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Everything posted by katha

  1. There's manipulations and shenanigans, but I agree that it's probably not worse than in other seasons. I think a lot of the frustrated reaction is that with the set-up they've created, for some of us a rather predictable "worst case scenario" is playing out. You had 4 strong women contestants who just get extra scrutiny and judgement for being good, not to mention dragging for not being bubbly and fluffy enough (Normani, Nancy, Heather)...or being too fluffy (Simone). It's all playing out depressingly in various social media. While the men get adoration for showing up. Parts of the general audience have always voted like that, but it sorta feels like you get the extreme version of that this season. They didn't particularly care for Nick, but it's not like they went out of their way to be nasty to him either. Nancy got the "anxiety" edit, but OTOH they let her ignore the whole Tonya Harding stuff, they gave her a suitable pro, her scores were good, she seemed to have a good time. She danced early a lot, but I figured that was tied to her not getting great votes from the start. Same with Heather, they tried to pull for her a bit, when that didn't work they made her the shocking elimination. And yeah, Normani is getting a lot of focus because she's a compelling performer and is probably getting a lot of votes ( I might be wrong, but I don't think I am...). Val is also very clever in packaging her, playing to her strengths and making her appealing as a dancer. I know not everyone here likes it and Len is grumbling, but her fans are eating it up, social media is buzzing with her, she's getting media attention. It's career strategizing for both of them and it's working (Normani building a profile as an individual performer, Val showing what he can deliver as a pro/dancer/teacher/choreographer). It's a surprise that Rashad and Normani are more compelling than Simone, but IMO they are, so that's what the producers are going with. They're pragmatic like that. I do think they want Bonner and Sharna to happen and it's a mixture of Southern boy, showmance, charming male and Sharna stan crowd powering that trainwreck now. Oh well.
  2. I thought Bindi was okay, her partnership with Derek worked, she was more consistent than IMO better dancers who were yo-yoing all season for various reasons (Nick, Tamar Alexa). But boy, the comments she got were cringeworthy. Angel sent from heaven, ray of light, we are not worthy of your sunshiney sunshine, grace us and bless us saint Bindi...blah, blah, blah. They've pimped and manipulated in various directions and for various contestants throughout the years, but the sheer treacle they produced in season 21 in regards to her has never been topped IMO. It was insane. Also, she seems nice enough, but that Sea World connection is one endless side-eye from me. You can't style yourself an animal rights activist and then shill for that company.
  3. What's really annoying is that some of our worst fears after the cast announcement were totally proven correct. So many strong female contestants just meant that they're all under extra scrutiny and being judged harshly by the public, while nothing's expected of the men and they get applauded for breathing. Three of the four strong women (Heather, Nancy and Normani) also don't have the harmless, cutesy "aw shucks" persona the general audience likes in their female celebrities, and of course you've got trouble brewing...Man, just once I would have liked to be wrong about this. But it's always the same.
  4. And to be fair, since I've criticized both in the last few weeks: I thought Simone's charleston was fun and suited her (IMO rather limited) performance persona; I also thought Emma's choreography for Rashad's paso was really nice, incorporating both theme and content. Normani was brilliant and for me totally deserved the highest score, it was lovely choreography, lovely performance and she and Val have great dance chemistry (ditto Emma and Rashad, that can make such a difference). Nancy was awesome as well and boo that she has to leave. Nick was pretty entertaining, too.
  5. I mean, I know this is how this show works, but it's difficult to not get resentful towards both David and Bonner at this point. Nancy and Heather were both in another universe, dancing-wise, and it didn't matter. Hell, at this point, Nick was much better than them. At least he tried his best and visibly improved throughout the weeks, more than can be said about Bonner in particular. And for me personally, it's not fun to watch when weak dancers are stinking up the joint this late in the competition. Both David and Bonner have zero entertainment factor for me, so half the show is a wash. But good to see that the general audience lives up to its questionable reputation, I guess: Charming males skate on zero capabilities, talented female contestants get scrutinized and get the boot for "not connecting with the audience". Also that dance-off? Some BS. I thought Nancy and Nick both won theirs pretty clearly, but I guess since the writing was on the wall for them anyway, the judges chickened out of giving them real scores...
