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Posts posted by Blueeyedgirl

  1. I don't know how to quote, but to reference an earlier post, why was Nigel upset that season 1 didn't go how he wanted it to? I was a naive viewer then, didn't know anything about dancer's reputations, etc. I loved the concept of the show. And while I am not a voter (ever, only time I ever voted for a tv show was for Adam Lambert on AI) (I do vote in political elections though), I remember Nick and Melody from their auditions, and really thought they were great.

    The only other time I might have voted if I were a voting person, I would have voted for Danny Tidwell. But I didn't. :(

    I like to know where these dancers ended up, so I wish they did more of that for more of them on the show.

  2. So there is Twitter voting, which means that the entire western part of the country is irrelevant?  That annoys me (living in California as I do).


    Not that I would take to twitter and tweet anything about SYTYCD.  But I am annoyed that if I was someone who cared in that way, my vote would be irrelevant. 

    • Love 4

    In California, they would qualify for Medi-Cal, California's version of Medicaid (Also, Medicare is only for the 65+ crowd, never for disabled/dying SSI recipients). They don't qualify for food stamps, though. Odd thing about California - people receiving SSI/Medi-Cal aren't allowed to get SNAP benefits, unlike most states.

    just wanted to clarify this: Yes, Medi-Cal is applicable here. And for many other situations. 


    But, Medicare is available to adults under 65 if they have received SSI disabled benefits for 2 years, or have end stage renal failure or ALS (not sure why the last two diseases are in there). (I have a disabled brother who (sadly) cannot work anymore. This is a lifesaver for him.  Literally.)


    (just clarifying; the healthcare safety net (or lack thereof) is something I sadly know a lot about.)

  4. RealityTVSmack, Wine pairings and a wine tasting are not the same thing. If I, like Kyle, assumed wine pairings we where we were, I would assume a different wine would be served with every course, but we would be eating. In other words, it would be lunch with wine. A wine tasting, as shown, is just about the wine, what it smells like, looks like, tastes like, feels like.

    There are lots if reasons to not like Kyle, but in this case, I do believe she was surprised.

    • Love 18
  5. Disturbing...resolving to spend more time together, with positive people and giving up carbs -- as if Teresa is NOT going to prison. On Monday.

    That said, clearly, they are both looking for other gigs. Teresa is awkward on camera. And she just seems, well, dim. But for me, Dina seems more natural, relaxed and more interesting to listen to. She isn't a natural talent, but she has more potential, if she can get a following.

    YMMV, of course.

    But seriously, does Teresa think the viewers will watch her just because she is so compelling, but that said viewers will be unaware she is making resolutions for HER TIME BEHIND BARS?!?!?!

  6. Oy, these women...


    I was a supporter for Gina but she came off pretty badly in this reunion show.  The trash-talking of the other housewives was harsh, but the denial of it was worse: I get that may be a tactic she uses in the practice of law, but not a good idea when there is video evidence!


    The email that Andrea read?  I am not a lawyer, but it didn't sound like Gina was threatening them. She sounded vaguely apologetic (vaguely) in the email, to me, and it was clear that her boyfriend was unhappy that his name would be mentioned. At all.  And in the context of some issue of calling his integrity into question -- maybe it was having an affair, maybe not.  But it was his issue.  She was letting them know it was happening, and I imagine let the ones who had mentioned his name specifically know... Yes, maybe it was a machiavellian move to make sure the women didn't talk about her relationship any more, but that is only if I make up and attribute motives to her, not the actual text of the actual email.


    Lydia is ridiculous, and quite a shallow friend at that -- she says in the first episode that she considers Gina a dear friend, then immediately breaks a confidence with her by telling Jackie what Gina said (but not the whole context, mind you).  Then turns on her completely.  She is none too bright, either.  I'm happy to hear she has a great sex life, and I do get that some of the things she says are meant to be funny, but she isn't quite as intelligent and witty as you need to be to pull that off well. 


    Do you think Andrew actually lets her call the shots at their new hotel?  And, was she wearing that see-through dress/coat she boat with her stepson to the reunion???


    I have nothing to say about Andrea, she isn't worth my attention. Janet seems to blow where ever the wind will take her (I caught that reference, from Chykka maybe, that she can shop for whatever she wants now, I assume that is reference to her ex and divorce settlement).  Sort of a party girl -- wouldn't trust her with my deepest secrets, but she could be fun. 


    I have shifted my opinion of Jackie -- I think she is not so very bright (despite the 'shine shine shine'), and not very cultured, but seems to love her husband and could also be fun.


    And I want to hang out with Chykka and Bruce.  I hope they don't get a bad edit next season!

    • Love 3
  7. Surprised all the ladies -- except Gina -- allowed themselves to be filmed without makeup when they arrived...I actually think they looked much younger without the makeup.  I was glad to see that they had makeup people doing them up...at least I know they didn't necessarily choose that level of being made up. 

