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Posts posted by Pyramid

  1. Well living in Scotland I'm always late to the party and everyone has already said everything there is to say, won't stop me though!


    To begin: A plea to the insane-o-naut, tell your father that Sara is dead, please. He might evenbe able to help. Yeesh.

    Also, she picked black, *wink, wink*, because, you know, Black Canary. Not Red Canary, no, no. Black Canary. That was a foreshadow. Let's see what the Oxford Online Dictionary has to say about foreshadowing:

    Foreshadow: verb: A warning or indication of a future event. See also, anvil.


    And now that is out the way, this was the best episode for ages! I really liked it. Sure there were daft bits like Oliver v e r y  s l o w l y dodging motion controlled machine guns, but who cares! Loved everything the Smoak woman chose to be here. There interactions were everything I was hoping for. The scene where Ma Smoak was saying she sees none of her in Felicity was genuinely moving.

    Felicity as a goth is really very hot indeed. Very hot. Indeed.

    As someone noted above the "you know how I fee about her" scene was very well played particularly the way Felicity shut down the minute he said it.

    I loved Olivers reaction to meeting Felicity's mum. He was like a wee boy seeing a chance to pull the pigtails of a girl he likes. And Diggle, was golden once again. "Who's she going to tell" Ha!

    Ray improved in this episode for me, slightly. Still thought his turning up unannounced and just walking in was like wtf?

    Part of me doesn't want Roy at the end to be a fake-out, I think it could open up some really interesting conflicts.


    So Laurel barking orders at whoever is in front of her and being an incompetent is actually a writing choice. I'm at a loss there I really am.


    And finally, Felicity saved herself, and her mum. Awesome. Loved. It.

    • Love 5
  2. @wonderwall I would dearly love to watch an episode without seething every time Laurel appears, so I've given some thought to what you said.
    Sadly I think the character is irredeemable for me. The problem is, for the first two seasons she was main plot adjacent and could have been left out almost entirely without it making any difference to the over all arc. Her "crucible" should have been a 180 on her character but ended up being a 360. And now she's just an amorphous blob of directionless anger.
    I just can't think of a way to redeem her character for me. I would love to be able to enjoy her character, I resent that I resent her, but short of new writers and a recast I can't see me ever warming to her.

    Having said that, season one Thea really ripped my knitting and now her character is one of the things I actually enjoy on the show, so I guess never say never.

  3. Exactly. I'm fine with not killing him, but just letting Merlyn go on his merry way? No. Throw him in jail. If he can break out, good on him. Catch him and throw him back in! I guess "no jail can hold me" is a literal get out of jail free card now. I get that Merlyn is Thea's father, but he is also the murderer of 1/2 of Starling City, and all those people deserve justice.

    Not only not putting Merlyn in jail, but putting him under Oliver's protection. Just ... baffling. 

    • Love 1
  4. Can someone explain why Oliver put Malcolm under his protection? I might have missed the explanation in the episode. Was it so Thea wouldn't lose another parent? Something else? Have I missed something obvious?

    It can't be because he has a no kill policy, because that reason makes no sense. He'd be off breaking out every prisoner on death row if that was the case.

  5. The problem with the show for me right now is that it's all about Laurel becoming BC and who killed Sara.

    I absolutely, positively do not give a shit about Laurel's journey, and especially not the way they're doing it.

    I do not care who killed Sara. She's dead because the writers seemed to think that was what was best for Laurel's character. Why it happened in-show is of so little interest to me that I can't think of a metaphor to explain it.


    Normally I'd be left with Team Arrow to see me through, but they've been ripped apart, so it's the stunts, which are great but to what end when the plot is such a mess.


    To be fair, I do like the Thea story line, so there's that.


    Gah, it could be such a great show if they just binned Laurel! So frustrating!

