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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. 3 hours ago, camom said:

    The only people who know the computer password are mom and Lydia?  They seem to want to treat all of the kids like they're five years old.  It's so sad that they didn't have any friends except their siblings growing up.  I thought they probably at least had a church 'family,' but apparently not.  Blaming Olivia for Mariah's behavior is ludicrous.  Where does Mariah get the $$ for her clothes?  There's no way her mom bought her that bathing suit.

    I feel bad for Lydia. Does she ever get to be a kid? She cooks for the family, she takes care of the little kids, follows the ridiculous rules and does what she’s told. Her reward is housework! Then we have Moriah, her older sister who does whatever she wants without consequence. Her reward is no responsibility and a fun trip to San Francisco. Don’t get me wrong, I’m rooting for Moriah to leave “Plathville” behind, but she should share some of the household responsibilities with the older kids that live at home. Kim seems to have given up on Moriah. 

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  2. On 11/5/2019 at 10:54 PM, memememe76 said:

    I live in West Coast Canada, but I am pretty sure I have seen a Rita’s in Chicago and NYC too, although I have never tried it. Not just a Philly thing. 

    Is that a real cheesesteak place? I went to Gino and the other one across the street.

    Rita's originated just outside of Philly.  They have sinced franchised and are now all over. https://www.ritasice.com/about-ritas/history/

    I'm from Philly and I thought it was cool to see some off the beaten path things - a mural, RIta's, a Septa bus!  It was nice to see more than the Art Museum and the Rocky statue.  

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  3. 11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    Nov. 2 episode: What kind of moron volunteers to a cop about the coke he snorted with the missing person thus giving the police grounds for a search warrant? K-9 Officer Molly got him dead to rights. 

    Yeah, not too bright, that one.

    I also gave a side eye to Kris' mom when she said IT people collect stuff and Kris didn't know the child porn was on the hard drive.  Yes, she may have believed what her child, told her, but I hope when she heard it played back she realized how ridiculous it sounded.   I work in IT...anything I collect at work stays at work.  

    • Love 9
  4. On 10/24/2019 at 7:56 AM, BetyBee said:

    Maybe Randall's next big breakdown will be when he realizes that they forgot to pack Annie when they moved!

    For real.  I was thinking we had another Judy Winslow scenario on our hands!

    • LOL 1
  5. On 10/22/2019 at 10:14 PM, ByaNose said:

    I’m from the Northeast (Philly) & don't have any recollection of this. I will need to confer with my 85 year old parents. LOL!!! Also, mint chocolate chip (green) is my favorite ice cream.  

    I'm also from Philly and have definitely had ice cream in a box. This is back when you got an actual half gallon of ice cream.  I haven't seen it sold like that in maybe 20 years  I wonder where Uncle Nicky found that brick of ice cream.

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  6. On 10/23/2019 at 6:09 AM, sATL said:

    Let me start (IE I will be back later 🙂 ) by asking two questions..

    1. Why do the quints need to be physically in the same room with the music lessons?  I've been though at least one decade of music lessons.with a few intruments..different teachers..locations... they are held normally in another room - just teacher and student. There is a waiting area for the "entourage". I'm even wondering why can't that 1/2 hr, they go elsewhere - park, library, another store, outside etc. Just don't get why they need to be underfoot.

    2. Randy - the head preschool teacher... and the end of year testings... Great the girls progressed . Did she actually imply that when Riley goes to public school, with Blayke , she will always be a year ahead - regardless of age? Which means she will be in Kindergarten (known as K5 in some circles) when she is barely 4. Has that changed? I thought public school first  criteria (well only) for grade  placement until about 2nd grade was age. I  also don't like that the actual  daily teacher is not present at the conference.

    Depends on the state, really, but grade level is not solely determined by age.  For example, my brother skipped kindergarten and started first grade when he was 5.  He is also a June birthday so he had recently turned 5 by the time he started first grade.  He, like Riley, tested well. The fact that he was reading books in PreK was a big factor for my mom to send him from PreK to first grade.

