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Posts posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. 3 hours ago, mikeb said:

    For the most recent Aurora Teagarden, the motive seems completely implausible. Putting in spoiler in case anyone hasn't seen it yet and doesn't want to be spoiled.

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    CEO of company is framed for embezzlement by owner's son and is forced to retire with no criminal charges pressed.  Owner realizes son framed him, apologizes and offers him his job back, but CEO conspires with a lawyer and chef to kill the owner and try to frame the son for the murder 'for taking away his job and destroying his reputation' .  Does this make any sense?  Could see if had not been offered job back, but not in these circumstances.   Also, they never established why the lawyer went along with the plan or how the chef could know which glass to put the poison in.

    Also, there was a opening scene where the members of the Real Murders club are dressed up in 1920's era costumes that was prominently featured in promos that ended up being brief and pointless other than to introduce some of Sally's family members.

    Agree with all you said. Also, honest question - would the new will stand even though the lawyer worked with the criminals? Or would it revert back to the other? They seemed to have the new will mostly stand since Ro's mom had the power to give away the company. But the chef was apparently going to only get the money that was explicitly stated in the first will.

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  2. On 8/2/2019 at 12:16 PM, NotChristine said:

    I'm surprised nothing happened to Matty after she witnessed Big Dick being killed. Speaking of Matty, what was the point of her trying to copy BD's hard drive?

    I think Matty was trying to get evidence that Big Dick was behind the first two bombs (she didn't know Clive had the recording). But then it ended up unnecessary once she got to witness him being murdered. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

    So is he the love interest?  I know that they are close in age but he looks older with the graying hair.  Nothing wrong with aging but the pearl clutchers might take offense with pairing up a seemingly "young girl" with an "older man".

    If they were okay with Summer Villa, they should be fine with this one. That was a bigger age difference. Of course Hilarie's real life husband is way older, too. Hopefully, those pearl clutchers can figure out that Danica is older by considering her time on the Wonder Years and that people can dye their hair (not that I know Danica for sure dyes hers).

    I liked the new movie. I was relieved that deployment was apparently enough drama to leave out a dumb misunderstanding. And the leads seemed to have good chemistry.

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  4. On 7/1/2019 at 3:30 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I see what you mean.  Movies where 1 woman around that age leading a movie is probably rarer these days.  Rebel Wilson got to do it with "Isn't it Romantic".  Taraji P. Henson has a couple of them.  Maybe Rachel feels like romcoms don't stretch her acting muscles enough.  She was in some of the biggest movies of the 2000s but maybe it's not so interesting anymore.  In the 2000s there were huge romcoms starring Sandra Bullock, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez, etc. but it's not something that happens so frequently anymore.  

    Morning Glory only made a profit of $20 million.  With Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford as co-stars it probably underperformed.  

    There's a lot of information here about it being a box office disappointment:


    I just saw Morning Glory with a friend and we both really liked it. Then, I decided to see if there were any interesting movies on Netflix before I cancel again. I found another movie with Rachel McAdams, coincidentally. She isn't the lead, she's the love interest, so it fits with what you said. It's called About Time. I think it's the same director as Love Actually. I really enjoyed this movie as well.

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  5. On 7/20/2019 at 10:49 PM, Slovenly Muse said:

    Maybe it comes up in season 3, and it's just been so long since I've watched it that I've forgotten what was said, but it seems crazy to me that a high-profile movie star recently acquitted of murder was executed at Millionaire Central Headquarters (the Neptune Grand), and it made no lasting splash in the community. Can anyone who saw season 3 recently remember if it ever came up? I assume nothing was ever linked back to Weidman or the Kanes, if the "Murderheads" still think Keith was wrong to investigate Jake. 

    I rewatched the series. It did not come up in season 3. So interesting points about his murder not being a mystery to be solved on the show. Guess they figured fans would just be happy he got justice somehow since the legal system didn't do it, and we could assume that it was otherwise investigated off-screen. Hard to imagine Veronica/Keith/Logan wouldn't be invested in that, though. 