  6. I think unfortunate timing played into all of this: Heather would have been a shock elim no matter what, but circumstances made it perhaps even earlier. I agree the jazz was set up by the show to be a fail, but not necessarily to get her eliminated: Give Maks a difficult song in a style he doesn't have any experience in, then they can redeem themselves with a great dance a week later. It's classic storyboarding. But perhaps because Heather herself had even less fans than anticipated, she didn't connect with the general audience at all, Maks' fans had disengaged because of the injury, and Alan for all that he's liked by DWTS die hards (that's what we are here as well...) hasn't made an impression outside of that yet, was even more vulnerable. Though I must say I am surprised, on that evidence it seems like Heather barely brought in any fans of her own. And the ones she had were probably complacent because her scores weren't that bad. She was four, five points ahead of the weaker guys. That means she really, really didn't get the votes. I'm surprised the situation was that dire tbh.
  7. She's a power gymnast. So basically a lot of what makes her stand out in the gymnast world and earned her those gold medals works against her in dancing. It's power all the time, stiffness, fierce concentration, focus on elements and tricks and technique. Laurie is a bit more fluid and more focused on performance in her gymnastics routines, so perhaps the transition for her was easier? Also, he came in for a bit of criticism, but I thought it was pretty obvious that Val went out of his way to break her out of some of her mannerism and get her focused on the dancing itself (which as a strategy is different from what he's doing with Normani, I think that's really interesting. Though I guess it makes sense, you tailor your approach to the celeb you're working with...). Sasha perhaps isn't as used to working with ringers yet and he himself also has a tumbling background, so the temptation might be greater to indulge in that a bit. As for all that giggling? Nastia was an exception since she came to the show way after her active career, but all the gymnasts on this show have seemed really sheltered. Their life mostly consists of training for competitions and home schooling, so of course they come across as naive.
  8. Since I'm spouting unpopular opinions all over the place here anyway, might as well: Emma seems really nice and like a real sweetheart, but I don't think her choreography for Rashad has been very good? It's all pleasant enough, but nothing very memorable (I didn't like the contemporary either...). They make a positive impression because Rashad is cool and reasonably entertaining as a performer and they have good chemistry and a good vibe in their partnership, the dances themselves haven't been particularly outstanding IMO.
  9. This is all true, but I think if Heather had a decent fanbase it wouldn't have mattered. Barely anyone gets through the show without having one or two weaker dances. I confess, I overestimated her fanbase as well and thought she would be safe for now. But then I'm probably as guilty as anyone of going too much by social media (where Heather did fine), where someone like Nancy isn't a strong presence, but Nancy might pick up more of the general audience who vote for her because they identify with her more than with someone like Heather. The judges praised her performance, she got a score of 34, which wasn't bad and also considerably more than some of the men. With decent voting turnout, it would have been no problem. Apparently she struggled with votes already and then a middling score broke her neck. The show also wasn't invested in keeping her around, otherwise they'd have put her in jeopardy to try and help rally voters. But as we already discussed, Heather was basically cast to be the shocking elimination, so of course they did nothing of the sort.
  10. I know Alan is popular around here, but I agree with that. Heather and Alan seemed nice together, but very....beige on the dancefloor. It was all generic pleasantness. Heather is a bit subdued/cool as a dance persona anyway, and Alan didn't offer anything beyond that IMO. Whereas with Maks in the rumba (and also already in the waltz) there was a counter point, he brought a certain sharpness and intensity, Heather reacted to that with her own performance, and it made their interaction and the dance as a whole more interesting. It's really, really unfortunate that they don't have a few more weeks of dancing together. She wouldn't have won anyway, but an AT with those two would have been so awesome!
  11. I agree that it's not obviously rigged like that. But the show does influence how it plays out. Why were many here saying before the season even started that Heather looked like a potential shock elimination? Because it's played out like that before, numerous times. Part of it is the make-up of the general audience, charming males get passes no matter what they do on the dance floor. It's always been like that. But there was also storyboarding. Even before the season began, controversy about Heather's participation was started. The DWTS PR department probably also played a part in that. Then they kept her dance background at the forefront of her narrative on the show. They underscored her some weeks. Then circumstances also contributed: When Maks went out injured, his fans perhaps disengaged to some degree as well. I know many people in online fan circles like Alan, but those are probably hardcore DWTS fans anyway, he doesn't have reach outside of that yet. She's introverted and as you say: She earned 34 points last week, that doesn't sound so bad and it was considerably more than some of the guys, so the fans she does have probably weren't that worried. That's how "shocking eliminations" happen again and again. I confess, I underestimated how much Glee fandom has probably shrunk since Amber Riley was on the show. The show wanted exactly this to happen, though. That's why that stunt casting and the way it was framed by the show. They don't care if it happened this week or next week or in two weeks, they were gunning for exactly this happening. They got their buzz and scandal and headlines, that's what it's about for the producers.