    We've been told Riley is academically ready.  Danielle and Adam will have to decide if Riley can handle the social aspect of being younger than her classmates if they send her ahead.  Anything could happen, really, but it's not just based on age.

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  7. 42 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    Yeah Tanner, your mom with her weird little kid voice is never going to be better than Collie’s mom.  Don’t try.

    At first I thought it was a young sister on the phone.  Then he was talking about being the youngest! That's when I realized it was his mom.  Oh my. 

    Overall, this episode was kind of boring.  I'm looking forward to next week when it looks like there will be guest drama! Interior drama! And Abbi's hair drama!

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  8. On 9/27/2019 at 11:20 PM, DebbieM4 said:

    I am so over Jack & Rebecca's early years too.   And yes, there was Jack going into a whole monologue at the dinner table.   Predictable and overdone, and it doesn't endear him to me at all.

    I would have been okay with it if it hadn't gone on so damn long!   People on other sites posted that they thought they were watching the wrong show, had accidentally changed the channel, or whatever.   I understand trying to pique our curiosity, but I was really bored because it seemed as though I was endlessly watching people I didn't know and didn't care about.   All of that went on much, much too long.

    I agree.  After waiting all this time, we wanted to see the family we've come to know!  Instead we were subjected to these random people for the majority of the episode.  I'm with you - I'm not at all interested in any of the new characters either.  They were shoved in my face too much, and I kept wanting them to go away.  It was overkill.  This episode needed a much better balance.

    I DVRed the show and honestly I fast forwarded through most of it.  I really came to see the characters I was familiar with, not random people.  It kind of reminded me of when Nikki and Paolo were introduced on Lost.  It was made to seem we were supposed to care about those 2 characters, and they didn't seem to have ties to anyone else on the show.  Turned out fans hated them so they killed them off the show.  That's how I felt being introduced to these new characters without knowing their Pearson connections.

    • Love 5
  9. On 9/26/2019 at 9:37 AM, PRgal said:

    Randall probably lives in the jurisdiction he represents.  And that area might be mixed income.  It's a change for the girls (at least for Tess and Annie), but it might be something that Deja is used to.  As for Malik's family, I wonder if the baby's mom is from a troubled home (and in foster care).  Since Malik's family is stable, she was placed under her grandparents' care.  I also think they purposely cast a very young looking teen so we would be even MORE surprised when we find out he's the dad and not the older brother.  Because I, too, thought he was like 13.

    I wonder if there'll be a storyline involving the babymama wanting the baby back and Randall getting involved with it somehow. 

    Maybe Randall will send the girls to a private school in Philly like Penn Charter (aka William Penn Academy from The Goldbergs.)

    • Love 3
  10. 13 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

    Between Anastasia always sitting on the table (and usually with her shoes) when doing the decor and Aesha straddling Jack on the kitchen counter, I just hope they do a lot of sanitizing of the surfaces. 

    That really drives me crazy.  Tables are for glasses not for asses.

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  11. Jack had some great lines tonight.  I really like his new title, "Chief Peppercorn Separator." He's turned over a new leaf for me.  I, too, thought his proposal? (if you want to call it that) was kind of cute.

    Sandy was really micromanaging with the waverunner.  Jeez, let the crew try to fix it.  That's what you hired them for.  All of a sudden Joao has fallen out of favor with her and Travis is her new favorite.

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  12. On 6/3/2019 at 9:11 PM, SlothLoveChunk said:

    This episode drove me crazy. While I can empathize with the chaos their household must be, I was face-palming myself every other scene. As the mother of a toddler who started her escapades of escape, climbing, and just a utteral destruction before age 1 (my oldest was pretty chill so the second's personality there is for a loop), a little bit of baby proofing and limits could go a loooong way in that house. Sure, their little farmhouse style baby gate looks cute, but they admitted the babies escape it all the time. Get an ugly pressure mounted one with a baby proof latch and you will be good. My oldest was 3 when we got ours and she figured it out quick so it shouldn't be an issue with her older boys. Figure out a way to childproof that bathroom door for Christ's sake. And if it is truly such a unique door that none of the hundreds of safety locks will not work on it, put a freaking lock on the toilet seat. While not pretty, good old painters tape would solve the baby in the air duct problem. I see a dozen things that could be fixed in less than an hour and dramatically improve their life, so it was so frustrating to watch the babies get into things they shouldn't repeatedly.

