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Posts posted by dwmarch

  1. Region-free trailer (or at least it works in Canada, your jurisdiction may vary):

    I'm cautiously optimistic. I think the main fault of season 2 was that it had too many ideas packed into too small of a space. So far from this we know we've got the TNG crew, Moriarty, Lore and some new villains including Amanda Plummer (whom I kind of hope says "any of you Starfleet pricks move..."). There's also something going on with the young human-looking dude who has a connection to Picard. Let's hope this is all a little less chaotic than last season where all the bouncing between plots lessened them all.

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  2. 7 hours ago, mledawn said:

    The other leaders - the ones who were sent inside - were in on the guards turning their backs, weren’t they? He gave them a signal and they all nodded/confirmed.


    42 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Bunny knew full well someone was going to come after him.  He sat there waiting to see who it was.  It’s easier that way.

    Ah, thanks, this makes sense now. I did see that the other gang leaders signaled to Bunny but I still thought he should be expecting betrayal from any or all of them. And he did, he was just being efficient. It is after all, hotter than a MF in there. Sorry I doubted you Bunny, you know what you're doing.

  3. Bunny came up with as good of a plan as he could there except for the part where he just sat around hoping for the best. Like does he think none of the other gang leaders had similar things in mind? Or that they wouldn't notice when all the guards turned their backs at once?

    Kyle was quite adamant last episode that he didn't want Mike's problem (specifically Iris) becoming his problem. Bearing that in mind I thought it was funny that he came back begging Mike for a task and all Mike has for him is "help me figure out where the Russian mob boss is". Yes, that will go well I am sure.

    Speaking of which, all I know about Russian gangsters is what I have seen on TV but even I know that if you're looking for the Russian mob boss he's either at the strip club or at the church. And that is one big-ass church.

    However, I think Mike is playing Milo. He "put on a cape" to go try to rescue Iris and beat that one goon down (twice even!) while asking where she is. There was no real reason for him to do that if she is working at that club trying to make $5k an evening. So I am pretty sure he already knows where she is and just wants the Russians to think he doesn't know. Otherwise everyone is just going stupid over a gal who likes to prove she's not worth the effort. Wouldn't be the first time in history this has happened but I hope these characters are a little smarter than that.

    19 minutes ago, Moviesnob said:

    I have NO idea why they would raid Bunny's families residence after this! Unless they have it in for Mike??

    I think this could be factor for sure. Mike is insisting that everyone play by the drug dealer's rules and the cops aren't having it. So they knock over Bunny's grandma's place to assert dominance and make Mike's life more difficult.

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  4. 2 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    I never noted any darkness in Jesse's eyes/smile but since Brother Kane just loaded Chekhov's gun it must be there 😄

    I think this is what passes for foreshadowing on this show. Jesse's daughter was kidnapped in an episode and he wasn't happy about it but he didn't go all John Wick either. I guess his darkness had the week off.

    • LOL 2
  5. I'm surprised we don't have a thread for this movie yet, it's getting good reviews as of this moment.


    I'm pretty sure this movie is still in theaters although I watched it at home.

    I'm not a horror fan per se but this movie kept it mild for being in the horror genre. More Terminator than Chucky. The trailer telegraphs one particular kill that you would think is going to be really nasty (involving a power washer) but it was fairly discreet in the movie.

    There is some substantial subject matter in the movie about grief and loss. The young girl who loses her parents doesn't know how to deal with the loss and ends up becoming best friends with this android who was programmed with everything except empathy. When M3GAN starts researching death on her own and the characters quickly tech-splain to her that she should not worry about it you know they done messed up. As with most movie AI that spends a day on the internet unsupervised, we go from there straight to murder time fun time.

    Most of the characters in this movie are not at all sympathetic so it's not terribly sad when M3GAN catches up to them. Being the Terminator fan that I am, I was mostly rooting for her. I appreciate how they gave her some limitations. She's not Terminator-strong for example because she's small so she's limited by physics. She buries something five feet deep because she's only four feet tall.

    Some of the setups are super obvious. The big, tough looking early model robot of course comes into play at the end. But they did whiff on a couple of obvious references. They had a fastball over the plate opportunity for "get away from her, you bitch" and although it would have been clunky there was a moment where I said out loud "come with me if you want to live".

