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Everything posted by esco1822

  1. That old modeling pic of Lu on the shelf behind her during the THs is everything.
  2. I’m in total agreement but I suspect he wanted to be in the position to make sure Aneesa was the one who went in for the ladies. There was no other reason for him to need to be there than to have that decision-making power. And I bet he was relieved in the end that he could still look like a stand-up guy to her. I’m gutted for Aneesa. It must feel so awful to be there and have earned your place in the final just to have everyone in the house talk about you like you’re dead weight and completely incapable. I really hope she didn’t watch this episode and have to go through it again. I also hope every person that complained about potentially having to partner with her gets either eliminated next week or gassed out in a final. Just when these people think they’ve got the fame figured out, they get a curveball. They can’t possibly have thought that many people would be running a final. They have to have multiple people eliminated next week. There’s just too many of them.
  3. Bottom line is Bayleigh’s only plan for this season was Swaggy. She said it more than once. Now that he’s gone, she’s scrambling. Can’t fault anyone for not taking over Swaggy’s role as protector and game master (of the 2 of them anyway). It was time for her to put on her big girl pants and take care of herself. Instead she blames Kaycee for her situation and decides she wants to blow up her life over it. She needs to grow up and start fighting her own battles instead of hiding behind other people and excuses. She doesn’t want to be there now that her “plan” is gone. Send her home.
  4. Yup which I’m sure is how he got that glittery watch he was wearing. I’d sooner believe that watch was made from fragments of an old disco ball than actual diamonds.
  5. I wasn’t sure who to believe in this she said, she said argument. Thank goodness for Fessy saying that the relationship was just a friendship for Kaycee. Now I want to know if Kaycee really told Bayleigh she wanted her in her bed after Swaggy left. Bay was definitely laying out which leads me to believe she’s just saying anything to keep herself in the game. I haven’t seen spoilers though so who knows.
  6. Did anyone watch the ‘never before seen’ episode? How did that conversation look with Hannah telling Sandy that Lara got physical? How could Sandy possibly justify that? And how is she now playing dumb on live tv the same night that footage aired? She is really such a crappy boss. I know people have their issues with Captain Lee but I have no doubt Lara would have been gone immediately had he been captain.
  7. Is this a franchise record for quitting?
  8. Too many generic male names!! You are totally correct, my apologies to Rob, who seems like a decent guy. It’s Pete who is the worst.
  9. Well, it’s official, I hate Rob. I hope Lara/Lana (Larna?) eats him alive. I heard that’s what units do. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  10. The ladies made Tins call Scott despite her saying how mad he would be. She did it and yes, you’re correct, he didn’t want to have a conversation over the phone while she was on camera. Can’t blame him. From her IG and WWHL appearance, Tins and Scott seem happy and she has no regrets. Good for her. I appreciate that she gives credit for the life she has now to the show and credits Carole for the introduction despite Carole’s denial of their friendship. It’s ok though since Sonja is taking full credit for everything, as she does.
  11. Tinsley can’t win with these ladies, when it comes to Scott. She talks either too much about it or she doesn’t talk enough. I honestly believe he was self-conscious about being filmed and didn’t want his personal business in the show, which Tins basically confirmed last year. That is not unfamiliar territory on this show. I think Scott told her to get on a plane to Chicago because that’s where his business is and she is independently wealthy and can really live anywhere. I also think it’s none of my, or especially Dorinda’s business. But, I do really like Tinsley. I think she has really grown in her time on the show and I give her a lot of credit for living her life for no one but herself. With as much pressure as Dale and her cast mates put on her, that’s a big deal. I hope she is happy, I hope Scott treats her well and I hope she gets her fairytale ending. Someone should. Also, her dogs were super cute in their down hoodies.
  12. She’s been tweeting nasty stuff towards Tins and Ramona since the show aired tonight. Hilariously, from those tweets, tonight I found out that Dorinda can not spell the word “pivot.” Perhaps if she got off her high horse for a second and got a dictionary she would realize that neither “pivet” nor “privet” make sense for Ramona’s behavior. Either that or I’m wrong and essentially hashtagging someone being a type of shrub is a super sick burn? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  13. I love Lu’s mock horror over Dorinda’s treatment of Tins while simultaneously high fiving her. 🙄
  14. I forgot about Ramona throwing the plastic wine glass at Kristin and making her bleed her own blood. That’s worse than a ravioli, at least that’s a snack.
  15. Sir, do not tell Lu she put cabaret on the map. She’s already insufferable, you are not helping matters. Think of us poor viewers!!
  16. I’m not the biggest Hannah fan but Lara...is an asshole. From all the seasons of this show I have seen, the 2nd stew always does some of the grunt work. Yes Hannah changed up the schedule on her and should have title her but it was actually pretty smart of her, even if not intentional. If Lara can’t hack it doing more interior work, it’s better to know after one charter. I suspect she won’t survive.
  17. Watching this reunion, all I cough think about is how much of a sociopath Adam appears to be. The reason Jenna won’t answer any of these questions is because Adam makes all the decisions in that relationship and Jenna just tries not to piss him off. Jenna, these are red flags and red flags are bad, mmm kay?
  18. I take my own pillow on road trips as well. Granted, I don’t stay in as swanky places as these ladies but I have neck and back problems, so my tempur-pedic pillow is a must for me to have any shot at a good night’s sleep and not being sore for days after. Allergies seems like a perfectly reasonable reason to bring your own pillow on a trip. Regardless, who cares??? Is Tinsley hurting or offending anyone by bringing her own pillow???
  19. I agree except for when she told Tinsley that she needed a time-out. That was totally patronizing.
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