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Everything posted by queequeg

  1. Theme is scene related. 1. So what is our profile of the killer? Indeterminate height, weight, sex. Unarmed but extremely attractive. 2. Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials? 3. Rugged, manly men in the full bloom of their manhood. 4. You're not gonna tell me you think it's that Mexican goat sucker thing. 5. ... and I'm not wearing any pants right now.
  2. Woooo!!!! I'll try to get some quotes up before bed tonight.... I dunno on the looking stuff up... I haven't been, since I wasn't sure??
  3. Bastet, that is a pretty picture. Maybe I need to just focus on that and stop trying to make sense of the soulmate crap. In other news, Mulder was infected with black goo last night. To be continued...
  4. 2. Mulder to Scully in Redux II? 5. Scully to Mulder in One Breath 6. Scully to Mulder in Triangle
  5. Ah, ok. I was so confused and hadn't connected it to ElleryAnne's comment.
  6. Bastet, do you feel Mulder was jealous? I didn't. I loved Mulder teasing Pendrell about Scully's "date," (season 4) and then telling Pendrell to breathe, that she's performing an autopsy
  7. Theme is episode related. 1. Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy. Scully to Mulder, Pusher - smrou 3 pts 2. Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you. Maurice to Mulder, HTGSC - smrou, 3 pts 3. Now, I don't trust them. I want to trust you. Mulder to Scully, Ice - smrou, 3 pts 4. Bet all you guys were officers in the audiovisual club in high school, huh? Mulder to Lone Gunmen, Wetwired - smrou 1 pt, bastet 2 pts Bastet's theme is true, but not what I had in mind. Smrou is right about the theme! Episodes where Mulder or Scully or both pulls a gun on the other. So that's 16 pts for smrou!
  8. Theme is episode related. 1. Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy. Scully to Mulder, Pusher - smrou 3 pts 2. Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you. Maurice to Mulder, HTGSC - smrou, 3 pts 3. Now, I don't trust them. I want to trust you. Mulder to Scully, Ice - smrou, 3 pts 4. Bet all you guys were officers in the audiovisual club in high school, huh? ??? to Lone Gunmen, ??? - smrou 1 pt No Scully, Taryn!
  9. OK, so The Field Where I Died, I'm not sure how I feel about this ep. #1 Sidney was just too much for me. #2 Mulder's crying made me sooo uncomfortable, like embarrassed for him. Former life or not, how did he manage to get himself so worked up over someone he just met?! #3 I can't decide if it's sweet that Mulder and Scully's souls spend life after life together, or if it squicks me out she was his father at one point. I'm also trying to rationalize the whole in your face "See, they're (M&S) not soul mates!!! This other random chick you've never met and will never see again is!!!" that I felt was thrown in our face the whole ep. Like maybe Melissa and Mulder could never get it right in previous lives, and never will? Also, can't someone come up with a name other than Melissa?!
  10. Theme is episode related. 1. Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy. 2. Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you. 3. Now, I don't trust them. I want to trust you. 4. Bet all you guys were officers in the audiovisual club in high school, huh?
  11. Ok! I'll see what I can pull together at work, if not this evening for sure!
  12. Did anyone else feel bad for Agent Pendrell watching seasons 3 and 4? He clearly likes Scully, even Mulder recognizes this, but she doesn't even notice him. He seems like a nice guy. Obviously he's no Mulder, but I bet he's way less high maintenance with a lot less baggage.
  13. Oh! Oh! Theme is their losing family members. Scully's father in Beyond the Sea, Mulder's father in Anasazi, and Melissa in Paper Clip.
  14. I would guess Mulder to Scully On #1 but no clue the episode.
  15. So we watched Unruhe last night, and my heart broke a little watching Mulder try to track down Scully. From the running after the car screaming her name, to the desperation on his face trying to piece together where she might be. It was so damn sad.
  16. OMG. I was too busy laughing my ass off to realize Jose Chung was the writer's name. Derp.
  17. 1.) mulder said it, triangle 3.) author (name?) speaking to Scully, Jose Chung 5.) How the ghosts stole Christmas?
  18. OK, so Teso Dos Bichos wasn't too bad, although I'm now side eyeing my cats. I did not particularly enjoy Hell Money... too possible to make it pretty disturbing? But holy Jose Chung... what a bleeping awesome episode! My brain is still processing the bleeping cluster that was Jose Chung, so more on it once I've processed, but I haven't laughed so much... Scully an unconvincing woman, Mulder screaming at the sight of the alien, the alien autopsy video and Scully's mortification over the video... so.many.moments.
  19. Season 3 has some really GREAT episodes so far. Loved Paper Clip, Clyde Bruckman, War of the Coprophages, Syzygy, and Pusher. 2Shy was just creepy as hell. And poor Skinner, what a crap season he's having. Next up on my watch list is Teso Dos Bichos. One question I had on Syzygy, I originally was all holy reaction on Scully's part, but then the astrologist had made a comment about the planetary alignment and strained relationships, so maybe I shouldn't read so much into Scully and Mulder in this episode? Maybe they were just playing off the planetary alignment impacting them as well? Oh, and baby face Ryan Reynolds!!
  20. Taryn, hope you have some luck getting your daughter to watch! I've been talking it up to friends like the giant dork I am.
  21. Hi! I'm new, found my way here from the link on the TWOP forum. My mother watched X-files when I was a kid, and I remember seeing a few episodes here and there. I probably didn't start following the show myself into maybe late season 4? Which would have put me in jr. high/early high school? I loved the movie and seasons 5 and 6. 7 was ok, and 8 and 9 pissed me off to point that I quit watching for the most part. Lets just say my memories of those last two seasons are not fond. I never saw the 2nd movie. So now I'm working my way through all of the seasons and movies in order. I missed most of the first 4 seasons when I was younger, except an occasional rerun here or there. Just wrapping up Season 2 and getting ready to start Season 3. Loving these early seasons, wish I had done this sooner. :)
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