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Posts posted by dwmarch

  1. 3 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

    I initially thought the sad "mother" vampire was maybe some version of the mad vampire queen Armand ushers into the fire as the Paris cemetery coven is breaking up

    I vaguely remember her, she's one of the characters who shows up way later (like Prince Lestat era, shortly before Anne Rice died) as a ghost. I thought the character in the episode (Daciana) was also somewhat reminiscent of Gabrielle, Lestat's mom, who mostly lives in the bush and doesn't really care what she looks like.

    I'm not sure what to make of the blood lore in this episode. Blood being tainted by sadness or human suffering wasn't really a thing in the books. But here it seems to have a physical effect on the vampires (perhaps as a subtle way of hanging a lampshade on the actress switch for Claudia?). We also have Daciana saying Claudia's blood is "like cream from the top of a milk bucket" which is somewhat consistent with the novels except that Claudia has already been established on this show as having blood so weak she cannot even create another vampire. But I guess Daciana hasn't had a good meal for a while and I think Louis did say they were up in the thousands for kills so I guess Claudia's blood would be markedly better than that of post-WW2 peasants in Soviet-occupied Romania. We may have also seen Daciana going into a trance and having a vision from the blood which is again something from the books but again not something Claudia should be able to do.

    I am pretty sure the show is messing with us on what will kill vampires. Louis seemed almost amused by the gunfire into the corpses. The superstitious villagers behead that poor woman which I believe is fatal in the books (in Vittorio the Vampire, several vamps are beheaded but then the heads are thrown into direct sunlight) but Daciana kills the feral vampire by bashing its skull in and kills one of her attempted vampires by slitting the throat. I feel like this was done to suggest that vampires could die this way, making us think Lestat is truly gone. In any case, this episode certainly established that not all vampires are created equal.

  2. Season 2, episode 1 has some interesting contrasts to the book. The feral vampires do exist but I don't recall Louis and Claudia having a particularly significant encounter with them. The "mother" of the feral vamps is a new character but she is also a reference to Magnus, who threw himself onto a fire after siring Lestat (in the next book).

    The ghost of Lestat doesn't haunt Louis but there are ghost characters in later novels including the ghosts of vampires. This could also be telepathic trickery although I don't think there is much of that in the books from vampire to vampire.

    We also had a reference to "ancient" vampires not needing blood. I don't know how much this show is going to embrace the books but Armand is by no means ancient. He is still just a puppy by vampire standards and of vampires we get to know, he's actually one of the youngest at a mere 500 years old. The show has already referenced Those Who Must be Kept. Now those two are ancient. But there is certainly precedent in the books for the blood of an ancient conferring similar powers on a young vampire. They haven't come out and said it on the show yet but I think this is why Lestat is so much stronger than Louis.

  3. 3 hours ago, Harvey said:

    I also found him seeing Lestat during his speech to Claudia also very interesting.

    Made me wonder if he was directing his words to Claudia or to Lestat.

    I think this season is off to a great start and I enjoyed the episode the whole way through. I am less interested in the modern portions where Armand seems to be up to something shady but I think there are some potentially interesting directions they can go in with that plot so I'll wait and see.

    I wasn't sure about the new actress for Claudia based on the previews but I thought she did great. The other Claudia was cute and bubbly while this one has seen some shit.

    Speaking of which, line of the episode had to be Louis: "Nah, I'm a vampire. That's fuckin'... catfish with teeth."

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  4. One thing that stood out to me was Rayner saying "the Breen don't negotiate!" and everyone just letting that go. Um dude, we just negotiated with them one minute ago! They said NOW, we said four hours, they countered with one hour. That is a negotiation!

    Also can't let them get away with saying "the Breen are nothing like humans!" when every Breen we have seen so far has absolutely stereotypical human motivations.

    I still find it absurd how easy it is for any prisoner to escape. La'k gets them to lower the forcefield around the bed so Moll can tussle with the guards. Okay fine but have you considered locking the goddamn door?!?! Flood the room with knockout gas, get some fresh guards, put Moll in a cell! They only let her be there because she was "going ballistic" or something when they tried separating her from La'k. Well now, she's just going to have to deal with that because acting out should cost her her bedside privileges for the day.

    • Like 8
  5. So, that's it huh? I guess the cast and crew didn't get any advance warning about the cancellation. Unless Maggie is there to tell Tennant that there are no more terrorists or criminals left on earth so your whole team can call it quits now.

