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Posts posted by Pyramid

  1. Done for the Arrow. The storyline I saw was Sara tried to live the life of Sara Lance but she was no longer that person, she was an assassin which is why she went back essentially rejecting the freedom that she fought so hard to win.

    But the whole of this season has been about Arrow vs the League. I really think Sara would have been a perfect bridge between the two. Missed opportunity rather than story done, in my opinion.

    • Love 7
  2. Good episode. But still left me with the same two questions. Why have they not either locked up or killed Malcolm, and just what the hell is Ra's motivation?

    • Love 8
  3. What a shambles. It's not just me is it? This whole story line with Ras blackmailing Oliver is just complete nonsense, right?
    And they've turned Lance into a vindictive idiot. Not just that, he keeps blaming Oliver for his daughters keeping secrets from him. Doe he not think they have minds of their own?
    Thank God for Roy and Dig.












    I'm putting this paragraph down here to emphasise how little Ray's story has to do with the rest of Arrow. It's almost like he's on his own separate show. *snort* It's funny, apart from, your know, the humour.
    And this paragraph is under the one about Ray to emphasise how much Felicity's character is getting crushed under the weight of propping Ray.

    • Love 20
  4. So I was thinking about Ray, and it was annoying me that I couldn't quite put my thumb on what it was about him, then it hit me:

    You know those films where the dad and son body swap, or like Big with Tom Hanks, basically wee laddie in grown man's body, well right there, that's how Ray behaves. There, I've said it.

    • Love 8
  5. I'm definitely checking out iZombie. Been waiting ages for it to pitch up. Big fan of VM so looking forward to this.


    And in other news that not many people are bothered about, but I'm stupidly happy about, Hindsight has been renewed for a second season. Yay!

    • Love 5
  6. So it occurs to me that the reason Felicity and Dig are getting hardly any story is because they're not originally comic characters.

    Now I've never read the comics, but from what i understand from reading this board, pretty much every story this season has been ripped from the comics, so maybe the writers are just too damned lazy to come up with an original story line for them.

    • Love 8
  7. Maybe Oliver offers to hang up his bow and hood in exchange for Ras doing blah,blah storycakes.

    That would free him up for the wedding, be a game changer and conveniently remove him from heroing so that the proper heroes Buckles and Atom can save all the puppies.

  8. I think promoting LL to Buckles and getting Malcolm back are neck and neck in causing the onishambles that is season 3. 

    Buckles is a black hole of awfulness that twist everything else around it until they become unrecognizable. And Malcolm should've stayed dead, his story was done. Although, to be fair, I was looking forward to Thea's story in relation to MM, but now, in the face of the crapfest that story turned out to be, I'm laughing at my past self's optimism.

    • Love 9
  9. My favourite parts of the show were about TA individually and as a unit, and their relationships with each other. My least favourite part of the show was Laurel's ludicrous "rise" to being Black Canary. So what am I bitter about? Fucking burying all the good TA stuff in 2.5 and putting Buckles front and centre. Honestly if they'd just had Laurel pitch up as a fully fledged BC in s03e01 and put all the TA 2.5 stuff into the god damned show I'd 've been a lot happier. So many of this year's problems could've been avoided. Of course you'd still have the disigrace of Sara's death and the laughable awefulness of MM and OQ teaming up. I mean for fuck's sakes.

    Oh yeah, and Ray ... so little point to Ray I can't be arsed saying anything.

    • Love 12
  10. Also Laurel has light inside her? Since when? Maybe before the Queen's Gambit. But not at least since Oliver's and then Sara's return. She's been a ball of stress,anger and resentment. So no.

    Maybe her kidneys use the light to navigate the darkness she let inside. You know, the darkness that never comes out.

    • Love 5
  11. Well I've found strong, emotional women to be smelly. Not to mention icky.


    And please no to Ray being in the fourth season. I'm hanging on for that in the hope we go back to what made the show not only watchable, but enjoyable. Dig, Felicity and Oliver ... Team Arrow.

    • Love 4
  12. I try not to judge his commentary on the stalking, because he can't really be truthful regardless of what he thinks. Chances are he really does think what Ray did was harmless, but on the off chance he doesn't, it's not like he can actually say he thinks it was gross. He's trying to keep his job.

    Fair points.

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