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Posts posted by GHScorpiosRule

  1. 54 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:


    Wasn't Denise the one that testified about the abuse at the trial, and the jury basically dismissed her emotionality as “white woman tears”?

    Yes. By the time the trial started, she had turned against him.

    4 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    I remember reading in pretty much every book about the murders and or trial that Denise screamed OJ did it when finding out about her sister's death

    Like I posted, I remember her defending him in the early days- I saw and heard her with my eyes and ears.  I never read any of the books. I’m not blaming her, but if she believed OJ killed her, she wasn’t saying it when he was first picked up and questioned. By the time the trial aired, she was testifying against him.

    • Like 1
  2. Well I remember when the news of Nicole Brown AND Ron Goldman’s murder happened-and Denise was one of the many defending OJ. But now she’s saying she knew immediately that he killed her when she was informed of her murder? She did the gamut of talk shows then in the early days-defending him.

    That doesn’t mean that I don’t think he killed them-he absolutely did. I think it was much later Denise admitted she was wrong to defend OJ. A better question would have been to ask why she defended him at first. Because that’s what she did.

    Poor Ron Goldman.

    • Sad 1
    • Useful 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

    Kinda wanted to see the sisters. 

    HOLY PLASTIC SURGERY, BATMAN! I barely recognized Dominique, nor could I understand her. Denise still looks recognizable.

    Shut up, Alyssa.

    For once, in a long, long time, I'm with Sunny.

    • Like 2
    • Mind Blown 1
  4. No Dante, Mooby didn’t shoot you in the stomach-he SHOT.YOU.IN.THE.CHEST. And you lying about it had NOTHING to do with him being your sperm donor. You idiotically thought he would be guilty of the racketeering charges and you lied for your Mama.

    STFU, Molly.

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  5. 5 hours ago, atomic said:

    Sunny seems very obsessive about her weight. She was on Live with Kelly & Mark this morning and had to mention how she gained four whole pounds on a recent trip to Spain. Seems like someone who checks the scale a lot and obviously doesn't need to. And of course she previously shared on The View about how she promptly got on Mounjaro after gaining a few extra pounds at the height of the pandemic. I hope she doesn't negatively impact her teenage daughter by being like this when research has shown how important of a role mothers play in their daughters' own body images and eating behaviors.

    Oh the horror! A full four pounds!!!!! Give me a fucking break. Where did she gain it? In her ass? Like I've posted before, the camera adds 10 pounds, and I didn't see her look any different during Covid or recently.

    She can just BITE ME.

    Is she pre-diabetic or diabetic? No.

    Is she obese? No.

    She has no business taking Mounjaro or Ozempic, or any of these drugs that are meant for those that really need it. And it's not like you take it, then stop, then take it again when she feels she needs to lose "weight" again. You have to stay on it; and there are long term consequence.

    Again, BITE ME, Sunny.

    • Like 2
    • LOL 2
  6. I think this is like bringing in Oliver in the last season of The Brady Bunch. Are the ratings sinking? So they have to come up with these absurd themes?

    All I know is if Jeet makes raita (yogurt and cucumber side dish, or it could be tomatoes) down the line, Aaron better not be saying Raieeeeeetha. It makes my ears bleed.  Dude should know how to pronounce it. Plus Spanish and Hindi are so similar, there is no EXCUSE! It's pronounced Rai-THa.

    • Like 1
  7. You know, Jeet (the first Milliennial who made it through), not everyone watching will know what gajar ki halwa means! And the guest judge repeated it. When you can explain that rabri is thickened condensed milk (I loathe it actually), then how about saying that gajar ki halwa is carrot pudding? That is one of my favorites. gajar is hindi for carrot and halwa is pudding. But at least Jeet actually cooked from scratch! The one from last season-mideast-trying to showcase gulab jamun as some kind of fusion donut with other sweets as her signature dish? Clearly store bought. You cannot cook gulab jamun in 30 minutes. It takes at least an hour.