    I haven't watched NCIS: LA (except for the Hawaii 5-0 crossover episodes) so I'm not familiar with Sam's previous characterization. Is he really just too stubborn to die? The NCIS Elite agents died in a few minutes! Maybe it was because he only got a small dose of Compound X.

    Speaking of which, I thought we were in for a surprise twist there. Sam had a small crack in his mask and the airlock was only open for a second. But that was enough to infect him, which he questioned later on. I thought maybe we would find out that the villain had actually infected everyone on the plane ride over. Now that would have been an ending! (Just kidding, I like these characters and I don't want to see them all die in the finale but I could see a show doing this if/when suddenly cancelled.)

    I felt bad for Whistler. She comes in ready to help and everyone greets her with FUCK OFF KATE, WE'RE WORKING THE PROBLEM. I know everybody is tense but there's no need to be rude! If not for Whistler's contacts in Belgrade, Jesse would have been shot by that SWAT team!

    Not sure why the bad guys left Hawaii, flew to Belgrade and then flew back to Hawaii. Just the travel time alone would be a big vulnerability in their plan. How long would you like to be carrying around the deadliest bio-weapon on earth for? Are you sure those containers won't leak? What if you go to the airport and they insist that case is checked baggage (with an additional fee!) rather than carry-on? Imagine the bad guys sitting around at the baggage claim waiting for their bio-weapon. And are you telling me there are no US military-adjacent targets in Europe? But no, let's fly back to where we are being actively hunted and let's count on the good guys to cancel the military event but not the military family event.

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  6. 3 hours ago, stonehaven said:

    and this got renewed while So Help Me Todd got cancelled.

    For me, it's NCIS: Hawaii that is gone too soon. I'm in agreement that this show hasn't earned a renewal but I know Hollywood doesn't renew shows based on quality.

    Agreed also that it is weird to have an A, B and C plot with A and B being serious and C being silly. Wasn't it wonderfully convenient that Harry just finished exposing the store-bought cobbler just as M.E.L. was checking in to say Dante was in trouble? What would he have done if Dante needed help a little sooner? "Hang in there buddy, there's something about this cobbler I have to figure out first!"

    Convenient as well that Dante lost his phone and also lost any concept of calling for backup. He didn't even try! If Robyn wasn't nosy and happy to casually violate Dante's privacy, he'd be dead and it would be his own fault!

    And once again we have some remote part of New York City where you can have a car chase and a shootout and nobody will call the police.

    Dante should also stop carrying those glass daggers in his car. Certainly this show doesn't mean to suggest that a car accident will result in that kind of an injury? I was in a car accident a couple of years ago. The combination of impact with the other vehicle along with the impact of the airbag will definitely slow a person down! No need for contrived injuries treated by Hollywood first aid!

    Speaking of which, "the tourniquet isn't working!" Well no shit! You're not supposed to pull the stabby object out of the friggin' wound! The NYPD doesn't teach basic first aid?! No, instead we need to tap the powder out of a bullet and cauterize the wound like John Wick would do. I have a feeling if you tried that in real life, you'd still have a terrible bleeding wound except now it would just be burnt too. And infected. And painful enough to cut any heart-to-heart talks short. The episode should have ended with Dante comatose in a hospital bed and a doctor solemnly saying to another doctor "looks like this dumbass dumped gunpower into an open wound and lit it on fire! That's too bad, we probably could have saved his leg if he had just left the broken glass in there!"

    Wounded Dante and wounded Dad took out 6/7 bad guys but couldn't scrounge a single bullet between any of them? Both of them should have been burdened with an abundance of guns. Maybe they were worried the NYPD was about to show up and they didn't want to be heavily armed while black.

    Ha! Called it last week, I knew that mail delivery for Dante was some bullshit! Props to the show for making that a plot point but having said that, Dante should have immediately recognized that that isn't how you get mail in a office setting.

    Is Dee actually old enough to go to Mel's bar? Hey kid, we love you but not more than we love our liquor license so get out of here!

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  7. I almost forgot to poop on the jurisdictional shenanigans. Tennant points out, quite correctly, that NCIS of Hawaii has no jurisdiction in Belgrade. Sam says "that's what NCIS Elite was created for!" and that answer is good enough for Tennant. So we have just declared our jurisdiction into existence? No one knows NCIS Elite exists so how do you suppose that travelling bubble of jurisdiction is supposed to be recognized?

