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Posts posted by shoegal

  1. 2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Strongly disagree. Luann was talking to herself, in a panic, she did not ask Bethenny anything, she was asking herself.

    Again, no bar manager would verify anything to a faceless voice on the phone about anything that happened in their bar for fear of getting fired, ever!

    LuAnn came into Bethenny's room and directly said to Bethenny that it could not have been Wednesday because she was with Tom that Wednesday and that the pics had to be from a different night. It was then that B confirmed that she had verified with the manager. After that, they had the conversation about how long B had known.

    The idea that NO bar manager would never EVER verify anything to a "faceless voice" on the phone is ridiculous. Seriously.

    • Love 7
  2. 16 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Luann didn't ask for additional proof. In fact, Luann believed Bethenny completely until Bethenny revealed that she had told Carole and Ramona, who told Sonja, at the start of the weekend before she told Luann, which is when and why Bethenny told her about calling the bar. That was when Luann questioned anything Bethenny said and did and I don't blame her. It show that Bethenny was more about using this information to hurt/humiliate Luann than anything else. Which goes back as to why she had the information to begin with, whoever sent it to her knew that Bethenny really disliked Luann enough that she would want it to use against Luann. Also, for Bethenny to pretend she was the Bunny in order to get the manager to confirm this happened, she would have to have know the Bunny's name (who she is) first, otherwise I don't think a manager of the Regency would verify squat to some faceless person over the phone because they could fired for doing it.

    LuAnn did question it, she said it could not have been Wednesday because she was there with Tom on that Wednesday. That is when Bethenny revealed she had confirmed with the manager at the Regency. It wasn't until after that conversation that B and Lu discussed how long B had known and whom she told. 

    Bethenny would not have to know the bunny's name to have a conversation with the manager, she called to faux apologize for her inappropriate behavior. Along the lines of 'you may remember me, I have dark hair, I was making out with a bald guy on Wednesday, I'm so embarrassed...' And the manager says 'yeah, I saw you guys, you were at the front of the bar....' and B says 'I'm sorry I was so inappropriate...' Click.

    • Love 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    If this was a real "friend" of Bethenny's that sent the text/photos, someone close enough to her to have her private cell phone number, close enough to her to know she would want this information about Tom, a man she has never met.......then why did Bethenny need to call the Regency pretending to be the Bunny to verify anything? Why not trust her source? Again, this just reinforces my belief that it was an employee of the bar and not her friend.

    Because she knew LuAnn would question it, and in case Tom denied it, and so she has a source that is not her friend so she doesn't have to throw her friend under the bus. If her friend is not going to go public on camera, B needs another source. Cover your bases and back up your back ups. 

    • Love 6
  4. 3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Not to me, this was ugly and passed on with the knowledge it would be used to hurt someone. Had Tom kept his mouth closed, no one would know for certain it was him, all the photos shown were of the back of his head, not his face, so it was secondhand info.

    Well, LuAnn recognized him right away, so she knew it was him. We only saw one pic and there were three, so we don't know what the other ones showed.

    The way I see it, if someone doesn't care enough to do their cheating in private, I'm not going to cover their ass for them. Tom is the one who hurt LuAnn by sucking face with the bunny. I'm not gonna shoot the messenger.

    ...but I am gonna shoot a text!

    • Love 10
  5. 12 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    This wasn't gossiping though. This went well beyond gossip. Texting photos and taking notes for over 2 hours is nuts and it shows that someone took joy in seeing/watching this and that is just plain twisted, really twisted unless Tom/Luann did something horrid to them personally but again, had that been the case, Bethenny would have spilled those details to further/humiliate hurt Luann/Tom.

    1 More thing. I thought Bethenny said that you couldn't use "secondhand info" against someone. Oh, I totally forgot, no one is allowed to use it except HER! LOL

    It is gossip, with photographic evidence! That kind of negates the "secondhand info", it's more like "real time documentation". LOL

    IOW, "pics or it didn't happen" 

    • Love 5
  6. 3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    No, I have never met your friends and finding this out, I don't want to! LOL Seriously though, I do not know anyone that would do this, I just don't and I don't want that sort of person in my life but then, I don't get joy from others pain and IMO, Bethenny does and so must her "friend". Agree to disagree because I do believe that Bethenny has others gather dirt on the others for her. She would never leave anything to chance IMO. She has to "know it all" or else!