    Except of course, Gina.  Who arrived fully made up.  I have been a supporter up until now, but I would love to see her with less, or even none.  :)

    • Love 1
  8. Yes, I wish we knew more about Gina beyond her caked on makeup and ridiculous clothing (I swear, she has dress after dress which are one move away from a wardrobe malfunction).  There is some sadness in her... Although I kind of like the glimpse of the fun side of her during the dancing -- it wasn't the focus (her story was "poor me, I was the last one chosen and then it was by a short little man who did it out of sympathy"), but when you saw her dancing, she was smiling (which we never see otherwise) and shimmying and seemed to be having fun.  Seems like they have story they created for her, and that's that.  We also have seen nothing of her real personal life -- besides shoe shopping and tennis dress shopping.  We've seen Jackie & husband at home, Chyka with husband and with son & friends and at work, Lydia art shopping and flying places and going to school, Andrea with the lists, husband & kids, and construction site, and Janet on the cougar date and melting down her jewelry.  Granted, some of the 'other' stuff is light, but we really know very little about Gina beyond the story line.


    That said, I love Chyka.  Maybe she would make for boring tv, but I love her. 

    • Love 1
  9. Oh, this show....So yes, Gina definitely should have called when she was going to be late, and what in the world could you possibly do in the bathroom to take an hour to get into a tennis dress and stiletto heels?  People are late all the time, but these days, texting or calling to let people know is polite. 


    But suddenly, after being fairly friendly with and confiding in Gina last episode, Janet cannot be friends with her?  Janet is quickly losing me, after being one of my favorites.  I wouldn't trust her.


    Andrea, well, there are no words. I do understand that delays in construction are incredibly frustrating, but perhaps you should have planned better.  What happened to the construction/remodeling checklist, that anticipates delays? :)  And why would you design a tennis court that means people could track little green sand into your white house, or a house at the beach which can't handle any dirt -- when you have 3 small children?!?! And it is a house designed for play -- pool, tennis court, and I assume, beach?!?! 


    ...and deluded Lydia?  Yes, Lydia dear, you are so talented and avant garde that even your excellent professor doesn't understand your work. I had forgotten that she was studying interior design when we were shown her ski house and when she was art shopping.  That puts everything in a different, tackier light.


    At least they are showing less of Jackie...I am shining enough.

    • Love 3
  10. Just my opinion, as a fan of this show from the first year (when yes, I was rooting for Nick):


    -  Ricky is the "best dancer", most technically amazing, and should have a long career in a contemporary dance company.  He maybe short & slight, but he is young and could still get stronger (as men do), and some company will be delighted to have him.  He can be an all-star, etc, if the show continues, but this seems to be his future. But I would pay money to go see the company that he joins perform.  (But I cannot picture him in the chorus of On The Town.)


    -  Zach could easily be the "favorite dancer".  My mom (a 73 year old woman) thinks he is much better looking than Ricky and that teenagers will vote for him.  I also think he is the is an incredibly appealing dancer. Loved his tap number with Aaron -- I was watching his arms in particular (see my comment below about Valerie), and he moves in a very appealing way that makes me want to watch more. I think he is probably a likely winner - -and frankly, with the first prize being a part in On The Town, it seems like a really good fit for him. I could totally see him doing that. 


    -  Jessica -- I got nothing here. The best female dancer left, but I don't notice her too much.


    - Valerie -- Now, I like Valerie.  And I often enjoy watching her dance, and her joy bubbles up.  But, she is, to me, a very sloppy dancer.  Her arms are often a bit awkward, and don't fully extend to where they are supposed to go.  When she tap dances, her arms look awkward to me.  I know tap dancing upper body isn't about grace per se -- although, look at Fred Astaire.  Smooth.  And look at Zach, whose arms are beautifully placed.  Valerie -- in every style -- doesn't seem to finish the movement with her arms, and so looks awkward or haphazard or like she is in rehearsals not hte real show.  I like her, but when I watch her dance, I think, "This is as far as she'll go in the world of dance."


    All of this, of course, is in my humble opinion.  :)

    • Love 10
  11. Hated this man with all of my being. His voice, his beard, his stupid face, his shitty attitude

    Those kids were awesome.

    They clearly have money. Those small kid sized quad chairs that they were carrying are from REI and cost $26 each. They had a newer model Highlander, granite countertops & walk in closets at the house they own back home. The dad probably just spent a ton of money on the house, the cars and all the stuff when he was a hot shot lawyer and then felt empty & guilty. Instead of scaling back like a normal person, he grew a beard & hit the road. What a dick. God forbid anyone label him as normal. To hell with the kids and putting them first, Dad wants to be different.

    It could have been worse. I think your description sums it up... Dad had a mid life crisis about his life. He could have left the family. At least he took them along for the ride...

    And as said above, doubtful to me this ride lasts more than a year or two, or at most until puberty sets in for the kids.

    • Love 2
  12. When I saw the previews for Austen' s episode last week, I decided not to watch because I knew Mother would make me cocoa for cuckoo puffs. But I am weak! I couldn't' stay away. And much to my surprise, I didn't come away ready to get into the ring with Dr Marisa. And why is that?

    Well. To me, this episode was really a pilot for The Fab Life of Dr Marisa reality show. The adorable moppet was just the hook. All eyes were on Marisa at all times, and that's really the way this episode was constructed and intended.

