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Everything posted by sunspot

  1. I took an arbitrary dislike to the team that was eliminated - professional girlfriend? not a fan - so I felt oddly vindicated at the end of the episode. That Sabrina is annoying as heck but her boyfriend/fiance/husband/whatever was hilarious after she finished the physical challenge, so I'm giving them a pass for now. Not sure who I will randomly hate next week but it's a bit easier to pick this season. Last summer I liked almost everyone.
  2. Hello rewatchers. A little more than a month ago I was putting my hockey equipment away and I had to go all the way to the back of the scary under-the-stairs cupboard to do so. While there I found DVDs of S1-3 Stargate SG1, a show I had never seen and was only vaguely aware of in a "hey that's MacGyver being Kurt Russell in a yay!sci-fi show I should eventually watch" way. No idea how they made it into my house but I needed something to watch this summer anyway and I was pretty sure the DVD of the original movie was somewhere (found it in an under-the-stairs bookshelf, yes I have many stairs in my home), so thus my summer insomnia solution was born. So hopefully you won't mind another first time watcher horning in on your fun. I am almost halfway through S3 right now. I don't have many feelings yet but I do have thoughts and the occasional rage blackout to talk about. Oh ye gods and little fishes thank Apophis that Emancipation is fairly universally reviled, they almost lost me forever. In conclusion, I can't decide who is prettier Sam or DanielJackson and I'm A-ok with that conundrum.
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