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Everything posted by Getaclue

  1. Not why I posted that link. Point is, that pic is just a great pic of a cute kid doing what kids his age do. He's 4 and doing very well it seems. Less anyone has inside info, I think that's all one can accurately surmise from this photo. But good luck with that.
  2. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/childrens-health/in-depth/thumb-sucking/art-20047038
  3. That doesn't mean she can't swim. It means she swims underwater and comes up for breaths. How would anyone surmise what they aren't capable of doing without saying explicitly that. Some crystal balls ;)
  4. Bill knows how to swim. Will is learning to swim and Jen knows how to swim but said she doesn't float (she has no fat on her so that makes some sense). The kids are never alone and the parents are well informed. As loving parents that worked harder than most to get their kids, along with the fact that they made many efforts to safeguard their home and, surely in Jennifer career she has been exposed to the consequences of leaving a child unattended in/near any water, I doubt they are cavalier about the responsibility of having a pool. On the upside, it's therapeutic, fun and a great way to exercise. Much better than playing in the grass when it's 103 outside.
  5. The negative attitudes being exhibited here and the accusatory nature of the comments is what's making it feel tense. Whilst some look into accusing Bill and Jen, maybe some of us can look into defamation, slander and legality of subpoenas being issued to know who's making these accusations so civil suits can be issued. Won't that be fun! This might be better reading than that book written by some hack making money from the exploitation of the people she supposedly is trying to protect. http://harvardjsel.com/2014/04/defamation-internet/
  6. He says 'they're going to school in the fall' and people are confused? Maybe they should have a public calendar?! Losing interest in this nonsense.
  7. Isn't that organization made to help protect child actors to keep the money they earn and be treated fairly? Is there some proof you have to make such deleterious comments from your couch?
  8. Im curious too... But I doubt watching the Gardner is in the upcoming season whilst Bill sips iced tea from the porch in one his 4 or 5 choice shirt/short ensembles.
  9. While I understand what you're trying to say, I don't think they ever claimed to be the weed wacking, kill their own deer, lay concrete for their own pool type of people. Moreover, in most metro areas, most people don't do everything around their house. Right or wrong (in your opinion), they have only claimed to do their best to make a better life for themselves and those important to them. Achievement isn't defined by whether they carry their kids up a flight of stairs, it's whether their kids graduate college some day and become a productive member of society. And a side note, no offense to anyone, but I would suppose the books referenced above aren't exactly a bible of reality TV behind the scenes. I think Kate would sell books detailing the shapes of her bowel movements if she thought they would sell.
  10. Just because Jen has a difficult time in a moment while in a parking garage isn't indicative of her capabilities, and her ability to be a competent and well respected physician doesn't mean she can leap tall buildings and lift 50#...but the speculation that she didn't or couldn't do the work required to get to where she has professionally is unfounded and ignorant. Just because someone can't do it at 5' and 180# doest mean it's impossible for her. And for lying... They claim to do the show in hopes of educating people about differences, setting an example to achieve despite what moronic, hateful people you will undoubtedly run into will say. Mission accomplished. A great example for anyone that's been told they can't, won't or shouldn't.
  11. I'd like to think that if Jen is able to graduate from Johns Hopkins med, finish her residency just after having hip replacement placements, save countless children's lives quite literally... She's probably capable of getting a child from a chair to a table... Whether shes begun to encourage independence and her aid or not, she's likely more than capable.
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