    Well, I do not know anyone who doesn't gossip with their friends, but maybe those people exist! If they do, I probably don't want to know them either, so we're even! LOL

    13 minutes ago, smores said:

    I would.  If I had been B's friend, I'd have been texting over the course of the night, OMG! guess what I'm seeing! and then a pic.  And then I'd have sent more updates.  That would be an easy way to get a time stamp, to be honest, B could have been going back through her texts, and seeing when she got the first text and then when she got one that said "he just left"  


    3 minutes ago, Christi said:

    Ditto...If be taking pics like da paparazzi.and texting blow by blows...probally even a video if I could worm my way close enough..hello!

    Pull up a chair next to me, please!! 

    • Love 4
  7. Just now, WireWrap said:

    Here is how I feel, this wasn't some organic bomb that dropped out of the sky into a friend of Bethenny's lap, this was someone that was keeping an eye on the other HWs/SO that frequent the Regency for Bethenny, so, most likely an employee which is why they refused to be filmed least they get fired from their job. A friend that just happens upon something like this doesn't just sit there taking pictures and taking notes of everything that happens for over 2 hours because they think it is something another friend might want to know unless they already knew said friend wanted that type of dirt in the first place. Also, the bar bill that was given to Bunny after Tom left could have easily been for a drink she had after he left, whoever took the photos was not sitting close enough to Bunny to see the bill or hear what was said unless Bunny was screaming and that is something Bethenny would have revealed to everyone. IMO, Bethenny's "friend" was an employee that actually saw the bill Bunny had to pay.

    You clearly have never met my friends. Absolutely, there are people who will sit there and take pictures and text a play by play. This is awesome gossip! They were at the Regency having drinks, now there is a cheating drama playing out live before them! My friends would have had that shit on group text, and you stay till the job is done!

    As to the bill, maybe it was for a drink that the bunny ordered, no one said Bethenny was absolutely right on that point, but that's a detail the friend/texter would/could absolutely notice and include.

    • Love 13
  8. 21 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    ETA, I disagree. IMO, the only reason to send that sort of text to someone other than the wronged fiancé is if you know that person would be interested in that sort of dirt to begin with.

    Why would you send it to the wronged fiancé unless you were friends with said fiancé? You send it to your friends because it's juicy salacious gossip. My friends and I would text it in a heartbeat. 

    • Love 5
  9. 1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

    Actually, Bethenny said the manager told her that when she repeated to Luann that she spoke to the manager to verify the text while pretending to be the bunny. But Yes, she also said that her "friend" said that in the text but how would that person know that unless they were an employee of the Regency?

    No, Bethenny did not say the manager told her anything about the bill. Bethenny told LuAnn that Tom left the bunny with the bill when she was showing LuAnn the pictures. Then LuAnn left the room and went to her room to talk to Jules and Dorinda. (Incidentally, Jules says it was the 24th, so it was a two and a half week engagement.) LuAnn came back in the room with Bethenny claiming she was with Tom at the Regency that night and the pics had to be from another night, B said she had called the manager and bluffed and said she was there on Wednesday making out with a bald guy and she was "so embarrassed"  and the manager said "oh yeah, you were at the front of the bar". There was no mention of the check.

    As to how would the friend know the bunny was left with the check, they would see Tom leave and see the waiter drop the check to the bunny. Maybe the bunny bitched about being stuck with the check. 

    • Love 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    They would have to know Tom and what he looks like, which means that someone gave them a description. And, Bethenny would have told them that she had questions about Tom to begin with. Sorry, this wasn't a "friend" of Bethenny's, it was someone/an employee she had watching for dirt on the HW/SO that frequent the Regency. Another point, Bethenny told Luann that she called the Regency and spoke to the manager to confirm the photo pretending to be the Bunny and the manager confirmed it and then added in that Tom left the Bunny with the bill. Why would he tell the "Bunny" that, she would already know. Nahhhh, this was someone that works there and was doing a favor for Bethenny by gathering any dirt on Luann/Tom that might happen there.