  12. I thought Heather was stunning, that performance IMO dwarved every other dance so far this season. By some distance as well. Rumba is not easy to choreograph and do well on this show, rumba to this particular song isn't easy either...it was a total homerun by Maks as well. They also had this interesting chemistry, that wasn't forced and wasn't trying hard to be steamy or whatever...it was a mix of calm and playful and a hint of tension. Typical, now that I'm finally getting into Heather, she gets promptly and predictably eliminated...Sabrina Bryan style. On last night's evidence Heather and Maks could have produced some more brilliant dances...argh, no samba, no paso, no AT. Yet Bonner lives to stomp another day. This show, I swear... What I find cool about Artem's work for Nancy is that he doesn't give her careful, "older lady" stuff. He tries to make sure that it suits her, but it's challenging when it comes to both content and required performance. You saw that the paso was a bit hesitant in places and that it was out of her comfort zone, but that was a hard dance to an intense song and she was at the centre of it the entire time. For that she did very well. Val's strategy with Normani is interesting. IMO he actually puts in lots of content, but he also puts in extra stuff. Which...he knows it will piss off Len, but it will also probably make Normani stand out week after week. Derek used to do that kind of thing, it's the first time I'm really noticing Val doing it on a consistent basis? Perhaps he figures it plays to Normani's performance strengths and will get her more votes? Rashad was nice. The other guys were there. Oh well. ETA: Oh, I forgot Simone. She was also nice, but apparently not particularly memorable for me...
  13. I hated Sabrina's dance, so hopefully they don't go in that direction. It's a challenge, but I think Artem just has to make it distinct and appropriate for Nancy. Mel B is a way different performer and the whole concept and choreo of that dance was perfect for her, Artem needs to find an individual approach that won't lead to comparisons. It's a good song for a paso, though.
  14. Honestly, I thought Maks' bit about Boris and Oleg was one of the funniest things on DWTS ever. It was a perfect parody of the whole obsessed shipper mindset. Yeah, sure, they rode the showmance for votes, but IMO it was also pretty clear that it wasn't that serious. Maks had basically turned it into a comedy routine by the end of the season. Also really, really disagree that the dances weren't fantastic. That ballroom tango is one of my fave dances on the show ever, and stuff like the swing, foxtrot, waltz and AT (smartly completely different from Val's, I love the relaxed feel it has) were also super awesome. Everything else was also good and interesting, I found it hugely enjoyable to watch what he produced that season and honestly hadn't believed he had it in him. Mostly how consistent he was, no trainwreck in sight.
  15. Yeah, now it gets dicey for her. Bonner and Nick should be leaving before her at least, but Bonner has that Southern thing and the showmance and Nick has the Bachelor fans. She should get past David as well, but I don't think she has a chance at all there tbh, no matter what she dances. There's a chance that she might overcome Bonner and Nick, but it will be close.
  16. Yeah, Shawn in her first season seems like a good comparison to me. I think Simone dances a bit better than Shawn in her first few weeks, but their performances and movement have that same quality. For me Shawn's breakthrough was week seven, Mark gave her super cha-cha choreography and she could finally execute it well and seemed really comfortable performing it. Then Mark continued to give her killer choreography because they'd finally arrived at a point where she could sell it convincingly. It took a lot of work to get her there IMO. Perhaps with Simone it's the same now? Waiting for that breakthrough?
  17. I think she'll be in "jeopardy", but it won't mean a thing apart from obvious manipulation. I think her fanbase is solid enough and motivated by her not so hot scores this week, they'll vote, it won't be a problem. The one who's probably really in trouble is Nancy. She had good scores, she performed well, she's constantly flying under the radar. I hope Nancy can outlast at least Bonner and Nick, but I'm not sure at all that she can manage that. Heather? I don't think she has a problem at this point in time, perhaps right before finals, but not earlier IMO.
  18. Maks flopped hard and no excuse for that "jazz". But yeah, it's storyline as well. Heather's not in jeopardy at all, her fanbase is solid enough to carry her for a bit longer. They gave them a song that was tough for the dance assignment, they knew they gave it to a pro inexperienced in the style...ergo, likelihood of floppage was always high. Personally I'll see it as confirmation if they next get a dance style that Maks really likes choreographing (AT, paso, samba, mambo etc.). They're creating false suspense and ridiculous "narratives" here.
