatic fashion possible.

    I wanted Meri to ask her exactly how Robyn was hanging in with her.  Meri has repeatedly said that Robyn never calls or texts and never invites her to events.  What did Robyn expect her to do?  Of course she was eventually going to get a clue and move on from Flagstaff.

    Christine needs to leave Janelle alone to figure her own stuff out.  I'm glad she's happy, but Janelle is a different person in a different place and Christine needs to respect that.  I do want Janelle to know that she can walk away from her nonmarriage and she doesn't have to date.  She can just be happily single and live a full life.  I think if she really thought about it, she would realize that she doesn't want a husband at all.  Maybe a guy who can give a good booty call once in a while, but not someone who is going to make lots of demands on her time and her life.  She really likes having her own space that isn't cluttered up with Kody's plaid shirts and other junk.

    I'm struck by Robyn claiming Kody is just in a dark place.  Why is he still in a dark place after all this time?  It was October of 2022 (Meri said so) when they filmed that picnic table scene.  It had been over a year since Christine left Flagstaff, more time than that since she told him they were done, and almost a year since he had screamed at Janelle.  So why is he not at least processing some of these feelings instead of just spending all of his time in a rage?  Maybe riding around on that ATV without a helmet is part of the issue.  Maybe whatever roids he's ingesting is another part of it.  Either way, I would not want him around my kids.  He is pretty unhinged at this point.

    I was also struck by that promise Robyn made Kody make to her.  She obviously knew that he was in that place with Meri at least and possibly Christine as well when she spiritually married him.  So she has known all along that the family was dysfunctional despite what she has been saying.  Plus, he has had frayed relationships with most of his kids long before Christine left.  So that's more bs out of Robyn.  Those two deserve each other.  I hope Meri finally lets go and I hope Janelle somehow has a conference with God to get herself free of relationship limbo as well.

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