    They would not need a description if this person knows who Tom is, it's not impossible or unreasonable or even strange that a friend of Bethenny's would know who Tom is, and they would not need to know that Bethenny had questions about Tom to know that Tom making out with someone who was not his fiancé LuAnn would be interesting and juicy info to pass along.

    IIRC, the info about leaving the bunny with the check came from the friend/picture taker/texter who was at the Regency, not the manager. 

    • Love 3
  11. 7 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Then why send the photos to Bethenny but not Luann? Really, someone had to have know that Bethenny wanted dirt on them to begin with. This wasn't some random person who just happened to be in the bar that night, it was someone that had Bethenny's private cell phone number and sent these 3 photos and a play by play timeline to her. I have no doubts that Bethenny had someone, an employee, in each of the other HWs hangouts feeding her details of what they did when they were there. Bethenny just doesn't leave things to chance, she makes sure she "knows it all" about "everything". I don't think she set Tom up but I think she had snitches watching for any dirt on him/Luann/Dorinda/John/Jules/Michael/Sonja/Ramona that she could use against them. Bottom line, no one would know that Bethenny would want dirt on anyone unless she told them she did first.

    If they were Bethenny's friend as she claims, that explains all of this. A friend of  Bethenny's does not have to be friends with LuAnn. Any friend of Bethenny's who knows Tom would text that in a second. Guarantee.

    • Love 8
  12. 22 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Thanks for the reminder, she had just gotten engaged but it was not in the press/page six yet when the photo was taken, it had only been a week. Again, no one would have known that Bethenny was upset at Luann, had gone BSC on her or that she was questioning if the engagement was real or not unless Bethenny had told them (the photo/text snitch) in the first place. Now, if one of the other HWs or their SO had taken the picture and sent it to Bethenny, I could believe she was nothing more than an innocent messenger but that is not what happened, so Yes, Bethenny was trolling for dirt on Luann/Tom.

    No one would have to know that to know that Tom in a bar making out with someone other than his fiancé LuAnn would be scandalous or at least interesting to her cast mates. 

    LuAnn and Tom's engagement was reported by Page Six on Monday, Feb. 8th, the day LuAnn herself put the engagement on Instagram and it was reported that Tom had proposed "over the weekend". We know the pics happened on a Wednesday, they mention a week and a half engagement, so that puts the pics on Feb. 17th, so yes, the engagement was reported in the press before the photos were taken.

    • Love 7
  13. 10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    But why would anyone think a photo of Tom, someone Bethenny has never met, kissing someone would interest her? No, I really believe that Bethenny put the word out that she wants any and all dirt on all, just not Luann, of the others and their SO. Was Luann's/Tom's engagement even public knowledge when this happened and if not that further confirms my belief that Bethenny is intentionally gathering dirt on the others/SO.  

    Yes, Tom and LuAnn's engagement was public knowledge, as it was reported 'in the press' (remember the conversation on the bus on the way to the casino?).  So, someone who knew Bethenny and knew Tom would certainly think that was interesting, since that was NOT LuAnn he was making out with...so yeah, I expect there are PLENTY of people who would snap those shots. 

    • Love 12
  14. 4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

     Bottom line, someone knew that Bethenny wanted dirt on Tom, had her private cell phone number and sent them to her in the middle of the night.

    That is speculation at best.  Perhaps someone just knew Bethenny and found the information...interesting.  I've texted friends scandalous or juicy info about mutual friends/acquaintances, and even taken pics and sent via text, and received them at different times of night.  I'm trying to think of a HW that wouldn't have used the info....maybe Jules?  Maybe. 

    • Love 9
  15. 1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

    If you chose not to have children, then one should not be offended at the mention of your choice.  Carole seems to want to wallow in her choice and not take responsibility for the fact she chose not to parent.  It is borderline offensive to foster a kitten for a week and claim you feel some sort of motherhood.  I don't quite get why she won't have a child with Adam.  Adoption is always an option.  I was kind of offended the end of the show was Adam and Carole have thee relationship.     

