In all of Sophia's histories, she seems to have come to the U.S. as a young adult. Yet in one of the flashback episodes, they gave her a plot line where she finds out at 48 that her age had been changed when she arrived in the country. She's upset because she is really 50. Couldn't that only happen to a child, and a young one at that? I know it's just a flashback, but couldn't the writers have come up with another reason for Sophia to be upset?
Also, in one episode, Sophia says that she married Sal in Sicily (they were matched up because they lined everyone up by height), but in the Guido Spirelli story line, they imply that she married Sal for love in the U.S. I believe Dorothy says this into the tape recorder--that Sophia left Guido, left Italy, and came to the U.S. alone, where she married Sal.