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Posts posted by rollacoaster

  1. Meghan spots inauthenticity everytime she looks in the mirror, she just doesn't recognize it.  

    Sunny dragged Meghan just a little bit. Think she noticed?

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  2. Joy and Sunny's faces when Meghan spouts her nonsense. She is such a smug and entitled twatwaffle. I wish they could freely unload on her. 

    Christian Cooper epitomizes grace and thoughtfulness. I don't appreciate that the questions seem to imply that he should feel bad about the consequences that the woman is experiencing. I agree with him that death threats against her is wrong, and that she should definitely reflect on why she chose to take the actions she did. Her fit of spite and willful lying could have cost this man his life.

    • Love 20
  3. I think the fact that Ronan Farrow is a Pulitzer Prize winner is irrelevant to any if this, and I wish they'd stop harping on it. His reporting is not above being questioned. I am not anti Ronan Farrow,  but I don't believe that any award or status should shield anyone from being investigated.  

    • Love 19
  4. Did anyone notice Meghan looking down, presumably at her phone at one point? I figured she was looking up or receiving talking points.  She came out snarling after that. 

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  5. Meghan had the chance to ask Rita a question of substance, and she decided to whine about being called out for being less than polished? REALLY? 

    Rita looked so confused, and I loved her answer. She's a woman with her priorities in order. 

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  6. On 5/14/2018 at 10:10 AM, millennium said:

    Lovecraft was not a virulent racist.    He was an Anglophile who fantasized about being a subject of King George prior to the American Revolution.  He frequently expressed irritation and dismay over the way poor immigrants took up housing in Providence's old Colonial homes and neighborhoods and allowed the properties to become rundown and blighted.   His suspicion, distrust and attitude towards people of other races was no more or less pronounced than any other white man or woman of his time.    We need to stop imposing today's standards on past generations.    

    I might also add that Lovecraft, the alleged racist, married Sonia Haft Greene, a New York Jewish woman.

    He had a cat named N**ger Man. Maybe a little racist.

    I'm not a horror fan, but, if it has Jordan Peele's name on it, I'll give it a shot. 


  7. That pie to Phyllis' face for EVERYTHING.

    I don't understand why that religious zealot woman Lottie Beth Hobbs would be against shelters for beaten wives. I guess cuz it gives women a place to escape from their rightful lords and masters? So weird. I do love how she challenged Phyllis' authority. The look on her face when Rosemary volunteered to take Phyllis' place at the convention was PRICELESS. You KNOW she had herself in mind for that. 

    The dynamics among the conservative women was very interesting. They were equally as combative as the ERA women, but in a more underhanded, genteel way. Very iron fist in the velvet glove. Rosemary's power move at the meeting (of COURSE for the benefit of the group!) was a thing of beauty, and all Phyllis could do was smile. 

    Go, Liza!

    I did feel the teeniest bit of sympathy for Phyllis when she took off her sweater to reveal those massive hot flash sweat stains. 

    And, now it's gone. What a bitch move to her sister. 

    Best line of the night from Bella: "Congratulations, you're working girls." Unpaid working girls for Phyllis, er, for The Cause. 

    My fave line: "I'm sick of shrinking our dreams to appeal to the middle." 

    Betty and Bella...I love those two battle axes. 

    • Love 5
  8. 22 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I wonder if Meg is having difficulty with her pregnancy. Maybe that’s why she’s so sour lately.

    She can't go shooting, she can't drink, she's trapped 24/7 with Ben and she has no live audience to play to. She's DEFINITELY miserable. 

    • LOL 12
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  9. I loved this episode! It really brought home the impossible situation that Shirley was in. As a women, not being able to get the support of men, either Black or white; and as a Black woman, not being able to count on the support of white women. I thought Uzo portrayed all the conflicting emotions really well. She made me feel Shirley's pain and frustration as she watched all her political dreams crumble. 

    On 5/6/2020 at 9:37 AM, Commando Cody said:

    That wig  - really terrible and distracting. 

    It pretty much looks like Gloria's hair from that time. 

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  10. Enjoying this series very much!

    Glad to see Jill to represent the face of feminist Republican party. Great to know it was ever so slightly diverse. 

    Watching Phyllis' group form that unholy alliance with the religious zealots was chilling. We can definitely see the toxic fruit of it today. 

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  11. So, Meghan's gonna just sit and seethe and tap her fingers? OK. Whatevs.

    And Janet Jackson still looking like Penny from Good Times? Damn. 

    • Love 8
  12. Sigh. How suggestible are these 4 girls? They seem to follow any suggestion given by another child. After last week's freaky VR shenanigans, they just gonna wander off to a graveyard on Halloween night with some strange masked kid?

    Dammit, I wanted to see that girls face!

    And Grandma having sexy times with Kristen's nemesis? Ok. 