  19. All the candidates know what they sign up for at this point, it's been 24 seasons. And viewers like who they like, nothing wrong with that. Introverts just have it tough on this show, it is what it is. You had people like Nastia and Bethany and this season you have variations on this theme with Normani, Nancy and Heather. All dancing well, all rather self-contained. And IMO it will become a problem to some degree for all of them. Normani can sell it in performance and is "louder" there, so she's getting more attention. But how much she connects with the general audience beyond the dancing is anybody's guess....
  20. One doesn't have to exclude the other. I'm sure they play up her self-critical moments to give her some sort of storyline, but it's not difficult to believe that a perfectionist figure skater is hard on herself. But that doesn't mean she's a pain to work with or anything, I'm sure Nancy is disciplined, she seems to pick up things fast, she's very fit for her age, she has performance quality, she puts in the work, she has a good attitude. So what if she's occasionally doubting herself? Artem probably has a great time working with her in general, so her having a few minutes of frustration here and there doesn't make a difference for him. I have to say, I'm not super interested in Artem in general, but the way he's obviously enjoying himself so much this season is a huge contributing factor in my enjoyment of this team.
  21. She's introverted and she doesn't seem all that comfortable about letting her guard down. I like her, none of this bothers me and I don't need any of the contestants to give me more insights into themselves than they're comfortable with. But yeah, it'll probably hurt with the main demo. They'd want to get to know her better (since they probably aren't into 5H) and they often want vulnerability. Normani seems too guarded for that to happen, and Val certainly won't push for it. They seem to have good rapport, she dances well, why jeopardize that by trying to coerce her to play along more with the show's manipulations?
  22. I'm scared for Nancy. All the mediocre male contestants will shore up their fanbases now, no matter how underwhelming their dancing, and I fear she'll have trouble getting past that. Really enjoyed her again this week, it's awesome that she can keep up with Normani, Heather and Simone, even though they are all arguably bigger ringers and also half her age. She's been the surprise of this season for me and I hope she stays around a bit longer. Also, Disney night is always so overly sugary. Not my favourite.
  23. OTOH, it's only a part of the equation, of course. I'd argue, for example, that the way the show is focusing so strongly on travelling and 5H for Normani puts her at a disadvantage, because it doesn't let the general audience get to know her very well outside of that. Her regular fans are into it, she might come across as closed off and distant and generic to the regular DWTS viewer. Or, Nancy is getting buried by dance order and she's flying under the radar, but the way she's being presented is very positive: It's totally removed from the "ice princess" narrative that's been following her around for decades, they gave her the perfect partner in Artem, all her packages have been friendly, the judges have been encouraging and constructive, no one is playing mind games with her. She's not winning, but the show is constructing a positive story for her. Sometimes when the show wants to create "drama" OTOH there's a lot of focus on a certain contestant, but not really in a positive way.
  24. My issue is with the producers here, they blatantly cast her to get this controversy going. Now she has to do jazz for Disney week, which is just ridiculous. The same nonsense they engineered when they gave Zendaya hip hop or Corbin jazz. They want the backlash, they want as much backlash as possible. She shouldn't be doing jazz, but it's not her call. Then once again the judges will ream her out, she'll get dragged around the block online. She's already getting dragged for it. It's a total clown car they've got going here. You can't roll your eyes enough about how blatant they are about it all. They're basically salivating at the possibility to make her the "shocking elimination". Or, if she makes finals, to get in as much press and articles bashing her and her dance experience. Blah. I don't even find her particularly compelling as a performer, but the moment they invited her to join the cast, it's all on DWTS. And it's always distasteful when they start their manipulations and mindgames with the candidates.
  25. Maks was in rehearsal last week as well, he also choreographed the cha cha together with Alan. I know the hate for him is strong, but a lot what's being thrown around is just fairytales at this point. He wasn't present for one week, he's been involved in everything since then. Perhaps it wasn't in the package and Maks is older, so he doesn't make as much promo for himself on social media as Alan does, but that doesn't change facts. It's been confirmed that he was actively involved in both teaching and choreo this last week, for next week as well. Alan did one week of solo work (the tango), Maks has been involved in everything else. He'll probably be back for this week. And the injury is really not his fault. Reading some of the stuff out there, at this point I hope he comes back and kicks some serious ass. Maks annoys me a lot as well, but he's basically done everything he can considering his situation and the baseless rumours flying around are just nasty and not based in any sort of facts.
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