    I still remember the last crossover where they said NCIS Hawaii's jurisdiction extends to anywhere touched by the Pacific Ocean. It would have worked better for me if they had brought a bottle of Hawaii water with them, poured it on the ground in Belgrade and declared that since Belgrade has now been touched by the Pacific Ocean, jurisdiction is all set.

    • LOL 2
  8. We missed a golden opportunity to have Tilly calling cadence while doing the race:

    I don't know but I've been told
    Andoria Prime is mighty cold

    Cut to a fellow racer giving her a WTF look and Tilly sheepishly explaining that it's a song that they sing in the East.

  9. Fantastic finale! I have enjoyed this show all the way through and it is the first animated Star Wars show I have watched.

    I wonder if we have a backdoor pilot for an Omega series involving her Force-sensitive friends. Having said that, I would pay actual money to see @paigow's The Golden Batch. In any case, I am sure at least some of these characters will pop up again.

    I liked the details added to Pabu in the epilogue. Assuming some of the clones decided to stay there, it looks like they put in some work upgrading the island's defenses. They also fixed that cave up so that it was a proper landing field for a ship. In previous threads we've talked about how they should seal this cave off. Well, parking a ship there is one way to make sure no one sneaks up on you!

    The baby crying when they're trying to sneak around but sleeping during the chaos was comedy gold, especially the exasperated comment from the green kid of "oh, now he falls asleep?!"

    Loved Nala Se pulling "the ring trick" on Rampart whose last words really should have been "oh shit!". The ring trick is from Leon but I won't spoil it further. If you know, you know.

    Stabbing the droid in the neck reminded me of Terminator Salvation but that seems like too weird of a pull from the Terminator universe to be intentional.

    Tech stayed dead which is a bold choice. The show could have had him as one of the badass ninjas that they had to fight and they could have rescued him. But nope, unless he was resurrected and brainwashed and the Batch just never knew they pinned their old buddy to a wall with a spear. Good way to make sure he doesn't fall down again I guess. Too soon?

    I wonder why Emerie took her glasses off but didn't ditch the uniform? The kids all had fresh outfits when we saw them on Pabu.

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  10. Well, I guess we now know why the show got cancelled: they are recycling plots from The Blacklist. I specifically remember the "toxin that kills the victim via their own allergies" because that episode was during a time of sparse budget so when someone had to go into the contaminated area they were wearing a beekeeper outfit instead of one of those spacesuits you would normally see.

    I liked the fist bump between Lucy and Kai in the van but I didn't think it worked the second time around (with Kai and Ernie IIRC). I get that they are pushing the team camaraderie hard here to emphasize NCIS Elite's status as outsiders but come on. Y'all are supposed to be professionals, have you never heard of professional courtesy?

    Having said that, NCIS Elite did take a weird approach when picking up Lucy. Jesse and Kai were in the van! Have them be the ones to call her over instead of having some dude she doesn't know try to just hustle her onboard.

    The shocking reveal that the kidnapped scientist was in on it the whole time seemed very telegraphed to me. We even had Cmdr. Chase saying the lady's signature was all over the Compound X formula. We can't verify her story and she seems to be more intimately involved than she is telling us but let's bring her along anyhow. What's the worst thing that could happen?

    In the murder, arson and jaywalking category, the evil scientist also stole someone's blue jeans. She was wearing green pants when they rescued her. She couldn't have gone "home" to get them so she must have borrowed them from someone. And now whoever lent them to her will never get them back, as they are presumably covered in whatever toxin was used on NCIS Not-So-Elite-After-All. I imagine they'll end up getting bloodstained as well but if this team doesn't already know a dozen ways to get blood stains out of clothing, they're in the wrong line of work.

    In Belgrade, did that Russian mob guy's mooks just fail to notice that Tennant was chucking good booze over her shoulder? I'm pretty sure ten shots of high-test Russian vodka spilled on the floor would be noticeable. I guess given the location and propensity of Russian gangsters to drink as they breathe, the place probably already smells pretty boozy but the guards straight up weren't paying attention if they didn't notice the puddle. I would have preferred if they just played it straight and had Jane get super drunk but still able to hold her own enough to get the information.