    Though from the beginning, I was hoping the Sikh was one of the would be contestants. I think he may be Jeet's brother.

    At first I thought Anna (Ukraine immigrant mother of two girls-who are absolutely cute and gorgeous) was exaggerating some weird accent, but then the longer she spoke, I could hear that it was an Eastern European accent.

    I also like Si, the Vietnam refugee, and Mike, the last dude.

    But please. SPARE me the sob stories! I don't want or need to be manipulated like that.

    Joe was actually...not an asshole last night. But surprise, surprise! Aaron said no to most of the Millennials!

  8. 11 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    WIW, My Three Sons is now on Prime--I just checked to see where it had surfaced for streaming.  It is no longer a daily on MeTV.

    I know a lot here don't care for it, but one of my favorites on MeTV was I Love Lucy, and the ratbastards took it off the air about three years ago, I think? It showed up on Decades, now Comedy something, but I switched to Verizon FiOs, and they don't have that channel, so I have my dvds.

    I've found dvds go bad; but blurays do not. Certain movies and shows I've rewatched again and again (first five years of original Law & Order, Scarecrow & Mrs. King, Remington Steele), and have been very careful, because I had to get seasons three and four of L&O!

    As for other shows not available on DVD? Music rights, and not enough demand. The former is an issue with Cold Case; the latter with Who's the Boss? Only the first season is out on dvd. Which is a shame.

    • Sad 2
  9. 10 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Either the show is writing off Maura West or she’s leaving on her own. Today I knew when Alexis was going to the art gallery she was going to bring up her past crimes (not word for word though) and, if she gets her law license back it will be her first order of business. At first, Ava wasn’t bothered by it but a split second later I think she realized that Alexis is gonna come after her. It’s the perfect culmination for the character to pay for her crimes and usher off to jail. Of course, I don’t want this but it looks like this where it was heading at this current time but who knows now with the writer shakeup…..again.

    Unless Alexis decides to also work for the District Attorney's office, she won't be able to go after Ava. That is what the cops and DA's office does. Supposedly.

    • Like 6
  10. Just wanted to flag this for you, while the site is back up again, and there was no way to report it before.

    For about two and a half hours, the site kept giving me a HP 500 I think it was, error. We could see the site, and that I had new notifications, but when I tried to click on them, it kept churning and wouldn't show me.

    So I clicked on a number of shows I follow and post in, and it would take me to "page cannot load...retry" with that HP 500 error.

    Clearly, site is working now, though. But I was getting the same error when I tried on my phone.

    • Like 4
  11. 10 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    I'm wondering if the reason we got the scenes of Eric asking Brooke to take on a role at FC being shown at the same time as Steffy was vengeance cutting HFTF, are going to lead to Eric and Brooke (and maybe Ridge, but I doubt he'll go against Princess SuperBitch) telling her that, actually, the line won't be cut. It would be great if Eric actually listens to Hope and agrees that Steffy was irresponsible as a co-CEO to practically pack Thomas's bags without a solid plan in place to replace his work. HFTF was hugely successful with Thomas as the designer, so it was not a remotely smart move for the business to pull him from that role. This leading to Steffy somehow losing her title, or being turfed out to Paris (for JMW's maternity leave) would be amazing. 

    I would LOVE for Steffy to be booted on her arse. There were scenes in the previews from last week, where Ridge and Brooke were in the office when Steffy is ranting about basically firing Brooke.

    Steffy is such a narcissistic vile bully and abuser. She's supposed to be in her...late 20s? Early 30s? How did she get to be co-CEO of anything, when from what I've seen in the past month, is her checking upon her husband, texting him, and bitching about not knowing where he is and how he KNOWS not to be anywhere near Sheila. Actions and words of a text book abuser.

    • Like 7
  12. 20 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    Did Alexis get her law license back?

    (please please please say she did).

    We won't know for another month or three. The judges said 30 days, but who knows how long that will be in Show Time?