    One aspect that didn't work for me was M3GAN talking about how she used to be such good friends with Gemma. Okay, I know they had the whole Primary User aspect but Gemma was added as a second Primary early on and M3GAN spent most of the movie talking at her rather than to her. M3GAN is a super social engineer but never really tried with Gemma so the "betrayal" felt a little out of left field.


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  6. I'm glad the plot with Alex's girlfriend was wrapped up nicely and in a single episode. Also Tennant is a great mom.

    The main plot didn't make a lot of sense to me. Someone was murdered because of something that happened overseas back in the day but the original witness didn't want to cooperate so somehow the monk-Marine agreed to take the fall?

    At least the obvious bad guy was obvious for once. I was sure the helpful Marine CID lady would be involved somehow. I was waiting for Ernie to come rushing in saying it was actually snowing in Mexico City yesterday and those aren't standard issue Marine combat boots!

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  7. 7 hours ago, aghst said:

    He can’t warn Clay Davis, who’s now mayor.

    He tried, in the most oblique way possible. But Charlie chose not to hear him.

    1 hour ago, tomsmom said:

    I’m confused, does the family not know Fia had a damn baby??

    I feel like there is no way they cannot know but I agree this comes across weirdly in the show. Babies need a lot of stuff and they make a lot of noise. Putting the baby in the other room is not sufficient to hide it. Maybe Fia's gangster relatives have disavowed the baby and chosen never to speak of it but how are we supposed to know that?

    • Like 5
  8. 23 minutes ago, mledawn said:

    When Bunny called Mike "Sweden" I laughed.

    "Sweden, Switzerland... whatever cracker-ass country babysit the other cracker-ass countries" was hilarious. Remember Mike, we're not sending him to jail for his knowledge of European geography.

    Mike may not be as smooth of a "Mayor" as his brother was but he's getting there. I liked his well-timed use of humor when talking to Evelyn.

    I assume there is more to come with Kyle's unfortunate traffic stop. The driver tried to shoot the cop because why? With a baby in the vehicle the dude thought his best option was to blast his way out of a traffic ticket? There had better be 800lbs of meth in that boat.

    So Iris knew where Milo was all along? And all of these cops she's been hanging around with never thought to ask her if Milo had a secret lair somewhere? I know they thought he was dead because of the riot but still.

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  9. On 1/17/2023 at 9:37 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Please TV gods, lose Lucy aboard ship out somewhere on the Pacific.

    I don't think the show would be brave enough to go this way but this is not the first time I have thought that Tennant and Whistler would make a much better couple.

    On 1/18/2023 at 5:40 AM, Raja said:

    those .50 caliber rounds would tear through anything less than a main battle tank

    Fortunately NCIS Hawaii has installed Plot Armor®️ on their SUVs. Good thing Jesse didn't bring his family-mobile, would have been awkward trying to explain the .50 cal holes to the wife and kids. Or is it kid? I know he has a daughter because we've seen her but I feel like he might also have a son too. But I don't remember the details of his family life because we aren't constantly being dragged into some contrived nonsense involving them, unlike some agents...

    On 1/18/2023 at 12:04 PM, blackwing said:

    I actually couldn't care less about AJ Hale and Wally and the investigation.  Don't care at all.

    Same here, this plot is just dumb false tension. OMG you must talk to the FBI so they don't think you're a criminal! Because that's how that works! You explain to them that you borrowed money from the gangster because your son let you down (real dick move there, Dad) and so you just had to take dirty money in exchange for favors instead. Because if your restaurant went out of business you'd evaporate or some shit. But at no point was money laundered. The FBI will believe you on this provided you invite them to come and talk to you and tell them in person how innocent you are.

    • LOL 2
  10. I wanted to like this movie but ultimately I think it's another entry in the "Wow, DC sure makes great trailers!" series. Black Adam the character was really bland and the supporting cast was alright but never more than the sum of its parts. The highlight for me was five seconds of Harcourt rocking that beautiful patent leather trenchcoat. Other than that it was an entirely forgettable movie where various characters travel all over the place and somehow never end up actually going anywhere.

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  11. I guess it must be Friday at midnight somewhere so I won't spoiler code but I will keep episode two commentary vague.