    • Like 5
  11. Pretty good episode overall, I liked the focus on helping people who need help rather than trying to prevent terrorist attacks or etc.

    Hilarious that Dante calls out "NYPD!" but does not add "and two vigilantes!" Also, since when does Harry pack heat? I can assume the ladies showed him how to shoot but I don't think I can recall previous episodes where he stormed a bad guy hideout in the role of gun hand.

    I also laughed at Dante's Captain calling him out on his multi-tasking. But look at that, if you let him sit idle for long enough, he'll go and bust up a trafficking ring on Staten Island! To add insult to injury, Dante promises his Captain that he'll get that file for her and then just leaves! You want my badge and my gun? Well my badge is called DEEZ and my gun is called NUTS and you can have them both, Captain! But you'll have to wait until I get back, I have more important things to do.

    Additional chuckle for the personalized delivery service for Dante's dad's day pass. I am not a cop nor have I ever been to NYC much less inside of an NYPD precinct but there is one thing I do know and that's bureaucracy. Dante's paperwork would have been mailed, even if it was being sent from that building to that building. No way does it get delivered by hand and even if there was a mail person who did inter-office correspondence, they would absolutely not give a shit what was in the envelope. But Dante is getting his mail hand delivered by special couriers who bring his own family drama directly to him before he even knows it's happening! Meanwhile the rest of the NYPD sits around wondering where the damn mail is! No wonder the Captain hates him!

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  12. 11 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

    meant to make us feel sorry for the poor little star crossed lovers who are just trying to get the big bad Breen off their back.

    ...which would have been easier if they weren't making out in the shuttlebay in full view of anyone who walked by. This is the era of personal transporters, would it be that hard to find some other place to go and snuggle?

    3 hours ago, Affogato said:

    I was hoping the Breen would look like dogs. 

    In the novels, the Breen are actually several different species and they wear the helmets as a sort of Harrison Bergeron-style equality measure. Since this show has stolen from the novels before (there is a DS9 novel called "Control" about Section 31's rogue AI called Control) I am surprised they didn't steal this idea as well. But since we have only seen two related Breen with helmets off, it's possible there are still other flavors of Breen out there.

    I noticed the dedication plaque for the ISS Enterprise had a TNG-era stardate on it. I guess the Mirror Universe could use a different format for stardates but if not, that one had too many digits.

    It is also weird that the doors on the ISS Enterprise have the pattern of isolinear optical chip circuitry on them. Are these 23rd Century isolinear optical chips, so damn big that they also double as doors?

  13. I find it hilarious that this movie is so bad that it doesn't merit its own thread!

    I watched part 2 and it was a great example of how to spend good money making a bad movie. We didn't need twenty minutes of wheat harvesting. We didn't need a roundtable of backstories that seemed to be setting up movies 3,4,5 and 6. The characters were paper-thin and the dialog was cliche and predictable. The villain woke up and called her Scargiver before knowing he had a scar. The battle robot and the aerial reinforcements show up way too late. Various characters just sit around watching during the big battle and then jump out from behind cover when it's their turn for a slo-mo sequence. Characters I am supposed to care about die in battle and my reaction is "meh".

    The only interesting thing in the movie was when the Scargiver was planting bombs on what looked like a main computer. It had a human-shaped face to it and I was hoping it would open its eyes and start talking to her. It did indeed open its eyes but didn't do anything and then we jumped down into the coal pits. Yes, coal pits... powering a starship.

    Rather than watching this movie, I'd suggest watching some of the reviews that straight dunk on it. Angry Joe's review was much more entertaining than the movie was.

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  14. 4 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

     This is just....*chef's kiss*:

    For anyone who is missing the reference here, Rob Liefeld, co-creator of Deadpool, is not known for his skill in drawing feet in particular. There is a joke about this in Deadpool 2 as well, when DP is dissing Domino's luck powers. "Luck? What coked-out, glass pipe-sucking freakshow comic book artist came up with that little chestnut? Probably a guy who can't draw feet!"

    • LOL 1
  15. I liked this episode. Over the history of Star Trek there have been a bunch of episodes where characters bounce around in time but this still felt unique since it was three characters bouncing around together.

    I wish we could have seen Lorca again although it was cool to see Airiam.