    • Love 16
  6. After watching the latest episode, I realised what's really been bothering me about Laurel's story this year, other than the fact that it's badly acted and written. I can't think of any evidence in the last two season showing that Laurel actually loved Sara, never mind even liking her.
    This was highlighted for me when Nyssa showed up and you could feel her pain and loss. With Laurel it's all about being angry and just going off half cocked at anybody and anything. It's like she's using Sara as an excuse to pitch a tanty, Nyssa came in like the righteous thunder of an angry god.

    • Love 11
  7. So pretty much everything I want to say has been said.

    I'll add to the cries of "Just fucking tell your father that his daughter is dead, you evil, selfish, thoughtless, shit-gibbon."

    I can buy Oliver not killing Malcolm, but Diggle was right, don't kill, but don't do anything if someone else is going to. And what the hell are you doing saying he's under your protection!? 

    Not knowing the blank piece of paper had a hidden message just made them look so thick it just kicked me out of the story.

    Nyssa is awesome. Pity there was no Nyssa/Felicity interaction.

    Would they please shut. The. Fuck. Up about that fucking jacket. I think the reason Laurel thinks it's magical because the writers do.

    I hate, absolutely hate Laurel in the Arrowcave. Hate it. And her barking orders at whoever is standing in front of her makes her less likelable every episode, if that was possible. And that was an al Ghul yout were shouting orders at you idiot. And in the name of Christ would you blink at least once per episode.

    I'm still really liking Thea's story at the moment. Think it's fun watching her and Oliver lying through their teeth to each other, while feeding crumbs of truth at the same time. Can't wait for that to blow up in their faces.

    On the whole it's was a pretty meh episode for me.

    • Love 13
  8. I mind it, because as late as...what ep was the big "You made me believe I could be more than just an IT girl" speech in? The retcon was actually making her "just an IT girl" I think. When she started out, she worked in IT but, as she said to Walter, she was their most valuable department member. Reducing her to *just* an IT girl came later. So I'm going to need a reason for her to go from Master's degree from MIT to thinking of herself as "just" anything.


    And I've thought from their first scenes that there was something up between Felicity and Walter, like he recruited her. But I also thought that between Oliver and Walter from their initial scene.

    Fair enough, but given the real life circumstances I'm willing to hand wave for now. I reserve the right to change this opinion after 3.05 where this better be explained and canonised once and for all.

  9. I'm bitter Moira's gone as well, I was intrigued to see more of her and Felicity interacting, especially if she found out Felicity was working with the Arrow.
    But you know, her death opened so many story possibilities and in no way shut a fucking ton of them down.  Much the same as Sara's death.

    • Love 3
  10. These EPs think that if they put Sara in flashbacks, it will make up for killing her three ways.  They just don't get it.

    Yup, it's like they're going "here's what you could've had, suckers! Dance as we dangle a favourite character before your eyes. Now you see her, now she's stuffed in a fridge."

    I don't see what they expect to achieve. It also just highlights the poor substitute we've been given in her place.

    • Love 6
  11. Maybe it was Laurel, and they'll do a whole split personality thing, where one half of her kills Sara so the other half has motivation to become a "hero". I'm joking, but it makes as much sense as what I've seen so far.

    • Love 1
  12. Odd that laurel blames the LOA about Sara's death. In the S2 finale she didn't seem to mind waving Sara off with a big shit eating grin on her face.

    I don't know about it being the kid. I think I remember SA being interviewed saying that the kid was seeded in S2 but might not come to anything until S4.

    Of course:

    A. That might be my wishful thinking

    ii. SA just guessing

    3. Original plan, now changed.

    • Love 3
  13. I think Oliver and Felicity might be distant for the next ep, but that they'll slowly start taking steps toward each other. They'll start to miss each other and someone (likely Oliver, IMO) will reach out to start mending things, realizing that she's slipping away.

    I wonder if how his relationship with Thea plays out will impact on his views on his relationship with Felicity. Like, Thea's back, he's got an emotional crutch in her ... but if Merlyn related shenanigans pulls her away again he might be more inclined to seek out Felicity in an emotional sense again.