    There is a weird beauty to this show that wasn't present in the first season. I feel like we are getting more out of these characters and what we are getting is better. There was no action in this episode at all but I enjoyed everything that was being set up here. Well, the US Attorney is still way over the top but everything else seems to be going smoothly so far.

    Fia gets line of the episode with "climb down off the cross, Jesus needs it back". Ah Fia, so you are a gangsta after all I see.

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  12. I keep finding more things to love in this episode.

    In the category of fridge brilliance: I have seen many reactions where people criticize Brasso and Xan for loudly talking in public about Cassian calling in to say he was coming to town. Why aren't these dudes having a hushed conversation? But if we speculate that they have been working in heavy industry for most of their lives it follows that they would both be kinda deaf as a result so as far as they were concerned they were speaking quietly. They forgot that Nurchi with his young snitch-ass ears could hear them from all the way down the block.

    I wanted to say Nurchi kinda-sorta redeemed himself by outing Corv during the faux-arrest. Corv goes barrelling through the Imperial line like he owns the place confirming his spy status and the next shot is of Cinta watching. But Cinta also saw him walking around with Dedra the previous evening so she already knew. Maybe the arrest confirmed that he was worth shanking.

    Speaking of the previous evening, I also like how Disney kept it subtle but actually kind of explicit with Vel and Cinta. "Come away from the window" or in other words, Come To My Window.

    Two moments with Cyril that I like in retrospect. First, when he tries to cross the Imperial line like he owns the place. Remember, not that long ago he did own the place (until it owned him, am I right?) and it makes sense that he would still have that cop swagger until he remembers that he had to turn in his badge. I also appreciate that at some point during the voyage he had a conversation with Mosk about Dedra. When Cyril says "it's her!" Mosk doesn't ask him who he is talking about. That would have been an interesting conversation to listen in on.

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  13. 44 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

    Things I didn’t understand: the subplot about the mother’s death not being clearly explained

    Some of this seems to have been cut. I recall that in season one the previouslys for an episode showed off a couple of characters talking about something to do with the mom (shocking polaroids that had been hidden away IIRC) and the audience here noticed that the scene wasn't actually in a prior episode.

  14. Good opener to the season and definitely not shy when it comes to how harsh Kingstown can be. We've got a prison guard with PTSD from a sexual assault, a gang using a pitbull to kill another gang member, a cop shooting said pitbull and another cop shooting a young black kid all within the first ten minutes or so. I was half expecting Iris to get murdered on the boat while she was all by herself.

    There was a little bit of humor with the maple syrup smugglers. Kyle, hardened by the brutality of Kingstown, rolls in like the military on Canadian dudes who are just trying to avoid paying a tariff.

    I know everyone on this show is cynical and world-weary but those cops who were briefly protecting Iris were pretty blase about Milo being out there somewhere. Didn't Milo murder the last set of cops who had this job?

  15. I guess this leaked early as I see the official premiere isn't until the 15th so I will spoiler box my thoughts.


    First and foremost, I think this is off to a way better start than season 1! The episode kept me interested the whole way through and had enough twists to it to stay fresh.

    I did not get what was going on with the prison rodeo. No way that could have been real although the US Attorney made a reference to it later. So do we have an unreliable narrator situation going on here? In any case I like that we have this whimsical scene in an otherwise pretty moody, dark episode. It reminds me of season 3 of Goliath which had similar scenes of whimsy. They did not work for some but I'll remind the audience that for this show's previous season where we could have had whimsy we just had bullshit. This show needs better humor than the family dog constantly digging up the evidence that they were trying so hard to hide.

    Big Mo is great and I hope she survives the inevitable conflict. Her snark is impressive and she's great at negotiating. I also like Baxter and his measured approach to revenge. Lady Baxter and Carlo the hothead should stop trying to help but I have a feeling they won't.

    I guess we still had to have some soap opera shenanigans in here so we've got Fia with Adam's baby. I appreciate that we have a sense of time here already. Fia showed Judge Desiato a pile of about ten letters, spaced about a month apart. Cut to squishy little baby. Nicely done. The previous season took place in a really weirdly compressed timeline that expanded and contracted randomly. The only thing that is weird here is that the timeline jumps around from the night of the murder to various scenes spanning Desiato's incarceration but while it's a little lumpy it still works.