    The Krenim Barking Spider was way too loud! Adira almost heard it and Stamets heard it instantly which was a nice touch. Stamets knows what his Engineering section is supposed to sound like and he automatically knew that thing wasn't supposed to be there.

    Brave of Moll to tell their contact that they poisoned the thing he is holding onto with a poison that was used on her people. If I were that dude, I would have thrown that brick of latinum at her face after she said that.

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  16. I think this is the darkest episode of the series yet. I guess it makes sense to exclude Lucy's bubbly personality from this one although I really do wish they would drop at least a single line to say she has the day off or she's doing some training elsewhere or something.

    The friendships on this show are some of my favorites and I like seeing Tennant and Whistler in the spotlight here. I also appreciate that the coroner knows when to be silly and when to be serious.

    Having said that, one thing in the "you can't be serious" territory is the implication that Jane's mom might be a secret agent. What if she was a CIA deep cover agent and that's why she had to leave her child? Will she be back just in time for the finale, to get the drop on Maggie? Has it been long enough since Hawaii 5-0 did this exact same plot?

    Almost forgot the park ranger from the beginning of the episode. She was fun, I hope we see her again. Most of the characters in this show are so gung-ho about going into dangerous situations. It's nice to see someone who is all "hell no!" when a killer with military training is on the loose.

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  17. On 4/3/2024 at 10:37 PM, Chyromaniac said:

    The Pabuans really need to seal off that cove…

    Indeed, I'm surprised the Batch didn't leave a warning device in there to let them know if someone else tried using it as a parking spot. Maybe Tech was the one who would have set that kind of thing up.

    Having said that, they don't even need to seal it off. Just foul the landing area with some decent sized rocks. Or get Batcher to dig holes all over the place so that there's no safe way to set a ship down in that spot.

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  18. 4 hours ago, Affogato said:

    Is that a proto founder?

    Played by Salome Jens (the actress who played the main Founder through most of DS9) so kind of, yes. Having said that, there hasn't been an in-universe link yet between the Progenitors and the Founders.

    Prime Detmer is alive and well. I would have been pissed if they killed her off. As noted above, her Mirror Universe counterpart did get herself stabbed though. Prime Detmer was a little depressed last season but hit some dank space cheeba that fixed it right up.

    Discovery has never been my favorite Trek but it has grown on me over the years and it is great to have Trek on again.

    I also have to compliment the show on continuing to be gorgeous. The action sequences were really well done.

    For nitpicking, continuing to point out one that carries over from Picard: why are the phasers so goddamn loud? The crew is trying to sneak around and their phasers keep making these charging noises to announce "hey enemies, this thing is set to mess your shit up!" Every other phaser on every other show makes noise only when one is adjusting settings, firing or overloading it.

    I like the new villains and the new Captain. Rayner has already had it with Burnham but hasn't yet received the memo that she is always correct. I hope he isn't playing the role of butt monkey for the whole season.

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  19. Good episode although there were some odd bits that I hope they fill in later.

    Ben had his tracking chip removed but I don't really see how this helps him when Kate still has hers and she sleeps right next to him. They originally abducted him in a forest at night, no? So grabbing him again from his bedroom doesn't seem like it would be all that hard.

    I also wish Ben and Kate had explained what was going on to Max. How are they going to explain the baby? And did Kate even make it home?

    We need a rescue plan for those other babies too! I know everyone was running in their own directions and no one coordinated any kind of plan but at least a few people knew that the original plan was to blow the place up. If it's an alien prison full of creatures that bite heads off for fun, sure go ahead but let's get the babies out of there first! FWIW, I am sure this will be central to the next season. I have seen an interview where a cast member explained that Max is male on the show because having Harry actively attempting to murder a little girl was too dark.

    I might have missed an explanation for why it is necessary to stand in that particular spot in the trailer to portal to the "ship". Joseph could portal from anywhere to anywhere with his portable device. I guess it's because this is either a long-range portal or a "secure" (although not very!) portal. Either way, it works differently and didn't get explained well if at all.

    Those comedic moments between Enver Gjokaj and Alan Tudyk were awesome. They have worked together before on Dollhouse.

    I also liked seeing Linda Hamilton (or perhaps her twin sister) getting to make funny faces courtesy of Bridget's doppelganger ability. After Terminator 2, Linda Hamilton has been typecast as a no-nonsense badass so it's great to see her having some fun too.