    I was also confused why they needed to bathe each child individually at the sink after their messy dinner. I have a bathtub that is smaller than the standard size built today, but I could easily fit three babies in there at a time. Not sure why they couldn't tag team to do something like that. 

    Mom is probably crazy overwhelmed, but the whole household just seemed so laissez faire, especially with the energy of the older boys. I prefer the rigidity of the Busbee house!

    My take on Courtney is that she loves Pinterest. Her house just looks like something you would see on a Pinterest. The babies’ birthday cakes screamed Pinterest to me. Plus she LOVES to take pictures of everything and I could see her posting them on Pinterest.   Long and the short of it is she’s more about how things look rather than their function or practicality.  With maybe one baby you could get away with that. But not 6 babies. 

    • Love 2
  13. 19 hours ago, aemom said:

    There are 5 Girl Guide/Scout chalets over the world and one of them is in Switzerland.  I was lucky enough to visit as a Girl Guide with a group when I was 15 and I still remember so many details to this day.  It was an awesome experience and I would love to go back one day.

    Didn't quite get the drama at the end but so far I like Vic & Nic (I have never seen BB at all) and I'm so over the Reilly sisters - they can leave anytime now.  Jumping off that cliff would have been terrifying - I might have asked the guy to push me off if I had to do it.

    I think that this is it for the non-elims?

    While I was watching I was actually thinking about Our Chalet. I haven’t been yet but I’ve seen pictures and what I saw on the race reminded me of the pictures I’d seen.  I was kind of expecting some random Scouts/Guides to pop up in the background.That said,  next year I’m chaperoning a Girl Scout trip and we’re going to visit two of the World Centers -  Pax Lodge and Our Chalet.  We’re not staying at the Chalet which is kind of a bummer because some of the things on the race seemed like things you might do at the Chalet. 

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  14. 6 hours ago, TMI said:

    Agree...I got "mommed"...out last night when I was watching it...had to disconnect from show....life difficult but not sure I can stands listening to mom whine. 

    also rented tent for onederland birthday gala...new van ...need new home...but worried about insurance  and money for extra help...just doesn't add up....

    And also a cake for each baby, and that beautiful cake for the guests. That’s not cheap. 

    Despite that, I do like this family. I love how the older brothers dote on the babies. It’s sweet and refreshing. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, joanne3482 said:

    The afghanimals won me over when the one who doesn't have a baby said he was running the race for his cat and then did a little hand gesture and called out the cat's name.  As someone who watches a ridiculous amount of 'reality' tv, I get sick of the "I'm doing it for my kids to show them blah blah blah" trope. 

    The cat thing cracked me up, too.  And then when he was climbing "Mt. Fuji" the other guy yelled at him, "Do it for [cat's name]!"

    • Love 24
  16. Season 5 was the first season I really watched, so I have a soft spot for Colin and Christie.  I hated them on their season and I was glad they lost.  I thought Colin was just mean and angry and Christie could do better. I'm looking forward to Zen Colin and more replays of "MY OX IS BROKEN!"

    Rupert and Laura.  My goodness, did they even try?  "Where should we go?" "I don't know."  Why didn't they try to find someone that spoke English.  And at the beginning Rupert was all, there's nothing more difficult than being on Survivor and toward the end he was like, TAR is HARD.

    I hope that Team Fun will do well.  I laughed when Phil asked Floyd if he drank enough...water.  That was a sucky way for them to go out last time.

    Glad the race is back! 

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  17. 14 minutes ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

    Josiah looks like he’s about to shit himself, singing that song in front of everyone.

    Josiah: I hate singing.  

    Lauren:  my husband loves to sing with me!

    • LOL 21
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  18. 1 minute ago, Fostersmom said:

    So, they are just hating on Meri because she has 2 money making businesses and they know she could leave their asses if she really wanted to, right? 

    Plus she's no longer the legal wife.  She really has no reason to stay.

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