    I think this goes here. Could go in the Spec without spoilers. Who fecking knows. I'll leave it here just now unless otherwise informed.

    • Love 1
  14. Question. Why does Arrow even need a Black Canary? Forget who is behind the mask for a minute. The show is supposed to be about Oliver Queen and his journey to becoming a hero, the Green Arrow. I know the Canary is connected to Green Arrow in the comics, and that she and Oliver have an on again, off again relationship, in the comics. But this isn't the comics. And more importantly, it is Oliver's show. I'm not saying he needs to be on screen every second of every episode, or even that the whole world needs to revolve around him. I like to see stories with Diggle and Felicity and Quentin and Thea and Roy and Malcolm. But as much as I liked Sara I though her Canary story overrode a great deal of Oliver's last season, made worse by the fact we were overwhelmed with her in both the present and the past in the flashbacks while criminally underusing Moira and screwing with Slade's story.

    Good question.


    I've not read the comics, but from what I can gather, BC doesn't really need GA either. It sounds like she's entirely kickass in her own right. Why not have a Black Canary show, and they could've had crossovers. It would have the advantage of an actual female super hero tv show, and we would have BC cluttering up Arrow in the way she does at the moment.

    • Love 4
  15. I found Roy to be very grounded and pulled in this episode. Usually he's wound up tight, usually angry, but Colton Haynes was definitely showing Roy as 'tired and grounded'. Maybe Roy is kind of mourning Sara still? Which is only slightly odd, as I didn't think the two were that close. Or it's just that Roy was worried about Thea. 


    I would add my two cents in on Xtreme's posts on Laurel/Felicity, but I think everyone else has said it all, so I'll just nod and say 'I agree!'. 


    I didn't mind Laurel calling Felicity, just as I didn't mind Felicity calling her out on it. It's a legitimate question and if someone like Amanda Waller called Felicity, I'd have the exact same reaction as Felicity would. 


    I did fast forward through most of Laurel's scenes. I don't think she's doing a horrible job (the writing really is the major problem), but she still isn't likeable for me enough to care about her character's journey. Yes, a part of that is attributed with Katie Cassidy's acting, but the writing for Laurel has been all over the place so I can't find it in me to care that much about her. I did like that Oliver wouldn't train Laurel because Sara wouldn't want him to. For all of Oliver's faults, he does care about people. He just makes some occasional bad decisions of not telling people things to protect them. Laurel, in the meantime, is probably going to break her promise to Quentin and go fight crime again, because it 'gets rid of the fire inside me'. That's just bad writing all around. So, my opinion of Laurel is me wanting to give her a chance, and I think Katie does some occasional good work, but the writing and some of her own acting choices make it hard for me to let go of the last two seasons with her. 


    Felicity having her own EP was really sweet and I don't mind her working with Ray. I think he's an intriguing character and he is treating her like an equal. 


    Sara Digglet is so adorable that I just want to squeeze her and never let her grow up. 


    Thea/Oliver scenes were well done. Thea is the last family member that Oliver has and I'm glad he finally went to go get her. The scene where he tells her about Robert was well done because she may have been shocked and possibly angry, but she still listened to Oliver and made the choice to come home. I'm hoping Oliver continues to tell her things bit by bit. I think that will be a good way of easing her into things. Also, I see Thea's journey to become a hero much better written and performed than Laurel's. Maybe because Barrowman is attached to Thea's journey. Hmm. Maybe if Laurel was Merlyn's protoge, we could like her more. Probably not. 


    Ted Grant is boring as hell, sorry to say. I don't really like his character. Actually, scratch that. I like the character and what he stands for, but I'm surprisingly underwhelmed by the actor. 

    I agree, which is the second time that has happened. First time with Sara, and we saw how that ended. No reason for it to end that way this time, but it is unfortunate the writers chose to do it this way. It just kind of highlights the deficiencies in the writing and acting of Laurel.

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