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Posts posted by PinkRibbons

  1. After listening to that tape recording my mother basically rewrote it for me to be more accurate and it was kind of harrowing:


    "The doctor tells me it's only anemia but I don't know, I think it's something worse, I can't help but worry about what's going to happen to me. Nadinka this may be the last thing you ever hear from me..."


    And the part that creeped me out most was how easily Mama came up with that. She heard it from people right before they keeled over.

    • Love 7
  2. What the heck did I just watch?


    I gotta say that I agree, but I mean myself it in a gleefully shocked way. I found that tremendously entertaining. This show has a special charm for me when it lets loose and goes full-on crazy.

    • Love 2
  3. Russian is my passive language and I don't get a lot of medical vocabulary, but I did get the general idea of what Nadia's Mother was saying -- first she reminisced about her daughter waiting for her to come home from work, then she said she wasn't feeling well, mentioned blood and a doctor (I had my mother listen to it just now and she said "cancer of the blood"), and that whatever she was diagnosed with had spread throughout her body. The doctor says that nothing can be done except to wait for the end.


    My issue? In Russia they never gave people the real diagnosis if it was hopelessly fatal. Nadia's mother would have been told she had anemia or something and been spared the truth. I've checked with my parents; her being told she was dying at that time is on the edge of an impossible happening. I suspect the writers knew this (if they didn't their translators and consultants should definitely have informed them) and deliberately ignored it for Drama, which I can live with. In real life poor Elizabeth would just receive the very sudden news that her mother had died, sadly.


    As for Philip, I have always subscribed to the theory that he is an orphan. There's one detail that contradicts it -- that he was sent to buy milk; an orphanage would have their milk delivered. I suspect he may have been orphaned or even abandoned when he was slightly older...all it would take was one care-giver with a serious drinking problem (who either drank themselves to death or wandered off), and goodness knows that wasn't exactly rare in the USSR. Or, (assuming his parents were alive after the war, when he perhaps would have been a little younger than Henry now) he could have been orphaned by a soldier who made it home after the war but not for long, he could have lost his mother to an illegal abortion, a new stepfather might have thrown him out of his house. He could have been raised partially by grandparents who died when he was small, etc. The list of ways a kid ended up in a Soviet orphanage is disturbingly long.

    • Love 9
  4. Was I the only one who remembered that Archer already has a child - Seamus?  Why is the show acting like this is the first time Archer's heard the words "You're a babydaddy"?


    I think Trinette stopped with the "Archer is the wee-baby Seamus's father" after he got his named tattooed on said wee-baby. Trinette even said in the episode that the kid wasn't Archer's and they both knew it. I wonder if she's still getting the child support checks though...

  5. I didn't like this as much because it's like Bob can't be allowed anything for himself. He shouldn't have had to jump through hoops to be part of a community garden.


    I wouldn't blame that so much on Louise as Cynthia. I've thought something similar about the whole situation with Hugo -- why the hell didn't Bob or better yet Linda contact his boss after his first appearance and say he was abusing his power on a woman he used to date and her husband. That's super skeevy and the kind of thing most rational bosses would discourage. (Well, actually Linda might even be in her rights to threaten a restraining order on him.) I mean, we now know that Hugo is a lesser evil (Tommy Geronda, anyone?), but they still should have filed a complaint with his higher-ups.


    It's the same with the Community Garden. It belongs to the community, meaning that while Cynthia may be nominally in charge, she answers to the city. Again, a case of abusing power. If Bob was that desperate to be excepted and knew that Cynthia was barring him for her own petty reasons, he should have gone over her head. Instead he made a deal to torture not only Louise but Linda as well. Notice that he was barely in the restaurant himself when Logan was? If he wanted to make a devil's bargain he should have put his own soul on the line.


    But I'll admit that Louise is my favorite Belcher, and I love episodes that focus on her and Bob's relationship. I think it probably hurts her worst to be let down by him because he's the parent she connects with and feels understands her. I also realized in this episode that Louise has a bit of Bob's talking to inanimate objects habit. Last time I remember her carrying on a conversation with the chocolate on the train. I love that she spared the plants because it wasn't their fault.

    • Love 1
  6. *shiver* I get the heebie-jeebies thinking of that little psycho.


    I gotta wonder about that episode description though -- Jimmy Jr is in the same grade as Tina, and Millie it seems is in Louise's grade. So it can't be class president they're vying for, but student body president, maybe? I mean, there's an outside chance that Millie is brilliant as well as psychotic and skipped a few grades, but I don't think one class president can hurt the whole school, could they? (I'm honestly asking; I was never in a school with a student government. I don't even know if there are age limitations or anything for candidates. )

  7. So I'd love to hear opinions on this: so far Kai seems to have been received extremely well by the viewing audience. That is to say, the majority seems to enjoy his character. BUT, we all know that with this show, characters that have quick popularity tend to end up overstaying their welcome. So how long do you think the show can and should feasibly keep Kai before offing him?