    • Love 2
  6. 21 hours ago, freddi said:

    Now I have to go find out why Rupert looked so familiar...

    He looked familiar to me also, so I looked him up. He was the prince in those Netflix royal Christmas movies that were so popular. 

    I could be wrong, but I think the elder Cresswell was the intended target to begin with. Bell's wife was accused of having an affair with him. I think we were to assume that Farmer Bell killed his wife and went after the elder Cresswell before then killing himself. Then, whats-his-name, who had helped with the poison pen letters by mailing them, committed suicide due to guilt. So the vet's daughter only directly killed one person, the older Cresswell brother. 

    It's interesting that people find this season to be so dark. I guess the personal stuff with all of our main characters is very dark, moreso than in the past. But I think there's actually fewer direct murders (so far) than in previous seasons. More accidental deaths. A lot of the murders in the past seasons were super dark, or the stories behind them were super dark (like the storyline with the prostitute suspect that someone else referenced here). This show has never been rainbows and butterflies, though, lol. I still enjoy it as just a quality show. And I've always had some trouble following the storylines, especially if I don't pay 100% attention. It helps using closed captioning, though. I miss some things with the accents. 

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  7. I don't think we were supposed to assume Wallace and Mac were a couple. They outright reference Wallace looking for another woman at the reunion because they had made a promise that if they were both single by then things could "get interesting" or something like that.

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  8. 11 hours ago, kirinan said:

    ETA: On a slightly different topic, My Boyfriend's Back: Wedding March 5: meh. However, it was totally worth sitting through just for Tyler Hynes--and I watched it once more on DVR and just FF'd to his parts. I am coming to love him a ridiculous amount. He's even in danger of surpassing my Holy Hallmark Trinity of Antonio Cupo, Paul Greene, and Victor Webster in my affections. 

    For you and others who are fans of Antonio Cupo, if you didn't already know, he has been on the new CBS show Blood & Treasure

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  9. On 5/30/2019 at 5:31 AM, theschnauzers said:

    I’m not reading any more into this show than what it is, a summer romp. And unlike many of those on CBS in the summertime it’s more comedic.

    i’ve been watching Matt ever since Hatfields &McCoys, and even last season’s Valor on the CW, so yes I will watch him in anything. These are the sort of roles you would have seen at the movies every week, back before television became the big thing, and Matt really is a throwback to that era and does it well. It’s interesting that the networks and services are increasingly doing these types of series now, because it is the sort of thing that works best in summertime.

    USA network used to specialized in these shows. I don't understand why they stopped. I was a fan of so many of their shows, and now I don't watch that network at all.

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  10. Two other random, small comments on Paris, Wine, & Romance. Every time Isabella or someone mentioned her vineyard, Ricci Ridge, I kept hearing Richie Rich. Guess showing my generation. Just me? Also, why does she repeatedly say she doesn't have time to wait for her business to grow? People kept asking her, including her uncle, and she never really answers the question. It just seems like she can't wait because she doesn't want to wait.  

    • Love 8
  11. 5 minutes ago, JenMD said:

    Although I was a little leery when I realized Dan Jeannotte was going to be doing a French accent since fake accents in these movies don't always work out so well but I thought he was great and very, very charming.

    I was thinking the same. Jen posted on twitter that Dan is French-Canadian, so maybe he is very familiar with the accent from growing up close to it? Or I wonder if he ever had an accent and worked on losing it...It definitely was better than I expected it to be.

    • Love 2
  12. For fellow Giants fans - I was also disappointed immediately after the draft. Now that I've had time for the emotions to settle, I feel a little better. Also, don't know if any of you are familiar with Big Blue Kickoff Live (on the Giants.com website and app). It's a daily call in show that their main media people do - kind of a podcast but it's initially live with callers. Anyway, they are fans of the team but they are really good about keeping level heads and making sense of why certain decisions were made. Listening to them has helped me. They don't have any insider scoop or anything like that, although they have some extra access to people. But I recommend listening if you are a fan. Some former players also work for them and do some of the shows, so that's fun. 