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  20. On 3/24/2024 at 6:33 PM, marinw said:

    Did somebody sabotage Staircase for some reason? Or was it simply one of those  space things where one in a million things goes wrong? This reminded me of For All Mankind: it’s always a loose cable that will frak up your mission.

    I haven't read the books so I could be totally wrong about this (and I wish to remain unspoiled if so) but I have a feeling they would not just launch homeboy's head into space and immediately fail. I think there are two possibilities. One, the whole mission control sequence was a big deception designed to convince the San-Ti that it didn't work. Probably not though because we had camera shots of the cable coming apart and also because deception wouldn't really help in this scenario. So for option two, I have a feeling that even though the probe is off-course, it will somehow still end up where it needs to be because plot.

    On 3/31/2024 at 7:08 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    It could just be a weird joke being told by a weird person. Or Ye could be likening herself to Einstein as she thought she had been communicating with and doing the bidding of God, and now finds herself metaphorically kicked in the balls.

    I thought the joke was funny but I have ADHD and it's very much that kind of humor. But I also think Ye was trying to provide an abstract hint or warning that the San-Ti would not be able to parse the meaning of if they were listening in.

    On 3/31/2024 at 9:07 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Were the San-Ti actually ignorant of the concept of lies until 2024-ish?

    Agreed, this is weird. And "we're not capable of lying" is totally something a liar would say. Vulcans "can't lie" either but they certainly know how to be creative with the truth.

    I also found that this show had a lot of similarities to The Peripheral where we also see forces with advanced technology using VR headsets to mess with people.

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  21. "The CIA ruins everything" still ruins everything although this wasn't quite as bad as the previous CIA plot.

    So we have these elite assassins who are super hardcore and yet for some reason they can't shoot for shit? My impression of Navy SEAL/Special Forces types is that they train until they can shoot a bee's dick off from 200 yards using a rusty AK they just picked up out of a muddy ditch. This week's assassins must have missed that class.

    Also loved Robyn's PDW with the extended mag that holds about 900 rounds.

    I'm curious which part of New York City allows you to have a pitched gun battle complete with exploding barrels (!!) and the police will not be troubled by any of this. I guess Dante really is the only cop in NYC. I feel like real NYC would have about 10,000 cops responding to this, especially once the video game barrels started popping off.

    Mel's brother escaped an explosion by doing a barrel roll. I am starting to wonder if the writers are challenging each other to see who can put the most ridiculous thing in an episode.

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  22. That was a fun episode! Great to see some of the guest stars again even if they weren't playing their actual selves.

    The most hilarious moment for me was the scene with Sheriff Mike and Mayor Ben in bed together. That must have been fun for the actors!

    I really liked the character development for Harry when he was hypnotizing Kate. Also Meredith Garretson's raw emotion as she remembered her baby was amazing work.

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  23. 8 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Her baits are simple - his legacy and better sanitizer

    I think she was the one who implicitly understood that the Chemist was going use the higher-quality sanitizer to make himself some vodka (since Hollywood scientists are basically alchemists and can turn anything into anything) and she got the secrets out of him by coming back after he drank it.

    8 hours ago, Genus said:

    they have to show Sam doing something secretive and then have Tennant spend her time working our what he's up to.

    It was kind of hilarious how after all the cloak-and-dagger in previous episodes, Tennant was so blase about it when she was let in on the secret.

    3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    I guess one of the brothers will show up sooner or later. As for Kai's girlfriend: It was a bit weird that the team would think he had made her up.

    Yes, I think it's pretty much guaranteed that at some point some brother of Lucy's will show up with a sob story (or pretending to be really happy) that will be cover for dragging her into whatever trouble they have found themselves in.

    I also found the girlfriend disbelief weird, especially considering how thoroughly they checked her out once she showed up in person. I guess they didn't think of running Kai's phone records or hacking his email/social media before? You could say they were respecting his privacy but they clearly don't. Still, I got a laugh out of Ernie bringing her profile up on the screen usually reserved for suspects and saying "like he thinks we're intrusive!"

    Nice to see Peyton List (not the Karate Kid one, the other one) again. Spoiler for Picard Season 1:


    Looks like she recovered nicely after getting kicked into a hole by Seven of Nine.

    I get a kick out of that promo picture with Lucy holding the AK. The gun looks bigger than she is!

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