    Yes. As I said above, this seemed scripted. Your post totally explains it perfectly!

    • Love 1
  13. The main problem I have with these shows is frequently I can't tell the women apart; they're all blonde, overly made up, too much botox and plastic surgery.  I'm not looking for Rhodes scholars, just the ability to tell them apart.  Gina may be intelligent, but I can't take her seriously with all that shit on her face.  I wonder what she looks like natural.  Maybe she feels like she needs all that crap, but I can't stand looking at her.  


    Jackie cracks me up.  


    For me, they all have a distinct look.  and Lydia, Gina, Jackie are brunettes....J


    anet and Andrea look surgeried & botoxed to me (Janet the most).  Janet looks terrible and her surgery/botox make her look older to me, which is too bad because you can tell she was once beautiful. 


    Lydia looks very young and not so surgeried to me (although she may be).


    Chykka has a hairstyle that ages her, but to me, if she updated her hairstyle, she looks her age (and not botoxed to death)..


    Who could tell if Gina had botox or surgery or anything with the makeup she wears? 


    and Jackie, well, she is young -- but I wouldn't be surprised if she had botox because, well, shine shine shine, and a spirit told her told.  I'm glad she cracks someone up, because as I think I said before, I find her without class, no ounce of intelligence, completely not funny, no self awareness -- let alone ability to laugh at her self. (I think I'm going to have to refrain from talking about her, she makes me so annoyed I could spit.)

    • Love 3
  14. I like Lydia because to me, all the women look like they took one woman and just xeroxed her. Lydia actually looks different, not like a slice of Wonder bread.

    Gina is gross with all that shit on her face; I thought she was in her late 50's but if she's not even 50 she needs to take that crap off. Wearing make up that heavy ages your face.

    Andrea's face is frozen.

    While I agree that Lydia is the most attractive physically, I haven't seen anything else about her that earns my interest...I almost said "respect", but then I remembered we are talking about a Real Housewives show...

    Lydia can ski, I'll give her that.

    • Love 2
  15. Well, one thing I will say: despite the (second season?) "scandal" about homophobia, it seems that everyone genuinely loves and supports Rosie, and wants her happiness.


    That's the only decent thing I got.


    Those twins are the biggest dolts I have seen.  I'm not an Amber fan, but really, Amber was blindsided by the level of anger at her... Idiots, both of them.  And that "I'm different at work, I don't speak in my cutesy voice" !?!?!?!?!  You mean, you KNOW that voice is something you put on, and you still do it?  You sound like an idiot.  Where I am, women who are articulate and grown up are valued -- not women who pretend to be helpless little girls.


    What's with the twin who has the beef (I can't tell them apart) with Amber saying "All the girls tell me you have been talking terribly about me?", when it was just the one thing?  I don't get it.  Amber is painful, but the twin is worse.  Way worse.


    And what's with the stilettos everywhere?  Who can walk on those?


    Plus, what's with the twin + Rino not seeming to care if Giovanni even graduates from High School, let alone not going to college?  It's hard for me to grasp that.  I get not every kid should go to college, but if they think he is on-the-ball enough to run a restaurant at 18, don't they think he would be able to do it even better if he went to school?  I guess Rino thinks he didn't need it (and maybe he didn't, because he seems to be a successful restauranteur even if he is a complete boor).


    I think I am might be out...

    • Love 2
  16. It's like split into two camps, the tacky catty camp who went skiing, and the ever so slightly more mature camp who, while giggly and gossipy, if we get rid of the plastic surgery and scrubbed their faces and put them on a budget, I could hang out with.

    I'm a 51 year old divorced woman. I could see, as inappropriate as it was, crashing a friend's date to check it out, or having friends of mine crash mine. Dating at 50 (I've been in a relationship for two years) has many similarities to dating at 14. Somethings are different of course, but the "does he like me?" And "should I call or wait for him" and the analyzing what happened is very similar. Not necessarily in a bad way - sometimes it is, but it is often fun and can make you feel young. :)

    • Love 4
  17. This family did not make me angry the way the previous week's families did.


    I would not want to live like that.  I would definitely not want to be married to the dad, who definitely seemed to want to be a Peter Pan, not really growing up and having responsibilities but wedded to the idea of "being different".  The wife knew she could manipulate him, and enlisted the kids in it ("Yes, I think we'll get a trailer" she says to the son.)  I feel for the kids, especially the older one who doesn't seem as socially adjusted, and wants his privacy.  The kids will definitely react to their childhood as they get into the adolescent/teenage/adult years, but if they lived in a house, they would react to something else... 


    My prediction:  I also don't see them doing this that much longer, a year or two at the most.  The son is going to be an adolescent and need more, as is the daughter.  And the wife seems to be tiring of it, too.  THat trailer bought them another year or two of travel, but after that, either they'll settle somewhere, or the mom will take the two kids and settle somewhere...


    IMHO, and only In my Humble Opinion, the Indigo family and the All-Kid-All-The-Time family were doing more long term psychological damage than this family.  Who were just weird.

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