    My greatest fear for the character is if they try to give him more dimension. My enjoyment of Kai is deeply grounded in the fact that he's just plain evil and that he's giggling, joyfully so. The only way I can see him staying is if he becomes an even bigger bad (I'm putting my money on him to win the twin-battle) and yet somehow decides he doesn't really feel like messing around with the main cast anymore. Like, he's so psychotic I could see him putting down roots in Mystic Falls, pretending the people there are his "friends" and meanwhile committing heinous acts that don't involve them. Because that would make an interesting forced introspection for these people -- they pretty much only watch out for their own. So if Kai is hanging out nearby, doing terrible things to the people in the next town over that we've never met, would the characters still try to take him out of commission? Or would they consider it too big a risk to go after him with no immediate threat against them and just go, "Ah, fuck it, Kai's just being Kai"?

    • Love 1
  8. How old is Bash supposed to be? I was under the impression he's supposed to be much younger than the actor, only a year or two older than Francis, but I'm not sure.


    Considering that Henry and Diane were an item before his marriage and the fact that it took Catherine 10 years to get pregnant (ironically with the help of Diane, who told Henry to go sleep with his wife already, since she was afraid the marriage would be annulled and Henry would be married to a more formidable adversary. We must remember Catherine was much younger and presumably less dangerous then), Bash could be as much as a decade or more older than his younger brother. That would explain Mary apparently not remembering him from her early years at French court -- he could have been too old to play with the little kids or been sent somewhere for education.


    In the end I suspect we're not supposed to guess at Bash's age and just accept he's in the same peer-group as Francis now that they've grown up. It's kind of like Damon and Stefan on The Vampire Diaries. Stefan was very specifically locked into the age of 17, which Paul Wesley, bless his gorgeous face, isn't particularly selling anymore. But Ian Somerholder, playing Damon, the older brother, is even older than Paul. Damon's age is never stated. He gives vague references to being "about 170 or so years" old but no specific number. I remember early on hearing that Damon was supposed to be stuck at about 22, but Ian (bless his face too) is fooling no one. But that's about the youngest you can theorize Damon, and then that brings up the question about why there's such a big gap in the brothers' ages (that is to say, for the time period in which they grew up. Five years was a huge difference to the regular two or so years.) In the end the writers just never addressed it.

    • Love 1
  9. NOTE: Reign airs on Wednesdays in Canada, meaning that the episodes are very often viewed a day before they have aired in the US. Therefore please be aware that this thread will almost definitely have spoilers for those who wish to wait until Thursday night to view the new episode.




    Greer tells Mary the truth about some rumors, leading Mary to take surprising action. Meanwhile, the rivalry between Francis and Condé intensifies; Diane has a showdown with Catherine; and Claude tries to uncover who's responsible for the twins' deaths.


    American Promo:



    Canadian Promo:


  10. Can we please get back to Mary and Francis in love and having a good marriage. I am so damn tired of the plot line of a couple falling in love and then the writers destroy that.


    I have this feeling like the network might be pushing for more love interests because it's the CW and that's what they do. I almost feel (well, really hope) like the writers might be appeasing them for an episode or two, and then are like, "AND, now back to Mary and Francis, because we can't believably split up a couple  that works so organically." I mean, Mary even says as much. And I feel like that last shot of Mary walking in on Lola and Francis was added for supposed shock value, but that nothing will come of it. It even looked like Adelaide Kane was either instructed to or chose to act the scene in a way that doesn't actually suggest she's concerned. To me she just looked a little surprised, maybe a touch hurt -- but then maybe that's enough to really put her back into the fight to keep the marriage alive -- but overall she seemed like "ok, I'm gonna let them sleep and get out of here." Because for crap's sake, Lola and Francis are fully dressed and frankly that shot, while maybe a little painful because of Mary's baby trouble, struck me as a lot more "awwww" then "agh!".


    (Speaking of baby trouble, why have they not addressed whether Mary is worried about a pregnancy resulting from her rape yet? The show is clear about how much time passes and I think it's been at least a month. Obviously every woman has different cycles, but I think that she should either know she's not pregnant and say so or be visibly a lot more worried by now.)


    I thought Kenna was interesting in the scene where she confronts Bash. Actually I found it kind of funny when he goes off about having to frame an innocent man, because I thought her facial expression was rather, "Uh, yeah, I know that's painful for you and I understand why you have to do these kinds of things and I'm supportive. But we were talking about frikkin' incest before you changed the subject, yes?" I might be reading a little too far into that, I admit.


    I don't know how I feel about the mystery of the twins' murder (sadly judging from the preview the whole Spirit World plot isn't over)...I don't like Claude, but I thought there was something interesting about the idea of her being so sociopathic as a child as to kill her siblings. Now we have to put up with her tantrums and "boo-hoo Mommy doesn't love me so I'm entitled to do anything I want" thing. On the other hand, the question of who killed the twins has actual potential as an interesting storyline. My vote on the killer? Clarissa. It's about time she came back to the show.

  11. I spent the whole episode knowing that Crash would be the Target, but I actually thought there would be a big reveal that he's of Romanian Descent.


    Are Malory and Ron still married? I love Ron and since it sounds like the open marriage is over I thought they'd worked it out. But he wasn't at the hotel...


