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TV Anonymous

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Posts posted by TV Anonymous

  1. On 10/6/2021 at 9:29 AM, Tom Holmberg said:

    Can you carbon date a diamond that's already tens of thousands (or more) of years old?

    The answer is a resounding no. Carbon dating can only be used for organic (carbon-based) material. Sure, diamond is carbon in its purest form. However the carbon in diamond has formed crystal that makes it mineral, not organic material anymore. As for the band, it is metal so it is obviously not organic.

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  2. How was Lucy angry with Abigail over what was said in her sessions with the client? Were the contents of the sessions not confidential? Add to that that while she shared office space with Svensson & Associates, she was not part of the law firm.

    So now the show has confirmed that the setting is indeed in Vancouver, BC, why is it still pretending that the courtroom is not in a Canadian court? And again, I wish that the legal matters in this show reflect actual practices.

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  3. On 9/28/2021 at 10:07 PM, Primal Slayer said:

    Not really sure how a Kryptonian hologram recording of a Krypto witch still acts as if she is alive and can sense magic from people but....there it is. 

    The canon of the crystal is that it is not just a recording of someone but the whole copy of their personality and consciousness. Therefore the holograms act as if they are sentient, just without physical body. As references see Val-El in Krypton, Zeta-Rho in Superman and Lois, and Alura In-Ze in the earlier episodes of this show.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, Taeolas said:


    I don't think Gavin was trying to rejoin the airforce. But instead he was calling in favours basically to see if there was a military-adjacent  job the Captain could pull strings to get for him on the base. (so he could be close to his family).  

    Gavin expressively said, "I've been out of the Air Force in the last two years so I'm looking for a way back in." Nowhere that he said he wanted a civilian job within the base.

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  5. I know that it is way, way too early to understand what the mystery is, but the show hints strongly to time travel, and that is where I want to make my comment.

    Supposed that it is time travel and those victims travelled to the exact place they were, only 15kya - the time teratornis not yet extinct. How is it that a piece of boulder in an urban area stood there for 15 millennia untouched? As well, the ground around it kept intact for all that time, considering the fact above and that the area is quite active tectonically?

    On a separate note, if Gavin wants to rejoin the Air Force, having a private meeting with a Captain will not do anything. He needs to see an Air Force recruiter, have his DD-214 assessed to see if he can rejoin, and then see if there is any billet available for him.

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  6. Why did Uncle Frank only give Police Joe his father's badge number when he got promoted? Joe already had his own badge number by that time. If he wanted, Uncle Frank should have given the number when Joe joined the force, as it is much difficult to change one's number than to issue it for the first time.

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  7. Well, I guess I am in minority. I dislike this premiere episode. The lead looks entitled and smug for someone whose profession is in jeopardy. And of course the legal angle is thoroughly crap. There is no way that the lawyer is allowed to give lecture during cross. And they do not even arguing the law. 

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  8. On 9/15/2021 at 3:56 AM, thuganomics85 said:

    Was all of the guest actresses (including the always welcomed Emmanuelle Vaugier!)' accents suppose to be Irish?  Couldn't really make heads or tails of it, but it sounded like that's what they were going for, which kind of amused me since I kept picturing Katie McGrath a.k.a. an actual Irish actress just being all "Wow, is that how y'all really think we sound?!" throughout all of that. 

    They were in Newfoundland. Newfoundland has its own dialect that sounds like Irish as it is indeed influenced by Irish.

    Wow, Lena is such a splitting image of her mother, her mother even has the same mole on the neck at the exact same spot.

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  9. On 9/13/2021 at 1:57 AM, Irlandesa said:

    She was fired because her jerk of a boss believed an anonymous customer over his long term waitress. That might be wrong in the moral and ethical sense but it's not "wrong" in the legal sense where people could bring a case against her employer.  At most, she might have a case against Rita for slander but that would be hard to prove. 

    Got terminated because of an uncorroborated report? It is the definition of wrongful termination where I am.

  10. Just saying, horse meat tastes like mutton but a bit tough. Nothing special about it. How do I know? I eat it regularly. Here it is widely sold - legally of course - in grocery stores. I hope that they eat the entirety of that horse, offal and all.

    Interesting that the Reapers use ninja tropes to fight. Throwing knives, smoke to escape, wonder how they trained during zombie apocalypse.

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  11. On 8/17/2021 at 10:14 PM, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    All this nonsense about "saving our people" when there's an entire city of Kryptonians in orbit.

    And when there is another well-known Kryptonian lives in National City. But sure, perhaps that one is still in the Phantom Zone.

  12. I know that this is a comic-based show, but I cannot help cringing when The Flash while standing still charge the device with 'kinetic energy'. As well, Runk mentions nanometers as a unit to measure energy. He implicates that there is 5 billion nanometers of energy. 5 billion nanometers is simply 5 meters. What does that mean in terms of energy?

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  13. I do not read much of entertainment news, so ELI5. What does Diggle do in these Arrowverse shows? He appeared on Batwoman, The Flash, and now this. Is he up for a new series? There was a speculation that he would be Green Lantern but I believe that HBO Max already cast that series and Diggle would not be involved.

  14. I know that the Kevin part of the show is played as a sitcom, but what about all those guests in the escape room? They are legitimately entitled to their $10 000 prize money. Now that they found that Kevin scammed them by swallowing the key, and that Kevin was part of the organizers, lawsuits should be coming to them.

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  15. I have perhaps two nitpicks, considering that the setting is in 1949.

    1. Vern told Dee that the manager of the hotel was his friend and that person would take care of her. Vern dropped Dee and did not enter the hotel. How would the manager know who Dee was and that she was sent by Vern? There was no cell phone for Vern to inform the manager that Dee was coming.
    2. Mrs. Yost wore a transparent plastic head cover all the time she was eavesdropping in the rain. Did such plastic product exist in 1949?
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  16. I am a little underwhelmed with the depiction of nuclear explosion in this episode. The Ohio-class submarines carry Trident II missiles which warheads have 100 kT TNT blast yield, or more. As a comparison, Little Boy, the bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima had 15 kT TNT blast yield. So there they were, with the bomb that was potentially 5 times as powerful as the one that ended WWII, and Victor just watched the blast from behind glass windows of a high-rise apartment. Morgan and Grace just sheltered under a car in the open. Dwight and Sherry were just behind a sheet metal door with wood frames.

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