    I know shows are entirely capable of having a dramatic drop in quality after a single episode or two (this means you, Picard season 2!) but I am looking forward to the next episode and I never thought I'd say that about this show!


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  16. 5 hours ago, callie lee 29 said:

    had never seen the Hawaii one, but they are innocuous enough. Still prefer LA.

    I'm in the same boat but going in the other direction. I watch NCIS: Hawaii and only tune in to the others for crossover episodes. As I said for the last crossover, NCIS (the original series) feels like a show that has been on for 20 seasons. NCIS: LA seemed alright though and the characters were charming.

    I appreciate that there was a lampshade hung on the jurisdictional weirdness. Tennant is in charge now! Why? Because apparently anything touched by the Pacific Ocean falls under her jurisdiction. Sure, I'll take it. At least they tried.

    The payoff didn't quite line up with the setup on the bad guys. They're ex-CIA Special Ops! They're everywhere, they know everything and they have all of us in their sights! Except they turn out to be a handful of people in the desert communicating via cell phones. I guess all the good mooks got bumped off or arrested in the other episodes. I still haven't watched the first one so I might be missing something there.

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  17. On 1/8/2023 at 10:25 PM, jeansheridan said:

    the blonde IBS character

    ISB as in Imperial Security Bureau although based on the look Dedra perpetually has on her face I like your version better.

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  18. I didn't watch the first episode of this crossover but it wasn't too hard to follow along despite missing the first third of this event. And I guess the story continues on NCIS: LA? I'm not sure if I have any big investment in how this pays off so I may or may not watch that one. I wasn't too impressed with the last NCIS crossover but I recall from the Hawaii 5-0 days that the LA crew wasn't too obnoxious. 

    Got to love Tennant. "I'm going with you!" Why? "Because I want to!" Between that and returning the favor on kidnapping the CIA lady, she's definitely a fan of the McGarrett Method.

    I guess it is a nice break from the often silly family plots or tortured romances this show inflicts on us. No Lucy this time around and no one even has time to mention her which has the strange effect of making Whistler look like an actual cop! (Disclaimer: I don't mind these characters and their hijinks but I am compelled to note that when they are not in scenes together and/or angsting about each they just work better)

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  19. I like Dwight's crew and I don't want anything bad to happen to them but this show is not afraid to hurt folks so I imagine it's not going to go well for at least a few of them.

    Margaret (called Peggy in the episode, nice) must be a player. Her milkshake seems to bring all the gangstas to the yard and I don't think it's coincidence that she had Roxy and Armand on the payroll. Another hint was in the previously when Bodhi asked if Dwight thought he was the only criminal in town. We didn't get any movement on the Bodhi plot so I interpret that line to mean someone else.

    I think Dwight will know that Chickie is just playing nice and has no actual intention of keeping the peace. But now we've got a nice setup for the New York mob to come rolling into town just as things explode with the bikers and Dwight's newly expanded crew of Cowboy Indians. Should be fun!

  20. Janeway was fantastic in this, great performance from Kate Mulgrew here.

    Starfleet was awfully considerate to deal with the potential criminal charges and the Academy application at the same time. I know, it's a kids show but children need to learn about soul-crushing bureaucracy at some point in their lives.

    I liked that there is a "forget the seats, we're in a hurry" version of a shuttle that you can build with the vehicle replicator.

    Weird that the kids just plopped down on Earth instead of ending up at some distant Starbase. I guess they made it all the way because Starfleet is utterly wrecked by the Living Construct attack.

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  21. 11 hours ago, gaPeach said:

    So, the ATF agent sent the girlfriend of the dumb and now dead biker back to get more or at least some evidence, knowing she most likely was sending her to her death.

    I find myself wondering if Stacy (the ATF agent) deliberately set Roxy (the biker girlfriend) up to get killed. Roxy was the one who wouldn't shut up about Dwight but she won't be doing that any more. And now Stacy can say "we need to focus on the bikers, they killed my CI!"

    Dana Delaney's character (whom the internet tells me is named Margaret) didn't even blink when Dwight told her he went to jail for murder. That suggests to me that she's going to be a player in some way. Well, that and the fact that it's Dana Delaney whom I presume is there to do more than just look good in boots.

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