    Offense for me but not for thee?  LOL.  As a childfree woman by choice, I'm kind of offended by all this judgment about having children/not having children.  Offense for everyone! 

    • Love 18
  16. 2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    Bethenny is claiming that John, Sonja and Luann "came" for her "business" this season, not last season, not over the summer but this season/during filming and that is not true. Bethenny said that she "heard" (remember, according to Bethenny no one can use second hand information) Luann said something about her business over the summer, so, she introduced the subject this season, not Luann.  I think Bethenny was just throwing out shit hoping that something would stick. She came hunting for bear in the Berkshires, she admits to it in her blog, and Luann became the designated target by default. John didn't mention SKG until after Bethenny attacked him to Dorinda several times this season. Sonja never said a bad word about Bethenny's SKG at all. No one, and I do mean No One, came at Bethenny's business, no one talked smack about Bethenny's business, with the exception of John and that was only after weeks of getting a beat down from Bethenny and her accusing him of doing drugs/"lines".

    Bethenny is using that, "they came for my business" as her reason for going BSC on them, to negate her ugly behavior this whole season by blaming others with her go to reasoning/excuse......."You Made ME Go There", and that just isn't the truth.

    Bethenny claimed the arguments she had this season involved people coming for her business, and that's true.  This whole "last season" thing is just a red herring.  Bethenny claimed in the Berkshires that she was mad at Lu for things Lu had still been saying about SG, including over the summer, and what Lu said at Dorinda's table in the Berkshires also pissed B off.   We know the Tipsy Girl thing with Sonja started in the summer before filming, so Bethenny came loaded for bear with both ladies due to shit that started/was still going down between seasons.  The thing with John was minor and was mainly about Dorinda until John pushed the SG/SC button and you can see Bethenny jump up and get white hot about it, so yeah, that was the source of the huge blowout with John....before that, it was about Dorinda. 

    Clearly, Bethenny gets bat shit crazy when anyone even remotely "comes for" SkinnyGirl.  This idea that one single quote is her trying to excuse all of her behavior all season seems to be a stretch for me. 

    • Love 3
  17. 3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


    I guess Sonja will say a classic never goes our of style. 

    I don't fault anyone for wearing a dress from four seasons ago! I am laughing at a 'designer' that is still trying to sell a 'collection' from four seasons ago. 

    NYFW starts in less than a month, where are you Sonja with the sexy J???

    • Love 2
  18. 7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


    Anyhoo, the earlier link posted to the Neiman's site was a bit educational for me.  Why?  Cuz I didn't realize jumpsuits were such a thing now.  Jeez, Neiman's looks like it's offering a zillion of 'em.  Who knew Sonja would be on top of an actual trend?  Well, if you think about it, hasn't every single one of 'em worn a jumpsuit at some point?

    Jumpsuits have been a thing for several years now, I wouldn't call Sonja "on top" of the trend, it's more jumping on the trend train long after its left the station. The jumpsuit wave is cresting.

    Speaking of Sonja, it looks she wears one of the gowns from her "collection" at the reunion...you know, the "collection" that she debuted FOUR seasons ago (runway seasons). Such a joke.

    • Love 2
  19. 18 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    She has been and I don't think it suits her. Her jaw is really strong. Her facial features are very strong. When she's wearing those highly embellished sharply cut Balmain clothes, it just highlights how harsh the total picture is. Jada Pinkett Smith has similar issues. Bethenny looks best in clean tailored minimalist clothing with a bit if jewelry.

    Just like Sonja's Herve Leger on the yacht looked fantastic on her. I think that dress would have come across as draggy and dominatrix lite on LuAnn. Sonja has enough softness about her that it undercut some of the obvious sexuality of the dress.

    Yes, yes, yes! Agree on all accounts. The only time I've ever liked Balmain was when I saw Gigi wearing it, it needs a softness to counterbalance. Until Jules in the reunion dress. Stunning.

    B in a clean Victoria Beckham dress is killer. 