    • Love 15
  13. On 10/22/2019 at 12:22 PM, Coffeewinewater said:
    On 10/22/2019 at 11:21 AM, RedheadZombie said:

    Sunny very gently disagreed with him.  It's disgusting.  They are all laughing at his lame jokes and letting him get away with lying and obfuscating.  I plugged my nose and strapped on a vomit bag and continued to watch.  It got worse.  He is lying like a two hundred year old rug.  Some of his points - Trump did not engage in a quid pro quo, there is a witch hunt against this poor man, there is no ethnic cleansing of the Kurds, what else can we do with all these refugees but lock up the children, and Trump has changed history in a good way.  It's really horrific, and I feel like I stumbled upon Fox News.

    Everything you just wrote is why I couldn't watch. Sounds exactly like the last time he was on. Lies, smug smirks and no one pushing back on his lies. All of them pretty much tripping over themselves to bow to him. 

    They actually did push back pretty strongly. I was glad to see it. They actually made him back track a few times and admit the truth about some things. Even Abby had some pointed questions for him. When he would blow her off, Sunny or Whoopi would pretty swiftly take up the reins, and they worked to keep him focused on the topics at hand. Sure there was some chumminess, but it seemed to lull him into being relaxed and saying the usual BS talking points just so the ladies could pop him good. I thought they were pretty on point, and Whoopi was even being nice to Sunny. 

    The thing is, Newt is a jovial liar and slimy and hard to corral and pin down. He's very good at playing the deflect and spin game. But, the ladies were aware and kept on top of it as best they could. 

    I'm glad that Meghan wasn't there to clog up the works. She definitely wouldn't have been able to keep up.

    • Love 13
  14. Did anyone else notice how softly, slowly and carefully Mark Kelly spoke, like  a teacher speaking to a class of dense, easily startled children? I love how he emphasized the roundness of the earth (looking at YOU, flat-earthers!) and the importance of science.

    Meghan didn't challenge him on anything, not even when he brought up climate change. She was all starry eyes and soft-voiced, Arizona puppy love. 

    Abby, you are the very definition of "meh". 

    • LOL 8
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  15. On 9/17/2019 at 9:38 PM, Dahlia said:
    On 9/16/2019 at 8:29 PM, heysmilinstrange said:

    Say what you want about Whoopi--she's not vain about her appearance. It's not easy to refuse to conform to beauty norms.

    She couldn’t even if she wanted to. That ship has long since sailed....

    Edited Tuesday at 09:49 PM by Dahlia

    While no long thin or young, Whoopi has aged very well. Her hair and skin look great.

    • Love 14
  16. Lydia and Lucy stabbing Blayne was one of the most satisfying things I have EVER seen. 

    Knox was a great addition the the cast. I love his whole blase' attitude towards Blayne's death. 

    Like everyone, I wonder what happened to Violet, the Scanwells, and Justice Hunt. 

    Everyone seemed to have found a form of agency and empowerment and justice. I raise my glass to the Bad Bitches and Good Men of Harlots! 

    I love this show so much! I do so hope there will be a 4th season. 

    • Love 9
  17. The theme of the season so far is:

    For her fierce love of friends and family, Margaret ruins everything. 

    Cherry looked quite fetching in her new togs!

    Emily Lacey may have to kill that whore who knows her secret. I suspect she'll keep coming back to shake her down. Poor Emily is under so much stress right now. 

    Blayne is just so...gross.

    I like this saucy, independent Kate. I'm intrigued to see where her story goes. 

    Mr. Young is a silver fox. He's feisty!

    That was a surprisingly touching parting scene between Margaret and Lydia. I think Lydia might be headed towards a measure of healing and redemption. Maybe. 

    Mr. North truly is a rock in the midst of all this chaos. I might have gotten something in my eye when Margaret left him on the pier. 

    Aw shit! That Hal is a dogged sort. I fear for Emily Lacey. 

    Knox tickles me with his hilarious reactions to so many women whispering in his ear. 

    Elizabeth Harvey looked like a walking wedding cake cake in that white dress. 

    • Love 5
  18. That book review of Dirty, Sexy Politics was SAVAGE! My favorite thing about it is that the critiques are all things that we have called out on here. Apparently, she hasn't changed much over the years. 

    From the last paragraph:


    "On the whole, I am simply not a talented enough writer to express how truly horrible this book was. The last line of the book implores readers not to let Meghan “pick up this torch alone.” I can honestly say that I was encouraged throughout to pick up a torch in order to burn my copy of Dirty, Sexy Politics, even though I was reading it on a Kindle. There is no reason that anyone who is not getting paid to review this book should ever, ever spend money on it." - Leon H. Wolf, 

    • LOL 11
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  19. 2 hours ago, ElizaD said:

    Currently Lydia is able to get away with treating Kate nicely, but when the stakes get higher she might have to choose between respecting Kate's wishes and beating her down to make more money from awful men.

    Yeah. With Ms. May breathing down her neck, that may come sooner rather than later. 

    • Love 2
  20. Was that Elle article supposed to be sympathetic? So much shade. Meghan, this is how you successfully fillet someone. 

    Kinda sad that Meghan has to give herself those kind of pep talks constantly: "I'm strong. I'm a big girl, I can take it," etc. She really isn't cut out for this work. I wish she realized that it's ok to go do something else that might make her happier. 

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