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Posts posted by Pyramid

  1. Laurel has had forty six episodes to grow on me or rather KC has had forty six episodes to make Laurel grow on me and ... nothing. I just can't warm to her. I find her movements wooden and her expression fixed. Let's remember her following the laser pointer, or maybe not.

    On the other hand EBR did the head-tilt-that-launched-a-career and I immediately wanted to learn more about her.

    Laurel/KC is pretty much a lost cause to me now. I'm willing to see what they have in store this season, but if we get to sixty nine episodes and they're still trotting out the line about "KC fans will be excited by the next development" I'll just throw my hands up, wish a fond farewell to the rest of Starling City's residents and dust off my Farscape DVDs for an overdue rewatch.

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  2. If a character needs forty fecking six episodes to set up something interesting to happen then the writers should exhibit no surprise if people have already given up on that character.

    And yes to Felicity back story and an even bigger yes to Felicity having a current story line that doesn't involve her orbiting Oliver or propping up another character.

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  3. What is this mans issue. What he can't date whilst being the Arrow too? Because he'd be hiding from...oh wait he wouldn't!!! Mph I don't understand. Someone explained. Please.

    It's because of the life he leads dontchaknow.

    • Love 2
  4. The writers also do her no favours with this "I know you in my bones" bollocks.


    Maybe she does, maybe she was always able to see the hero inside Oliver, but unless the writers give us a flashback where there's evidence of this (rather than just confirming what a complete shitgibbon Ollie was) she just comes across like an abused wife who keeps saying that  no, really, he does love me!

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  5. Laurel's "crucible" was so badly done she basically ended up where she started. With the notable exception of actually being closer to her dad and sister. What sort of crucible is that.?

    Add in a garnish of blackmail and I'm at a complete loss as to what the writers were trying to achieve.

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  6. At this point, I hope someone asks the exact same question at Comic Con. Fans throw those panels up on the web pretty quickly. The entire cast as well as the EPs should be there. No ambiguity. It's a legit question that could be asked of everyone on the show, and if the actors don't have an answer for it, they're not doing their job.

    I think the question to ask at Comic Con is "What do the members of Team Arrow feel they bring to the team as a whole?"

    Works on a couple of levels, because we would find out if it was just her that thinks she's joining TA, and if she is joining then there's no way she could answer "read the comics" if DR, EBR and SA all give well thought out responses.


    That fact that you have to trick an actor into answer a question about a show they're supposed to be promoting is a bit sad.

    • Love 6

    If this is a suggestion that the writing team is deliberately trying to ruin the Laurel character because they don't like KC, I don't buy that.

    Nope, it wasn't a serious suggestion, I was making with the funny. Poorly apparently!


    And I pretty much agree with you, but I've bashing KC so much lately that I felt bad and was reaching for some kind of explanation that didn't involve her being so utter shit at her job!


    They could really love the character, and have big plans for her, but not actually know how to to write her, and as a result KC doesn't know what do to with the role most of the time.

    The problem is that they've already shown with Felicity, Sara and Nissa that they can write good female characters. Which points to KC, and yet there's some glaring inconsistencies in the writing for her, or at least between what they say about here and what they write for her.

    It's starting to look deliberate!

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    Genuine question here: Are the showrunners really in love with Laurel? Because if so, they have an odd way of showing it.

    It's a good point. If you went by their interviews then you'd think she was made from awesome, but if you went by what was shown on screen, well, different story. It's like they've made a really fancy cake with all fancy white frosting but when you cut into it it's filled with crap.

    Maybe they're trying to drive her insane with random praise and punishment.


    On  a serious note, what the hell must KC be thinking? Has she actually noticed the disconnect between what's being said and what's being shown. From her interviews it would appear not, but she can't that thick can she? But then I suppose it would be bad form for an actor to speak out about the writing.


    Do you think the producers kick themselves for not casting Caity Lotz as Laurel from the beginning

    Probably they are, but while typing this I just had a thought, wouldn't Alona Tal have been perfect. She did kick serious ass on Supernatural.

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