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Everything posted by SweetJones

  1. A week or so ago a twitter account associated with Val sent a tweet asking who should be Val's next partner. A good amount of people said Kat Graham from Vampire Diaries. I believe she's a trained dancer so if that were to actually happen, she'd certainly get ringer status. However, she's no more of a ringer than Nicole Scherzinger, so why not.
  2. Will Friedle is Eric from Boy Meets World. He does a lot of voice over work now. Will barely even shows up to BMW reunions, I doubt he would do the show. You know who I bet would though, the little sister... either one of them it doesn't matter haha.
  3. I love Surf Ninjas. That would be amazing. My wish list is as follows Eliza Dushku One of the Smith children, maybe the one who is not Jaden or Willow. The Mowry's (Tia, Tamera, or Taj) The oldest brother from Home Improvement Ashley Simpson New York (from Flavor of Love but bless the soul who would be her partner) Shaggy (remember that reggae singer from the 90's and early 00's) Michelle Kwan Any NBA player, I feel like I've never seen an NBA player on the shower That quarterback that won the superbowl this year Russel Wilson
  4. Derek is so clever that he shocks me every time. I swear me must play chess or something. It's like he knew that he did the stripped down freestyle, then he lulls you into a false sense of security and then pulls out the rope from Pink's last 3 award show performances. I happen to agree with Len, but I also think the stunt went with the theme of the song so... I voted for Maks and Meryl because I"m a fan of her and her journey. I've seen all the debate between Maks and Derek on this particular message board and I wouldn't be surprised if the 2 of them plus Mark wasn't back next season. With that in mind, count me in for saying to watch out for Val because he's proven with Zendaya and Meryl that his choreography is nothing to be messed with. Also, if they get Artem as a pro next year I'm sure he'll be interesting to watch, since he already has a fan base from SYTYCD and the british version of the show.
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