  13. 2 hours ago, kirinan said:

    So, did anyone watch Paris, Wine & Romance last night? I liked it quite a bit. Other than the "woman is uptight and pushy to the point of panic at the beginning" trope I so detest, I thought it was a decent story. I appreciated that no one was a villain, and if the black moment was a bit weak (not only did the brother have the wrong ID card, but it was also incorrect on the news story when they were evidently superstars in the wine world? Really? Talk about your convenient plot device), it didn't ruin the movie for me. And of course the scenery was gorgeous.

    Aside from the uptight thing (which seems to be kind of a Jen Lilley specialty, come to think of it), I liked Isabella's cheek and confidence in her expertise; Jen really sold it. I wish they'd given her the swagger without the twitteriness. And Dan Jeannotte as Jacques was swoon-worthy. I thought they had great chemistry. Oh, and a small thing, but I liked that when he came to Oregon she'd already realized she had overreacted to what caused her to run back home. You know, like a grown-up. 

    This movie goes into my win column, since I would happily watch it again.

    I also enjoyed it for the most part. It worked for most of the reasons you gave. Beautiful scenery. I really enjoyed Dan Jeannotte. I just wish they didn't throw in the usual misunderstanding, which was very stupid, as you explained. They really could have accomplished the same things without the misunderstanding. Have Isabella go back home, having decided they can't make it work living in different countries. They both recognize that they enjoyed their time together. Both of them deal with that while pining for each other. Then Jacques's family sees he is pining, shows him the same wine bottle that gives him a solution, and he goes and gets his girl. Same exact thing without the stupid misunderstanding. I still would rewatch it.

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  14. 14 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Blaine's car commercial was the perfect send up of the stupid faux-serious ads (many of which I am forced to watch on YouTube).

    I took this as a direct dig at the Matthew McConaughey car commercials. Hilarious.

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  15. 20 hours ago, AnnaRose said:

    All that being said... I liked Lizzie and Charley's friendship, but there wasn't that much to it and they hadn't even gone out on a date... so the big OMG he's leaving! reaction didn't really feel earned.

    I loved Walter with Quinn and Lizzie though!  That was very sweet.  Walter's home was fantastic... and how awesome was the tea party he set up for Quinn?  (He and Quinn had some cute banter, too.) 

    I liked the father/son stuff, but I can understand why some people thought it was too much of a downer for Hallmark.  It seems like at least ninety percent of all Hallmark movies have one or more main characters who lost a spouse or parent very recently, but they usually don't spend so much time focused on it, I think.

    I agree with y'all about Lizzie's wardrobe - it was weird for the C.O.O. of a hospital to be wearing jeans everyday.  It almost seemed like they started filming as if it was set in a very small, laid-back town and later added the exterior shots to make it Savannah.  (I think Lizzie mentions Savannah at one point though, so maybe not.)

    Agree with all this. Walter and Quinn were the best part of the movie. The romance part didn't feel earned at all.

    • Love 2
  16. 5 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    And they are all the same movie, over and over.  If you don't know who will end up with who in the happy ending then you are dense as a brick.

    And what it is with the royalty obsession?  Does Hallmark think every American woman secretly wants to be a princess?  And why does every prince of some obscure kingdom (complete with evil queen mother) have a British accent?

    Geez, get some new writers already.

    The prince in Love, Romance, & Chocolate did not have a British accent. But he also wasn't the love interest, just a background character, lol.

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  17. 1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    I hate giant messy dry beards and that has been a young hipster trend for a while.

    When DIY meets WTF!


    That's the other thing I hate. Was going to mention it but thought it might be too off-topic, lol. I'm not a big fan of facial hair in general, but I can deal with a short, neat beard or whatever. But those huge, long beards are disgusting. 

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