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Posts posted by Blueeyedgirl

  1. They didn't even give us a few episodes to decide which of these women we liked before they launched into the most ridiculous argument -- even more so than the current one on RHONJ between idiot Amber and the stupid twins.


    I like Chykka and want to know more about her.  Why aren't we learning more about her?  She actually (with her husband) built a business, raised two kids, kept it together.  I want to know more.


    Andrea, well, too much botox, and certainly could qualify for the Extreme Parenting show, but also, let's learn more about her?  Why is she taking Jackie's side?


    Janet -- well, too much plastic surgery and botox and other fillers, but I am interested in how her dating life goes.


    But no, we spent almost the full last 2.5 hours on the ridiculous --


    Lydia, who is unintelligible.  Does she think she is cute, with the sex references, and the "nasty pasty" ridiculousness?  Did I hear them say she and Gina were friends before?  Why is she telling Jackie what her "friend" said?  And even if they weren't friends before, why is she telling Jackie what Gina said?  Why be in the middle - and then get surprised you are in the middle? 


    Gina -- well, Gina, I guess you are 'guilty' here, and your argument style is unintelligible and not earning you any points.  But why engage?  Why not say, 'I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, I was hurt."  Done.  Disengage.  Because this Jackie is not letting it go.  And is never going to let it go.  I mean, Gina, you look ridiculous with all that makeup, and the clothing that doesn't do you any favors with the feathers and sequins, but just disengage. 


    And Jackie?  I don't know that I've seen such a classless twit before.  You would think, as a psychic, you would be used to skeptics.  GET OVER IT.  Whatever.  Yes, she dissed you.  But really, you tried to hurt her.  Your reading wasn't kind or gentle, it was hurtful and delivered in a hurtful manner.  So, take your own responsibility.  Stop using the C**T word, because all this woman did is say she didn't believe you, she didn't say you murdered your first born (or broke up a marriage, to reference the other argument).  That's all she said.  It's Jackie who can't let it go, and either she or husband keep bringing it up.  Most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.


    Don't ask someone who worked really hard for their success and blow it off -- act respectful to them.  You don't have to do waht they say, but Chyka was sharing some wisdom born of experience.  Use it or not, but act respectful.


    Plus, honey, it seems that even in Melbourne not too many are impressed by your aging rock star husband...he isn't all that.  And frankly, you are not either.


    Phew.  I feel a lot of venom toward her.  I think I might have to stop watching.

    • Love 3
  2. Does anyone know which of Shira's husbands is the kids parents?  It wasn't clear to me that the kids have seen all 4, although they have at least seen the last 2.  And do both kids have the same dad?


    I hope Bravo has a finale show, where they revisit the families after they see themselves. I can't imagine that, at a minimum, Shira wouldn't at least realize how Emma has been neglected after watching this...

  3. So glad you wrote this, Tara...

    This show...we need to get more people to this forum because I NEED TO DISCUSS IT!



    Sorry for the yelling. I had to get that out of my system. Maybe people will hear me and come here...

    What are these parents doing to these kids?

    I feel terrible for the daughter Emma in the Crystal-meditating family. And even when confronting her mom, her mom doesn't hear her. So sad. I'm glad they found a school for Yonah.

    I would describe myself as a skeptical believer of things -- and I've heard about indigo kids It's probably BS, but okay, maybe not, but its not like there is a 'test' for being an indigo kid, and we saw no evidence of his specialness -- either telepathy or extreme empathy or high intuition or high intelligence. But even if he is special in that way -- what about your eldest daughter? That poor, sad, middle school age girl. It's the first time I thought a bratty adolescent was justified in her brattiness. I want to take her home and make her the center of attention.

    And the two daddies? Jeez. What kind of example is it to a child that they are always the center of everyone in their world's attention? Don't get me started. I feel like we missed something, though -- because she seemed like a kid who knew what a friend is (as she refered to one of the try out nannies), so maybe they put her in play groups? Still, she was a cute cute kid, and didn't seem like a spoiled brat at this point, but a cute kid.

    Please, come and discuss this show!

    • Love 3

    I really thought Gina was a transgender woman and I am not really sold on her partner that now lives in Miami, as in not sure if there really was a partner, just something for a story line, besides "partner" is an odd choice of words for boyfriend.

    I can't figure out how to quote -- but Baltimore Betty was quoted saying this above...


    As far as the use of the word "partner", when I was in London, I was asked often if I had a "partner", not boyfriend.   It took me a while to catch on, but unlike in the states where partner can be a code word for "same sex significant other", partner really just meant boyfriend.   I haven't been to Melbourne, but perhaps they use "partner" in the same way.


    I actually like it better than boyfriend for grownups...

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