    Fergus can then try in the actual appeal to draft brief after brief, motion after motion, to argue against Alexis gaining her license, if they decide Alexis can appeal the decision. 

    I'm really not sure what they're going to do because this is Soap Opera Land Court.

    • Like 3
  13. I am so disappointed that Lane Davies's return turned out to be THIS. Waa-waa-waa, I stopped talking to my brothers over what our father left or didn't leave me for 10 years. But when I heard they died, it has to be YOUR fault, Alexis. Shut up, Fergus.

    I think it would have been better had Fergus been a character who showed up to help Alexis get her license back.

    And for FUCK'S SAKE. Anna is having conversations with Jaysus, that she should be having with Jagger! What happened to the Anna who got the epiphany about Mooby, and went to Jagger's room to have a drink and apologize? She's acting like one of Mooby's enablers, talking about something MUST be wrong with Mooby for him to have lashed out at Dex! Oh, the horrors!

    I want my real Anna Devane back. I hope Robert and Mac can smack (metaphorically) sense back into her head before the show goes back to the same old status quo.

    And STFU, Maxie! Mac is your dad, and you're A-Okay in telling Jar-Jar Binks to commit a felony? Real Great Writing There.

    • Like 7
    • Applause 1
  14. 6 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

    Liam gleefully gloating because Finn “disobeyed” his wife and then Steffy scolding Finn like he was a puppy who piddled on the carpet

    This really pissed me off. "Disobey"? What? Is Finn Steffy's child or husband? And the last part is exactly what I mentioned to someone else-except that he looks like a whipped and abused puppy. It seems all Finn does is apologize to Steffy. I don't understand why he continues to take her abuse.

    And the way Hope was remembering those scenes in Finn's office? Hmmm....

    And Bill? IF you had looked for Poppy--and found her--I don't think Liam and Will would be in existence today. The former, no biggie, but what about Will? I stopped watching this show before Bill was introduced, and when both Katie and Donna were recognizable characters. I haven't watched in years, yet I still recognize Brooke. And just what was that with the jealousy and possessiveness Katie was showing? And that remark that "15 years is a long time to be friends" nonsense. So should I end my friendships that have gone past the 15 year mark?

    • Like 8
  15. Late to the party, but watching that video? The host of the podcast was right: Back in 2016, Bill ended one of his shows with "We the rebels now!" and that was the last time I liked him. Host was right-it was shortly after that, that Bill changed.

    I also saw him live-I think it was sometime in...2010, maybe? Remember seeing the audience being of varying races and ages. 

    I stopped watching his show about three, no, now about four years ago.

    • Like 4
  16. 32 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

    I won't be at all surprise if people start going to Dex now to back off Sonny. 

    It’s unnecessary as idiot Dex has decided not to press charges after Moronic Anna convinced him it was a bad idea. And how his familyyyyyyy would suffer.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    I think the timespan is wiithin 30 days. Long enough that Mason and Julia Fergus and Alexis can bore us to tears with their sparring. In the hearing they both made the same three points about 12 times, zzzzz.

    It is. Well the only speaking judge snapped they would have a decision within 30 days.

    And boy were you right. An utter snoozefest, and my head is in a tailspin because why weren’t the judges in robes? I still remember when Ben Stone and Jack McCoy appeared before the New York Court of Appeals in Albany! There wasn’t a regular table. And they always wore robes. Just because this is a civil matter doesn’t mean they don’t wear robes. Hell, they had a bailiff!l

    Not to mention both would have been fines for contempt for interrupting each other and arguing amongst themselves. And Fergus shouldn’t have been allowed to interrupt Alexis when she was making her closing argument.


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  18. On 5/24/2024 at 2:29 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

    LD's new character screaming at Alexis in front of the panel that she destroyed his family (blaming her for both brothers deaths), made me roll my eyes.

    But did Alexis win? Will she be able to get her license back? That's all I care about right now.

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