    Oh...and does anyone have a clue what Pam said with her mouth full?

  12. I forgot to mention that when Caroline and Stefan were outside Casa Forbes, I knew, just knew that she would go into the house like Buffy and find her mother dead.  What a relief that I was wrong. They can still surprise me.  Liz just needs to turn vampire and spend eternity rafting with her daughter.


    I had the exact same thought. Which frankly seems more merciful to Liz after watching that poor patient die such a horrible death (btw, where were the hospital staff? Seriously, that got absurd.)


    I wouldn't be at all surprised if Stefan was keeping tabs on Caroline's guinea pig. I bet next week we see him getting some horrific pics on his phone from someone on the staff that he compelled.


    Thought the shots of the episode were really interesting, and that Paul is knocking it out of the park, director-wise. I feel like he got some really good moments out of Nina and Ian -- I actually liked Elena again for a minute when she was messing with Damon.

    • Love 1
  13. Is it too much to hope for that Louise immediately tells Nolan what her mother said about her killing her father? She's spent so many years in a haze of drugs she probably doesn't know what was real or what wasn't. And if she lets it fester without telling anyone it's gonna end ugly for her, and I like Louise enough that I don't want that to happen to her.

    • Love 1
  14. I've never understood why some people think Emily is completely squeaky clean in the eyes of the justice system.


    Identity fraud (and theft with Fauxmanda dead and unable to prove that it wasn't) isn't just something the police shrug off and chuckle about. As compelling as Emily's story is, in the real world vigilante justice lands people in jail. The only way Emily could get out of her fraud charges would be to bribe her way out of them, which would likely cause a massive public outcry given how high profile she is. In addition Emily has committed arson, kidnapping, breaking and entering, conspiracy to frame, attempted murder, theft, spying and much more.


    But with identity theft/fraud -- who was she pretending to be? The Emily Thorn she created was fictional except for some childhood life that was very similar to the real Amanda's own. She has never acted like she was the girl whose name she switched with except in a few very specific situations, such as using fauz!manda's old photos -- but then Faux!Manda did the same. She's done a lot of the things Emily Thorn has, including being part of philanthropic societies and marrying a man for a green card so he could stay near his partner.  Motives aside, her creation of "Emily Thorn" has in fact matched up her actions to what she claimed to be. She can also say she changed her name for her own protection; and that's justified by the fact that Faux!manda was actually murdered.


    As for her many crimes including arson, breaking and entering, etc: there is no proof. She's literally that good.

    • Love 4
  15. I didn't get that one either.  And also Archer's "I had something for this" that was a Luke Skywalker joke....  I rewound it over and over again but couldn't understand what he was saying other than "Skywalker".  Between this and Mallory's voice being odd last week I feel like I need to get my hearing checked. 


    Didn't get the Horatio Caine thing myself (and I'm ashamed to admit it but I had to look up the Lando thing), but thing Archer had that Conway stole was "Puke Skywalker". What with Luke losing his hand and all.

    • Love 1
  16. Victoria just said it: Emily has left behind no evidence. She has to out herself if not now, the second she figures out that pathetic phone tap, which you know she will within about ten minutes of it happening. (Or should, anyway, or the writers have gone too far in de-badassing her. NEVER try to de-badass Emily. My favorite part of this episode was David essentially admitting that she's way more competent than he wants to think about and could have handled this mess far better than he.)


    If Emily outs herself as Amanda, she can clear Daniel and Nolan in the same breath. No one is gonna try talking fraud charges against her; her story is one the public would eat up with a spoon: a man was betrayed by the justice system and his daughter sacrificed her whole life to clear him and bring the true villains to reckoning. Hell, they've just exposed corruption in the FBI, who's gonna argue that Emily could have gotten her father cleared using orthodox methods like going to the police.


    Meanwhile, for all that Louise's Momma has a judge or six in her pocket, I wouldn't count Nolan out on how many judges he can get the ear of. Louise's poisoning was discovered by a person other than her, which is critical: it means she wouldn't have to deal with being called paranoid for suggesting it if she did. So she needed to go to a New York judge with the evidence and Nolan and her side, and gotten back control of her money. She could even keep her mother away by threatening to press charges for the poisoning or go public with it. Even if Louise did kill her father (which is doubtful), it happened when she was a minor and presumably unbalanced. Dosing her with a drug that makes her even more insane just makes her family look even worse, because what kind of people poison a little girl most of her life instead of trying to get her actual help?

    • Love 4
  17. Aidan returns from the dead, because why the hell not at this point. And he brings Daniel along because also why the hell not. The two of them shoot everyone save a few, and then they with Emily, Louise and Nolan ride off into the sunset. Or sail off, whatever. Margaux can come too if she changes her stupid hair. And Jack disappears into witness protection.

    • Love 2
  18. Eh...Tina wasn't being a particularly gracious loser even when she was playing fair. That squirting Louise in the face was clearly petty, and her digs about Louise's first time driving were kind of nasty. She could have been nicer about it and Louise might even have voluntarily given up the driver's position after another race or so. She loves being the Alpha, but she also loves winning and she might have been happy as Tina's manager.

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