    Sonja in the Herve Leger was also great....and not just because I was glad to see her wear something NOT from her "collection" and not something purchased decades ago by JA Morgan!

    • Love 4
  20. 3 hours ago, Knuckles said:

    We disagree on this. I'm thinking of the Joker ensemble, the one with the white stripes and Joan Crawford shoulder pads. And that green dress...the skeletor chest and the visible bolt-ons was unfortunate.  If she can afford PR people, she can afford a better stylist. 

    Bethenny has been wearing a lot of Balmain this season, it's not my style but Balmain was having a moment, with a collaboration line with H&M and a campaign featuring Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner. I have never been a huge fan of the line, but I gotta say Jule's upcoming reunion dress is making me rethink my stance. It's Balmain and it's freaking gorgeous.

    • Love 2
  21. 1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

    You are right-I am thinking of Bethenny with the tailored red dresses.  She has slipped into kind of a Michael Jackson look these days.  Apparently the green number last night was a jump suit.  Reminded me of the one Sonja wore to her fashion show and her boobs kept falling out.  COuld Bethenny be wearing something from the Sonja Morgan Collection? 

    The jumpsuit. Sold out! http://www.neimanmarcus.com/Cushnie-et-Ochs-Peaked-Lapel-V-Neck-Jumpsuit/prod179520335/p.prod?ecid=NMAF__QFGLnEolOWg&CS_003=5630585

    • Love 1
  22. 1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

    But Bethenny bringing it up from a past season does not make it current. She claimed that Luann came for her business "this" season, not last and Yes, it is nothing more than an excuse. Bethenny accepted Luann's apology about it last season and again this season.

    I do suspect that Bethenny knew about TG before filming began but she claims differently. No matter what, Sonja did not attack Bethenny's business with her being the spokesperson for TG, nor did she disparage Bethenny's business. Have you listened to the interview I am referring to because what she says is not what happened. LOL She can't go BSC on people before they say/do something to her then claim she did it because of they said/did in retaliation to her initial attack.  LOL

    And it seems we are just going in circles, agree to disagree.

    Obviously it does, since she stated at the time that it was an issue, so that discussion was this season and the issue was brought up at the time.  I have read the interview in question, and what Bethenny said is accurate, that when she went BSC on people this season, they were all people coming for her business.   What we saw this season with John, LuAnn and Sonja bear that out this season.  The only fight that didn't have anything to do with SG was with Jules....but that was Jules going BSC on Bethenny at Joanne. 

  23. 1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

    She saw Luann all of 2 times over the summer and she never claimed that she heard Luann talk about SKG over the summer. Their summer tiff was about Luann being "needy" and wanting an invite to the BH filming event according to Bethenny herself with no mention of anything to do with SKG. LOL Bethenny brought up the SKG fight as part of her long list of past grievances against Luann, most dating back years and/or secondhand information from others from past seasons that did not involve Bethenny at all, nothing current though. That Bethenny is now claiming it as her "reason" for attacking Luann is ridiculous and shows she is reaching as hard as she can to negate her own ugly behavior.

    Seriously though, she is using that as an excuse as to why she was horrid to John even though her attacks against him/Dorinda started well before he said squat about SKG, the same with Sonja, she was freezing her out well before TG was revealed and this excuse doesn't apply to Jules in the least, past or present. It is an excuse and nothing more, except that it is a lie to begin with. Had Bethenny went BSC on Luann last season when this really happened, then Yes, it would apply but it just doesn't this season no matter how much Bethenny says it.

    That Bethenny brought it up at the time as an issue negates the idea that she is only just now using it a "reason".  Also, weren't you saying that Bethenny knew about Tipsy Girl from Ramona long before filming and therefore that was the real reason she was freezing out Sonja from filming?  Another pre-emptive retcon by Bethenny??  She's crafty, that one.

    • Love 1
  24. 16 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    But remember that the whole deal about Lu "creating" SG also came from a conversation that Lu apparently had during the summer. That was why Beth was so mad. She said when they were in the Berkshire's that she heard Lu was telling this story to people over the summer; the story about her helping to create SG. 

    Thank you. 

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